hi Zacks

i am going to change a lot of modules...

your help is very appreciate

many thanks for all

i will completely rethink every modules

Thread: Magic Panels

They are really awsome.
Loving the tune as well.

Here is a small retex of my (really cool) first order to Bizarre Jezabel.
Hope it’ll help anyone who’d like to do so.

1. I ordered by email to Ivan.
Ivan is a trustworthy, friendly and very direct guy, who won't make small talk with you but gets to the point and responds to messages promptly. Amazingly promptly.

2. If you live in Europe, I strongly advise to use Wise and to enter the whole bank details of BJ
I live in France, and the payment was the hardest part of this order.
My mistake was wanting to make a transfer from my usual bank. But Ivan is in Georgia, outside the SEPA system. So my bank made me fill out a paper form, like in the 1980s. To scan. Then, it took them more than a week to ask me for an "official RIB" from Bizarre Jezabel, who cannot provide that because he does everything online... I spent two weeks trying to explain this to my bank and telling them that they live in the Middle Ages, but they wouldn't listen.
... Well perhaps your bank won't be that stupid...
In desperation, I resigned myself to payment by Wise. You have to create your account, it goes quite quickly, and you pay a (not so heavy) fee as soon as you sneeze, but the fact is that all you had to do was enter Ivan's bank details online and it was done.
Be careful though: you should not just enter the email address of bizarre Jezabel. This leads to a Bizarre Jezabel Wise-account that Ivan created but which does not work. You have to fiddle a little bit to find where to enter all the details of Ivan’s bank account, and then it works.

3. In practice, shipping and customs fees are less painful than I feared.
Moreover, shipping was shotrter than expected.
With the number provided by Ivan, you can follow the route at https://parcelsapp.com. For me, the package was posted on January 30 and I got it on February 16.

4. If you get a rainbow cable to plug your BJ module, use it.
Don’t do what I did. Usual grey cable with the red stripe won’t work.

5. Enjoy.
I ordered an Chloe stereo MK2, and it’s a wild beast. It’ll sure need some time trying to master it, and yes, as another user said in another thread, some pots are quite small and not that ergonomic ; they are really not ; but as far as I’m concerned, this magic and these functions in such a dense module, well, that’s ok for me 😊

In total, I was a little anxious at the start with this order in Georgia in a “tense” international context, but I am very satisfied and I am seriously considering other purchases from BJmodular.



I can give you specific suggestions, though I hope you'll also keep looking at other stuff to make it your own.

Sample and Hold: Divkid RND STEP is a good one that offers a lot of function in a small amount of space. You can easily just get the 2hp one as well - this doesn't need to be a complicated circuit to be cool - but then you always need outside modulation.

Envelope/Function Generator: Most of my favorite modules like this are big (Buchla 281t, Maths, Doepfer A-143-1 and 143-2). If you can spare the space, modules like this can make your system really come alive. However, Vostok (the Atlas company) makes an envelope generator that is smaller but gives you tons of loopable envelopes for modulation.

VCA/Attenuators: This is a category where you should do your own research and find out what works best. However, the various clones of Mutable Veils, such as After Later Audio's Cloaks, are popular and have lots of options. I have a Frap Tools 321, an attenuverter, which is very different but works great for me. Learning the differences between these two will help you better understand what works best, but they're both well-liked and popular, and that reliability is a good sign you can use them to learn about this stuff.

Multiple: Definitely get a mult or two. If you want to multiply audio or pitch CV, get a buffered mult (whichever's most popular). If you don't want to do that - and with this many oscillators, I don't know if you would - I'd just say look at 0hp options like the Qu-bit Splitter or the Intellijel Hub. Cheap and easy.

You have a lot of effects in this rack. It is nice to have effects that talk to your modular stuff, but it does take up space for stuff that can be done outside the rack pretty easily. I do think the Versio modules are interesting because of all the different firmwares, though, and keeping one (or both if you're set on them) might be a good way to explore a lot of stuff in one module.

