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... and even if you're not looking specifically for a Make Noise system, the manual Tony Rolando just released makes an excellent modular primer... explains basics like the difference between audio and CV voltage, gate triggers & clocks, as well as introducing the modules of the system, which can also be bought "a la carte."
Hey, I'm a manufacturer of modules and wondering how to make plugins for TrueGrid? I don't see docs or links source repo anywhere?
-- elmood
Development for TrueGrid is on hold, the project was too ambitious. I am thinking about open source it, but even have to put some effort into that too. Because code is undocumented and a mess, of course ...
The search feature for modules is amazing but it would be great if we could search with just as detailed criteria for other people's racks. For instance I'd like to search for 84HP set ups.
I bought a mother-32 some 6 months ago (my first eurorack purchase, was an op-1 wiggler for a few years before) and the bug has kind of bitten me.
I am not putting too much money into this as i can see it quite likely being an long path , so as i love making things have built up lots of mutable modules. now seeing this could be the base of nice little system. I am looking to build up an NV build Klee soon but need to start thinking about adding some basics vcas, env generators.
What is obviously missing? would allow me to start geeing more musical.. I have been happy in drone/ bonkers land to date but want to stop building so much and start experimenting form. That means sequencers and env generators i guess
I find the sequencer on the moog ok and will add a klee NV build soon so just after some initial thoughts really , ideally kits /diy but happy to put money into good modules . Love to know any ones thoughts
Hi everyone,
Finally decided to build my first modular setup!
I've just purchased a moog mother 32, make noise DPO & 208 pittsburgh modular case.
Trying to build some kind musique concrete system but that can still can perform as musically abstract/noise/experimental machine. My budget for now would be only for 6U racks.
I need your thoughts about what I've been doing so far.
Also need any suggestion for something to put on the last 8HP?
Dedicated low pass filter?
Many thanks before!
There are many options. Pittsburgh Modular's In/Out would work but I'm assuming you're wanting stereo. Intellijel's Audio Interface II would probably be exactly what you need. You should still have some room for an internal sound source.
Yeah, this whole thing is definitely taking a toll on my bank account! Love the Moog- every time I fire my rig up it's hard to get away from. Hopefully as I get more sophisticated and creative with my patching it will only get better. As far as FX goes, another good thing about the Disting is that there are a couple good delay algorithms that would work in a pinch. It's nice to have them within the system itself but obviously if you're recording into a DAW you won't be lacking FX options.
You're welcome! It's probably best not to go directly into Clouds from whatever external audio source you're using, assuming it's line level. Modular level is significantly higher than line level, so you'll need something to boost your signals on the way in and to attenuate them on the way out (though you could output through an external mixer with the gain/level turned down to avoid clipping).
Thank you for the suggestions etantloh! Clouds has an audio input. That's how I thought doing it. But maybe you're right and I should pass Elements for starting.
Thanks so much for the reply, etantloh. This is super helpful. I'm definitely going to consider getting both the expert sleepers module and the ModDemix. I really wish that I could do some sort of effects like the erbe-verb! Sadly, I don't think I'll have any space. I think I'll have to shift those duties to the computer for now.
I appreciate the "never enough VCAs" wisdom. That was exactly what I was hoping to get.
I have definitely browsed around Muffwiggler. It seems like a great place but I haven't posted enough replies to start my own thread! I figured I'd try my luck here first, being very impatient. Glad I did.
Congrats on finishing your rig. It looks like a lot of fun. Love the Moog Mother in the setup! I too almost went with that as an entry into the modular world but I thought, hey, why spend a quarter of a month's pay when I can spend a WHOLE month's! Thanks again.
First thought would be how are you getting your audio into the rack? I may be missing something though.. if not maybe pass up Elements and get a good input module first. Then fill out the rest of the hp. I'm not too familiar with Elements so with that in mind maybe less hp for the internal sound source? Go with something like Braids, or Tides with Sheep installed, and a good filter. You already have some good EG but another one (if you didn't go with a 2nd Tides) and a VCA would be nice.. then you would have an internal sound source and additional modulation sources.
I've heard mostly great things about the DPO, as well as the Z2040. I'd consider adding a dedicated AD or ADSR, because Maths does so many other things that you might not want to have it as your only EG. You should consider losing the EON and get the Expert Sleepers Disting MK3 -- it's not much more cost-wise and perfect for a small system because it has so many functions (everything the EON does and much more). You can experiment with it to see what you tend to use most which would help determine future purchases, even if you decide not to keep it. From hanging out over at Muffwiggler, the consensus seems to be that you "can never have enough VCAs"... of course it all depends on what you're trying to do, but adding another 'flavor' of VCA might be advisable. The ModDemix would be a good option, plus it can be used as a mixer within your system, which would be useful. Something like Mutable Instruments' Links might also be useful. Finally, I'd add Clouds (fantastic- I have one), or something like the Echophon or Erbe-Verb since any of those would be valuable to have for what you're trying to do.
