Hi, thanks for replying. This is all owned, this is where I'm at. Did have a Model D in there to start me off, but been picking up a few modules as I go. I get the whole Behringer debates and arguments, but they are a cheap starting point for me to have a bit of fun with. The System 100 ones I've grabbed recently as they cover a lot of ground in this situation.

I am finding the sequencers a bit limited, and they will be amongst the first things I replace probably when I start upgrading things. I do have more VCO's that I think I want at the moment, that's fine, I will find my faves and remove the others.

The clock divider I don't really have much of an idea how to use just at the moment. Triggers, random sources, direct control, you're losing me with all this stuff. I will keep scouring youtube and picking up what tips I can. Is there a sequencer you would suggest? I think the Doepfer mixer I have is for CV's, or can be made that way by adjusting a jumper.
