OK, you win. I'm sorry, but this is the worst contribution I have seen for quite some time.
What's wrong about it: brand, model, hp, depth, the photo - and, above all, it was already added.


Please use the search function before adding.

I'm looking for WAV. Sample Player, wich can do pitch, volume and play from SD card. Any ideas guys, please help!

Thread: 3 11 16 v1

I have made my first modular project and have the above modules , except for the a160 clock divider.

Is this necessary as there appears to be one in the metropolis

I do not want unnecessary modules duplicating what something else already does perfectly well.

Does anybody want to advise me on the decision to cancel the a 160 as it has not arrived yet and will shortly be in transit so I would prefer to cancel the order than have to send it back.

I have not installed anything in the rack as it is waiting to be varnished at a friend's house, so am not yet in a position to experiment with the Metropolis.

Thannks for any help
John Horrobin


sophiesdad 2017

Thread: WALL OFF M

recorded at astropolis :

Purchased a Boomstar LEVELS from @efFemMasterdrive and a CGS738 - Mangler from @sceledra and both of them were a pleasure to deal with. I would not hesitate to purchase from them again and could not recommend them any higher

Great transaction buying a Doepfer A-134-1 tracking module from @manolah. Good communications and the module was as described and well packed for shipping. They even sent me a tracking link, which was super nice and helpful.

Thread: EMW AR 3X


What you lose:
— VCA4p
— Malekko Noise
— Peaks
— Optodist

What you gain:
— Dunst
— Linix
— Dual VCA/Sum

What you lose:
— Clouds
— LoFi Junky
— Mix 4
— Malekko Noise
— Levit8
— Peaks
— VCA4p

What you gain:
— Dunst
— Tonestar
— Linix
— Quad Atten
— Twin Out

I'm investigating building a modular analogue synthesizer, and learning electronics along the way.

I want to get a firm understanding of the supply voltage, inputs and outputs specification that is generally adopted, between each of the modules.

For example I'm aware a 15V power supply (a example from kynix:http://www.kynix.com/Detail/2587/LM3880MF-1AA.html) seems common; and 1V/Octave for the VCO. Is this correct? Is a +15v, -15v supply used? Also what is the output spec for the audio VCO?

Could anyone recommend further reading for these generally specifications and ratings?

I'm very new to this, and I'm starting with looking into the fundemental principles of a VCO, but want to build my experiments with the common specifications in mind - to drive to a useful goal. I don't want to just build a project thats out there, but learn the principles, design and build - I might not end up with the most stable modules.

No doubt pioneers such as Moog set initial standards, but keen to learn what the standard electrical spec for analogue synthesizers are, and how these expand out into the music studio.

Hope someone can help further.

Thanks in advance

So 40 mA (Turing Machine MK1) + 27 mA(Pulses MK1) +25 mA (Voltages) should be under 100 mA on the +12V and 10mA (for Voltages) on -12V Bus.

Sold @freqout a Pressure Points and Brains, no issues, good buyer!

i just got mine today - #0138 - man, I gotta say -its pretty farking awesome - the extra features alone like the tuner, dual clk div/mult and dual vco/lfo would alone make a nice module.
I can't fully compare it to the O'toole as i never owned one (but have briefly checked them out at Chi knbcn's)
I can compare this scope it to scopes I own - and older Tecktronics 2445 analog and a new Rigol DS4014 digital
For the audio range the Mordax display pretty much matches my Rigol (albeit its display is not nearly as large)
and its a lot simpler to use. I didn't find a manual but its operation is obvious and intuitive
The Mordax Guys are going to be very busy trying to keep up with all the orders

received a brains and pressure points from @starkwether quickly after payment!

Thread: Monstrosity

Could get instead of Chronoblob or Warps:
* Varigate 4
* ADDAC 207
* Keep Tempi
* Basimilus Iteritas Alter

There are modules, like LFOs or delays, where it can be essential to have the module in sync. How about adding this to the "function" drop-down menu in module search, so i can sepcifically search for syncable modules only?
Furthermore it would be nice to have a third function-menu for the search as modules are getting more complex and bigger in number by the time.
With both combined i could for example search for all syncable dual LFOs to compare them. For now you need to be lucky to find a muffwiggler thread on that topic.

