🔥🔥🔥 @mog00, you're doing really nice work here already.
my tunes: https://stevehand.bandcamp.com/
🔥🔥🔥 @mog00, you're doing really nice work here already.
my tunes: https://stevehand.bandcamp.com/
Hi Jingo,
Thank you for that link on Muffwiggler. Also there, there is no real good answer to the "perfect" sequencer, though the Five12 has been recommended there too, was that you? :-)
Another sequencer, non-modular, to consider is the Deluge from Synthstrom Audible, pity though that one can't try that out at a dealer because it's direct sales from New Zealand only... Do you have perhaps experience with this one?
Kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads
@garfieldmodular, I am humbled by your comments, inspiration enough for more sonic twiddling. Great album by the way, so many sonic layers.
Hi Jingo,
Weird, I thought I replied you yesterday regarding this but I can't find my own reply back...
Thanks a lot for your reply. Yes, I did download the Metron manual (of course) and read it a few times but I don't think it mentions anything about running backwards or randomly, very weird, in my opinion every sequencer should have that. I miss that on the Elektron sequencers too, it only can go forwards...
Since it's so difficult to find the "perfect" sequencer, meaning for me a sequencer that has at least 3 channels and 8 (or more) triggers in one sequencer, I consider now to split this requirement in two sequencers, one for at least 3 channels then and one for at least 8 triggers. Makes it more expensive and it requires most likely more HP space... I don't see any other way of solving the problem. Unless Ground Control will be released of course, I give it till end of October.
So for the 3 channels I might consider the Five12 - Vector then again, since that one can go up to 6 channels if I am not mistaken.
For the triggers I am not sure yet, hesitating between a few modules, some of those I consider are: Squarp - Hermod, Winter Modular - Eloquencer, and perhaps one or two more.
Thank you very much and kind regards, Garfield.
Edit: Oh my goodness, only now I realised this post reached page 2, that's why I didn't found back my reply... :-(
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads
Thanks Garfield,
Yeah for home studio, the Doepfer Monster base and 12U Monster case is a no brainer. For a larger mobile rig, the 12u-14U performer MDLR case looks like a winner for a large but portable rig. I am waiting to see if I use modular live after COVID ends before getting one. That or I may treat myself before then to the Make Noise Shared System and ALM Busy Circuits Super Coupe prebuilt modular systems as they come with tons of useful and powerful modules as well as cases/power that can be shuffled over time between other larger cases. I've been reading on how a lot of modular artists will have a massive home studio case and smaller mobile rig that they move modules on a regular base depending on show and venue such as ambience vs hip hop vs techno as modules are different for that like you may want a drum bass heavy rig or more ambient Mutable Instrument type stuff for a house or chill trance show.
Hi Mog00,
Ha, ha, this was funny (for me to experience I mean). I was listening at the album "Tank" of Kreidler when I stopped listening at this Tank album and wanted to listen at your music, while doing so, for some weird reason I totally forgot I was listening at your music and in my mind I was just listening at Tank music from Kreidler, but it was your music! Very weird, your track here can fit just very well into that Tank album of Kreidler.
So in other words, fantastic track! Thanks a lot for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads
Hi Sacguy71,
Here check this website from Doepfer:
That shows you all the available cases, of course the monster cases are less suitable for your weekly weekend to the beach or something like that but they offer a good affordable space. Well "affordable"... more affordable than other brands, let's put it like that ;-)
If you are going to buy an MDLR case then please let us know your experience with it, once you got one.
Kind regards, Garfield.
Edit: This above link doesn't go there where I want it to go ;-) So once clicked on that link then on top on "Products" and then on "Housings overview".
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads
Yeah I want it as well as the ALM Busy Circuits Super Coupe and Erica Synths Techno system. Saving up for each one.
Hi Garfield,
Ah I see so there are two cases in one for a full Doepfer Monster case I was unaware of that! Still we are talking 3k for the full monster and base Doepfer case and half that for the smaller but more portable 12-14U MDLR case. Plus you can patch the MDLR case and fold it up for travel purposes then open and connect to PA system and ready to perform.
