Hey there, Not sure if this is the best place to ask...
Anyone have recommendations for Envelope Generators / VCA's / Mixers to pair with Tides 2018 for its audio mode?

I'm super interested in the module for its multiple uses. The modulation source seems like a no brainer. It seems like to get the most out of the 4 audio outs, you need some serious utilities. I've browsed around a bit using "quad" in the search, but I'm a little lost. Seems like you'd need envelopes AND a vca's to really get moving.

It seems like another Tides 2018 for envelopes and a MI Veils would be solid pals... anything else?

If it were me working on a build this small, I'd never put a mult module in. You need to pack function into that 4 hp (which is too big anyway), not just a jackfield. Use inline mults instead, and pull the mult to get those hp back. And then, you can implement what Ronin's talking about with a couple of 2hp's modules...filter (of whatever type looks tasty) and their dual linear VCA so you can have those to mess with CV/modulation levels.

Better still, scrap the idea of putting this into a 3U x 104 cab and go with a 6U or perhaps even a 7U instead. That way, you'd have ample room to meaningfully expand around some of the honkin' big modules that're in this build.

I think one at a time is your only option. You could try removing one at a time instead, but it may not help find the outlier your looking for. It felt a little silly to limit my case because of a power supply so I ended up with Trogotronic power. Its not a fancy linear system or anything, but it sounds better and can power a system with tube modules. I think the less % of total draw your system is for its power supply the better.

I believe the FH1 to be out of production. The FH2 will serve you better. The FH2's browser based interface can't be accessed once your DAW has taken ahold of the FH2. So it's a good idea to know how you'd like it configured before wiggling any knobs. Else you can make adjustments via the front panel... but the menuing is a little clunky on the front panel.

I take it that your DPO and BAI are going to be routed back into the Pro2? I didn't see any dedicated filters or VCAs.

There is an 8HP version of the original module, which may be a tougher call vs the new module.

Thank you! That helps. Yes, its a fairly small rack so I like the idea of being able to use the Tides to modulate multiple things simultaneously and sounds like the new version is more capable of that.

The chords mode seemed to be what people focused on since that's completely new, but not as likely for me to use.

This is a great module.
Stereo image is really nice !

I have two of the original Tides, and now a 2018 Tides I received as a gift in my system. Personally, I love the original Tides and still use them constantly. The new Tides has a lot of useful tricks up its sleeves that I haven't entirely explored yet, like being able to take four identical LFO's at different phases, or pan the same LFO across four different outputs, or clocking envelopes at four different speeds. The chords mode, is really pretty if you have a four channel mixer to mix it all down.

I'd suggest that if you're working with a small rack (or a rack that will stay small for a while), you may want to save up for the newer model. Don't get me wrong, the original Tides was maybe the third module I ever bought, and it was extremely useful even without all the bells and whistles that the new Tides has, but Tides 2018 will buy you some really cool functionality that you would need other modules for, especially when it comes to attenuating CV to the three waveshape inputs - that was my biggest frustration with the original Tides, and one of the reasons I had to buy an additional mixer/attenuation module.

Nobody? bump


I am having the same problem with a case power from synthrotek. I use a case power blue(which is their most powerful one) + 4 low noise distribution bus boards. When i start plug in around 10 modules they start flickering and the +12 v rail light is slightly visible. Is there any efficient way to test which module draws too much?

christophe bruynseels


Have a look at this, particularly beginning on Page 31. Look familiar? Yep...3U Eurorack format, albeit with the lower fastener being taken up by a drop-in lipped rail instead of screw-in attachment points. These are rather fascinating, as they're part of a series of desks which would also allow for ample space for controllers, external effects, etc. And they can be stacked on vertical rails incorporated into said desks. Depth is 91 mm, plus you'll notice there's internal rails that can be used for attaching power supplies, distros, etc.

So...are you ready for 385 hp? Mind you, I'm betting they're not exactly bargain priced...but the possibilities for those looking to create genuinely MASSIVE builds do seem to point right there. If anyone can locate pricing data on these and their related components, do please post it.

