Take a look at brand new module, Wear and Tear:
-- Toccata

Thanks, i will check it out.

This one looks pretty neat: https://modulargrid.net/e/jroo-music-machines-jroo-loop
-- farkas

Thankyou, it's always good to see alternatives, especially if you have not seen the module before.

Hi there people - I am looking to add another modulation source to my rack in the form of a tape emulator / effect. Research has steered me towards recovery - cutting room floor V3 https://modulargrid.net/e/recovery-effects-and-devices-cutting-room-floor-v3 at 6hp VS the Bezzare Jezabel Athra https://modulargrid.net/e/bizarre-jezabel-athra at 10hp and dual stereo.

Visually, both look great and happy to purchase either but am intested in others views on these 2 modules - or any others you feel I should take a look at.

Thanks in advance.

Hello there people,

My ambient generative journey continues and am looking to expand into a bigger case. So far this is what I am using https://cdn.modulargrid.net/img/racks/modulargrid_2316440.jpg but feel the need for a module that can expand over time and am currently looking at 2 options, Blukac's EP or Bloom alongside 1 Ochd when able.

Would be grateful for your views on which you have found to be most usefull, fun to use or any issues. Steering towards Bloom at the moment.

Thanks in advance.

Some people record direct to a small feild recorder too.... which also means you are setup for collecting found-sounds to later use in the modular.
-- wishbonebrewery

Yes, I have seen a few handhelds - they look very interesting, do the job plus another sound source. I hope to solve the issue of recording at a low cost - maybe a focusrite audio interface to just plug in and use, if that works.

But to answer your question, I use distings mk4 in wav recorder mode to record anything I make in modular,
-- Sythic

I do like the idea of a self contained case...will remeber this if I dont get the 4ms one day, thanks

There are a few options for recording out but honestly there a lots of low cost USB audio interfaces available that would do this for you & that would cost less that buying a dedicated module.
You could use the remaining funds & HP you would save (niftycase is quite small) to get something else to put in the case.
-- Traxam

This is looking like the plan I may take, thankyou...having everything contained in the case including ability to record would be great one day. But I don't think it is right now.

Are there any usb audio interfaces you would recomend? I have seen alot of focusrite.

I record into ableton from the nifty case with midi to my audio interface.
Why does it not work?


I don't own an audio interface. Nifty case plus the midi cable i recieved today which are 1 in and 1 out din ports...but case has no midi out ( a midi thru instead).

Hello, I am currently trying to sort out recording my audio from my rack, discovering that my niftycase is not as nifty as first thought. Yes it has many sockets but not midi in / out ( has midi in / midi thru) so I can't use my midi cable and record using Ableton lite or anything for that matter.

I am wondering would the best option be to use a dedicated recording module within my rack -
such as 4ms record https://www.modulargrid.net/e/4ms-company-wav-recorder
within my rack https://cdn.modulargrid.net/img/racks/modulargrid_2316440.jpg which as you can see is tight for space. I was looking at the Big T music Veils for my vca which would complete this case - possible Rackbrute 6u if able midway through the year. But this can wait as focus is being able to save.

So any advice on recording options would be a huge help - thanks in advance.

if you are thinking of expanding I'd say you can't go wrong with a Marbles or a clone of Marbles. Lots of triggers and pitches which you can keep in tune and remember you cam use marbles as a big weird modulation source with all its outputs.
-- wishbonebrewery

Oh yes...my list had Monsoon - Big T Music due to freeze button of up to 8 seconds and looping alongside it working with rings. But on finding the 2hp Loop that can lift 5 minutes of audio that I can mess about with in such a small footprint I went with that. One day maybe the Monsoon will be mine.

I have two IRs, the earlier version didn't last very long, and they sent me a hard fix, but instead I bought version 3 as I didn't want to bother, lol.
-- halbroome

Are you happy with the module for your musical needs - has it been fun exploring what you can get from it?

I enjoy my Indian Reasonator v4, you can make entire patches with it or use it for subtle ambient backgrounds.

It could be thought of as a one-trick-pony but it all depends what you do with it, I'd personally fill your rack with other things first and wait for your next Case or bigger rack before getting the IRv4
-- wishbonebrewery

Thanks for the detailed reply, I feel I will probably get it sooner or later due to its ambient uses as you mentioned. Yes I will need a bigger case at some point ( Rackbrute 6U is on wishlist, this is the one I am most fond of so far) - although not as huge as the set up I see you have!

