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As far as being "new" or "noob", I'd go for multi-function modules that can give you lots of possibilities. Think Pam's New Workout, Temps Utile (like PNW), Ornaments & Crime, Expert Sleepers Disting (the dual one), etc.
Multi-function modules allow you to explore a bit, especially the Disting series. You can get hands-on with different utilities and see which settings you are using the most. If you're using that program the most, then consider buying a dedicated module with more features and that is easier to use.
That's not the only strategy you can use. But it's a good one as far as finding out what works for you.
:), thanks again for your kind support! I just finished my modular setup after returning from vacation, so there is more to come. Gonna try some ambient without any beats next...
If you every time after your holidays come up with music like this, then we should keep sending you on short holidays and as a reward get a superb track like this! Spot on, again :-)
I enjoyed this very much, you made my Saturday night perfect, thank you very much for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.
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It's a bit pity to use a VCA as a kind of pre-VCA for yet another VCA :-)
If you have a Make Noise - Maths or ModDemix you might be able to get it done with those as well, not sure, I haven't tested it myself but from the look and the quick read from the manual it looks like they should be able to help you out. The Maths Channel 2 should be taken if you consider the Maths, channel 3 has an offset of -/+5 V only while channel 2 can go up till -/+10 V.
Not sure if this helps and in case you seriously want to use a pre-VCA for a VCA and you consider to buy a new VCA for that, consider then the Waldorf - DVCA1, that's a fantastic and underestimated VCA, it can do linear or exponential or both, whatever you want and has an additional boost of up to +13.5 dB.
Good luck and kind regards, Garfield Modular.
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Your right! Looking at the manual, the Erica Synths Quad VCA's only has linear response. Bogus!
Well the Pip Slope at least works well for modulation and with my filters as a LPG. Now I just have to figure out if I am going to get another VCA to boost my envelope signal for my VCA hahah
The CV Input on my Intellijel Quad VCA was set to linear. If it's exponential it will smooth curves. I dont know if it's possible to change this on the Erica. I test it with a triangle from pamela new workout and was able to reach 10v and the shape was not altered.
Awesome idea defragmenteur! Thanks! This kinda worked. It definitely increased the contrast of the signal but not fully. It also unfortunately removed most of the decay.
Do you think I could run the signal of the Pip Slope through a mult, then take 2 channels into a mixer? Will that double my voltage? Could I do this with 3 channels and then through an offset? I really wish I had something like Data so I could monitor what my CV is actually doing haha :D
After doing some research, I saw the Frap Tools 321 which would probably solve my problem.
After migrating to the new EP-420 case, I had a bunch of modules that didn't make the cut for the new layout. So, I moved most of them into a 104hp skiff and dropped Batumi alongside them.
This is "Leftover Lasagna." It stows in a travel bag and can be powered via Polyend Anywhere. It sets hard limits and pushes me to hunt for solutions, but for a small surface it is super fun to tweak and explore.
Let me explain why I sacrificed DivKid's S&H for this build... I'm buying another one for the EP-420.
Love/hate relationship with Milky Way for many reasons, but past noise issues and I can 'feel' the firmware. I don't know...
I find XAOC Odessa to be a very interactive complex oscillator that craves a lot modulation, much like Basimilus Iteritas Alter.
If your style is to supply that modulation from VCV Rack via the ES-9 and to supplement with Pamela's New Workout then that will certainly do the job. My approach is to feed Odessa with the many knobs and sliders of modules like Maths, Marbles, Stages, Quadrax, and Planar so that I can interact with it in a very tactile way. Pamela's New Workout provides a lot of modulation sources but doesn't lend well to knob turning and sometimes leads to menu diving. If you want to play Odessa by hand then you might lean on the Microbrute knobs for that. I guess this boils down to style and approach.
One last thing: maybe consider swapping Quant for a Make Noise LxD (dual low pass gate) to open up more possibilities for Odessa (bonus: cleaning up that leftover 1hp slot). I'm assuming that Wogglebug -> Quant -> Rings was a thing in the rack's prior life, but now you've got a complex oscillator stealing the show, so priorities might change.
Anyhow, just my $.02. Looking forward to hearing noises from your new build.
Hello everyone, after an important amount of time spent searching, learning and studying i came out the final version of my “work in progress” rack; my case includes a 3U 104 hp, 2800mA on the +12V, 500 on the - 12V and 4000 mA on the 5V!
Now, from this case the MI Rings, MN Wogglebug, Erica Synths Quant and Doepfer mult are already in and the ES-9 is on pre-order.
