I added a not-very-lovely image of the B.2500 Mixsequencer this evening. Yes, it looks like crap, but that's what I had to work with. At least I got the width right, even if some of the knobs are clipped in the present listing's pic. The reason for this is because I'm trying to sort out how to restore something akin to the functionality of the matrix switching. Here's what I came up with...
ModularGrid Rack
Looks daunting, donnit? The lower row has four different modules in repetition...outputs are paired with passive mults, audio inputs with fixed-level mixers, gate/triggers with diode ORs, and CVs with adders. Now, this isn't EXACTLY like what ARP originally came up with, because the matrix switches didn't have the extra circuitry that the 2 hp module sets below each have in this build. But it DOES restore some of the patching paradigm while streamlining interconnectivity and (conveniently) allowing for some patching methods that the original wasn't exactly capable of. And no...I wouldn't miss those fiddly slider switches if I were you. They were the real "weak link" in the original system.

In theory, it may be possible to hack the B.2600 modules so that the 2 hp "patch section" modules can directly connect to the module I/Os. This would clean things up a bit, avoiding little "jumper" cables between the Behringer points and the 2 hp patchers.

Also, when I first started futzing around with this, I used the Doepfer A-100 PMC6 as a "main case". It struck me that this is an EXCELLENT emulation of the original 2515 cab...and that would mean that you could pair it with the 84 hp A-100 cases to construct the 2508 "wings", like the original. One issue that could arise, though, has to do with that "hack" above...it would involve wiring between two rows, so most likely this would work best with some sort of keyed 2-conductor connections between the top and bottom for maintenance. But having a 2500 clone in an ATA-capable road case that's smaller and LIGHTER(!!!) than the original? Priceless.

FYI, this isn't necessarily an endorsement of Uli and his "business practices"...just an attempt at pushing out a new idea. I still think he acts like a bratty asshat, frankly...but if people are going to start diving into building ARP 2500 replicas, I may as well try and sort out this issue in advance.

Lol, yeah I can drone with the best of 'em too. Thanks for listening.


Saving up for this little beauty.

Hi FredFoxtrott,

Wow a one-hour session! At least you managed to follow up on the minimum of 17 minutes rule for drones ;-) I found many interesting elements in your session, nice stuff! I particular liked the part around the 40-45 minutes, great jam!

I wish all foxtrots sound like this ;-)

Thank you very much for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Troux,

That's an excellent idea. I leave it up to you which one you like to use, either this one Sunday's Craziness (with that funny "frog" in there):


And/or this one, the Doepfer A-110-1 Pulse Width Modulation Fun:


Let me know though which one you decided to use :-) Thanks a lot for doing this and I am curious what the result will be :-D

Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Defragmenteur,

Yeah I like that subtle touch of reggae beat in there! This Mikrophonie module creates really some weird and interesting stuff :-)

Ha, ha, that sound just before 2:00 is good fun too!

Thank you very much for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Yes, please count me in too, that would be indeed very useful (date created + last modified).

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Would love to be part of it too! I could submit this one I've just uploaded to Soundcloud if it suits the style and requirements.

I've been incrementally building up a modest amount of Eurorack modules, and before I take it further I thought asking for some advice from more experienced users here would be a good idea. Any feedback very welcome!

The top rack are modules I already own. I also own the Lifeforms SV-1, which I have as a standalone unit. The second row contains the modules I'm looking at buying in the near future. I should also add that the top row is currently housed in one 84hp cardboard case (didn't want to invest in a case without knowing it was the right size!), but I think given space (and money) constraints 6U x 84hp would be a good size to aim for, or a skiff and an 84hp row at a push.

Onto the modules...The ES-3 provides trigger/gate sequencing and a clock for the VB from Ableton + push and some modulation (simple LFOs normally). VB generally gets tied to the BIA which can easily take up all its channels. I've hardly scratched the surface of the uO_c, however ideally I envisage using it to provide 4 part chords, with chord parameters modulated by VB (more on this later). Typhoon for glitchy stutters and drones. Coming from a DAW only background for years I'm really enjoying the hands on approach in Eurorack, and whilst I would like the rack to remain a studio tool, I'd like to cut back on how much multi-tracking I do with it (currently my workflow is: record a bunch of percussion on BIA, loop in Ableton, then repatch for the lifeforms and record. I also put out of rack stuff into the typhoon).

Now the Odessa - my main reservation is that it's a big module, 20hp or 25hp with the expander and an LPG. However it also ticks a lot of boxes - between BIA, SV-1 and the Odessa I'd have a lot of sonic ground covered, and the expander gives the opportunity to utilize the chordal control from the O_c, which is one of it's main draws of the Odessa for me. Or am I trying to do too much in too small a space? Would I also want a dual filter to go with it? I love the idea of the Zadar and will probably pick this up either way.