Hi Sacguy71,
Well the concept of Doepfer cases is a bit different, that's why you can't lay them down. You can lay it down but you might not like the power plug make it "wobbly" ;-)
The idea instead is to use A-100LMB base case first (that gives you a half-laying/half-standing case) and on top of that you add a standing monster case.
I don't have an MDLR case, I was considering one however the power supply specifications aren't as good as those of Doepfer and the MDLR cases are more expensive on a per HP base than the Doepfer monster cases. I am actually (very) happy with the Doepfer (monster) cases, they provide some nice affordable space and are deep enough for most of the modules in the market.
Kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads
Hi Miroslav,
I had the bigger brother Doepfer - A-190-5 and had enormously problems with understanding that module, so perhaps you have a similar issue with the A-190-4. I love to work with Doepfer's modules except these A-190-x series...
I also had connectivity problems, one of my problems was the MIDI channel setting with this A-190-4/5 module, so check if your MIDI channel settings are correct otherwise dig the manual again and read through it again. I had done that many times and barely could fix the problems. I exchanged the Doepfer module with a Vermona - qMI 2, so much better and logical than the Doepfer one.
Good luck with the troubleshooting and kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads
Hi Broken-Form,
Wow that's a fast decision :-) Please let us know how your experience is with the Hermod. It's one of the candidates that I consider too.
Good luck, have fun with it and kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads
ordered a hermod,but havent had time to use it yet
Got a Mantis Case and a Grandterminal+expander for sale,PM Me
If I had an extra 4.5k still left hanging in the money tree, that Gold and Black system would be a solid pickup.
Hi all,
I have really enjoyed the process of adding different modules into cases from various eurorack companies as it adds variety and teaches me fundamentals. However, I have as of late been intrigued by the following pre-built modular systems that come with case/power, modules, etc:
Erica Synths Techno System- drums, bass, support modules, case/power and drum sequencer
Make Noise Black and Gold Shared System- love the Make Noise stuff and my 0-coast and 0-ctrl have been fun entry point
ALM Busy Circuits System Coupe- comes with case/power, Pamela New Workout, Squid Salmple, and more
Endorphin.es Shuttle System
Verbos Modular System
Buchla Easel Command- unique approach but never used a Buchla before and it is most affordable one they sell. I don't have 15k for the Skylab
Me too! Both you Jim and Lugia are super helpful and knowledgeable on modular stuff and everyone nice here. I need a few more switches, attenuators, logic modules and bigger larger rack. Thinking of the MDLR 14U case that also has 1u for Intellijel tile modules and dual power bus supplies.
Not cheap but one case to do what I want to expand further. Has anyone used the MDLR cases? If so, how do they compare to Doepfer Monster cases? I hate that you cannot lay down Doepfer cases flat and they don't tilt or have flexible setup. Want to add a larger sequencer and mixer to the larger new case in the future as well as larger modules that won't fit in smaller cases.
I am trying to control the pitch of A-110-2 VCO with Octatrack/Cirklon but nothing happens. I connect my sequencers midi out to A-190-4 (midi to CV interface) midi in. Then I connect A-190-4 CV1 to VCO 1V/Oct. And then I connect a wave to audio in of the octatrack. I hear continuous sound without pitch information. If Im connecting Gate instead of CV I hear "bumps" where midi notes are but still there is just one continuous sound. What am I doing wrong?
i was wondering how works the sewastopol send/return for fx pedals.
Does it can send the inoming audio signal to the pedal following the envellope follower output signal?
In other terms is it possible to make the send audio signal to the pedal only when the envelope follower sends an envelope?
Thank you,
i was wondering how works the sewastopol 2 send/return for fx pedals.
Does it can send the incoming audio signal to the pedal following the envelope follower output signal?
In other terms is it possible to send the audio signal to the pedal only when the envelope follower sends an envelope?
i would like to use it like this :
An audio source of the modular is coming in the audio "to export" input, another (lfo) is plugged into the follow input.