What would you add rather than the IRv4? in addition to the Big T music Veils.

Many thanks

Hi all, Just wanted to hear your views on this unit https://www.modulargrid.net/e/error-instruments-indian-resonator-v4 - was it enjoyable / limiting in any way. Yes I would love to own one of these but as you can see from my set up there are oscilators everywhere or the potential.

I have a 84hp set up with 18hp remaining and am currently looking at Big T Music Veils - as I don't have a vca plus the resonator.

So is this a good move - for my ambient generative journeys?

Thanks in advance

(Oh, my 2hp Loop I got for Christmas is an amazing piece of kit)

On the more expensive side you can look at MakeNoise Morphagene (want one) or Mimeophon (Got one) lets you hold a loop in its buffer and if you are clocking Mimeophon you can make it play in time with other parts and get as creative as you like.
-- wishbonebrewery

Yes, they look great but cost and current case size is limiting my options at the moment. everything so far is in an 84hp case. But I have seen 6U rackbrute which will be dream future case maybe one day. I am in no rush - just enjoy the modules I have.

I recently purchased another "voice" in the form of a pre owned Radio - ST Modular https://www.modulargrid.net/e/st-modular-radio I liked the idea of scooping up radio signals and using them, which is great but I am now wanting a way to record snippets of my radio audio.

Initially I was looking at Big T Music's Monsoon (Clouds clone) https://www.modulargrid.net/e/big-t-music-monsoon
for many reasons plus the fact it has the freeze button that could grab the random radio audio ( max 8 seconds at lowest quality). I have now seen 2hp Loop which from what I have seen can record upto 5 minutes and slow it down and a range of other functions including layering the sound and loop it of course. https://www.modulargrid.net/e/2hp-loop-black-panel This sounds great in producing some interesting sounds for my ambient generative rack.

Do you feel this is a good option?

Thoughts and advice would be hugely appreciated.

Ugly.. but nice to fool around with
-- T0MMI001

Yeah, very cheap too but it looks like an old car stereo unit with faceplate taken off. urghhh

build a kit! https://www.thonk.co.uk/shop/evaton-rf-nomad-kit/
-- wishbonebrewery

Woah - I don't have the skills to do that but yet another interesting part of modular. Maybe I will try and learn some basics one day.

There are many modules that allow this work: choose the 'Sampling' function in the 'Modules' section (Module Finder) and you will have a long list of modules for this.
This way please :)

Then, you can still associate any other module that will fold the result, distort, create an envelope, place it in a space (with more or less reverb)... Any traditional complementary modular function.

In theory there are two sound synthesis techniques for dealing with acoustics; there is the traditionnal Sample-based synthesis and the Granular synthesis: both are well developed in the modular universe.

Everyone can work in their own way. Personally, and like many modularists, I have currently invested in granular synthesis (Qu-Bit Nebulae, Make Noise Morphagene, alongside Monsoon and Beads which are also effects, modules derived from Clouds). I completed with a more modest module (Tiptop Audio One) to include samples, considering that the computer is also a first way, upstream, powerful and fast to process any audio sources.
But again, to each his priorities, his preferences...

The looper function allows you to manipulate the audio. This function, which is the basis of the freeze function, is integrated into many modules. But many use an external looper: this is the case of the legendary Todd Barton...

-- Sweelinck

Thank you for spending the time to respond and advise, lots to unpick here - some of which I am doing such as the searches to try and pinpoint modules of interest.

The Tiptop One or any module holding a bank of samples would enable the sound to be returned to again rather than the actual radio such as the ST Modular https://www.modulargrid.net/e/st-modular-radio
This was the module that started me thinking thinking about searching for sound and exploring what I could do with it.

I am still looking forward to owning the Big T Music Monsoon (due to its size & that I own the Rangoon) at some point to work alongside a unit with samples / radio.

All responses have given me more to think about and new information which is a huge help and will aid me in making up my mind - hopefully sooner than later.

Many thanks

There is also the ADDAC System 102 VC Radio. You can both scan and search manually or by voltage control. Everything on the module is under voltage control. Not only does it scan stations, it can search all of the glitchy sounds and fuzz in between as a noise source. ADDAC modules are very good quality.
-- bopodoq

Thank you for introducing me to another option. Had a look at it and it does look good - unfortunately at 60mm deep it will not be able to fit in my current case. May fit in what I hope to be my next case, I will have to check.