Hello all, long time lurker on the forums and im slowly formulating what I want from my first rack. Coming from semi modular I aimed to ease myself in gently with the metropolis, Atlantis combo, a 6U 104 rack to fill., So with that arriving Monday where do i go from there, I really love the spectral resonator but not sure how it will get along with the Atlantis so i took it out giving way to more functional module. I love lush ambience and acid bass lines i have a mackie mixer and eventide space i kept hold of from selling off all my other synths, the Atlantis , metropolis and further 1k to spend straight away from the sale of a few things :p......where to next. Any help will be really appreciated, with it being a small system i would like suggestions on modules that can perform some of the basic utility functions and maybe i can do away with some of the standalone modules.

Some great and fast transactions with these sellers:

ModularGrid Rack

Hello everyone, so my goal is to have a FAT synth voice with effects... critique, comments and swap ideas are very welcome. Also any suggestions on how to fill the remaining 6HP would be cool too ;) Cheers!

That's pretty dank. I approve of this meme. :)
-Creator of My Dank Module

Thread: EMW AR 3X


does anyone know the maximum attack and decay times for this module? I've searched around and mailed EMW, but no answers this far...

Thanks in advance

The dankest.

I would use this on every patch.

Thread: Current

I kinda strolled around the muff researching about synchrodyne+expand, saw some old post where you were happy with it, clicked on your modgrid to lurk & wondered why only synchrodyne left :-) I am still note sure if I'll like it, there seems to be no THE sound of synchrodyne + expand, synchrodyne on its own tends to be bubbly-complex, which I like with the expand the demos get more varied + "abstract atonal horror fx vibes" - not sure if its just the taste of the demo makers or the combo pushing in this direction, what do you think?

Thread: Current

? I sold it three years ago? Back then I had a smaller case, kinda miss it though. Why you ask?

Thread: Current

hey summa, your synchrodyne expander disappeared? what happened?

Hi, @moriyama. That's a very helpful comment, I'll definitely look into it. Thanks

Hi Bruno,

for the throat singing/formant sounds you will need banpass-filters.
There are also special filters like the Rare Waves Grendel...

Is that an 84 hp on top of a 104 hp? Yay this is exactly what I made the "no case here" panels for! :)


I am completely new to modular, and planning a very specific rack. I would like to have a portable system that performs various layered, slowly evolving overtone-meditation sequences. Much like throat singing, Ohm chanting, singing bowls, etc. I would like to keep it small and affordable, and I don't need overly complex rhythm and structure modules. It would be very much centered around shaping the waves into interesting and enjoyable sounds that would stimulate the brain in as many ways possible. This is a rack I have put together based on what I have investigated and on what I have found is available (and not too expensive) in Europe. Four modules in there I have already purchased (Dixie II+, EON, VCADSR and Tangle quartet), the others are just ideas. For the layering I guess multiple oscillators are a must, but I was happy to find the harmonic oscillator that outputs the first eight harmonics as separate sine waves. I think I might need more mixing/VCA and effects for the outputs of my oscillators. For now I have added two tangle quartets but that might not be the best solution. Worth mentioning that I also have a Microbrute and a Novation midi controller that would possibly be part of this setup.

I would love to have some help on this project before I start ordering random stuff I will never use in the end.



ModularGrid Rack


You don't make adds when selling your modules at MG. Use the search function and you will find this: https://www.modulargrid.net/e/analogue-systems-rs-290

Use that one instead. This way it's easier for both seller and buyer to find each other.

Thread: So Far

ModularGrid Rack

I have a fifth row that I was going to use for a Tonestar and Charcot Circle. Another mixer is also in the works. And another vca. Along with a Roland filter. I kind of like the large multi purpose modules but I don't know. Any suggestions? I'm using the new electribe for drums and a jd xi for sequencing. So there's that.

Top looks more interesting to me.