I don’t want to run afoul of good manners, given that I’m a member for less than 3 months and cannot sell on the Marketplace, but perhaps I may at least plug an eBay offering I placed. I’ve got a tiny rig and need to make room for other modules.


I bought a module from @jayndoodle recently with no trouble at all :) Thanks!

brilliant idea!

(January 12, 2019) The purpose of this rack is to augment my Dave Smith Instruments Pro-2 keyboard synthesizer. I don't have any feedback on this setup yet. But if anyone is interested to hear what I accomplish, let me know on this thread and I will do my best to get back to you.

I have good experience with these buyers: @freespace @dukeysasa @japanhill @mineralwasser @Gnapp @9beats @Ceglarek and sellers @lilkim @Ceglarek @lucoli @tverscho @Virgil


bump :)
i would like to get one,
any news?

As I am putting my existing rack through it’s paces I’m realizing aspects that work really well and some gaps and some modules that either don’t do it for me or have yet to reveal their purpose.

Current setup:

ModularGrid Rack

I think I’d like to add CV controllable matrix mixer and more attenuverters and signal processors. Any thoughts on the additions below? Especially the 4ms CV matrix VCA, o_&_C?

ModularGrid Rack

Modular City is developing. As I have hurt my hand I can´t take part in constructing our new kind of case for modular synths at the moment (but will continue with it soon). So I´m writing some new lectures for our university here in Modular City right now. One of them is called “From Idea to Patch – or from Random Chaos to Random Order”.
But there is a lot of building work going on even at other places in our town. The building, that houses “Modules Incorporated” has been finished. The rooms are being equipped at the moment and the first hardware has been ordered.
24 videos have been installed in our “Soft and Loud” building. A (very huge) lot more are getting prepared for installation.
Our “Hardware Workshop” has ordered the first pieces of gear to test and to explain. Two performances have arrived to be shown in the “Festival Hall”. One of them has already been istalled, the other one is getting prepared for installation.
In the “Townhall” our mayor is negotiating with companies (hardware as well as software) to get some extra advantages for our citizens here in Modular City.
And (poor) Rolf (that´s me) is getting up early in the morning around 4 a.m. each day to get it all done and managed (additionally to my regular day job – no, no! There aren´t any tears needed nor wanted. I LOVE it – as long as my body can stand that wonderful situation :-))
In case you´ve forgotten about the details of Modular City: here you can refresh your knowledge about it:

Getting acquainted with my modules.

Patch created using a Piston Honda sequenced via Rene and running through a series of filters (Three Sisters, Polivoks, Morgasmatron) to create some rhythmic elements. Added a call and response element using an additional ring modulated output from OSC B of the Piston and a high pitched audio from the DPO fed into a ModDemix, sequenced by Rene and mixed into the Polivoks. Drums are provided by a Deluge sampler and modular audio is run through an Octatrack with a bit of FX added.

Probably best VCO I ever used in eurorack modular. once got it and will never sell it.
If you re into Oberheim-like sound, this one is for you!

You make a valid point, thanks for sharing your thoughts on that subject.

I'm still working on this rack. Tried some other configurations.

Compared to the previous concept I removed the stillson hammer, the pamela NEW workout and the fourbricks rook and replaced them with the Eloquencer. It's less performance/hands on oriented but has 8 cv outs and plenty of features.

I also got rid of the two 4xVCA and the panmix to replace it with the wmd permormance due to come out this year I believe. One thing I'm not sure of if this can replace the VCA's I had. My thinking is that the WMD performance mixer has CV control over level and pan over 8 channel . So it can act as a proper VCA I asssume?

The two Pico Drums were replaced by 2 x 2HP play.
With the space I won I also put back in the Maths.

One thing I'm not sure of if I should keep it is the comparator. I still fail to see how I can use it. I understand the way it works (generating a gate or a trigger as a result of comparing two signals) but cannot think of any practical uses I might have with it. So far I didn't find a demo online making use of a comparator in patch.

Any suggestions or ideas about this build?

ModularGrid Rack

Recently had positive transactions with @Bohler and @LeSlow, thanks both!

