Hi Lugia,

Thank you very much for your opinion and the provided information. So there are already two modules around (or beyond) the 1k line you approve of ;-) The Sinfonion and the Vector+Jack Expander ;-)

That most likely means that if Ground Control from Endorphin.es is not going to be released that I will seriously going to consider this sequencer (Vector+Jack Expander), just need a "bit" (to be read as: "tons") of time to save money for that bank-plunderer!

Okay, thank you very much and for my bank account's sake I hope the Ground Control will be released ;-) Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Thread: New Stuff

This week is my birthday, so I finished up an album to give away to everyone. These songs are a bit different than the other stuff I've shared (though that doesn't mean they're any good). There's no artsy unifying concept other than it's an expression of my influences and love of electronic music over the years. There's the spirit of krautrock, psychedelic and shoegaze, some Prince, some bangin' 90s acid techno a la Josh Wink or Plastikman, some Brian Eno, some Oval, some drone, some Kraftwerk, William S. Burroughs, and a slow-burn blooming dark minimal techno track all rolled into 35 minutes.
It would mean a lot if you gave it a spin. Hey, it's free... (though you can send me money if you want😜).
Hope you find something you like. Thanks for being a cool group of folks!


That is very helpful. I was curious about the power supply!
I replaced the Roland mixer and that freed up room for your suggestions.

If you're planning on putting the modules into a Moog 60 hp skiff, please note that those are unpowered. This configuration won't work; I suggest dropping the Ears and replacing this with a uZeus and a flying bus cable.

One drawback of learning modular via software emulations (miRack, VCV, Softube, etc) is that you DON'T learn about the power circuits. Convenient when using the software, but VERY apt to cause mistakes such as the one above.

Oh, and the Plaits won't track the Moog's VCOs as-is; there's some CV disrepancies, and something such as an Erica MScale is necessary to correct this.

Everything in Eurorack costs a lot, but for mixers it's ridiculous.
-- the-erc

Not necessarily. Ladik has their M-610, six channels, with pan and mono/stereo i/o, for $100, and it's expandable several ways. Now, yes, this means you won't have VCAs on every single thing, but it's just as simple to put your level control VCAs upstream from the M-610's inputs and then you'll get the same result. Autopanning: same deal...put the panner upstream of one channel, patch its outs to both sides of an M-610 input and leave the pan pot in the center. About the only things you'd lose with this over a higher-end performance mixer would be mutes and AUX send/return...but yet again, these can all be worked around. Even with the workarounds, also, you still come out ahead, monetarily.

Hello, I’ve Been messing around with miRack simulator and I’m hooked. Ready to start playing with the physical modules. I’ve decided to start with the Mother-32 because I love the sound, and the sequencing and patching panel. I like the small table top size and I know in the future I would like to add another stack but keep it small. Any thoughts on this setup?
I know the black panel Maths is impossible to find, I just couldn’t resist keeping the all black theme as long as I’m dreaming. I like the thought of the contact mic for tactile purposes and plugging in other instruments. Mostly not sure about the mixer.

So, my I ask you a direct question and I am hoping for an honest (and not a diplomatic) answer ;-) ? Is the combination of Five12 - Vector + Jack Expander (bit over 1k bucks together) worth it? If yes, why, if not, why not?
-- GarfieldModular

No, I definitely think it's worth it. The Vector is a wildly complex and super-versatile sequencer, given all of the different algorhythmic/generative capabilities that're hiding inside of it. And the ability to get inside of it with a computer is really appealing, plus you can store complex instruction sets for it internally via its own microSD. The breakout module just ups the ante, too...allowing you to use the Vector to sequence more than just the Eurorack stuff. It's very DEEP, and as a result it's got a bit of learning curve...but man, the POWER...

Hey Garfield,

put all blame on me if it helps ;)... But I hope you can keep your wife and your house! :)

There is no deep menu diving on the vector. Most buttons have double or triple function, like gate/step length/step repeat or pitch/glide or chance type/chance amount/chance bar. Also some configuration like globals has some menus not deep but scroll with left poti or prev/next button. There are also some button combos but these are very good labeled and the manual covers it all. Also patch notes describe very good what new combinations are possible. Jim has a also a good talent to keep the vector usable while maintaining and adding functions.