When the lfo is down the incoming audio source is dry and when the lfo is up (and so haved turn the envelope on) the signal passes trhu the pedal and become wet until the envelope is on.
Thank you,
Hi Cameliamusic,
Welcome to modular! I don't think I have seen it yet, so generally I would like you to advise not to buy everything at once. Start with a few main modules, gain some experience with them and then slowly by a few more, build up some more experience with them, and keep repeating till you either reached your target plan or till your bank account is zero ;-)
Many members have provided you already with some excellent comments, so there is not much to add other than the above remark.
Good luck, have fun with modular and kind regards, Garfield Modular.
Edit: Removed typo.
-- GarfieldModular
Hehehe, so far I only have 2 modules in my rack but I plan to learn them as well as I can before moving onto the next one! I don’t want to get overzealous & then end up learning 5 modules at the same time. I’m looking forward to the long & wonderful journey ahead! Thank you for your input, Garfield!
Both Disting EX and Ornament and Crime are swiss army knife modules of modular! Either is worth checking out.
-- sacguy71
Yes! I’ve had my eye on the OC as well, but seeing that it’s more geared toward sequencing, I think the Disting EX seems like a more logical choice given the amount of sequencing options I have available at the moment!
Hey Garfield,
there seems to be a new and maybe interesting thread on muffs, have a look:
Hi Garfield,
I made progress working with the Varigate 4+ tonite in cranking out some decent modular sequences. It shines with the Malekko Quad Envelope module for creating various patterns. Still a pain to work with this sequencer so my next one will be more precise and have ability to create presets, chains, and songs. I will visit some synth shops after COVID ends hopefully next year to try a bunch out. Right now, my Noise Engineering and IME/Harvestman modules are my favorites so far and have tons of modulation possibilities even if they are digital they sound so amazing in 1-2 modules.
Don't mind Jim, he means well. In fact, I really appreciate his candid honesty. I took advice and Kinks and Links are wonderful modules that do soo much in patches and take up small amount of space. I also have Elektrons to sequence but modular sequencers are sooo much more fun! I recommend something like Mimetic Digitalis or Intellijel Steppy as they do a lot in little space for sequencer. I highly recommend you get a free copy of the VCVRack software it really helps you plan and try out modules of different types and combos. I discovered Mutable Instruments that way and it helps me better understand what changes would do to my setups before I spend any money. If you want a modular sequencer and don't want to use rack space, get a Korg SQ-1, it is dirt cheap and a powerful starter sequencer with multiple gate/cv patch points that can do 8-16 step sequencing. I love mine.
do you need attenuators and multiples in the rack yet - probably not
I'd use the attenuators and multiples to split and control modulation sources of the analog 4. Maybe I don't need them yet in this minimal setup, but they were cheap anyway, and I reckon they will become handy later if the setup grows.
-- SolNoctis
Personal opinion : attenuators are a total waste of money and, more importantly, HP. Instead get an Attenuverter + Offset module.
- Cheap option : Ladik U-012 Dual Attenuverter + DC
- Three channels and it's also a mixer : Happy Nerding 3 x MIA
- Similar but different : Frap Tools 321
- More flexible routing and it also a 4 quadrant amplifier : Befaco a*b + c
If you really want three passive attenuators you can find much smaller and cheaper version alternatives the Behringer inhere. (Cheaper than Behringer?! True!)
In my small setup, I never had a use for multiples -- I use stack cables. OTOH switched multiples are a whole different proposition. This one is no bigger than the one you picked, also has 8 ports and has 3-position switches for all the outputs. It's a kit but it is super easy, even I managed it.
Latest stuff : https://soundcloud.com/user-352590333
Hi Mog00,
Oh wow! That's beautiful and magical at the same time. Those sounds that keeps coming have all those gone through that I-047 filter from Instruo? Sounds indeed like a lovely filter!
