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Since I’m charmed by the works of Natlab, Radiophonic Workshop and Hainbach I’m considering to buy a fieldrecorder for use with my Eurorack (Make Noise Morphagene) and iOS apps. Recording “natural” sounds outside, homemade percussion etc. etc. My eye fell on the Tascam DR-40X which for the price seems to do what I want. Would this be a good choice or are there other/better options within this price category and if so then why?

Looking for some tips on the arrangement/placement of modules. What do you prefer? F.e. Modulation/utilities in the middle or not and why? Just bought my last modules (sure 😉) but pretty satisfied with what I’ve got. The modular setup is used with iOS/Mac and the output sampled by an MPC One.

I know there are blind panels available to cover the empty space of your modular and to protect it against external factors. Now I was thinking of the following:

Having some kind of panel that makes use of the depth of your modular. It would look like some kind of “U” shape and enables you to store (small and handy or decorative) stuff in it. The unit in fact becomes a tiny closet. You could store short patchcables in it, laminated cards with references to modules, the small passive multiples or even just a nice artifact. Perhaps there is even room to create a (horizontal) row for a passive multiple.

Maybe it’s not interesting/worthwhile (or it already exist) but would just like to share the basic idea. Also created a mock-up to illustrate the idea based upon a 16HP module. The sides of the module should be covered too.

Just discovered this space and need to mention I bought an ES-9 from @nikkore about two weeks ago. Good and clear communication, received the module in good condition and everything seems to work fine! Before this deal I had contact with another guy from Switzerland about an ES-8 (forgot his name) but although the communication seemed to be good, Unfortunately I never heard back from him.

Well I said goodbye to my DFAM for now. Decided to go for an ES-9 as it seems that gives me a lot more options for modulation, utilities and sounds (iOS but also have a Mac). Hopefully the ES-9 arrives before the end of the week.

I messaged Intellijel about it:

Yes the module itself is the same. There were a few revisions of the module that will be displayed on the rear PCB, but the differences are quite minor. For example, the first run would close the VCA at the FOLD output if the FOLD knob was all the way down.

They can all be updated to the latest firmware of 2.04.

Opting for an Intellijel Shapeshifter but discovered two kinds of faceplates. Now I’m wondering if it’s only the faceplate that’s different or perhaps also the firmware. I see ones where there is only Shapeshifter mentioned on top (and one red marked output), others have Cyclonix Shapeshifter on top (with all black marked outputs).

Hi Jim, that may be the best advice I’ve read thus far. At the moment scanning/searching for VCA’s...Although I would prefer an Intelllijel Quad VCA or Veils 2020, none of them seem to be available right now. I have seen a XAOC Tallin nearby that has exponential and linear but also seems to color the sound and is dual. In I wait or should the Tallin do it’s job for the time being to be partnered later on with an Intellijel Quad VCA or Veils. With regards to some utility stuff I was also thinking of MI Kinks and Links...

Thanks for checking out the rack Jim! I’m not new to synths but am new to Eurorack and it’s possibilities. To be quite honest I’m already having lots of fun with it. I added a “planning” rack with some things I would like to add (with the knowledge I have right now). Besides the quad VCA a Peaks module is high on my wishlist for its LFO, envelope and other functions but also the Disting MK4. IF I would add two of these (or a second VCA module) and even add a Ripples filter I still have 24 HP left. Open for suggestions on certain utility modules that do things the O & C Hemisphere and Disting do not cover. If there is still space left I might eventually add an extra oscillator but as you correctly mention, that should be the last thing I need. Especially since certain modules also are able to function as an oscillator (although they lose their other functionality then). With my current cashflow/willingness to invest the rack should be finished in about a year.

Change of plans.....VCA’s are the next purchase since I do need them. Problem is I couldn’t find any on the short term. I just bought a Doepfer P9 (3 x 84 hp and PSU3). Since I have limited space, it’s more convenient for me to have the DFAM in the rack. I know it’s 60HP but I use it a lot for different things. Last week I made a plan with the P9 and this rack seems much better. Still plenty of room for a couple of VCA’s and modulation stuff + some oscillators and an extra filter. Still thanks for opening my eyes about the VCA’s!

The Malekko seems to be linear only instead of Veils and the Intellijel that also allows you to use an exponential curve. From what I’ve read the Intellijel can overdrive in a nice way, the Malekko does this too but sounds harsher. But availability is a thing.....already messaged someone for an Intellijel.