I am a very happy owner and I had a long journey and for me it's safe to say: I found it, I found "my" sequencer...

And you can sell it anyways if it does not suit you. It seems to be very stable in value. I saw some used with expander for like 100 bucks less than original price and they have been sold...

Hmmm, still not an easy decision, I know. But as I recommended, take your time to watch loopops video and there are also some more on yt...


Everything in Eurorack costs a lot, but for mixers it's ridiculous. Just to pick two things in stock at Thomann today :
* Befaco Hexmix + Hexpander = £730
* Soundcraft Signature 22MTK = £700
The difference in capability between the two is huge. By all accounts Hexmix is a good mixer, but you pay a gigantic premium to have it your rack. If you really need that for your live show or whatever I guess you just have to pay it, although there are lots of mixers in 19" format. In the studio it's nuts.

People often say modular is a bad choice for drums, but at least there are lots of interesting options (like BIA, the WMD modules, the SSF Entities... drool) that don't have obvious equivalents in other formats. Big multi-channel mixers -- nah.

Obvious this does not apply to small inline mixers that can do CV as well as audio. Those are essential.

Might want to check out happy nerdings 3xmia great value/hp.

York Modular

all do inexpensive matrix mixers

I think it you want small go for the AISynthesis, if you want nice ergonomics go for the doepfer
-- JimHowell1970

think i will go for the AIsynthesis,also looking forward to testing the hermod sequencer with the E352 this coming weekend


Got a Mantis Case and a Grandterminal+expander for sale,PM Me

you need mixers in the rack - both for modulation (ideally a matrix mixer) and for sub-mixing audio before feeding to filters/effects etc, and for panning of mono signals if your final output is stereo

the simple way to judge if you need attenuators or an output module before hitting an external mixer or audio interface is to try it:

1 straight from final module - does it clip (distort) or sound bad in any other way? - if no stop - if yes continue

2 use attenuators - try attenuators in between the final module and the mixer/interface - same question as above - same results!

3 use an output module - if you need balanced outputs then get them - if you don't need balanced outputs, then the chances are that atttenuators and converter cables are all that is really needed

If you need a headphone output then get a headphone output - 2hp and ALM Busy Circuits are places to look for dedicated modules

1/4"->1/8" cables and Passive attenuators - are really cheap - and you almost definitely need them anyway - 2hp trim or pushermanproductions do a DIY 8 channel trimmer - or any other attenuator you already have to try

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Like I mentioned, it's all a matter of taste, but I find (and I think some folks here would agree) that the cost to effectiveness ratio of modular drums is not all that great. I've spent a fair amount of money on drum modules and rhythm sequencing options and ultimately enjoy the process and results of my $300 Behringer RD8 much more than most of the drums I come up with in my rack. Basimilus's sound and modulation versatility are excellent, and it's fun to stumble upon interesting or random rhythmic ideas with modules like Euclidean Circles (which I may end up buying one of these days), but overall I find modular drums as a good supplement to external drums. Elektron makes great drum machines, though I didn't click with their interface, so the immediacy, versatility, and value of the Roland x0x-style drum machines makes a LOT more sense to me. Drums and polyphony are where I find weaknesses in the modular approach, so those are the external sources I incorporate with my rack.
Edit Check out the WMD drum modules. The Crucible, Crater, Chimera, and Fracture are pretty awesome.
The Cs-L looks killer. I've got the Furthrrr Generator and you'd have to pry it from my cold dead hands. :)
After you start getting some modules in your rack, you will know what you need next. You will find yourself reaching for something that isn't there, and that's the next module you need to get. The Expert Sleepers Disting Mk4 or Disting EX is a good module to get early on because it covers so many of those functions that you don't realize you will need. Take a look through the manual for the huge list of functions it can serve. It's kind of menu-divey and not super fun to use, but I'm finding it more and more valuable every day. I'm still finding new things it can do.
Keep us updated and let us know what you decide. Have fun!

Haha.... do you need me to make a Longer verson.


Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


Thank you, Sacguy71

I see what you mean about the cost as I search around.