Disclaimer: I'm not new to music or electronic music, but am new to modular. Since purchasing my "gateway" to the modular universe (Moog's Mother 32) I've spent nearly 2 months buying, selling, trading (and blowing up my budget, originally 120hp, now 208hp... gaah) and finally think I have a system that should hold up for awhile. It kinda has to since I can't (shouldn't) afford to do anything but sell or trade out at this point. Also, if you've not been over to Muffwiggler, it's highly advisable as it is a treasure trove of information and discussion. AWESOME community. Just for kicks, here's what I ended up with:
The specs for this module are 'Approved by Manufacturer' and therefore cannot be edited by rank-and-file users of Modular Grid, but the link is no longer valid.
-- Adminius
Don't hesitate to contact the manufacturers by sending them a PM and tell them they should update the specs or unlock the module.
The specs for this module are 'Approved by Manufacturer' and therefore cannot be edited by rank-and-file users of Modular Grid, but the link is no longer valid. The new link is:
I am hoping to get recommendations for how to fill out a Make Noise 104hp skiff that I am putting together for which I have already purchased three modules: DPO, Maths, and a Rosie. I suspect that like most decisions in putting together a modular, there are so many ways to fill it out that it is largely a matter of taste. However, even if you cannot give specific recommendations, perhaps you can help me with more generic recommendations. For example, while it's obvious that I need the basics to produce a single voice, perhaps you recommend that I double up on certain things to eke out a second voice.
Here is the skiff, with the DPO, Maths, and Rosie that I have already purchased on the left and modules that I am thinking about buying on the right. [For some reason the view below is not updating. The modules are separated in this screenshot.] The DPO & Maths are fairly large, however I figure that these modules' high level of versatility justify the cost in space. I pray that I have not made a mistake in going with the very large & expensive DPO.
I aim to use this for noise/ambient performances; the kinds of sounds that I would ideally like to achieve with it are fairly diverse, in order from most to least important: non-musical sounds (e.g. crickets, water, birds, other non-musical tactile sounds; I am very impressed with Silver Apples of the Moon); dark, muscular drone; and pretty arpeggios/sequences controlled by Ableton via a midi interface. I appreciate that these may be too diverse to achieve simultaneously in such a small system, but I'd like to get as close as possible. In any case, this synth will be supplemented with a computer producing sound via ableton live/max.
In the rack above, I've tentatively decided on the Ripples because, from what I've heard, it is a very smooth, pretty filter, the Intellijel uVCA because it is a compact dual VCA, and the EON because it packs a lot into a small space including an LFO and noise output. Alternatively, I've also had my eye on the Tiptop Z2040 LP-VCF instead of the Ripples.
What other modules would you recommend I fill out the skiff with to achieve a full featured but compact performance setup? Would you recommend that I reconsider any of my tentative decisions? Thank you!
I am going to buy my first modules. I mostly want to use this as an FX Rack and process audio through clouds, animated by Tides and Peaks. I thought about buying Elements to provide a rack internal sound source. Is something missing?
I'm using a Makenoise 104HP Skiff at the moment, so although the intellijel looks good, I've got to now keep things slim. I'm thinking of getting a MI Frames to run parasite sequencers, so that will only leave me with 4HP. I may hang on a bit longer then and get to grips with everything a bit more for now then. The DLD is cool, but I thought I'd be able to use it more for building up layers of loops a bit easier. Perhaps it's a shift in my composing, I'll give it a go, otherwise I might replace this with an alternative type of looper.
+1 on the outs but it's not the exact solution you're looking for. Might check out Circuit Abbey's Gozinta and Gozouta although no 1/4", or if you consider 10hp compact Intellijel's Audio Interface II looks like it would be exactly what you're looking for.
After nearly 2 months of buying, selling, trading, etc, impulsively ignoring the advice to start slow, as well as stretching my budget as far as it will go , I've ended up with this:
208hp is my limit for now and I'm using the Moog 104hp skiffs, so unfortunately the 2 uzeus are necessary (unless anyone has done any modifications or can offer some tips). I had a configuration with Grids and Shades but instead picked up a Wogglebug v1 and put in the z4000 I almost sold. I had grand plans of an all-in-one system or at least one that could be used for designing more interesting drum sequences than I'm able to come up with on my own. But, after diving into other forums much of the weekend the Wogglebug makes more sense with what I've already put together. I also like having a CV-able dedicated EG so I can keep Math and Tides free for their other/additional functions. The only thing I'm in some doubt about is not having the dedicated mixer/attenuator that Shades or the Pitts MixMult I have on the shelf would provide. I do have a configuration with the Mix Mult but without the z4000. I have Sheeps installed on Tides, but switching firmware is pretty painless. I figured between Maths and Tides I'd have good EG flexibility if I was to take out the z4000 but all that's left to do now is keep patching and see where that leads.
