I highly recommend checking out things on YouTube like Red Means Recording, Mylar Melodies, Cinematic Laboratories, Monotrail Tech Talk. They all have really good educational resources for learning some of those terms so you can make better use of the modules you have. For the clock divider, one thing you could try already is instead of sending the trigger or gate out from the 182 sequencer directly to the envelope or quantizer, send it to the divider first. Take any two of the outputs from the divider and send those to the Doepfer mixer and use that output to trigger the envelope and/or quantizer. That way you'll have a less regular but still predictable sequence for when the sounds happen, and you can still use the CV from the sequencer to determine the notes that are played. The added interest there is that based on the divisions of the clock that are being used, different notes will be heard depending on when the triggers actually happen. Combine this with something that's happening more regularly and you've got a patch goin'!
When I say direct control, I'm thinking mostly about rhythmic/trigger sequencing, where something like the Intelijel Steppy lets you activate or deactive steps in a 16 step sequence so you have direct manual control over when the triggers are happening, which you can use for activating your envelopes or grabbing CV with the quantizer.
I love having at least a couple sample and hold modules (Doepfer A-118-2 is great and economical) or designated random modules (like the Wogglebug or the Source of Uncertainty). One classic use for these is to control filter cutoff in sync with your sequence, so your notes change in a predictable way but the brightness of the sounds changes every step as the filter cutoff moves randomly.
As for other sequencers I'd recommend, The Metropolis/Metropolix/RYK M185 are really interesting for getting rhythmic variation for both the triggers and the CV. The Rene is a classic too (either V1 or V2, but V2 is effectively like having 3 sequencers in one). Bang for buck I'd recommend the Arturia Beat Step Pro. That gives you multiple lanes of both pitch and gate/trigger information. I know it's an outboard piece of gear, but it's super powerful. A simpler/cheaper option is getting something like the Korg SQ-1 (or two of them!)