I will add all of your suggestions to my lost of mods to review.
Kinks and Links have been suggested twice now.

Thank you, again. I'm off to check these out.

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I too had this question. For my external mixer, I use a Keith McMillen K-mix which I love as it has bright lights and touch sensitive pads and provides 8 inputs/8 outputs plus on board reverb and compression effects. For modular mixers, I use my VCAs that have attenuators/inverters as well as a Doepfer A138c polarizer mixer and 3 channel Intellijel Mixup that has mutes and volume levels. The advantage of modular mixers from what I currently understand is the ability to mix CV and audio signals to create best submixes before send to a PA system or external mixer. Submixes are super useful! So if you have 4 voices and want to route these in creative ways then you can do so better than just send from VCA to an external audio mixer. I am saving for a larger case to get an all in one modular mixer that can let me route many voices and have CV control and mutes like the WMD Performance Mixer or the Befaco Hexmix.

Patching during a passing thunderstorm. The Pacific tree frogs are singing...

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I use my Elektron Octatrack as my external drum machine as modular drums would easily cost me 5x. That said, the BIA is tons of fun and can do a lot more than just drums which is why I love mine especially paired with the NE Cursus Iteritas. I recommend Kinks and Links. I use these utility support modules all the time in patches so useful. Attentuators/mixers are key as well to create submixes and route options. I need to add more to my setup- MI Shades is perfect for this sort of thing. On my list for the holidays.

Wow thank you! Lot to digest but I will give my initial thought and follow through on the suggestions.

Side comment: It irks me when someone posts a question like mine asking for feedback on something they plan to do and then argues with every suggestion from more knowledgeable people. Yes, I have become emotionally attached to this rack that doesn't even exist yet but what does that matter if I build it and then find it is just a miserable experience due to poor choices? So I'm setting my feelings aside and opening my mind to take in all I can. And of course the beauty of modular is anything I kick from the rack now could always be added later to a well balanced system if I just can't let it go.

Great info. With 2020 being what it is, it's definitely a good time to get back into making some music. I love Amon Tobin and Fever Ray.

It's funny I hadn't really thought about making music for a long time and then I stumbled on to people doing fun things on YouTube and started to get the itch again.

Well, let's think about your proposed rack. You have a few different sequencers (Mimetic, Steppy, Euclidean), all with different strengths, weaknesses, and learning curves. Have you considered combining these into a single, more powerful, full-featured sequencer? I would recommend a master clock like Pamela's New Workout for sure (It can do gate sequencing, Euclidean rhythm stuff, LFOs, etc. with 8 outputs, 12 if you get the expander). The sequencer itself is a matter of taste, but I would try to whittle it down to one good one that can do multiple channels of gate and CV.

My thinking process that got me to 3 sequencers was I liked the Euclidean first, especially the interface for dialing in the various rhythms generated. But it's only going to drive a drum kit not the entire system and in general I don't want everything sequenced anyway. I then saw various people using mimetic and basimilus paired together to make interesting percussion and bass lines. Finally, I did realize that sometimes you just want to sequence something simple: a kick, a snare or some cv input and so I added the steppy which is out of the way in the 1U space until you need it.

But with that said, I will start a new rack from scratch and follow your recommendations. I hear Pamela's workout get talked about a lot. I know I watched some videos showing it's usage and didn't get excited about it from what I saw. I don't recall why off hand but I will set that aside and just add it to the rack as the master clock and look at other sequencers.

Again, a matter of taste but, I feel like there are better options for drums beside the Queen of Pentacles. It's getting very mixed reviews, and for that kind of money I think I would choose an outboard option like the Roland TR8s, TR6s, or something similar. You would have access to every great drum machine sound of the past, sample playback, fun and intuitive sequencing, and some effects. I think the TR8s also functions as a USB interface as well, but you may want to check on that. I have Endorphin.es prior drum machine (Blck Noir), and it's a love/hate thing. I rarely get exactly what I want out of it. I also have Endorphin.es Milky Way effects module, and I would HIGHLY suggest you consider replacing it with a Happy Nerding FX Aid XL. Similar cost and only 6hp, and it's a much more versatile multi-effects module. It may even diminish your Erbe Verb GAS.