When i was first started building it i thought the VCAs and filters were coming from VCV rack, but it makes more sense to get from there what VCV is best at: logic, utility and function generator modules!
So, i just decided to change my rig and go for a complex oscillator, a clock generator and modulator like the Pamela’s, a nice filter and a quad cascade mixer/VCA.
In addition to this rack i have an Arturia Minibrute 2S which will provide one voice, 1 to 3 ADSR eg, 1 AD eg, 2 to 5 LFOs and a 4 tracks step sequencer (16 to 64 steps x 8 patterns)!
I’ve already posted my rack in MuffWigglers, some of you may already know it... with this said, what do you think about this case? hopefully i'll manage to get something crazy out of it!
Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.
Thank you for the kinds words. I do appreciate it. Anytime I have considered publishing something or making an album, I think maybe I can improve a bit more in some way. Maybe soon I'll feel ready to give it a shot. Thanks again!
My ALM Pip Slope and my Erica Synth Black Quad VCA are not playing well. It sounds like the envelope does not fully close or open. This is because the output voltage of the Pip Slope is 0V – +5V and the Quad VCA is expecting -10V – +10V. Is there anything I can do to scale the voltage out of the Pip Slope? Thoughts? Feelings? Premonitions!?!? :)
Ha, ha, that's a large understatement. This is far beyond enjoying your track, this is at the kind of level of almost can't believe it, that kind of good and in addition of course very, very enjoyable!
This track sounds so good to me that I wonder why you not trying to publish this commercially? Perhaps here and there a twist and it's ready for sales :-)
Nicely done and what could one wish more to start a fantastic weekend with than a track like this?
Garfield's motto: yet another track like that ;-)
Thanks a lot for sharing this and providing such a good start of the weekend! Kind regards, Garfield.
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Thanks a lot for the detailed information, very interesting and very tempting :-)
A bit surprising that the 103 is a bit of a struggle regarding the space with the knobs, that's a bit of a disappointment then :-( So the 104 would be the better choice then? Since the knobs are smaller and more further away from each other that should be easier or more comfortable to use?
Thank you very much for the feedback and kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
No immediate thoughts @nkozi other than that your rack looks pretty nice, and I'm curious about the Crow. How do you like it so far?
-- troux
It's amazing - I have a Winterbloom Sol, which is very similar, but this can process CV messages in a way that's really useful. Both Crow and Sol are easy to program and I think they're gonna get me into coding and MaxMSP. I followed the 'getting started' guide for Crow, which has you building a S&H circuit, and it was super fun!
Looks like fun in a small package. As far as Plaits, I would have a hard time giving mine up. I don't use it in every patch, or even to it's full potential, but it's so handy for its versatility.
How do you like the Frap Tools module? I get a headache just looking at their panels.
-- farkas
Haven't gotten it in yet, should be here tomorrow or Monday. It's honestly the only module I've really truly lusted after - I got it for a good used price off Lines and I think it's gonna be the core of my system! At first I was daunted by the panel, but once I took a real look at it, the typography made a ton more sense than say, Maths. And yeah, I really do love Plaits, but I wish it had a sync input.
I would have to recommend a few different configurations in the same 20hp that Maths takes up. I have Maths, but I think there are better solutions for most people (myself included). Batumi, Zadar, Joranalogue Contour, Happy Nerding 3xMIA for attenuverting/mixing duties... As the track you posted features a lot of lo-fi vocoding and noise, I would suggest considering a Disting MkIV or Disting EX for a boatload of functionality (including vocoder, filters, effects, LFOs, etc.) in a small space. I use a MkIV for vocoding with the A119 and an Acid Rain Chainsaw for a similar effect as the track posted. Noise generators are pretty easy to find too. The Bastl Noise Square looks like a good small option (5hp).
Have fun and good luck!
Looks like fun in a small package. As far as Plaits, I would have a hard time giving mine up. I don't use it in every patch, or even to it's full potential, but it's so handy for its versatility.
How do you like the Frap Tools module? I get a headache just looking at their panels.
Hi! First post; Been into (virtual) modular for about a year, Eurorack for about 9 months, and I've built up a fun and useable system. I've got most of the 3u row, and just the Mult on the 1u row, but I'm keeping my eyes peeled for deals on a Mangrove, and the release of the new Delta-V.
I make all sorts of music, but typical use modular approaches for sequencing (when virtual), designing loops, making patches for fun and not profit, etc. Not super into the 'ambient eurorack' thing, though it can be done well.
