I was thinking the other day about all the great tunes folks've posted here this year and how it's been a sort of a lifeline in this crazy time, and thought we should put together a Best Of ModularGrid comp for 2020, so I mentioned it to a friend running a small net label (https://communitymodularelectronic.bandcamp.com/music) and he loved the idea. If there's some interest here too I'd be happy to put it together and celebrate everybody's journeys in this crazy time. So! If you like the idea and want to contribute a track let me know! Since it's a netlabel and will be on bandcamp I think we can include anybody who wants to be a part of it, but if you submit a longer tune submit a shorter one too as backup, in case everybody wants to do a 17+ minute drone that is 🤣

So, here's looking at you @Exposure, @defragmenteur, @Rassell, @mowse, @sacguy71, @funbun, @aphew_goodman, @zuggamasta, @farkas, @yalivec, @GarfieldModular, @mog00, @wishbonebrewery, @the-erc, @cyberneticOhm, and anyone else I'm forgetting...