Hmmm I really wanted to avoid external gear but I do see for the price the TR8 is probably a better value compared to the QoP. But like you said elsewhere in your reply part of the fun is modulating everything. so externalizing the drums seems to be counter to what I'd like to do. Also, I've owned a stand alone drum machine before and I found tapping in each part to not be my greatest strength. I do though have a good ear for what I like. Which is why I liked the Euclid Circles. Turning those knobs and listening to the different rhythms interact is really immediate and satisfying.

I liked the sound I heard demoing from the QoP that I would describe as dark and agressive. Do you have suggestions for another drum module that would do the job better with a better range of CV inputs?
I will do some follow up as well looking into the TR8. Maybe its usage is different than my limited experience.
I didn't mind the cost of the QoP if it delivered a enjoyable experience but do admit I wasn't crazy with the amount of space it took up. .

Basimilus is fun. Arbhar looks like a blast too. Maths, Ochd, and the stereo mixer are good ideas. I would recommend looking for modules that have CV inputs though, so you can modulate all of the parameters. That's the whole fun of modular. It doesn't look like you can control volume or panning via CV on the mixer you've chosen.

Good to hear positive about those modules.

Yes, as for the mixer I was just trying to find something to mix the various sound sources down for the stereo out and wasn't thinking as far as cv modulation and performance type control for this control. I will chuck it and keep looking for something better.

You have the Optomix low pass gate, which is great, but I would recommend adding a complex oscillator to have fun with that. Something like the DPO, Furthrrr Generator, Verbos, etc. will be so versatile for melodies, percussion, and general wacky bleeps and bloops.

I had the Instruo CS-L in the rack at one point to work with the Optomix in just that way but before I posted I pulled it out to free up some space for suggestions. I will spend some time comparing it with the other complex oscillators you suggested.

Finally, utilities like VCAs, mults, sample-and-hold, submixers, logic, and the like will be very important too, and you don't have a lot of that stuff. Mutable Instruments' Links and Kinks are small invaluable utility tools that should be in a smaller rack like this.

Part of me finally posting this was I knew I was lacking utility but lack the real world wisdom to know how best to fill that gap other than just buying a bunch of each with little idea of if I was under or over doing it. Also, some of the complex modules can satisfy multiple roles like Maths but does it replace one stand alone VCA, two, three? It's these little details that I have spent the most time on with the least amount of progress. I will check out links and kinks, thank you.

Those were my first thoughts as I looked over your rack idea. I'm sure others will have some good ideas too.
Have fun and good luck!
-- farkas

Thank you, I have a whole bunch more research to do now. Good thing I enjoy the process.

Jamming on DPO, a Moog Mother 32, and Telharmonic with support from DFAM. A bit of fun with Clouds. Interesting filter modulation and notes provided by DivKid ochd and RND STEP. Thunderstorm approaching and a nearby transformer just blew. Time to power down, but hope you enjoy! :-)

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Also take a look at the Frap Tools USTA as you can capture CV and replay it:

It looks like a fun sequencer. I'd say for me and perhaps you, Garfield:

Frap Tools USTA
512 Vector
Winter Eloquencer
WMD Metron- cool drum sequencer
Endorphin.es Ground Control - if it ever arrives

Once COVID ends and synth shops open again then I will try these out before buying another sequencer.

Hi Lugia,

Ha, ha, yeah, funny spelling that Sinfonion ;-) I agree with you on the complexity of the Sinfonion, it might be one of those very few modules that one never stops learning about...

So, my I ask you a direct question and I am hoping for an honest (and not a diplomatic) answer ;-) ? Is the combination of Five12 - Vector + Jack Expander (bit over 1k bucks together) worth it? If yes, why, if not, why not?

Thanks a lot in advance for your opinion and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Gabor,

I fully agree here with Wishbonebrewery, this is some serious good stuff!