Nice modulation experiment! Thank you very much for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads
Hey Jingo,
Good to hear that you are happy with your Drum Sequencer from Erica Synths and pity Erica Synths still haven't released their Black Sequencer; most likely same or similar issues as Endorphin.es with their Ground Control.
Worst case scenario that I see is that I have to let go the idea of getting one sequencer that has many channels (3 or more) and 8 (or more) triggers. Perhaps I have to split that into two sequencers, one for the full channels and one for the triggers. That makes it most likely more expensive and it might take more HP space but perhaps it's then easier to get to a perfect "sequencer combination" ;-)
Thanks for checking out the manual of the Metron, I went already through it, several times now but I can't find anything related to different running direction modes... pity otherwise beside the Five12 that might have been a nice sequencer too...
While waiting for Ground Control and the Black Sequencer, I can check on that sequencer "split idea".
Thanks for your help and kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads
Hi The-Erc,
Now we are talking! This is a fantastic track, really. Starting with that great kick sound and then every once and a while you throw in another nice, interesting and by times a beautiful sound as well. Large variation keeps the listener left amazed in his/her chair, jaw dropped open, just not believing one can add so much great variation in just one single track.
As you might know, Techno is not particularly my cup of tea, though this sounds like kind of Techno to me, thus if this is a new-style Techno, then I will be soon a serious Techno fan ;-)
Very well done, I hope you stay healthy and I "hearing" forwards for your next superb track! Kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads
Hi Sacguy71,
The WMD - Metron with extension modules Axxent and minimum of two Volteras might be indeed a nice sequencer too but bloody expensive and in the manual of Metron I can't find any information about if that sequencer can do running other than forwards, I would expect from a modern sequencer at least backwards and random as well and if possible a ping-pong run too.
Any member has a Metron who can confirm about those running direction modes?
Thank you very much in advance and kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads
Hi Cameliamusic,
Welcome to modular! I don't think I have seen it yet, so generally I would like you to advise not to buy everything at once. Start with a few main modules, gain some experience with them and then slowly by a few more, build up some more experience with them, and keep repeating till you either reached your target plan or till your bank account is zero ;-)
Many members have provided you already with some excellent comments, so there is not much to add other than the above remark.
Good luck, have fun with modular and kind regards, Garfield Modular.
Edit: Removed typo.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads
still quite new, but Kinks is fantastic, I love it for the rectifier section alone, throw in some logic and S&H, I always find a use for it in a patch, all the recommendations are fantastic, but there is a reason why kinks and links are brought up again and again and so glad I listened.
Thanks @troux, I am really just experimenting with textures not focused on complete tracks. So much to get a grasp on. I have to say I really love the Instruo I-o47 filter the strike input with high resonance and low cutoff really creates deep thunderous booms that sound great (to me at least). Going to be working my way through the Disting Mk4 and Maths over the next few weeks making a patch using a new mode of the Disting each time.
Both Disting EX and Ornament and Crime are swiss army knife modules of modular! Either is worth checking out.
I'd swap the Batumi and its breakout for a Maths, Batumi is great but you'll learn more with Maths and the attenuators are super useful. From there you'll learn which direction you want to go, whether you want more LFOs, or envelopes or whatnot. Jim will probably chime in and tell you to get a Kinks or a Links, I'd pick the former if I had to pick one but it might not hurt to get both here.
my tunes: https://stevehand.bandcamp.com/
I'm finishing the first stage of my modular system for ambient and experimental music:
Carpathia - providing a link here since MG's CDN is caching images heavily ...
For now, it's mostly a linear composition approach - that's why I choose Hermod as the main sequencing and gates source (but not limited to). 4ms SWN with 6 voices as main oscillator + NE Ataraxic Iteritas for some weird sounds and melodies + BIA for some percussion and probably bass lines.
In the future, I'm going to add an additional sequencer and clock source for some generative composition approaches.
What do you think about the number of modulation sources? Maybe I should add more envelopes?
Since I'm just starting, I'll really appreciate your feedback and opinions on the current stage and set of modules.
Thanks in advance!