Honestly, you may also want to think about something like a 1010 Music Bluebox standalone (or another mixer that can handle eurorack levels as well). You're going to have a hard time getting a module in that rack to handle 7 audio sources gracefully and ergonomically (especially for techno, where you'll be happier if you can mute stuff and do effects sends). Plus it frees up your Doepfer Quad VCA for more experimental purposes. I don't really understand the way you have it currently with separate mixers for drums and oscillators and then a single stereo out. If you have a reason for it being that way, then that's different, of course, but I think mixing is just one of those things that's hard to do in the rack without a whole new row for this stuff.

I don't know how you like to play this stuff, so you may choose modules that have different sizes or interfaces to these ones to highlight what you like more. Even that big Vermona module could be very useful if you thought you'd get a lot out of having big luxurious knobs and lots of space/options for your LFOs - it just depends on where you want your hands to spend the most time and what parts of your music you want to have control over in the moment. These suggestions are just me trying to add simple functions to what you already have and not change your original vision too much.

hi Zacks

many thanks for reply

Vermona LFO x 4 is too big : too much space lost

Can you tell me what modules too cancel and to replace ?? if you have name. ?? you say not enought modulations...

i want to patch only 3 drums modules & 4 oscillators

i am lost for connect 3 drums modules and 4 oscillators....

tell what you do with this rack..

thanks again

Too many voices and not enough modulation - at least for a setup this size. I would consider taking a look at more envelopes or even a nice function generator, as well as another VCA/attenuator to specifically facilitate modulations of modulation. A module like the Zadar really shines with a VCA or attenuverter alongside it to have more hands-on control of the voltage amounts.

You have a few particularly huge modules in here, and while I think that's actually a good idea ergonomically, it hasn't left you with much room for more modulation with all the voices in there as well. Nevertheless, things like sample and hold or other simple modulation sources will do you a lot of good (and you can get a small sample and hold without much trouble, since they don't really need controls right on the module).

How many voices do you see yourself patching together at one time (drums included)? If it's only 3 or 4, you should be a bit better off, but might still need a couple amenities like what I mentioned above. If you want to run them all at once and really work them, you probably want a fair bit more modulation.

Do you have the standalone case thing for the Ground Control? That extra space could be great for modulation, and it probably makes the sequencer/keyboard more accessible. I understand if you're keen on having it in the rack, but if not, that's valuable real estate.

In terms of voices and sound sources, you definitely want the stuff that speaks to you, but with modulation, it's honestly the stuff that sounds boring, overly technical, or obvious in modular that ends up being the most fun and unique. I would take a look at some Serge and Buchla modules if I were you - not so much to buy them, but just to see how the basic plumbing of modular can help your techno stand out from more rigid and standardized DAW creations (I would also watch some tutorials on Maths, which is not only a great module but a great teaching tool for showing how flexible basic circuits can be). They really illustrate how dense the simple stuff can get and demonstrate how to use one or two voices to make a full and compelling arrangement. Modular techno doesn't have to be minimalist, but it's a lot more fun if it's efficient and all the parts are being pushed.

ModularGrid Rack

Hello everyone

I decided to get into modular

I made a special techno rack with:

  • 4 oscillators
  • 3 drum box modules
  • 1 “keyboard” sequencer
  • 1 LFO x 4
  • 1 envelope x 4
  • 1 filter x 4
  • 1 reverb & 1 delay
  • 1 quad VCA/mixer for the 4 oscillators
  • 1 mixer x 3 for percussion
  • 1 audio output
  • 1 MIDI/ CV

before I start; tell me if this rack seems understandable to you where everything can be connected to make music, if something essential is missing??

don't hesitate


Cores from FRANCE

Thread: Magic Panels

What a groundbreaking idea!
So many questions...
Will you be producing them for sale?
What kind of power do they take up?
Are they noisy?
What video editing software do they require?
Are they networked?
Oh the possibilities...
Great work!


Thread: Magic Panels

Nice work.
-- wishbonebrewery

Thanks, cheers.

Thread: Magic Panels

Nice work.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


Thread: Magic Panels

Hello MODULAR People,

After months experimenting with basic eurorack modules and video editing software i created the magic panels.
Panels with graphic motion. It was hard working but the results are very creative and inspiring.
All the sounds are done in the box. Basic mastering in a DAW.
If you recommend me a module that brings movement in my patch, please let me now.

Enjoy the trip.

works for me on macOS Sonoma with firefox...

what OS/Browser are you using?