What're the takes on this? I'm thinking that the uPlaits and 2hp VCA (both of which I have irl) could be replaced with a second Mangrove or perhaps a Qu-Bit Surface, but I do really like the versatility and All-In-One nature of Plaits. If there were 10hp builds of Plaits that'd catch my eye, but here we are.
Hi everyone, I am new to modular and exploring some ideas. I'd appreciate any feedback or ideas about this rack
A bit of background: I am currently aiming to add some sound processing and shaping capability to my home studio. As a priority I'd like to have more ability to add movement, modulation and frequency control to my external polysynths (I own a Digitone and Korg Volca. I'm considering buying a Korg Wavestation).
So messing around with the rack builder, my first iteration is focused on filtering and lfo/envelope generation. I expect to be using an external sequencer to sequence the modulation - probably the Digitone to start with to trigger envelopes/lfos etc.
(Also I realise there's not a lot to it!)
I am a big fan of Chain Reaction records. Part of the sound palette I'm trying to unlock includes sounds a bit like this - crunchy phasing and notch filtering, long high end sweeps, as well as punchier synth generated percussive sounds.
I like the idea of adding warmth and drive - but I'm generally not interested in acid sounds or excessively distorting the signal. (I initially looked at Sherman Filterbank, but it was far too focused on sound mangling)
Filter => Belgrad
- I love the control you seem to get on the Belgrad, especially the balance knob, so I'm not just tied to tweaking the cutoff.
- Are there other filters I could be looking at?
Envelope/LFO => Maths
- Er, its a Maths. I've never used one, but it seems right for the LFO and envelope work I'd need something to do. In general, I'm interested in how far I can get with LFOs rather than ADSR for plucking, sweeps etc
- Anything else I should be considering for this kind of use case?
Line In => A119
- An envelope follower on the in seems like a common sense move for a rig like this.
Line out =>Ladik A541
- On the off-chance that I ended up with 2 parallel signals, this could take them and mix them.
MIDI to CV - External
- I will certainly want to sequence the modulation, but that will probably start off being done with an external Midi to CV device, as I think we have one lying around.
- Are there any specific benefits to having MIDI to CV in the case?
As well as feedback on these choices, I'd also be interested in where I could take this - especially if anyone has any fancy ideas :) Potentially interested in:
- any module that could add unexpected new functionality to the rack. I like the idea of doing something with the Belgrad self-oscillation.
- other audio processing that might work in a rack like this. Considering things like chorus, phase shift, freeze...
- Semi-stereo-ish? I'm not sure I have the budget or inclination to commit to stereo across the whole rack - but I'm possibly interested in any efficient ways to apply some stereo widening at some point in the chain
Ok interesting to hear and disappointing as the Folktek stuff looks very cool and actually really enjoyed the videos where they showcase the sounds - particularly where a kalimba was hooked up
Just been looking at the Chronoblob2 and does seem very good but seems in the UK out of stock everywhere! I did also notice the Zzorbs filter Alright Devices have recently released which also sounds very good - quite different to the Jove I have added to my kit but interesting to think that a combo of those modules would free up 8hp for the future. So many choices!
Currently, I have the Make Noise Mimeophon and for the most part it's great for what I do. It can also be clocked/gated.
The Nano Garden is okay, but, honestly, I find it more of an art piece/novelty item as opposed to an instrument, and I have a feeling I'll probably sell it at some point. I got really infatuated with his stuff because of the aesthetics, and the Matter ii could generate some great sounds, but I find the build quality a little suspect for the price. For example, the Nano Garden is over $500. I should not have a tight knob/pot, but I do. In addition, the switch for the power supply was non-functional within hours of delivery. For that kind of money, everything should be perfect, and it wasn't. Please don't misunderstand, I'm really not dogging them, it seems like it takes a lot of time to build their pieces and that carries a cost that has to be recouped, and they are definitely beautiful, but the attention to detail might not be at the level of other manufacturers from a functional standpoint. Caveat emptor.
Honestly, I think the same could be said for Ciat-Lonbarde, but for whatever irrational reason I am more forgiving where his work is concerned and I continue to build my C-L collection.
"Thanks mate:)the pitch on the E352 is called tv/oct right??" think so yes.