First I would remove the DFAM from the rack to recover 60HP!
And I would choose a good Quad Vca: not only for attenuation...
Then it depends on the music or sounds you want to produce.
-- Sweelinck

That’s what I mentioned, it would be better to remove the DFAM to recover some space 😇.
Thanks a lot for the advice people, looking for a good quality VCA right know. At the moment three are on my wishlist in the following order:

  1. Intellijel Quad VCA
  2. Mutable Instruments Veils
  3. Malekko Quad VCA (the scanning feature seems nice)

USB from the Odio goes into the camera connector kit for iPad so that the in/outputs can be used. MPC One is used as clock/trigger for eurorack, Grandmother is just to play keys and sample the output. Creating sounds/loops is the main goal.

While thinking of it...I think a VCA could be worthwhile to look for. Speaking in metafor: I have the tools to create/sculpt/clay something but do seem to miss the water

I’m using the Audio Damage Odio for that. It brings up the volume to Eurorack level so audio could be passed through and send back for effects, could be recorded and/or the iOS synths could be used to be processed by the external gear. If I want to sync it to tempo I have several options for that, most logical would be the MPC as masterclock through midi and/or CV/Gate by creating a separate track to send a pulse.

Having looked at several VCA’s I’m in doubt.....yes I definitely see some advantages on expanding with such a module, but my current setup already has quite a lot of attenuation possibilities. So an extra VCA could be added later on, it’s not necessary at this specific moment. Rings seems to be fun although I question myself if I’m going to use it actively....also got a resonator app within miRack and another separate plugin. Although I expect the physical Rings module would sound better, the characteristic is already there. Peaks seems to be fun for its diverse functions, envelope, lfo, small sequencer etc. Have also been thinking of an extra oscillator but also think I got that covered too.

Moog Grandmother (2 oscillators, a 3th when using the LFO)
Moog DFAM (2 oscillators)
Mutable Instruments Braids (1 more exotic oscillator)
Mutable Instruments Tides (1 “limited” wavetable oscillator)
iPad with a lot of sources for sound.

At the moment I have a minimal setup (and would like to keep it that way 😉). My gear outside of the Doepfer Eurorack case consists of:

  • Moog Grandmother (I see/use this as different modules and use it as keyboard controller)
  • Akai MPC One (lots of CV options, still exploring this one)
  • iPad (with LOTS of synths, drumcomputers and effects)

My 2 x 84 HP Doepfer rack has:

  • Mutable Instruments Tides (for modulation stuff and as oscillator)
  • Mutable Instruments Braids (different digital oscillator stuff)
  • Ornament & Crime (with Hemisphere) (for modulation, short sequences etc.)
  • Erica Polivoks filter (nice dirty filter with character)
  • Malekko Dual Borg (an even more dirty filter, brilliant for its sweet spots)
  • AJH Synth ringmodulator, mixer, sub (a warm sounding ringmodulator, can also add a nice sub and overdrive)
  • Audio Damage Odio (to bring the iPad effects and synths into my Eurorack)
  • Moog DFAM (great and fun tool!)
  • Jack Plugg Typhoon (just received this one, pretty cool)

Right now I have about 8HP left, in the worst case scenario I could remove the DFAM and put it in its original case (I guess I will eventually do that). At the moment I have about € 300,00 to spend and am in search for a new module. I’m not using the Eurorack to sequence complete tracks, it’s meant to be my tiny soundlab where I sample the sounds from and eventually use them in my MPC. This could be drums, leads or even some soundscapes and pads.
The reason I’m asking for some advice is that I don’t want to end up with a lot of overlap. I had seen a Malekko Voltage block, but I can also use the MPC One to sequence and modulate stuff, I could invest in a multiFX but also have that iPad that has quite some nice FX onboard like the plugins from Eventide. Most preferably a module that could be used in several ways...some things that came to my mind were:

  • Mutable Instruments Peaks (with or without the Dead Man’s Catch Firmware)
  • Mutable Instruments Rings
  • Intellijel Quad VCA

Also had a look at the Intellijel Plonk because of the physical modelling aspect but after reading a bit I think I pass on this one....

But.....I’m open for suggestions....goal is to be able to get the most possible variaties of sound out of that small case. Truly hope you guys can help me out on this 🤞