The beginning of your track is superb, building up a serious tense towards the listener. My heart felt like it was bonking out of my chest, so tense, so great! You really have some good and beautiful sounds in here, it keeps me pressing again, and again the play button. While I am writing this post, I am listening for the 8th time this track, no kidding! Pressing now for the 9th time the play button because I forgot to wrote a paragraph... (and I am waiting till it's finished, which is now, pressing for the 10th time after submitting this post)

Nice view on your setup too! He, he, I always love to see your OP-1 in your setup :-) That red "thingy" there in the right upper corner, is that a North synthesizer? What is that exactly? Don't tell me it's the rack version of the G2, is it?

I was worried about my average/dull weekend, this weekend, but you just made my weekend closing down perfectly! Thank you very much! Beautifully done and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

The EP-270 is sort of a tried-n-true thing, because that angled panel setup is pretty much one of main features of the ARP 2600's UI. It allows the system to be at a comfortable playing level while still keeping the controls face-on for easy reading. I wish you saw more of this sort of cab in the Eurorack environment instead of flat skiffs/cases or purely vertical ones.

As for the Moog cab idea, actually, that's not a bad one. Assuming 4 hp for a uZeus in an empty Moog skiff, that would still allow 56 hp for a "sidecar" cab of Euro stuff, and it + the Moogs could then fit nicely in one of the Moog 3-tier frames. I'd suggest the sidecar go in the middle slot, also...easy routing of those signals to either the DFAM or Subby. DO note, however, that you'll want to locate an Erica MScale in there as well to deal with some CV oddities that the Moogs have that aren't 100% Eurorack "kosher".

TBH, the Sinfonion (GAH! That spelling is throwing me for a loop! I'm far more used to "SinfoniAn") is one of the very few $1k-area modules that I would ever recommend. Most super-expensive modules are sort of...uh...not really supposed to be super-expensive, but the Sinfoniaaaaaaagh...on is more akin to a scalar "computer". I'm not surprised that it sucks up loads of other signal sources; it's incredibly complex, and has more uses than I can even sort out. For generative work, it would be pretty close to a "core module"...just send it piles of voltage curves and set the scalar/sequential elements, then STAND BACK.

Thread: Portable

Avoid the buffered mult. You won't need it; there's not enough here, so CV/mod signal regeneration isn't necessary. Only if you have to split out a CV or mod signal to four or more sources that require exact voltage scaling for things like tuning, mod rate, etc will you wind up needing a buffered multiple. And, given that, you could just as well add a second DVCA into that space you'd save. Or, if possible, chuck the DVCA and stuff one of the new, updated Veils in for four VCAs. The new 2020 version fits into 10 hp, also...2 smaller, plus at $199 it's cheaper than a pair of DVCAs ($238). And in the process, you get a mixer too!

This, btw, is the key to making these little crackerbox builds. 1-function-per-module ain't gonna cut it in those situations; you MUST have modules that have multiple functions, otherwise you'll wind up with a very underpowered system simply due to the scale of the build. But, that being said, I don't advocate these sorts of builds at all. When it's just as easy to get a powered portable 2 x 104 case (like a Mantis), trying to jam everything into this small a space is a real brain-buster of a task. If you've not built this physically yet, you might want to consider that point.

You'll dig it...VCV really should be "standard knowledge" for anyone approaching modular. It is literally the only FREE method for figuring out how modular happens and what it's good for. A few months with it, and THEN go back to hardware ideas...and you'll find that your build efforts are a lot more on the money.

Hi Wishbonebrewery,

Oh yes, very relaxing, great! Pity you can't be arsed ;-)

Ha, ha, just kidding. I was listening and suddenly it was quiet and I didn't really know what happened to me, till I realised that your track came to a stop and that was the reason why suddenly the world stopped around me... So, this track could have been twice or thrice its length and it would still have been too short for me.

Thank you very much for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Thx - that 4 row rack is just too expensive as would filling it with stuff!!

Als0, not sure I need the flat row as most of my controller options are external anyway. But the sloped EP-270 is near the top of my list. Or just a rectangular one that I could always lay flat or tilt back.

Also, I'm wondering if I might do a plain case with a flying bus power for a few modules and then just use the wall warts for the two moogs. I know it would be a somewhat short term solution. But that would be good enough for a while.

Hi Jingo,

Oh that's great news and I have overlooked that Direction thing on page 4 :-(

Whoops, that means Five12 - Vector + Jack Expander increases once again of being my main sequencer :-) It's the price that keeps me away from it otherwise I think I would have ordered it already...