Nice textures @mog00, I like the space and the kind of "drifting and moving at the same time" feel. Looking forward to hearing more.
my tunes: https://stevehand.bandcamp.com/
the ES9 is an excellent tool for just that cv (including pitch) and audio to and from rack and computer - Silent Way or CV Tools work well once set up I believe
personally I mostly use it (actually an ES8 in my case) for audio - including a clock out from Logic
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!
sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities
well I was taking the piss a bit!!! - most people claim they've spent a long time researching - when it is obvious that they haven't - or at least they have been researching in the wrong places - 6 months looking at videos of tiny focused cases that are one patch wonders - does not equal adequate research!!!
I always try and look as far ahead as possible for what modules I may want - so that if I buy/build a vca (or mixer or any other utility) I get one that is big enough for future requirements - which is why I recommend a quad cascading vca to beginners - but no harm in a smaller one - just my advice, which you can take or leave as you see fit - but do take a look at the "Jim and Lugia were right thread"!!!
as I probably stated above just get a few modules to start with and grow slowly - a sound source, a sound modifier, a modulation source, a way to play, a way to listen and a case
Marbles is great I use it in every patch near enough - currently with a branches attached to t2 (for skip/open/close hats) and a sinfonion as an extra external quantizer for the x section (not that you need a quantizer - as Marbles has 3 already) - if you like generative music then this is a great place to start
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!
sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities
Well, the reason I have the Mutant Brain in there is because I’m looking to get away from doing my sequencing from the laptop & keep everything in a nice network between the machines! I will definitely read the ES-9 manual before making a concrete decision but so far from what I’ve read, it seems to be a great solution for both audio & cv routing to & from the rack! I’ll also take a further look at the EX! Thanks again for all your help!
bought a MI Stages from @AXN_NL
great and trustful seller, well packed and fast shipping!
also bought a MI Blinds from @Squallaz
great seller, very well packed and a fast, fast shipping!
thank you both!
The Cosmix is news to me, but it looks like a great set of features. No idea how it sounds, so I'd be interested to hear feedback from anyone who has tried it.
Thanks!! This looks great!
What do you think of the Cosmotronic Cosmix?
Probably too soft?
Thanks for the feedback.
you spent a few hours?!?!?! - hahaha hahaha and you seem to consider that "a lot of effort" hahahahaha and you spent 1200€ or so hahahaha
Well, I'm not claiming this took tons of effort to build, as it is only a minimal beginners eurorack setup to add to an already existing and constantly changing semi-modular setup. I know building a perfect eurorack takes years of research and buying modules to achieve something special, and that it is something that just can not be done in just a few hours. I'm just claiming I didn't go buy some random modules, without know what I'm buying. And I did ask myself first what I want to build and what I needed to buy to do that. I also researched the 'cons' of the rackbrute before buying the case with the wart.
maybe maybe I would have bought the erica wavetable - you need a vco and it's a vco - no opinion on it other than that
I first had the waldorf nw-01 in mind as a VCO. The erica just seemed to sound better to my ears.
why 2 filters?
Most of my favourite synths have 2 filters. I mostly use a first one to modulate the frequency with a lot of resonance, and than a second lowpass to just roll off the access of harshness of the resonance.
why only a dual vca? you can never have enough vcas!!!! obviously you didn't spend enough time on you tube (MylarMelodies video) - well maybe you can have enough (eventually) but as a first vca a quad cascading one like veils or intellijel is a better buy as they are more versatile
I could also use the fieldkit FX as extra VCA's, I think? It's a starter setup. I can always add more later, not?
why adsrs? mostly ads are used in modular - unless you are "playing a keyboard"!
If I'd play it with the keystep ADSR envelopes would be better than AD envelopes, right?do you need attenuators and multiples in the rack yet - probably not
I'd use the attenuators and multiples to split and control modulation sources of the analog 4. Maybe I don't need them yet in this minimal setup, but they were cheap anyway, and I reckon they will become handy later if the setup grows.
why grandpa - wait until clouds 2 arrives check that out first - it will be soon - maybe even this year!!!
why disting mk4 when EX exists?