Disting Parameters

Disting #1: B5 LFO, using all default settings with 50% Pulse from Output B and 1v/oct (Z Knob) approx. 75%

Disting #2: G8 CV-to-MIDI Converter, all default parameters


Peaks: set to expert mode 4-step sequence whose pitch is sent to the Dising #2 @ G8 CV-to-MIDI conversion


2 Distings: one to advance a pitch sequence on Peaks' expert mode 4-step sequence as well as to gate a Waldorf Blofeld Desktop synth
Use Blofeld H001 (saved), or A28 in the worst case scenario (same sound)
Variable Parameters: Peaks Knob Values, Blofeld Cutoff, Blofeld Filter Envelope Parameters




Colour Scheme

M32 Out
- Red

Disting H8 Out
- Green

DixieII Out
- Blue

Quad VCA/Cinnamon Out
- Grey

Maths Out and Internal
- Orange

Tempi/Buff Mult Out
- Yellow

Disting E3/Scope Out
- Black


Tempi Settings

Clock Source: State Knob (none of the channels set the tempo)
Envelope Trigger Timings are listed above
Play around with Shift/Fine Increment or Fine Decrement tempo offsets


Disting #1 Settings
E3 Dual AR Envelope
Z Knob: usually kept around 12:00
Otherwise default settings

Disting #2 Settings
H8 Dual Quantizer
Z Knob: Changes indicated above
Scale (Parameter 1 = 0, Major)
Input X Attenuation (Parameter 3 = 2)
Input Y Attenuation (Parameter 4 = -2)


The same envelope sent out of Disting E3 twice but at (sometimes) different speeds as dictated by the Tempi. The other Disting in H8 mode controls the pitch of 2 analog oscillators: Mother 32 (Squ mode) and DixieII (Saw mode). The scope is important here to indicate changes to envelopes in real time.

Order of steps

i: TUNE THE OSCILLATORS in UNISEN (use FINE knob on DixieII, M32 set to 4th octave C)
ii. leave Disting H8 Z Knob CV Input unpatched at the beginning, and Cinnamon CV to 0%

1) Envelopes: Same,
Interval: Same,
Cinnamon: No Cutoff Modulation
VCA: Closed, full CV Depth
2) Envelopes: 2nd is Half speed on Tempi
Interval: Same,
Cinnmon: No Cutoff Modulation
VCA: Somewhat open, full CV Depth
3) Envelopes: 2nd is Half speed on Tempi
Interval: 3rds,
Cinnamon: No Cutoff Modulation
VCA: Halfway open, medium CV Depth
4) Envelopes: 1st is 2x speed, 2nd is 3x speed
Interval: 3rds,
Cinnamon: Cutoff Modulation introduced (depth @ 12:00)
VCA: 75% open, little CV Depth
5) Envelopes: 1st is 2x speed, 2nd is 3x speed
Interval: Unisen,
Cinnamon: 20% reso, Cutoff Max, Cutoff CV Depth 1:30
VCA: 100% open, no CV Depth
6) Envelopes: 1st is 2x speed, 2nd is 3x speed
Interval: Modulated by Maths (plug it in, attenuated by Channel 2)
Cinnamon: 20% reso, Cutoff Max, Cutoff CV Depth @ 12:00
VCA: 100% open, no CV Depth
7) no more CV into Quad VCA
Envelopes: 1st is normal speed, 2nd is 2x speed
Interval: Modulated by Maths
Cinnamon: Lower the cutoff
Maths: increase the depth of modulation, slow the Fall of Channel 1
8) VCA: Closed, 100% CV Depth and fade out


Well, first we'd have to overcome an inherent flaw with some manufacturers' "official" listings. It seems as if once a module has been listed in such a way, the listing gets abandoned by the manufacturer. This leads to things such as the continuing confusion over modules such as Clouds, etc. If there was a way to allow at least mods to make suitable adjustments like this, it might help somewhat...but in truth, the manufacturers need to be more diligent about listing updates, also. Given the "reference standard" that ModularGrid has become over the years, making sure your listings are constantly updated seems like a prime idea.

Yeah, with Noise Reap being a small operation like it is, some things will go in and out of production. Best thing I can suggest is to try and source used ones or check to see if they might go back into production again in the future...which is always possible.

I've finally passed the 6u stage and am on to a deeper dive in modular. I feel like I'm on a decent track, and expansion does seem necessary. Everything in the rack is owned (the ladik vca at the bottom is actually a uoki toki dual decay vca, not on here anymore for some reason). My considerations for the next pieces include a braids, tempi, 3x mia and a doepfer dual trigger delay, but I'm not set on anything and I've got a lot of open space to play with. I would like a decent self generative capacity, and incorporating drums would be lovely. Live performance is an idea I've been playing with. I'd love to see what ideas you all have. Thanks so much.

ModularGrid Rack

The final set up for this test rack, got the Mix 02 in finally & really pleased with the pan on it very accurate feeling. And the Nano Pro on the left & the Owl on the right, because they are the two modules I tweak with the most & are are easier to reach like this...

Playing around with some new 'Bee Frequencies' on the Owl using my own Max Gen patch. More info here... https://bionisamp.wordpress.com/installations/bee-frequencies/

Soon as I get this finished I will upload it to the Owl Patch library (There are loads of great patches on here already) https://www.rebeltech.org/patch-library/patches/latest

The Bermuda VCO is not currently available direct from NoiseReap, but they sometimes come up for sale on Reverb. I have a Noise Reap Mino, which is very similar but with no self-mod feature, except it has 4 simultaneous wave types so a good utility VCO to have. The sine wave is nice and clean, and it has a pretty nice sawtooth that's not all that different from my Moog Mother 32.

I support this! I think it would be useful exactly as-is, and...

Once a module IS set to "discontinued" here, I would love if you could tick a checkbox that says "Hey, I still want to buy this!", or something to that effect, which would flag that module with your unique user ID (must be logged in to see this new checkbox). This could serve multiple purposes; for example, the site could tally how many unique accounts indicate this option as a way to inform the manufacturer (or any would-be competitor) that there might be more demand for new production of the module than had been thought. This might give hope to a new production run in the future by the original manufacturer, or help to show that there is an unmet demand in the market for other companies who may wish to fill the gap with a similar module of their own. It could also be a way to collate data for private sales here on the ModularGrid Marketplace in order to inform the buyers automatically when the discontinued module they want comes up for sale. If this functionality already exists and I've missed it (which is possible, considering how powerful ModularGrid already is), then please ignore this.

Either way, I support Raccoonboy's idea.

Thanks for the suggestions. I'll play around with them where I can. I've always found the Noise Engineering modules confusing, but that's entirely just based on looking at pictures of them online. It looks like Noise Reap's Bermuda is out of production, unless I'm missing something, so I'll wait to try that one. That ADDAC looks very cool, though.

this user has left ModularGrid

Biggi explaines this Filter Case here after 16

And more in detail here in the 2. part:

You can find the large Case ("The Doepfer" - explained in the 3. part) here:
ModularGrid Rack

this user has left ModularGrid

... as described here:

Instead of the both A-180 Multiple in the upper row, Biggi uses modified modules with switches.

Really thank you, Lugia: nothing but your response about Pam and her orchestration skills is crystal clear. Great for the 808! I am bad in Midi connections: no personal practice. I did not think it was possible to use it as a master clock. Awesome !

With ModularGrig: more than two months of daily searches, 5 to 8 hours per day (!), After fifty "final" configurations of rigs, only the top of the iceberg is visible (the last piece of ice while top of the pic!). I must also deepen sequencing compared to randomness. The Euclidian will change me from my Korg SQ 10 (it is absolutely necessary that I find where I put it, and at the same time the Korg tape echo that accompanied him).

My first synth, in 1977 was an MS 20. Then the MS 50. Sold to buy the Odyssey. This is where I lost the opportunity to lose myself in the world of modular. My absolute dream was the 2600 I had heard live in Brussels. But budget inaccessible! So, no more patches. Student's work after work, and others, the all new Yamaha DX7 came to complete. As you said in an exchange with someone: horrible programming of the 80s! First polyphonic at home, first internal memories. But, aargh, where are all the knobs, the direct commands, the interactivity? In addition to subtractive synthesis, the FM was another real discovery. Operators, carriers: really fun, and a typical sound (although ..). I still like it so much. Many years without synths followed. Nine years ago, an Access Virus came to complete this small world. The possibilities of modulations are enormous. It is a very open, playful instrument that leaves a large field for creativity. Despite all the knobs, I find that there is not enough interactivity for quick changes. Or, work with the control software. But blah, only one mouse = only one click at a time.

The modular meets everything and more. Simple and terrrrrible question of choice and budget ...

Visualize the waves: I understand very well and totally agree with your answer. In music, no ear, no guide. No sensitivity, no way out. To hear the sound and to see the wave's evolutions, to morph, to vibrate, sometimes goes beyond the "toy". We say to ourselves: hey, I like this sound, but now I just see something that makes me understand why it starts to vibrate like that. Fun and informative.

Hearing the mixes of evolutive waves and syncopated rhythms (is that the right word?) in the beginning of Radio Activity, at 16, that I wondered what a great instrument generated such incredible sounds. ALL come from THIS piece! Two weeks ago, I was reading one of your threads with someone (a fictitious medicine ;) ) who was also starting with the modular. Long and rich exchanges. You have awakened this person. And with your personal background, let me: wow !! (I read and read it again).

Ok, I go to order modules (aaargh, my savings ..!). But what sound pleasures to come!

Thank you for everything, Lugia!


Hi there. A module I've been interested in for a while I've just noticed is being discontinued and the remaining stock is being sold off. I noticed this completely by chance. So will have to buy one now.

This happened to me once before. Again, I noticed by chance and managed to order before it sold out.

So far I've been lucky but I'd hate a module to be discontinued and then not be able to find it ever, or have to buy for a massively marked up price.

Note: the module in question does not come up yet as discontinued on modulargrid.net.

So my request of a feature is to have better communication with the module companies and an easy way for them to let you know which modules are being discontinued so the site can be updated asap. And a notification option so if anything in my rack is becoming discontinued I get notified via email.


Nasty sound... I’ve been playing around with Noise Engineering Ataraxic Iteritas and it nicely fits the bill. They also have a gnarlier version the Manis Iteritas. Nifty 10 HP modules. Could add a ModDemix for even more nastiness.

Yep...if you're more inclined toward "nasty", sound-wise, the Mysteron's the one to keep, to be sure. But there's another killer VCO you'll need to look at: cheap, small, and capable of some really crazed self-mod jazz, and that's Noise Reap's uBermuda. Just recommended them on another build for similar timbral reasons, in fact. A couple of those cost about the same as a typical big-name VCO, and for secondary audio sources (or even up front!), they're a bargain on $$ and hp. Cold Mac? Yeah, that actually makes some sense, but if you want some craziness to pair with it, ADDAC just dropped a very inexpensive device that might pair with it really well as a performance control: the 306 VC Transitions. Check that out. Combining the two of those would set up a very intricate CV morph capability that you can use to affect quite a bit, given what the Cold Mac's designed to do. And yes, the MakeNoise 7U case with the CV Bus is a truly nifty thing...that 1U row solves quite a bit of problems!

Thank you, everyone, for your input. It seems pretty clear that I'm lacking VCAs!

Lugia: I neglected to include my 2hp Mix module in the rack, probably because I was so focused on sound sources. My mistake. Thank you for how thorough you went, and especially for explaining the logic behind it--it became very clear for me after reading your note. I see what you're saying about big, sexy modules: I definitely allowed myself to get carried away with the Cloud Terrarium, for instance. I'm actually more inclined to get rid of that module over the Mysteron, since I use the latter for timbral modulation and randomness, and I think it has a good "ugly" sound, but honestly they tend to be among the lesser-loved. You're right in that I feel like I'm hitting a wall. Thanks for the suggestion on the Doepfer. I've been looking at more of their modules after getting the spring reverb, which is gorgeous and relatively cheap. As for the utility modules, what about a Cold Mac? As for the mults: I currently use a few Intellijel non-magnetic hubs, and haven't noticed any kind of a signal drop-off. Either way, I've been planning on getting a 7U Make Noise case, which I believe would solve that issue in the future though--right?