If my wife wants to divorce from me because I sold the house to be able to pay this sequencer, I am going to blame you for it, all right? ;-)

Okay one last question on this sequencer to be really sure :-) How's the menu diving, not too extreme I hope? Because if there is something I don't like then that's (deep) menu diving! One level okay (Sinfonion has for example most of it just one level), in certain cases two levels might be all right but that should be it, so please let me know.

Thanks a lot for the information and trying to convince me (you almost got me convinced)! Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Farkas,

I love the Sinfonion. If you are interested I can recommend to download the manual from ACL's website. The manual is easy to read and here and there a bit humour has been added, so it's not "dry-stuff" you are reading, I feel it's one of the better manuals out there under the Eurorack modules.

Then the Sinfonion itself, well most I told you already in my above post. Though it's a fantastic module, one has to keep in mind that it is a serious black hole that sucks up any module that's nearby located. You are really going to need almost every module you have in your setup (at least in my case) because you need tons of modules to keep all those channels "happy". 3 voices, chords (4 voices/oscillators would be nice, with 3 it can be done too) and an arpeggio, so preferable you need at least 8 oscillators then plenty of LFOs, EGs, large mixer or several mixers, VCAs, filters modules, etcetera (well you know the drill) to keep the entire thing going and working the way you like it. That's why I call it the black hole of my setup, all modules are being "slurped up" by the Sinfonion ;-)

In the far future, I might even consider a second Sinfonion however that costs yet another fortune, so I am not too sure about that at all.

Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Great info. With 2020 being what it is, it's definitely a good time to get back into making some music. I love Amon Tobin and Fever Ray.
Well, let's think about your proposed rack. You have a few different sequencers (Mimetic, Steppy, Euclidean), all with different strengths, weaknesses, and learning curves. Have you considered combining these into a single, more powerful, full-featured sequencer? I would recommend a master clock like Pamela's New Workout for sure (It can do gate sequencing, Euclidean rhythm stuff, LFOs, etc. with 8 outputs, 12 if you get the expander). The sequencer itself is a matter of taste, but I would try to whittle it down to one good one that can do multiple channels of gate and CV.
Again, a matter of taste but, I feel like there are better options for drums beside the Queen of Pentacles. It's getting very mixed reviews, and for that kind of money I think I would choose an outboard option like the Roland TR8s, TR6s, or something similar. You would have access to every great drum machine sound of the past, sample playback, fun and intuitive sequencing, and some effects. I think the TR8s also functions as a USB interface as well, but you may want to check on that. I have Endorphin.es prior drum machine (Blck Noir), and it's a love/hate thing. I rarely get exactly what I want out of it. I also have Endorphin.es Milky Way effects module, and I would HIGHLY suggest you consider replacing it with a Happy Nerding FX Aid XL. Similar cost and only 6hp, and it's a much more versatile multi-effects module. It may even diminish your Erbe Verb GAS.
Basimilus is fun. Arbhar looks like a blast too. Maths, Ochd, and the stereo mixer are good ideas. I would recommend looking for modules that have CV inputs though, so you can modulate all of the parameters. That's the whole fun of modular. It doesn't look like you can control volume or panning via CV on the mixer you've chosen.
You have the Optomix low pass gate, which is great, but I would recommend adding a complex oscillator to have fun with that. Something like the DPO, Furthrrr Generator, Verbos, etc. will be so versatile for melodies, percussion, and general wacky bleeps and bloops.
Finally, utilities like VCAs, mults, sample-and-hold, submixers, logic, and the like will be very important too, and you don't have a lot of that stuff. Mutable Instruments' Links and Kinks are small invaluable utility tools that should be in a smaller rack like this.
Those were my first thoughts as I looked over your rack idea. I'm sure others will have some good ideas too.
Have fun and good luck!

Thank you for your reply @farkas.

I'm not very good at sticking to a genre but in general glitchy beats, dark atmospheres, samples with some warble.
Inspired by artists like Murcof, Amon Tobin, Burial, Fever Ray for some tonal examples.