Will be looking into those as alternatives. Thanks!
to make this more rack more interesting quickly - add a another vco (something cheap and analogue, the doepfer basic one is fine or dreadbox or whatever) - add kinks - add a matrix mixer (doepfer is good but large - so maybe an AISynthesis one) - maths - really add maths and weep at the lack of space in the puny rack with the 5hp rack wart - add a fx aid or better yet fx aid xl or 2 - get a waveshaper - get a sequential switch - get a random modulation source - get a chaotic modulation source - get some sub mixers - or don't - play with what you have and learn it inside out
-- JimHowell1970
Any opinions on marbles?
Here's a three channel mixer/overdrive with mutes from TouellSkouarn. I love my Moffenmix, but it's definitely got a characteristic sound. I usually keep the gain pretty low unless I want to just destroy a sound.
Looks like you kept the modules I suggested. Be sure that's what YOU want. It's your instrument, not mine, so go slowly and don't buy everything at once. Your actual rack will probably end up very different from this plan.
-- farkas
Yes, for sure. I'm working through the modules learning and getting a feel for each one as well as comparing to similar modules. I admit to feeling the urge to buy everything at once but it should grow more organically to give me time with each module.
Hi, i had the Moffenzeef - Moffenmix Mixer, but it didn´t sound good.
I had problems with clipping, of course it is a moffenzeef- module ;-)
but it was too strong.
Is there a mixer with a similar concept? 4 channels, mutes and optional distortion?
Hey Garfield,
I really like es drum sequencer, its simple x0x0 sequencing with some bells&whistles.
Regarding the vector: you can use the 8 triggers for drum sequencing because those are "clock-like" triggers, but I use them mainly to clock other modules. So I understand your concern.
I dont have any experience with the metron, but you can find the manual here https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0977/3366/files/MetronVoltera_BookSpreads.pdf?373. I had a quick look into the manual and maybe it can run randomly, but I dont know whether there are other modes (does not seem so).
Lots to take away from this! I've already started to make adjustments after reading your previous response & a lot of it makes so much sense. I had a further look into Links/Kinks & now I see how valuable they can be & even better they fit so many utilities into a small amount of HP! I already scrapped Levit8 & the VC8 - as I had a feeling the amount of VCAs I had planned for this case was overkill & having a mixer with submix capabilities within a rack when I planned to buy an external mixer was quite redundant. In turn, I may add a 2hp mix for how nifty & convenient it is.
I would look at Happy Nerding for a small mixer - much more ergonomic than the 2hp ones!!!
Then, I was led to the realization that an ES-9 can indeed be incorporated into the rack like you had suggested & since it has SPDIF I/O, I can link it up to my Scarlett & BOOM, everything can be recorded into the DAW without the need for an external mixer! And instead of getting a cv.ocd to do my sequencing via MIDI, I added a Mutant Brain since plenty of space was freed up. The Disting got scrapped, as I now don't really know what I would use it for + I don't really want to deal with that tiny screen & its 1 million algorithms. I feel I still have plenty of research to do, but your feedback & suggestions really have cleared a lot of things up & I definitely feel more confident about the end results!
-- cameliamusic
I would read the ES9 manual thoroughly before committing based on SPDIF - I think it will be very (limited 2 channels) - although it can also be set up as a mixer - depending on the daw (and plugins) you are using you can also use it to send v/oct and modulation to the rack - and potentially not need a midi->cv module (which will potentially have higher latency)
Disting - I would get an EX - the whole point is you don't know what to use it for - so you'll have it when you need it - if you spend a short time setting up favourites.txt it's much easier to work with - menu is not deep - it's really useful for working out which modules you need
I would stop doing research (at least temporarily) - just buy a case and a few modules - a sound source, a sound modifier, a modulation source, a way to play and a way to listen - plus a few utilities (quad vca, links, kinks, something like shades maybe) and start patching - learn that inside out and then add a module and repeat
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!
sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities