I am a eurorack user for more than a year now and I am planning now to fill my second case.
This my current rack :

I also own a Waldorf Iridium and a Korg Minilogue xd for some poly, digital and fm stuff.
My music style is lush, athmospheric, relaxing, beautiful ambient/new age. Normally I only record one sound at the time, layer the recordings and do some eq and some mixing in my daw. But i also like to just jam arround and explore my setup ( 90% of the time). My plan is to to multitrack record 4 channels (2* stereo) into my daw at the time.
My plan is to make my rack more generative and maybe expand my soundpalette, but I am open for any cool Ideas and modules which benefit from beeing eurorack.
This is my current future rack after planning it for a few months and reading a lot of threads.

I want to replace maths and expend my utillities with some AR/ADSR, tripple sloth for chaos, a shift register( S&H), a linear vca and a sequenzer ( 2 smaller ones to influence each other and a quantizer)
I also need another audio mixer, because Panmix is way to big for me, I want a smaller mixer with less channels, but i need panning and a stereo in for some live jamming. Maybe something like the MN Xpan
I also need a stereo filter after my effects/ granular and I am thinking of replacing my evo with something more special.
What module would you miss/replace in my rack?
I don’t need end of chain effects like fxaid or something, for this I have my daw, but I am looking for „special eurorack“ effects to feed it in into my granluar/panharmonium.
Thank you!