I was thinking the other day about all the great tunes folks've posted here this year and how it's been a sort of a lifeline in this crazy time, and thought we should put together a Best Of ModularGrid comp for 2020, so I mentioned it to a friend running a small net label (https://communitymodularelectronic.bandcamp.com/music) and he loved the idea. If there's some interest here too I'd be happy to put it together and celebrate everybody's journeys in this crazy time. So! If you like the idea and want to contribute a track let me know! Since it's a netlabel and will be on bandcamp I think we can include anybody who wants to be a part of it, but if you submit a longer tune submit a shorter one too as backup, in case everybody wants to do a 17+ minute drone that is šŸ¤£

So, here's looking at you @Exposure, @defragmenteur, @Rassell, @mowse, @sacguy71, @funbun, @aphew_goodman, @zuggamasta, @farkas, @yalivec, @GarfieldModular, @mog00, @wishbonebrewery, @the-erc, @cyberneticOhm, and anyone else I'm forgetting...

Sounds great. I would definitely buy that. Thanks for thinking of us ragtag bunch of lunatics. :)
Here's a link to one of my tracks if you would like to submit it:

Happy holidays to everyone!

Track #1 down, thanks @farkas! Now, who's next? šŸ™Œ

Also, listening to this again for the first time in a bit, great tune @farkas

Thanks @troux.
Next project will be quite different. As always, I'm anxious to hear what you come up with in the future.

I've been working on live acid jams (@mylarmelodies has been a big inspo there) and dreaming about playing out post-Covid, hopefully should have something to share soon.

You mean I have to make a coherent, completed track and not delete the .wav file after uploading to Youtube?!

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


Everything you've posted so far's been rad @wishbonebrewery, WradioPhonik would fit in just fine!!

Big honor to be on your list.
What is your deadline/eta so we can take some preparations?

@wishbonebrewery I can relate, but I also have some somewhat clean files in the archive ;)
Just not named well, or named at all.

It'd be nice to get this done before EOY @zuggamasta, so maybe the 28th or 29th if that's doable? Archive pieces are accepted if that's a tight timeframe.

Sounds great! Still enough time, at least for me, to build an exclusive for you šŸ˜‰ šŸ‘


Now I'm thinking, I wonder if we can get a @Lugia track out of this šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”

Might be a bit of a wait...between my accident this past spring and dealing with Covid-19 (ten day quarantine...feh), I would've expected the refit of the studio to be done had none of that happened. Set me back months, really...

I believe in you @Lugia

Wow! Iā€˜d love to be a part of it! Thanks for doing that! Great idea!


I'd love to contribute, although I don't really do "short". This is my personal favourite of my recent jams, although I have recently acquired a Werkstatt-01 and I feel something acidic may be about to happen...

If it's too long I can find a shorter one, but not much shorter.

10 minutes should be good @the-erc, track accepted!

@troux -- thanks for organising this! Amazing!

Happy to, it's a cool crew here and I'm proud to be a part of it @the-erc

Would submit this one :


this user has left ModularGrid

Would love to be part of it too! I could submit this one I've just uploaded to Soundcloud if it suits the style and requirements.

Hi Troux,

That's an excellent idea. I leave it up to you which one you like to use, either this one Sunday's Craziness (with that funny "frog" in there):


And/or this one, the Doepfer A-110-1 Pulse Width Modulation Fun:


Let me know though which one you decided to use :-) Thanks a lot for doing this and I am curious what the result will be :-D

Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

That works for me @Exposure. @GarfieldModular I'll give em a listen again tonight and pick one šŸ‘šŸ‘


Seasons greetings everyone - sorry I've been quiet recently - hope everyone is okay :)

I released my LP back in March, 100% modular, all live recordings... if there's still any space!!!

The one everyone seems to like is Dark Hole


Of course any track is okay, let me know if you would like a wav...

Hello @Kel_! "Dark Hole" works for me. @GarfieldModular, let's do "Sunday Craziness."

And fyi everyone, I'll start DM'ing people today so you all can send over high quality files.

Excellent - yes, please DM whenever - actually, I will just send you a message with a link now ;)


this is my contribution.
what do you think of it ?

Recorded in May during lockdown.


I couldn't do anything new yet and my time for music is near 0.

So, if you like I would contribute this:



Both sound good to me @klodifokan and @jingo!

I just completed this one

other contenders


I'll give em a listen @mog00!

Hey @troux and all,

Excellent idea and I'm humbled to be included on the list. I wasn't near the forum for some days but now I'm back and if it's not too late Iā€™d be honored to have one of my tracks in the compilation. I put three tracks in this folder, hope one of them may be OK to go.


Thanks again and all the very best to all of you!


I am inspired by birth, death and the events inbetween.


Great idea @troux! Thanks a lot for your interest. I'm in!
I'd like to contribute this tune. I can send you wav file if needed.

I'll check em out @aphex_goodman, and @yalivec if you want to post to a dropbox that'd be great or I can send you my email for wetransfer.

I PMd you :)

Two of my tracks felt like they really came together, such that I use them as reference tracks for stuff I'm working on. That says nothing about what others think of them, but if I keep them in my personal playlist then that's good enough for me.

'Cygnus' and 'Become The Sky' are two that I'm pretty proud of. Between the two, Cygnus feels like everything just came together how I had envisioned. Anyhow, I have so much to learn that all of it will probably sound laughable to me several years from now.

That's just called progress @mowse! Glad to have you onboard, I'll reach out here in a bit šŸ˜Ž


this is my contribution.
what do you think of it ?

Recorded in May during lockdown.

-- klodifokan

Wow! Super good. Really enjoying this.

Oh damn it. It's the 29th already. I'll make sure to drop you something tonight @troux

Time flies @zuggamasta! But looking forward to it.

How in the world did I miss this???

Hi Funbun,

No idea, how you missed that one ;-)

But don't miss this one then, this is the one of 2021 (the one you referred to is from 2020):


You could check with Troux if you perhaps can add something as well or if the deadline has expired. I hope you can still make it since I wouldn't mind to recognise a few tones from your AE system :-D Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

You haven't missed it @funbun, we're having supply chain issues and you can still sneak on! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

Seriously for everyone else, real life has intervened as seems to happen nowadays, but I'm aiming to get this out this week. Will update then :)