Hi all,

As I continue to spend way too much time looking at eurorack modules I discovered the ST Modular Radio https://www.modulargrid.net/e/st-modular-radio also thought the https://www.modulargrid.net/e/music-thing-modular-radio-music-black-panel was interesting although is samples of a radio rather than actual radio.

Using this as a tool for a constant stream of sounds which could then be captured in small chunks and explored - mould it into something new.

So, as far as what module may help me in gathering a sample sound, I was interested in the Monsoon. https://www.modulargrid.net/e/big-t-music-monsoon Using the freeze button.

Ambient generative is my direction and thought this idea could be interesting.

Advice and direction to better modules / plan would be appreciated.


another option is a cheap outboard mixer - I've used an old inexpensive yamaha MG10 for this for years - works great... no output module, the mixer handles modular levels well...
-- JimHowell1970

I will check this out, as always interested in other peoples set ups- thank you.

hard to go wrong with the Knob Farm Ooots.
-- clwilla

Yes, thanks for pointing this one out. I had a look at this as it's a great looking module but managed to scoop up a pre owned module now.

I have an Erica Synths Pico Out, which is a small 3hp module that does exactly what you're asking about. It has a headphone jack with a volume knob and a separate line out jack without one. I think they're like $90. It's stereo, but if you only send one channel to the left input, it will output through both sides.

Simple but effective.
-- tessa

This for 3hp sounds great - so the XOH at 6hp kind of does the pico twice with the bonus of being able to mix both a and b inputs together + headphone/ouput has volume knob.

Plugging it in and having sound out of both speakers is something I am looking forward too.

I found a second hand XOH a little bit cheaper than a new Pico here in the UK.

Thank you for giving me another option.

Hi all, I'm a few months into the joys of eurorack and although great fun, the huge number of modules and cost means that you are bound to make mistakes on purchases. After hours searching I am still unsure about the best way to enjoy the sounds I make without harming my family and dog in the process.

Currently have a Niftycase 84hp https://cdn.modulargrid.net/img/racks/modulargrid_2316440.jpg
modules on the left I own and on the right what I would like - maybe.

So the question is all about being able to use headphones and connect to pc. No mixer or anything - just case headphones and cable to speakers

I am looking at the XOH - Make Noise at the moment but happy to take advice if another module will suit my needs better.

Thank you in advance.

the xl is very frustrating to work with though due to the use of LEDs as indicators for which slot is selected and needing a pdf to determine which algo is loaded in which slot...

seriously the pro is worth the extra hp and cost... it has almost all the algos pre loaded and most importantly has a screen so you can tell which algo is selected.... amongst other more useful features...

-- JimHowell1970

Thanks for the input - I was worried about the LED menu and having to work out what effect was chosen. The pro looks fantastic and the demo's have been very enjoyable - so many options. The hp size is a worry at the moment as it's a bit of a beast but I hope to change my B - Brains for a smaller plaits clone and get some hp back.

The Milky Way, looks fun with the tap button option but choices are minimal compared to the Pro.

Also enjoyed demo's of the TipTop Audio Z5000 Multi-Effect Module too.

What I have researched so far regarding effects modules has lead me to 2 options at the moment due to the hp size and possible cost.

FX AID XL from Happy Nerding Vs Endorphin.es Milky Way - both at 6hp

The Milky Way with 16 effects is half of the XL

The search will continue...

I guess it would be at first better to get a more versetaile fx module for starters. If you get Aurora and realize that you cant tame it - there is also a alternative firmware to use it as a conventinal reverb. Its worth to check it out in depth before you buy it - what it does excactly and if its suitable for your taste.


The researching for a FX module has now begun, am passing on the Disting MK4 purely because I want dials to twiddle.

Please, solve first your case problem. You will find again ‘the light (and fun) side of the modular’ ;)
-- Sweelinck

Thankyou, my case issues are now in hand. When my original case is looking full I will be on the look out for a Rackbrute 6U. Fun has been had so far but with such a huge selection of options at what can be high prices, working out what you should buy and why can turn into a headache for the beginner.

Everything QuBit makes is top-notch, but for a smaller system I'd go with a module that can run different algorithms or one that can do multi-FX.
-- 33PO

Thank you for the new options,I need to research something new as I have been fixated on Qu Bit Aurora for a few weeks now. You are correct, that with my lack of HP I need modules that can do many things - it still is hard not to want an Aurora though...oh life is hard.