All that said, it is always nice to get feedback on things, especially when you are starting out, so thanks in advance to anyone who views and/or comments!
The Spectrum is terrific. It was recommended as analog by Joe at Foxtone Music, who described it as his one of his "favorite analog oscillators". If you call or email I'm sure they could quickly confirm.
20% ouch!! Yeah, I started with the Richter oscillator & anti-oscillator (old style Griffins). The idea, I think, is that together that mimic a Buchla complex/dual oscillator much the way as the Makenoise DPO does - an asymetry which is both good and bad. If you want two pitch independent sines, for example, then you're out of luck.One is a saw-core "Unkle", the other tri (the Anti/Auntie) for West coast or East coast sounds respectively. I do recall the the Unkle's 2nd triangle wave has a little tick and IIRC the mk2 might not fully have fixed it - gives you a clicking sounding when doing some phase modulation with the two. The Anti 'Mayhem' wave is crazy fun as sound source & LFO.
If you get the Analog Systems osc - beware this warning (from the schneidersladen site) "Analogue Systems' modules are designed solely for use in cases and cabinets made by Analogue Systems. Through the use of adaptors or adaptor cables, however, it is possible to connect them to Eurorack cases.Should you chose to use an Analogue Systems module in an Eurorack case, please note that the warranties are thus void and the use occurs at your own risk!" Not to deter you from the reportedly rich sound of the AS, you just have to sort your power issues.
I've been lucky to be near a modular dealer - Control - and certainly there's no beating a hands on demo - so even if it requires a small trip to find the nearest modular store, it might be worth it. Also if you have any local modular enthusiasts in the neighborhood, it might be good to do a shout out here, or on the Muffwiggler board- most proud modular owners would be delighted to show off their system to interested on-lookers.
Even so, you may simply have to buy/sell/trade until you find what's right, so don't get too sidetracked over what's the PERFECT oscillator - each has it's own personality & quirks - I'm sure anything on your list will produce good results if you spend enough time with it, even if in the end, you don't keep it as a "forever" module.
Thank you for your advice Fastus, I understand your point of view. Sure, I can buy the Z3000 on AH, moreover I contacted them to see the postage and it's quite interesting. But I'm afraid of 20% in customs tax receipt. In this case it is more interesting to buy in the EU.
Regarding the WMD / SSF Spectrum, you're right: no details on the official site!
It is only classified as "analog" on Schneidersladen and London Modular (
Regarding the K3021, I find no information either good or bad, this module is relatively new.
Btw what do you think of Malekko modules? I saw that you have the Anti-oscillator.
Thanks. I've also found it on Cymru Beats when I expanded to UK (it's always cheaper with €). The prices are a little higher in UK but it's still cheaper than importing from US.
I'd guess your 300€ budget ($333.54 USD) should well cover the unit & shipping. Sorry to be a too persistent advocate, and I can't even claim experience with your other selections. The WMD/SSF unit looks great, & I like the octave selection switch, but I don't see any explicit description of it as 'analog' - which may or may not concern you. The z3k also has waveshaping which I've often utilized, and even while analog, holds it's tune VERY well and is ready to work on startup (unlike the otherwise commendable Rubicon which sharpens pitch over the first half-hour plus...) Also the visual tuner is actually damn handy, and speeds workflow - perhaps less of a concern if you're focusing more noise applications etc. The Kilpatrick looks intriguing - particularly the waveshaping/PWM capabilities seem unique... I'd just want to check, as with any module, that other people are happy with it's build quality and customer support.
Yes, Analog Heaven are the only ones who have it in stock but as I live in France, it will cost me lot of money between shipping and taxes. At this price I can certainly have a goog alternative VCO I think. All of them mentioned above are in my budget (max 300€) and in stock, shipping free. Based on specs and design and what I saw on Youtube, my preference go for Spectrum, Sputnik and K3021.
...but AFAIK it's out of stock in the EU.
Does anyone know a place where I can buy it (inside EU) ?
There are currently 42 observers in the marketplace so I'm not counting on getting a second hand one...
A lot of folks might look past the Cyclebox II towards it's presumed successor, Intellijel's Shapeshifter. But the Cyclebox is capable of extraordinary sounds and has an intuitive & immediate interface and really shouldn't be overlooked. Have a listen - the Cyclebox is the sole sound source in this multi-track production.
Ok I'm going for a second VCO. As the Z3000 is impossible to find for now, there are few modules I'm interested in. Analog, affordable and in stock. Any advice ?
WMD/SSF Spectrum
Richter Anti-Oscillator
Richter Oscillator II
Sputnik Modular Oscillator
The Harvestman Polivoks VCG
Analogue Systems RS-95e
Killpatrick K3021
Found these by searching Moffenzeef and none of the names. Possibly the odd 'O' character causing issues there. Although they show up as listed by that manufacturer but that manufacturer isn't in the list / drop down. Can that be sorted?