FYI - it's almost always better to share the url of your public rack... especially if you want help/recommendations etc (click through and mouse over infomatics are really useful)...

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

I just tried again this morning and it's working again. Thanks to whoever fixed it up on the back end!

apparently, the Multiples in this module are not buffered.

really happy with this

Hi folks
I'm using amazing EuroPi module from Alllen-Synth https://www.modulargrid.net/e/allen-synthesis-europi for connect my MIDI controller (pad or keyboard) to my modular by WI-Fi replacing raspberry Pico with raspberry Pico W.
The schema is so easy
MIDI control on USB -> Laptop/raspberry Zero -> EuroPi.

1- Connect midi controlller to PC
2- Open terminal and run miniMonitor.js (this script sniff the message on MIDI stream)
3- Open a second terminal and lance the server script
4 - Configure your controller by CLI
5- Connect to EuroPi Access Point
6- Start to stream by UDP message and value to Europi
7- Patch 6 Cvout and Play

Here you can find the first release of the script tested on Mac OSx Somona 14.2.1.
Inside micropPython folder you can found the script to upload on raspberry Pico W.
The forst release accept only one MIDI controller
The script is in Js and need NodeJs installed on your PC.

If someone will try let me know how you think about.
I'm working also on MQTT/OSC -> Europi bridge by Wifi.
A good solution to work without laptop is to install on raspberry Zero with powerbank :)


Thanks for sharing!

I'll receive the Befaco Stmix this week so between that, the Cloaks and the external mixer I should be nearly covered in terms of routing the semi-modulars and the modular signals.

I found out that headphones level is hotter that line level, so my second option with ALM HPO is not relevant. And then I found this module that does exactly what I need for 2HP so it's on my watchlist now.

And yes, I can always expand... I'll try to keep it this compact for now but it's already iching :)
I had a look at your other racks @halbroome, the Endless Processor looks like a really nice tool!

It eventually times out and I get the same error message in both cases: "An Internal Error Has Occurred. Error: An Internal Error Has Occurred."

I tried both Show > Screenshot as well as the Copy screenshot URL button and neither one of them ever loads. This has worked in the past. Is something amiss with this feature?


Would be nice to be able to mark a module in my collection as Willing to Trade and mark ones outside my collection as Want to Trade For. Would be nice to integrate it into the marketplace, such as instead of specifying a price, mark for trade.

I kind of like it. It's like a WWII relic. It has an oddly warm, nostalgic look.

I was wondering if there is a modern alternative to Intellijel's Shapeshifter. It's a very deep, capable and feature full module but it has quite few years already and I guess something newer has been put out already. can you suggest something similar in regards of its features and size?

Very nice and simple patch! Of course, being generative, it lacks the sense of direction of actual pieces of Glass. But it's quite inspiring to already get this result without adding compositional direction. Very cool!

Hi Gary, the page will be live the next days. We're just preparing the pre-launch of the MVMNT. stay tuned!

We are Modulove, a hamburg based team of multidisciplinary creatives with a passion for modular synthesisers and a dedicated interest in open source hard- and software.

Needs a stinking password to get to the linked pages:
Assembly Instructions (Quickstart) here: MVMNT / SYNC LFO QuickStart.

Hi :D

Im torn between these two

  1. SSF Ultra Perc
  2. SGR1806-20 Knob Technology

Has anyone a idea which one is good to get?
I can not get both right now :(
I know they are total different.

My thoughts are:
the Ultra Perc seems to me more like a full analog drum kit - nice sounding good to go - instand high quality drums for live purpose. Suitable for Techno percussion and also real-world percussion.

The SGR1806-20 seems to me to be very great for a kind of special analog industrial noise-drums with a raw flavour - like a analog BIA, with a huge sound palette and a kind of new very interesting character.

Im after a Ultra Perc for a while and now this amazing SGR1806-20 got my attention.
Blows my mind

I also have a Ultra Kick and I archieve to get also nice percussion out of it through modulation.
Maybe the Ultra Perc would replace the Ultra Kick. But will it be such a change and benefit?
I got a bit bored of using BIA these days, maybe I had it to long and Im more after analog sounds at the moment.

[ModularGrid Rack ]



Recently I’ve been playing minimalist pieces on the piano (Phillip Glass, Howard Skempton) that involve both polyrhythms and overlapping hands.

For this video, I transferred the idea to my modular system, splitting an F minor sixth chord across two sequencer channels, and clocking the channels at different rates (x2, x3). The sequencer (Qu-bit Bloom) generates 64 variations on this pattern, a stage sequencer selects 12 of them, and a multisample player (Disting EX) performs them. Further details in the patch notes.

Nice demo.
I never really drive the signals through my Vortices, I'll have to give it more experimentation.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


What is your take on this

Here's my main rack (actually two, both 6U, the bottom is an L-shaped Doepfer base):

ModularGrid Rack

On the bottom left corner is an Erica Synths Black Stereo mixer that accepts four stereo pair 1/8 modular inputs, and
outputs to the (originally mentioned in my first post here) Intellijel Audio I/O as a final stereo mix. The Audio I/O sends the attenuated stereo signal to my external mixer. I'm like you, in that I don't have much use the for the left side of the I/O, tbh, although it's there if I want to bring in semi-modular 1/4 outputs or loop a guitar pedal --
for my other rack that does just that, I use this:


There's probably a smaller hp solution for what I use the Audio I/O, but hey, you work with what you have!
I have fiddled around a long time to get the main rack I want, taking cable distance, work flow, and all that into account,
and am happy with this. Ideally, the ES Black mixer would be next to the Audio I/O, but I tried that and
for some reason I've forgotten it didn't work for me . . . note that I have three dedicated sub-mixer modules in
the center of the rack to feed into the ES Black mixer, with L/R signals of each taking up one of the four stereo pairs, and leaving a stereo pair vacant for whatever needs special attention. But that's overkill for your system!

You can always expand 8').

This looks interesting. I'd need two of those to attenuate the 2 stereo channels of the rack, though. And if I read correctly, it makes a good combination with Wavefonix's Clock Divider, but isn't one in itself.

So if I sum it up, to reach line level between my rack and the mixer, I have 4 solutions:
- dedicated output module (like Befaco Out V3) → takes a lot of room for a set & forget module
- headphones output (ALM HPO) + Y cable to split L and R signals before the mixer → is it a valid solution? (EDIT: nope)
- passive attenuators (like Doepfer A-183-1) → out of rack possible but may be difficult to find the right amount of attenuation?
- guitar pedal → out of rack but still needs some room and power

What is your take on this, how do you attenuate your output signal?

Check this out: converts digital to analogue, is passive, attenuates, mixes, mults, AND is a clock divider -- all in 4 hp!


@halbroome Yeah, I confess that I do not use my semimodulars nearly as much now that I have stepped into the modular world. But they sound nice so for now I keep them, I just need to work how to properly include them in a patch.

I have nothing against guitar pedals, but the space on my desk is a bit limited so I try to keep things compact. The Signal Blender seems really useful and not too expensive though, so I may give it some thought. Thanks!

@GunnarWaage Just to be sure I understand, you're advising I make the signal go through passive attenuators if I don't use a dedicated output module? So that would be audio signal → VCA → passive att → mixer, instead of audio signal → VCA → line output module → mixer. So you're advising against using a small headphones output module (ALM HPO) and a Y 'TRS → 2x TS' cable to plug into the mixer?


I released a new video centred around the“cosmic” oscillator Laniakea by Magerit. It’s a cinematic ambient journey into space. Please enjoy :D


Just make sure that coming out of the vca's you go through passive attenuators. Passive means nondestructive, without amplification.

I currently use the mixer that was provided with the Moog Sound Studio (4 mono or 2 stereo), but I was planning on doing some in-rack mixing too (using the VCA Out on the Moog to get modular level). Why are 1/4 cables "the way to go"?

-- blaaank

K, not familiar with it; once I went modular, semi-modular seemed a bit boring, haha (although I cherish my 3 rack Moogs and Make Noise). Mixers that go into computers are expensive 8'/.

Adding an additional track doesn't mean upgrading the mixer. Excuse my love of guitar pedals with synths, but this
pedal allows you to input 3 different 1/4 cables from your semi-modulars to go as 1 track in your mixer, while being
able to "attenuate" each, to use modular speak:


I actually have two Signal Blenders, so that my Moog 3-some rack can be all one mono output, and my Make Noise 3-some rack is a separate all in one mono signal to combine in a stereo send to the mixer. The great part is that you may attenuate any 1 semi-modular without affecting the others (i.e. Subharmicon too loud, but needed for internal mix, or one, two, three of the Make Noise semi-modulars needs to be less loud). Again, love the infinite combos!

[note: not endorsing any link I posted, just giving an example]

Thanks for your time and your reply, I appreciate it :)

Yes, I use an external non-modular mixer: the one that was included with the Mother 32 / DFAM bundle. It has 4 inputs, so for now I'm OK with it.

When I don't output stereo balanced signal from the rack, the DFAM, Mother 32, Subharmonicon and Modular Rack each go into a mono input of the mixer.
And when I output stereo balanced signal from the rack, 2 of the semimodulars go into the mono inputs of the mixer, the remaining semimodular is routed to the modular rack, which then goes to a stereo input of the mixer. So it would be more comfortable to have an additional input in the mixer, yes.

I was looking for a cheap mixer with more inputs so the Mix8 could do the job , thanks!

Right now I don't use a DAW, nor record what I do, I plan on getting to it once I'm satisfied of the sounds I make. I already had the Scarlet Focusrite in mind for the mixer / PC connection. I digged a bit on mixers that can be plugged into the PC but the ones I found are quite expensive, so I'll wait.

As for the listening part, I use a pair of Hercules monitors :)

Made a demo:

I currently use the mixer that was provided with the Moog Sound Studio (4 mono or 2 stereo), but I was planning on doing some in-rack mixing too (using the VCA Out on the Moog to get modular level). Why are 1/4 cables "the way to go"?

-- blaaank

I'm speaking of a non-modular, external mixer. Those are generally 1/4 inch cables (as are pedals, but you don't seem
interested in those, fair enough). For this simple example, 8 direct 1/4 inch inputs from all or any of your semi-modular Moog family can be mixed in with any 1/4 outputs from your separate modular racks (provided by the Intellijel or similar I/O).


Fairly cheap but powerful, especially if you are recording. I don't use DAWS, just Reaper through a Scarlet Focusrite to record off my mixer into the computer. Well, I did, but I upgraded my mixer so that it can go directly into a USB of my computer without
the Focusrite. Always an evolution. . . .

For about the same price, two studio monitors could easily be attached to the mixer, as well. Not sure how you listen to your patching?

Do you use an external mixer unit? I found that helps immensely to bring everything together, and 1/4 cables are the way
to go.

I love the possibilities with Eurorack!
-- halbroome

I currently use the mixer that was provided with the Moog Sound Studio (4 mono or 2 stereo), but I was planning on doing some in-rack mixing too (using the VCA Out on the Moog to get modular level). Why are 1/4 cables "the way to go"?

Thread: BIA 303

This is a 48hp build for my 4ms pod, featuring a faithful clone of the TB-303 sequencer by Michigan Synth Works. This is a cool build because it brings the 303 workflow into the eurorack format, allowing a mix-and-match with various synth voices and filters. I added a Pam's in here because it's a versatile clock and modulation source, which will work well in this very focused rack.

I chose the Basimilus Iteritas Alia because it can hot-swap firmware between the other Alia platform modules, which means this voice can be changed to the Manis, Cursus, Ataraxic, Debel by swapping the firmware. The Roucha Legio filter also has similar hotswap capability with other Legio platform modules.

This rack is small, focused, and extremely versatile.

Keep in mind with the Intellijel I/O that you can use 1/4 inch cables of the sound outputs
from the Subharmonicon / Moog32 / DFAM to input directly into your Eurorack on its input side
as 1/8 inch cables, and then out again as a whole with 1/4 inch output cables (or 1/8th if
directed into any of the semimodulars). Do you use an external
mixer unit? I found that helps immensely to bring everything together, and 1/4 cables are the way
to go.

If you ever want to use guitar pedals as an extraneous modulation, it is simple to loop through
those as well.

I love the possibilities with Eurorack!

In connection to the output module, if you are thinking to take multible channels to a mixer outside the rack, then youll probably want attenuators.

So 26 euros for a triple attenuator like this
-- GunnarWaage

Yeah, I planned to add some attenuators to my rack, currently the 3x MIA is my choice (but could be replaced by Frap Tools 321, still hesitating).

I love my Intellijel Audio I/O:


which can both input and output in just 10 hp. The Ochd - expansion combo rocks! Highly recommended.
-- halbroome

For now I don't see the use of a "line in" module, but thanks for the suggestion!
And thanks for confirming that the Ochd Expander is cool :)

this is why we use an output module that will adjust to the line level required
-- Sweelinck

Coming back to the "line out" module, I did a little bit more research. Space is crucial and I would want this module to take as little room as possible. Do you all think that an ALM HPO coupled with a Y cable TRS → 2x TS would do the trick for a stereo output? Or would it be better to have a proper L + R output module (Happy Nerding Isolator or Befaco Out V3, for example)?

Pams is very fluid with barely more than one nested menu in most use cases
-- Vegamorph

I also watched more "in-depth" videos about Pam's and, yeah, I must admit that it seems quite easy to get what you want. Plus the euclidian rythms part seem really nice. But (not considering its size which would make me pass on some other modules like the contact mic + looper) I'm afraid it would be partly redundant with Dice/Marbles. I know each one has unique features, but considering the number of voices I have I fear it may be overkill. What do you think?

wow i cant thank you enough for your detailed response regarding my case. I actually purchased a Veils V1 now thanks to your inpus and I will alao purchase the MISO next week

It repeats some of the more conventional functionality of Maths, yes, but this frees your Maths up to do other interesting tasks like envelope generator, slew limiter, (low or high frequency) oscillator, subharmonics generator, envelope follower, filter (or just gives you more of the vital functions they share to control your modulations). You aren't really missing functions and tools in this setup - it's more about plumbing to ensure what you have does what you need.

Looking at this system, another idea is one of those 2hp passive low pass gate modules like the Meng Qi DPLPG or the Takaab 2LPG (which is almost better because it has a switch to change between no filter, some filter, and more filter, making it good for transitions or CV). I know you have the Optomix, and that one is great, but I have a 266t and those noise sources are great for percussion or weird sounds to send to resonant filters. It's an ungodly cheap and compact way to add more signal paths into your setup.

Frankly, blanks could also work at this point to create space between some of the smaller and denser modules for ergonomic purposes. Like all of my suggestions, really, this is based on the fact that what you have is already a very deep and powerful system that, supplemented with computer material, can provide you anything from drums and percussion to 60s art noise to pretty twinkly melodies and be very productive. I wouldn't add anything much more complicated to this and a computer (and whatever else you use, I guess) before stopping to practice, record (ABR - always be recording), make some songs with it, assess, and see how much progress you've made so far. Ultimately, you and your responses to what it does will be the best guide.

Thanks! I added Veils V1, about MISO isnt that funcitions available through maths?

Intellijel Quad VCA and Tiptop MISO. Boring on paper but super fun in practice. I also have a little Buchla based setup and modulation/expression/movement is key here.

If you have a DAW and some money to spend, though, you might also look at the Expert Sleepers ES-8 or ES-9 interfaces for interfacing your DAW and modular. Especially in tandem with VCV Rack. It has DC-coupled inputs and outputs so you can sent control voltage to and from your computer, thus allowing you to use software and hardware modules in the same context. This means your setup can expand indefinitely without you spending much money at all, relatively speaking.

Even if you do this, though, I still recommend some kind of hardware attenuation or VCA just to make things playable. The Doepfer A-133-2 is a good small option. 2hp has the Avert and VCA modules, but be careful with these - you have to make sure you have a place for them where they won't get buried and inaccessible.

what should i fill with the last 20 hp? i was thinking maybe erbe-verb but im combining this system with DAW so effects is not necessarily big deal

looking forward to hear your ideas

ModularGrid Rack

Erica Synths has a series of educational modules for learning about electronic music generation. This is their kick drum version 2.
A very good kit. Easy to build, and sounds good. Would be a fine addition to a rack.
Even if you don’t buy the kit, I recommend you download the user manual, it’s a great practical guide to electronics in music.


I love my Intellijel Audio I/O:


which can both input and output in just 10 hp. The Ochd - expansion combo rocks! Highly recommended.

The Quadrantid Swarm can be purchased in standalone or Eurorack format, so you don't have to spend rack space on it.