Every rack will benefit from Pamelas Workout (New/Pro). Definitely a great 3rd module
-- 33PO

I am very happy with PNW with the minimal amount of dabbling I have done with it. My issue now is what effect module to get?

Yes having something that can do a wide range of things should be a good starting point - looked at the Expert Sleepers Disting MK4...then I saw the Qu bit Aurora! spectral reverb.

So many modules to look at but always fearful of too much of a function overlap.

What would you all consider to be a safe purchase within the ambient / generative field?

I took the "El Cheapo" plunge a few days ago and bought me a Nifty Case and 2 very small modules. I think it'll last me quite a while though. Because nowadays thare are a mother-load of modules to choose from that are only 4 to 8 HP wide.

-- MeneerJansen

What 2 modules did you buy? (Ah I have justed seen your 2 modules on your eurorack)

My set up began with a Plaits clone (Behringer Brains- but at 16HP its bigger than the original) as it was cheaper but meant I had a module that was my voice. I could play around with it and start my eurorack journey. I also bought a Ladik composser N (as my random turing machine) which is great and I think 4HP but as it was explained to me I did not have a "clock" to trigger the Ladik. So I went on the hunt for a second hand Pamelas new workout - which is amazing and have started to make more interesting sounds. The menu is very simple to pick up but I am now wondering what to get next?

My set up will become a semi/generative ambient unit in time but am in no rush to fill a case...just looking at modules wondering what will go well with what I have so far? Maybe I can buy another module before the end of the year.

I have to agree that the Nifty Case is very, very tempting. Maybe a nice "extra" portable mini-modular setup (for later on after buying your first serious case) if you don't mind the 200 bucks...
-- MeneerJansen

The Niftycase will last me a while but there may be a time when I will have to move on.
I think I have found what will be my serious case - Rackbrute 6U ( but then i'll have to buy an output module...oh the financial pain!)

Ambient, generative. 3 modules, small case.
‘What else?"

-- Sweelinck

Thanks, I was interested in Qu-Bit and this was great.

veils is discontinued. you will go for a clone or secondhand market
-- ferranadsr

Found 2nd hand originals on Ebay here in UK . The Doepfer quad VCA mixer from a site reduced and new for £110, last one in stock. Need to decide on which one though.

-Managing the knobs "physically" is like a drug, once you try it you won't want to use the PC for it
-- ferranadsr

I was not planning to use pc other than for audio to speakers, on recieving the items I have bought I might be producing no sounds at all at this point! Managing the knobs and patching generative and seeing where we go is the goal and its exciting.

As far as effects I am unsure, although listening to Qu-Bit modules has been a great experience.

Again huge thank you to you all - the advice/knowledge has been taken onboard - I am looking for a VCA currently steering towards
Veils @12hp https://www.modulargrid.net/e/mutable-instruments-veils
or Doepfer a-135 2v Quad VCA / VC Mixer https://www.modulargrid.net/e/doepfer-a-135-2v @8hp.

Thanks for spending the time to advise - it seems that even at this early stage I have not made the best choices as far as what I have purchased.

The Niftycase for it's price although small was classed as a beginner case and with enough conections, including plugging into pc with later a module going to the "to out" on the front of the case. It has its own power and looked like everything you need to start your eurorack adventures apart from the modules. Bigger cases would be great and I have seen some that I would have loved to have bought such as the Rackbrute (thanks Arrandan for pointing out the "Mantis"). But I am happy to upgrade over time and evolve as my knowledge/modules increase.

The initail idea was to begin with 2 or 3 modules that would produce sounds that i could explore, have fun and expand on.

I will look at Veils and it's clone forms, thankyou...I imagine doing it properly (quad) rather than a dual such as the ALA https://reverb.com/uk/item/38278842-after-later-audio-dvca-dual-vca-veils-redesigned-module

This has become quite an adventure already...

Hello all, I'm a complete beginner, who over the last few months has spent a huge amount of time watching videos, checking out posts and some VCV rack. There is alot to take in if this is all new to you plus a huge range of modules to choose from.

So if you could point me in the right direction (as I could get totally lost) and advise on starter options, that would be a huge help.

I am looking to build an ambient set up, generative is of interest to me too.

Set up so far
Cre8Audio - Niftycase 84hp
Behringer brains - MI Plaits clone ( already feel After Later Audio Beehive would be better & less hp)
Ladik S-610 Composser N - random sequencer.

Not much space but can't wait to start making some sounds and having fun - Module number 3? what should it be...

Thanks in advance for anyone who can advise.