So I've been at this modular synthesis business for about two years now and have been loving every bit of it. Over this time, I've slowly put together a rack that I am happy with, one that I think is versatile for my musical interests: 80s synth/techno and ambient generative. Recently, I've decided to pursue the ambient generative route a bit more and am looking to add some modules to reflect this.
Here is what my rack is looking like now:

There are some DIY modules that take up some of the empty space: a Dual VCA, a Quad mixer, the 123ADC designed by Sam Battle of Look Mum No Computer, a Lowpass filter and a simple sine/triangle wave oscillator. I also have an Arturia Keystep that I use as a sequencer from time to time.
Three things I wanted to address about my rack:
1) VCAs. The more the merrier right? My DIY Dual VCA is doing well, but I often find myself needing more control, both over audio signals and CV. Modules that I've been considering for this are Intellijel Quad VCA and Mutable Instruments Blinds.
2) Random CV modulation. This is a big one for me. I've been on a quest to create quasi-random CV and LFOs for my ambient generative patches. I've been able to get away with it a bit using Tides and some CV mixing. I love randomly modulating the voices I use! From my research so far, I hear Mutable Instruments Marbles is great for this.
3) Voices. To me, it seems that I don't have enough voices in this rack. I mostly find myself using Pluck, uPlaits and Rings, but is there another voice that sounds great ambient-wise, especially when passed through Clouds?
Any suggestions, comments or criticisms on my rack would be greatly appreciated. Like I said, I've decided to go the more ambient generative route, but am torn as to what I need to add next. Space isn't an issue nor power supply, as I'm making a larger custom case.
-Uncle Peter