Jim and Radical aren't wrong exactly, but I think this is doable with a few caveats:
1) you will be menu diving
2) you won't get the range you want from a full system, but you can have some fun
Here's my crack at it:

1) Steppy isn't a great choice here, we can get better sequencing, so it's replaced with a Duatt in the 1U row to create more mixing possibilities for modulation, a scope (always useful), and a lowpass gate for when you want something a little different
2) an Ornament and Crime creates A LOT more opportunity for generative ambient and such, it's super versatile with a bunch of modes and will open this thing up
3) a Pam's can do so much, trigger sequencing like a Steppy but also LFOs, function generation, euclidean rhythms, etc.
4) Warps over a dedicated wave folder, it gives you a bunch of options for other types of sound mangling, and it's still available both used and new
5) ochd is great but you don't have room for it, Pam's replaces the Clep Diaz, and you need some more VCAs, so a Doepfer quad steps in to do the trick
6) FX Aid XL is cool and has lots of effects, you could also choose the ALM multi-effect though it's got fewer effects
7) 6hp for a mixer is too much here and you can use your Doepfer quad VCA for mixing, so I've replaced it with a Nearness v3 and a Disting mk4 opening up all sorts of other functions plus on the fly recording
All together, I think this thing could keep you busy and be a good learning rack to try out ideas and some demo recordings which is honestly half the battle.