So I finally got some money together. Looks like I'll be spending it too and get over this research part that's just taking too long by now. I always thought I'd start with a synth voice like the atlantis and an effect module like Clouds and just build on from there. But starting with a simple VCO, an optomix, a Braids as second VCO and a Maths as envelope and LFO is about the same price and might give me more options in the future. I'll go by London Modular this week or next to just sneak a peek but would love to hear what y'all think. Top row or bottom row?

just posted the vid, haven't had my hands on any of them... also really interested!


-- thisisprisma
-- exper

have you had any hands on, or just posting the vid?
i've seen this one and a few others. DATAs visual response seems to lag in comparison.

thanks to the both of you for responses.

Just bought 2 modules from @allert
Very good communication via the website. Very friendly user.
As for the modules they arrived fast and were in great condition. They came well packaged and bagged with good bubble wrap protection. The box was also well protected and sealed. I recommemd buying from this user.

If a compactflash card could talk, it would say "yes".

No experience with the DATA, but the way I see it, there are different focuses.

The O'Tool is compact and powerful - two traces, extensive (and accurate) tuning and voltage measurement in 8hp.

The Data has 4 channels, and some extra clock and oscillator functions.

Can't recommend the O'tool + enough though. Tuning has been great, its just the right size to visualize information without taking up too much valuable HPs...

opinions, observations, user experiences please.


I am a complete and utter noob when it come to electronic music making so I apologise in advance if these questions are very basic in their nature.

A while ago I was given an Arturia MicroBrute and a Volca Beats to settle a debt.
At first I was going to eBay them in order to get back the cash I was owed, but I started playing around with them and through some YouTube searches learned how to connect the two by the sync out on the Beats to the Gate in on the Brute. I've been having a lot of fun since.

The other day I spotted a modular bass synth by a company called Dreadbox in my local pawn shop. They are asking £180.00 for it. It is a module with no keyboard.
It has a midi in socket on the back and some patching sockets on the top.
If I where to get this synth, how would I incorporate it into my current set up?

What I would like to do is to be able to have all 3 units running in sync and each unit playing its own separate sequence. The Beats playing the drums, the bass synth playing a baseline sequence and the Brute playing a lead sequence, as an obvious example, leaving me to tweak and adjust the sounds on the fly.

I know that the MicroBrute has a sequencer so can I use it to drive the base synth and also a separate lead part? Or do I need a separate sequencer for each synth.
I am also aware of the midi out mod for the Volca Beats but I don't know if that's relevant to this situation.

Like I have said already, I am a complete noob at all this. I discovered this world by accident and I think that I'm getting well and truly hooked. I have tried searching for answers but I don't really know how to phrase the questions correctly for google or the forum search to be really helpful.

Any advice would be welcome.
Thank you.

I think I might just get myself a minibrute as well to use with my modular.

I thought you'd find this interesting. Talking about his simple modular set up and for use with the minibrute.

Juicy!I need normals sound in my set up too!

That is nice but a bit expensive. I like the Dreadbox Erebus as well but trying to keep prices down a bit so am looking at the Erica synths VCO2 vs MFB OSC 3 (triple vc0). And of course checking ebay for some deals :) I did start of thinking I want to do this on a budget, it isn't so cheap though but still trying to save some bucks somewhere!

I was really impressed with this simple set up:

Well...I found really interesting dreadbox omikron dual vco. Really fat sound!Ideal for bass duties.You can check it on youtube.
What about mfb triple vco? It seems compact and cheap for what it is!

I'm interested in what you discover. Likewise I am adding modules to expand my Doepfer Dark Energy but I'm building a small complete system now. I thought about going down the traditional Deopfer but to me by spending a bit more you get a lot more.

I have Polaris, Braids, Peaks, Veils and looking to add Maths - I thought about Function but people tell me on Gearslutz Maths is worth the extra $. And a good VCO module.

ModularGrid Rack

Thanks for response!
Mutable instruments is a must have in a modern modular set up I think but I look for them later.I try not to be confused that's why
my first modules will be more sound processors for my microbrute.