Finally - are there any glaring omissions in my case or modules you think that could do the same job or better in smaller HP? Recommendations for complimentary modules and where to go from here are also welcome. The music I make is quite down tempo but rhythmically driven (I don't push the BIA as aggressively as most - prefer the more low key sounds) - looping sequences with a lot of modulation, textural beds and bits of glitchiness.

Thanks for any input!

Send/return works like this:
The P-520 is your "send x 4"...you'd patch a signal to its inputs, then the stompers' inputs to its outputs. For the return, the A-520 works the same way...stompboxes go in its inputs from the boxes outs, then the outputs go back into the modular. This gives you either four mono s/rs OR two STEREO s/rs, which these make much easier due to the fact that the i/o levels on the Ladiks are identical across the four input/outputs on those. No potential of fiddly accidents changing the levels! All you need are 3.5mm to 1/4" cables for the connections...the rest is patch and forget. You'll run your stompbox inputs a bit lower than you would with a guitar, also, since these also work at line level. BUT...since they DO work at line level, you can ALSO use these for any sort of send-return scheme. Want to run things to something like an old SPX90? You're good with this.

Hey folks, haven't posted in a while, but I've been working on a weekly synth variety show and I wanted to share our latest episode with you all, cause I actually dig it.

This show's theme centers on nostalgia.

Did some thinking and I think I got it close to a nice 3 voice system. All audio in a Doepfer 6u 84hp case and modulating/sequencing in an Intellijel 104hp palette. Sequencing done externally from Squarp Pyramid.

ModularGrid Rack

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I have a Tetrapad in one of my cases and it is super fun! I am still learning to use it. I think your travel case setup looks pretty solid.
I am using my Doepfer 6u suitcase for travel setup now that I have two larger cases hehe. Still, I'd love to get an Intellijel 7u or Make Noise 7u travel case since it has lots of goodies like 1u tiles in the Intellijel case and the cv busboard in the Make Noise 7u case. Maybe I get a smaller MDLR 9u or 12u case with 1u tiles in future as I've been happy with my MDLR 14u case.

That looks like a lot of fun @ColdTurkey28, you'll have to record something and get it on our ModularGrid Best of 2020 comp! Check it out https://www.modulargrid.net/e/forum/posts/index/9382

Hey @troux

I am loving the jams I’ve been having with my small system! I’ll record one soon and share.

Here’s what I ended up with. Pretty happy so far.

ModularGrid Rack



I added the Ladiks, moved things around to cancel out the cable PITA a bit, and added an EG and LFO. I will still tweak placement a bit more. For the send/return to the stomp boxes, I would go Eurorack signal->A-520 in->A-520 out->P-520 in->P-520 out->Stomp Box in->Stomp Box out->back into Rackbrute?

Thank you this is helping out a lot!

Thank you the-erc///not hijacking at all!


Careful...the 531 mixer doesn't have CV over levels, but over panning.

This build can't properly support huge modules, either. You need to sort out how to get the modules down in size so that you can make something usable here. One example would be the use of the SND/RTNs...you can get the same basic functionality out of a Ladik A-520 and P-520, with the sole difference being that you'd have to control your I/O levels on the stompboxes themselves. But as for the space difference...that would half that, and the COST...$78 sounds WAAAAAAY better than $500!

One other thing: you'll probably find that you'll hate having your control surfaces on the top row. In that position, you'll have patchcables all over them and they'll be a PITA to work. Bring them to the bottom row, then all you have in the way will be the 2s to/from patches.
-- Lugia

So the quad VCA is justified with no mixer cv?
I will have to play with the placement. I had the Planar and other modules in the bottom row and I busted the power limit. I will take another look at how I am balancing/placing modules.

Thank you!

One note here, the Swarm has its own case and power I think, so you could host it separately and save a bunch of space in your rack.
-- troux
Thank you...I was actually gifted the Eurorack version of the swarm (and the Indian resonator). So I would have to get a separate case.

Would submit this one :

Sorry for hijacking, but thought you might enjoy Surgeon on the Quadrantid Swarm

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I follow a similar format and prefer modules like mixers and sequencers and controllers on easy access lower row as I make changes on the fly more often than set and forget things like an oscillator in the top row. Some modulation sources like my new Acid Rain Maestro are on lower level next to sequencers and mixers as the Maestro is like a cross between a clock, hex lfo and sequencer that begs to be played live with frequent changes. Such a fun module!

Some more tinnitus (with a subtil reggae beat)

Really nice @Rassell!