I'm interested more in the generative possibilities that in sequencing but I'd like a bit of both as it's nice to have some steady elements to root things while the generative aspects dance around.

Gear wise: I played in live bands from the mid 80's to early 90's and collected the basics of a studio with gear at that time. Then transitioned to making music on the PC for the remained of the 90's.
After that family and career (I'm a software engineer) cut more and more into my music time. I was planning to move internationally in 2020 before the pandemic hit and so sold all of my old gear over the last couple years in preparation. So as of right now, it will be this modular and some headphones. If things go well I will eventually need some additional gear and an interface with my computer but I'm in no rush.

My intention for the modular system is a creative outlet away from the computer screen that I can nerd out on. In the past I mostly worked alone but I see there is a modular store that seems to have fostered a local community that I would like to get to know. Pandemic has this introvert missing humans.

Budget-wise I have enough resources to go really nuts but considering this is a hobby and not my career there is an upper bound to what is reasonable. Of course when GAS kicks in I'm sure my idea of what is reasonable will slide upwards. But as a starting point I think $5k is a reasonable place to be. I have spent a lot of time looking at the Make Noise shared system. I like a lot of what is included in the shared system but I know I'd almost immediately want to get all the modules above that are from other companies.

Also as a noob that knows he is a noob I realize that I have a learning curve to climb and taking the the time to do so slowly gives me time to explore each module and how it can interact with its neighbors. Too many shiny things all at once can be counter productive.

Let me know if I can answer further questions and thank you for the help.

Thread: Portable

Looking to add some utilities from 2hp: Buff, Mix, VCA

this is great!! Top stuff.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


Thread: first patch

hey @mog00 that first track is lovely :)

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


Hmmm... I have a lot of thoughts here, but first, what kind of music are you hoping to create with this, and do you have any other synth/sequencing/drum gear already?

ModularGrid Rack

I'm putting together my first rack. This is more aspirational road map than exact blue print. I have plenty more modules I would like to add but have left some space for the feedback I get here. I could buy all at once but I suspect starting in the top left and working my way across a few modules at a time to learn is more realistic.

I would like this to be a stand alone box as much as possible.

Thank you for your feedback. I hope my first attempt isn't too painful for the seasoned pro's.

No patch notes, I can't be arsed, hope you find this relaxing :)

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


Made a patch based on these three mighty modules.

I am inspired by birth, death and the events inbetween.


Oh, that's right. I forgot you had a Sinfonion. One of these days I would love to try one of those out.

Nice one. Knowledge in this ocean is amoeba level so if this site can help. Thanks luiga

Hey Garfield,

I can confirm that it can run other than forward.
But you can also read it in the manual on page 4, sequence controls:
DIR: Direction: Forwards, backwards, alternate with or without repeating
the ends, or run randomly.

You can't do anything wrong with this sequencer ;)... Except become broke when buying it.


Hi Farkas,

What you describe about the Voltage Block, those things, in a way, I have that functionality already in the Sinfonion (from ACL). Sinfonion is fantastic and I wish I can find a kind of main sequencer that can co-operate nicely together with the Sinfonion.

Sinfonion has a bit different setup as the usual sequencer (not in a bad way, by the way), so that's why I am looking for yet another sequencer. The Sinfonion, from my point of view at least, focusses more on arpeggio and chords, which is by the way fantastic and of course has yet another 3 channels available for melodies, though real classic sequencing is for those 3 channels kind of limited or not possible, the focus on those 3 channels is to get a kind of melody out of it, which is superb!

For a good reason the Sinfonion is called a chord progression sequencer; I therefore look for a classic (but good and not too limited in possibilities) sequencer to go along with my Sinfonion.

Thank you and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hey Jingo,

Thanks a lot for those links, weird I thought when I checked the Jack Expander here at ModularGrid that there were no HPs indicated but now I see it's 12 HP :-)

Of course I downloaded the Vector user guide already (v1.4 indeed), but unless I overlooked it, I don't think this sequencer can do anything else than running forward (or can it go backward, random, ping-pong, etcetera? If yes, where can I find that in the manual)?

I saw a few bits of Loopop's video already but I need to have a quiet moment and then watch the entire full video. Yeah... Five12 chances are getting higher now ;-) I want to wait till end of October to see if the Ground Control will be released finally by Endorphin.es.

Meanwhile, I will still look around for other ideas and sequencers, more reading, more watching videos and let's see what it is going to be :-)

Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

The original listing looks fine...just update the text/specs. Even though the image is of a digital mockup, it's still good. And if the panel change is significant enough, just do a front-on photo and drop it into the original listing.

Damned interesting module, btw...ARM based AND cheap? You oughta go talk to Robert over at AE; they did a collaborative with Dove Audio, and this might be a nice fit under the MDF, too! https://www.tangiblewaves.com/

Thread: first patch

Hi Mog00,

He, he, yeah nice noodling around with the BIA :-) Do you have the same experience as I do, that once you start "noodling around" with a patch (especially a patch like in your above example here) that you just can't stop it and continue want to keep "noodling around" with it? I love that feeling and that urge to continue not being able to stop :-) One of the pros of modular in my opinion.

Oh yes, especially the first one or two minutes your track reminds me far away a bit of the Kreidler music :-) So nice one!

Please continue to enjoy modular and thanks a lot for sharing this, kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

I wouldn't suggest hemming yourself in with a small cab just yet. Fact is, you've got some big modules in that...but lots of missing utilities and such. And a honkin' BIG buffered mult...which 1) you don't need in this small a build and 2) is so frickin' HUUUUGE that it's utterly ridiculous. I like EMW and all, but some of their utility designs leave a lot to be desired, size-wise.

But about that cab size...OK, you want to explore chaotic processes and sound design. 6U x 84 hp ain't gonna cut it, unless you use lots of tiny modules...which would make the whole mess a real PITA to control. Fact is, generative-type processes require quite a bit of modulation and modulation-dependent modules to achieve some really amazing results. And trying to shoehorn that into this cab isn't going to be fun. One other point, also: the P/S draws 4A from the wall socket...but there's NOT 4A inside the cab. Power conversion is a lossy process, so what you ACTUALLY have is 1500 mA on the 12V rails and 500 mA on the +5. Just pointing that out; never use the mains current figure to base actual module draws on, always use the internal P/S's rail currents instead.

Now, about those modules...it's not a bad selection if you're looking ONLY at "feature" modules. But the lack of many of the necessary modules to REALLY do chaotic processes is a big crippler here. And without those, you can have all the sexy modules that exist...and the rig will STILL sound like crap and be more akin to a VERY expensive noisemaker.

My suggestion here would be to STOP. As in, now. Instead of trying to suss out modular synthesis based on YT clips and windowshopping on MG, go instead to this site: https://vcvrack.com/ Get what they have, and load it with all the modules you think you need. Observe. Then start adding VCAs, attenuverters, mixers, logic, mod sources, etc etc etc...and observe the results AGAIN. You'll notice that even though those ute modules are booooooooriiiiiing looking, they're the sauce that makes the dish edible. Take them out, and you're back at noisemakers again. Get some real experience (yep! VCV is a Eurorack emulator, has many modules based on physical hardware) and get cozy with how to optimize a build between size constraints AND musical requirements, THEN come back to modular hardware...with that experience, doing a build should be a LOT easier.

Otherwise, this is gonna get expensive.

Hey Garfield,
please have a look at those links below, loopop´s video and the manual can help to make a decision :)





Hi everyone,

Im delving into the world of modular hardware, as I'm looking for more experimental sound generator and the controlled chaos that my synths cant emulate.

My line of thought was to go for the Hermod to be the brains and control centre which I can sync with my Mac and use midi if and when I choose. Plus the Euclid generator and effects for control of the "Chaos".
Sound generator - Polygogo
Filter - SE88 multimode filter
LFO - Antares Dual Analogue Modulator (Dual LFO)
EG and VCA -D&D Modules Dual ADSR / VCA
Output Interface - Befaco OUT V3

(future addons - Mixer, 2nd Osc, strymon magneto)

6U 84hp to give me room to add to the above.

Im looking at the EOWAVE 6U 84 -
- 6U in 84HP and 104HP
- 6cm Deep
- With power
- 4A supply included

All advice appreciated, if I am missing anything let me!