Liquid_air: Yeah, I've downsized quite a bit. I had a few MI modules, but I just didn't get along with them, and wasn't interested in the micro version. As for your questions, I'm not sure I understand what you mean. I do use the MIDI in on the Mother-32 with a keyboard, but I'm not sure about your other question without an example.

Sudaunt: I've thought about getting a wogglebug or a Turing Machine, and I'm certainly not against having either. I'm not really too familiar with the Disting, but it looks like it does a little bit of everything. I'll certainly try it out. Thanks!

OK...one more shot here. I blew your budgeting all to hell, but I wanted to suggest what an instrument of the sort you were discussing could actually be. Here it is...
ModularGrid Rack
Now, you'll notice first off that the case is different. Instead of a Doepfer 84 single row, I went with an Intellijel 4U/104. This opened up a bit more space, plus added the Intellijel tile row for some extra functions, and it's fully-powered with Intellijel's excellent integrated supply/power bus. From left to right up there, you'll see your main clock, noise sources, a slew limiter, sample and hold (in the first tile alone, too!), a 4 x 64-step trigger sequencer for your drums as well as clock modulation/tinkering, a Quadratt which is your CV linear mixer/mult/inverter, then the line in/out which uses the Intellijel case's I/O jacks, already built in.

Bottom row, left to right again: the Permutations is a generative randomness sequencer based on the popular Turing Machine, sort of a 2nd-gen version of that. This provides loads of random and psuedorandom (at varying levels) CV possibilities. Next to this is a Toppobrillo Quantimator, a quantizer with scaling/tuning/chordal control via CVs, plus three outputs which can also be fed via an analog shift register, a sample-and-hold-type device which feeds CVs forward by a step on each clock pulse. These three outs are also your chord outputs, as well.

And with three outputs, you need three VCOs. I opted for the Noise Reap uBermuda here...very cost effective, plus they have a very crazed self-regen control that can drive the VCO waveforms into some really nasty shapes for lots of distortive harmonic fun. Audio mixer is next to these to sum your VCOs down.

The Delptronics LDB2 setup is next. This is a pair of modules (voices and CV expander) that offers analog sounds in the typical Roland 606/808-type family, with CV control over numerous parameters. Next is a pair of linear VCAs, to be used with CV/mod signals to control their levels. And for modulation, that's now fairly comprehensive: a Takaab triple LFO, Takaab CVable A/R envelope, and dual Doepfer ADSRs. Note the location, also...the Quadratt is directly above so that you can easily route your mod sources into it to combine them.

More Noise Reap...state-variable VCF with three frequency CVs, plus CVable resonance. Another audio mixer allows you to sum the outputs from this along with the mix out from the LDB2, if you choose. Right next to this is a switchable linear/exponential VCA with built-in AR envelope for your outgoing audio level control prior to the effects: 106 Chorus (again) which can stereoize your mono audio to feed direct to the uClouds SE for more processing, with the audio outputs directly above for convenience.

Yes, I know it's about $1500 more. However, this is the sort of thing you're actually pointing towards with the ideas you'd mentioned, so I thought you might like to see a reference of what this might entail. Oh, and as for the passive mults...there are none. In this tight a space, it's best to use inline mult widgets so you can maximize your active functions. And while there's buffering on the Quadratt output(s), there's no buffered mult because you won't be connecting CVs across so many modules that would cause voltage sag.

I was just about to suggest Marbles for you... the thing is amazing. Also: can be had on a great discount at Juno Records in the UK (with cheap shipping if you're in the US).

Maths here is used as the control signal to both channels of Optomix-- it could be anything but I didn't want to clutter the diagram by throwing more things into the mults.