Happy to, it's a cool crew here and I'm proud to be a part of it @the-erc

I've got a feature request...and hopefully it's easy enough to implement. If we could have a "date created" for builds (ie: the date when the build was started with an empty rack) along with the "last modified" date, that would be a big help in going back thru older builds I've got to clear space. And I'm betting others might want this for the same purpose, too.

@troux -- thanks for organising this! Amazing!

10 minutes should be good @the-erc, track accepted!

I'd love to contribute, although I don't really do "short". This is my personal favourite of my recent jams, although I have recently acquired a Werkstatt-01 and I feel something acidic may be about to happen...

If it's too long I can find a shorter one, but not much shorter.


Good point...plus, when you de-case something like that and RE-case and power it in a Eurorack cab, you're actually increasing the cost of that synth because you then have to factor in how much EXTRA it costs per hp for things in your cab. As an example, the Arturia 2 x 88 cab there has a per hp cost of about $2.10. The Quadrantid Swarm streets for $549...but at 41 hp, it will wind up costing $635 and change when the cab space gets factored in.

If it's already in a case of its own...keep it there. It's cheaper and makes more sense.

The risk is actually more to the power supply...but quite often, when power supplies fail, they puke up a lot of overvoltages and other garbage. But if it's a Doepfer PSU3, those are pretty beefy and they're overspecced. Just rearrange your +12V load so that everything's a bit more load-balanced across the busboards...and actually, the evened-out load might be useful to lower other component stresses, such as the busboard filtering caps, etc.

One other thing I'd recommend would be to get one of Konstant Labs' 1 hp PWRchecker modules. They're conveniently sized, plus they do a bit more than just being an indicator that the busses are functional. Very smart little thing...and for US$28, they're a no-brainer if you don't already have some front panel rail voltage indicators.

Wow! I‘d love to be a part of it! Thanks for doing that! Great idea!

Yes youre right, i'll rearrange them on the rails. Is there some risk of damaging modules when coming close to the 2000ma?

Yes, i got the doepfer psu-3 case.

One note here, the Swarm has its own case and power I think, so you could host it separately and save a bunch of space in your rack.

1.85A is pushing it a little. It would be better if you can get that load figure lower, say down around 1.6A. This is easier on the "on the panel" supplies. But if we're talking some sort of heftier internal supply (like the Pitt ones, Doepfer PSU3, etc), this should be OK as those manufacturers tend to build some headroom into their P/Ss. If so, then just take some care to distribute the +12V rails' current load across the distro boards so that one of them isn't bearing the brunt of the current load while the other loafs along.

Careful...the 531 mixer doesn't have CV over levels, but over panning.

This build can't properly support huge modules, either. You need to sort out how to get the modules down in size so that you can make something usable here. One example would be the use of the SND/RTNs...you can get the same basic functionality out of a Ladik A-520 and P-520, with the sole difference being that you'd have to control your I/O levels on the stompboxes themselves. But as for the space difference...that would half that, and the COST...$78 sounds WAAAAAAY better than $500!

One other thing: you'll probably find that you'll hate having your control surfaces on the top row. In that position, you'll have patchcables all over them and they'll be a PITA to work. Bring them to the bottom row, then all you have in the way will be the 2s to/from patches.

Thanks for answer here.. So basically how close can i go to 2000MA? Would around 1850 be safe and no problem?

I believe in you @Lugia

Another couple of cabs I'd thumbs-up based on their power supplies would be ones from Erica and Pittsburgh. In the latter case (no pun intended), those are Monorocket designs, and Monorocket was always known for MASSIVE power overspeccing. The Pitt cabs are no exception. And the Erica stuff also goes overboard on amperage...even their 1 x 84 skiffs sport 1.25A 12V rails!

Might be a bit of a wait...between my accident this past spring and dealing with Covid-19 (ten day quarantine...feh), I would've expected the refit of the studio to be done had none of that happened. Set me back months, really...

Now I'm thinking, I wonder if we can get a @Lugia track out of this 🤔🤔🤔


Sounds great! Still enough time, at least for me, to build an exclusive for you 😉 👍

It'd be nice to get this done before EOY @zuggamasta, so maybe the 28th or 29th if that's doable? Archive pieces are accepted if that's a tight timeframe.

Big honor to be on your list.
What is your deadline/eta so we can take some preparations?

@wishbonebrewery I can relate, but I also have some somewhat clean files in the archive ;)
Just not named well, or named at all.

Everything you've posted so far's been rad @wishbonebrewery, WradioPhonik would fit in just fine!!

You mean I have to make a coherent, completed track and not delete the .wav file after uploading to Youtube?!

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


I've been working on live acid jams (@mylarmelodies has been a big inspo there) and dreaming about playing out post-Covid, hopefully should have something to share soon.