I can see it's a little unclear, so the idea I'm suggesting with the Maths, is that you use something like TipTop stackcables (seen here and patch the right side function output into, let's say, the E352 CV X, but also into the left side rise or fall or both (it's in between) of the Maths function generator. This means that as the right side function proceeds it will change the behavior of the left side. If you then feed the left function out into let's say E352 CV Y, but also into the right side rise or fall or both, the two functions will be controlling each others behavior in a weird feedback loop, while also controlling different aspects of your oscillator. Attenuverters and offset will let you adjust the range of that feedback and how wild or unpredictable it might get.
@baltergeist - interesting - I will check out Chronoblob.
How do you find the Nano garden? Am I right in thinking it is basically an Alter 2 with the mics built in? I am mostly interested in the Alter 2 due to the time stretching capabilities but wonder can you plug external geat through the Nano garden also?
One simple idea: SQ-1 slowly into 352 pitch, have the Maths controlling two of CV X, Y, or Z, in cycle mode on both sides, but with each function out stacked into an attenuverter/offset that then feeds back into the other, so that they can slowly respond to and control each other.
-- troux
Thanks mate:)the pitch on the E352 is called tv/oct right??
also what do you mean by this.
but with each function out stacked into an attenuverter/offset that then feeds back into the other, so that they can slowly respond to and control each other.
One simple idea: SQ-1 slowly into 352 pitch, have the Maths controlling two of CV X, Y, or Z, in cycle mode on both sides, but with each function out stacked into an attenuverter/offset that then feeds back into the other, so that they can slowly respond to and control each other.
Distings are definitely feature-packed, but I find menu-diving on modules to be a pain in the ass. So much so that I'm considering selling my Plonk (well, and the fact that I really don't use it much anymore). Of course, having something like a Disting and setting it and forgetting it seems like a bit of a waste too.... The only module I really tolerate it for is my Ornament and Crime, which I absolutely love.
Personally, I would definitely keep Marbles, I miss it. Also... MATHS. I know, I know, but it, at least for me, truly is a useful module and it looks like you have room. One other suggestion - Folktek stuff is very cool, I've had a few pieces and still have a Nano Garden, but you might be better off with a Chronoblob 2 or something similar. I think they're less hp too. Just some random thoughts.
What would you think of swapping the Tiptop Audio One sample player with the Disting Ex in this setup? Seems like there are some great functions in there as well as the sampler and prefer it to the MK4 as the menu looks easier to navigate (although of course more expensive).
Also thinking of exchanging one of the Doepfer A140 ADSR with a Joranlogue Contour 1 as again seems to have a lot more functionality?
Lastly was thinking of adding a Pico DSP effects module as it is only 3hp and would be handy whilst I wait for the Folktek (if I still go for it).
@Garfield - Having got the ADDAC 105 (4 voice cluster) its the same form-factor as the 104, if I chose again i would maybe go with the 104 instead of the 103 as the knobs and switches are soooooooo close to each other. Though, that said once I've picked and set my percussion sounds on the 103 I can pretty much leave it alone.
The wave drone sound comes from the Ochd modulating the Cut-off on the 105 (then going through Clouds reverb) weird little beast, actually thought it was faulty, though I seem to be assured otherwise by ADDAC. Something to do wih how the settings of one knob effect the others and to the point where there will be no sound, but you can get some nice results though just a lot of variables.... whether hitting it with Gates, Triggers or LFOs all change the character of the sound that comes out with the varying settings of Decay.
Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.
It seems as though several of us recently found the Rossum Electro-Music Panharmonium. Others are creating some really great stuff with it. Here's my first attempt to patch it in my new Structure EP-420 case build.
For this patch, I pushed Trident and DPO through QPAS. For an additional voice component, I brought in a Zoom H2n mic while my kids were talking nearby. All three voices are run through Clouds, Panharmonium, and Mimeophon for reverb and delay. The kids' voices add a semi-random texture to the other two oscillators. A simple two-step sequence from Rene plays Trident and DPO while all other pitched notes and modulation are created using DivKid øchd and Pamela's New Workout. I add additional texture and modulations by playing Intellijel Planar over the patch.
The @Pittsburgh Modular Structure EP-420 is a beautiful case. I cannot overstate the presence it has in my studio. It's a -big- case that you can really wander and swim around in when "fully stocked." I raised mine with 2 inches of foam and parked two Moog Mother 32's in front of it. They fit like a glove.
Panharmonium is deep and I have a lot to learn. It can be a massively complex drone engine, so I had to snag it. We'll see how it goes!
Update - Fixed a major source of noise when migrating from 3x140HP skiffs powered by uZeus power supplies and flying bus cables to an EP-420 with a very clean power supply. I will be replacing those monitors, but the case migration alone helped quite a bit.