Was your plan to replace the AE Modular or to add the Eurorack to it? Honestly, I think your AE Modular setup will cover most of the ground your proposed Eurorack system will cover. I would say that unless you just really want to try specific Eurorack modules that are different from what's in your current case, you're probably fine for now. I would recomend a couple more LFOs or whatever other modulation Tangible Waves offers and just looking up patch ideas. The quantizer and Ornament and Crime (if it comes back in stock) are also available in AE, and would probably help as well.

edit: I do have a Polyend Tracker as well and it is a great controller/sequencer for modular. If you get a MIDI module for your AE Modular, you can work that in easily and absolutely use that setup to do melodic bass and leads using your current modular, with other samples/sequencing/synth stuff being done on the Tracker or a DAW.

i kinda want to explore more standard modular synth stuff and see what I can do with it. I do want to do something more musical and maybe more rythymic. but I wouldn't mind trying to mix ambient with rythym. I do have some devices that can potentially control the modular. such as the polyend tracker and the launchpad pro.

I probably should have mentioned I kinda do have a modular from Tangible Waves. I've been messing around with it on and off exploring it's capabilities. I've often go for the ADSR and fm synth. And have figured out how to utilize the lfo trigger sequencer and 16 step sequencer. I have connected the trigger sequencer to the 16 step sequencer for rythym. I'm still trying to figure out how to utilize other parts of the synthesizer in musical ways. I kinda just go for whatever I feel I want to do at the moment. Whether it be ambient or rythym.

The Seventh Summoner gets a thoughtful review from Molten Modular

ok, so i found a 7u 104hp case on sweetwater and im only planning on filling 104hp of 3u... but i just maxed out the configuration just to see what it would look lile completely full. ...

ModularGrid Rack

please, please, please, comments.

peace ✌️

I clicked the picture and saw you already started making it bigger, and that's good. 84hp at least will go a long way towards making this a very good system to start with. What you need mainly is modulation. A Pip Slope does some good stuff, but also having some LFOs (Batumi, Ochd+expander, etc) and maybe a sample and hold (Toppobrillo Sport Modulator, Divkid RND Step), small CV sequencer, and/or quantizer will give you a ton of variety even from just the Ensemble oscillator and a filter. Effects are probably better left outside the rack for now, but that's something you can figure out as you go.

Your original post is actually a very good starting system except for a couple tiny things things that seem off:

  • What's going on with the 1010 Music MIDI splitter? Do you own or plan on owning multiple 1010 Music products or other TRS MIDI items? If so, then that's fine - just as long as you don't want it for anything converting MIDI to CV.
    • You can probably start with one mult like that. This space will help you with my next suggestion.
    • The Octal Linear VCA is great, and I often consider buying a second one. However, that one is better for big systems with lots of different modulators. I think here you need something with knobs for controlling the level and/or CV amount going in. Intellijel Quad VCA, Omnitone Ampera, Happy Nerding 3xVCA...something like that.
  • I disagree about the Mimetic Digitalis not being useful in this context. Even when you're not using every part for pitch, it would be a good CV modulator. A Pam's New Workout might be a more versatile option to start with, though. Lots of clearly accessible modulation, gates, and triggers You can even take unused channels from it and send timed gates/triggers to effects or filters to ping them and create unique experimental percussion that will be good for complementing and thickening your exploratory sounds.
  • For a small system like this I don't know if such a large output module is necessary. I have a passive stereo headphone out from Herzlich Labs and I find that way easier to just get the sound from one thing to another or listen to my system without needing a whole mixer or something - plus I only need one for all my stuff, rather than one per case. The 4MS Listen IO might also be a good idea, since it has the output functionality of this one (minus quarter inch jacks) but also has an input so you can run weird sounds through your filter and FM your synths with external sounds and stuff. If you have specific setup needs and really prefer the Pittsburgh output module (or already have it), however, ignore me on this.

In general, I think you had the right idea the first time. The second one was a bit weirder and might not really work since it no longer has an audio rate oscillator and that trigger sequencer is taking up a lot of space while doing less than the Mimetic or a Pam's. A 6U case (2 rows) is worth a look, though. The Mantis Case is cheap, durable, deep, wide, has good carrying case options, and will sell easy if you find it too big or need something else. Even if you choose not to expand much, it's better to have a case that's roomy and not quite full than be overly squeezed. There is generally never enough modulation or VCAs (though you want to make sure you have enough modulation to at least open as many VCAs as you have and intend to use, especially if you consider some without knobs later). Good work keeping a balanced and sensible amount of audio sources to modulation sources and utilities - that really is what makes this stuff come alive and be different from the results in a DAW or hardware workstation.

at around $3,000 this configuration might actually fit into my budget, and it still meets my total production capability aspirations. how do i go about getting a 1x3u 100hp case and what would that cost? can someone please critique this design? im looking for genuine feedback. i think i covered all my bases, but it would be nice to hear some genuine comments from the community...

please take a look and tell me what yathink

ModularGrid Rack

peace ✌️👾✌️.

and, if you really value minimalism, here is the same basic idea but in 40% of the size....

ModularGrid Rack

You don’t need a fancy sequencer to do minimalist-style additive sequencing. Here’s a trick that involves a module that’s in a lot of people’s racks: Pamela’s New Workout.
Detailed patch notes in the video:

its just a strange-r bighat... and a clockwork controlling 1 synth voice and 5 drum voices with all the bells and whistles to make if feel like i could keep a whole performance going.

ModularGrid Rack

(if i dont get any positive feedback this time i am quitting the modulargrid forum for good)

seriously, any comments???? peace. ✌️🙄✌️..

Thread: Lippy Kids

trippy visuals, and i was getting some nice bladerunner vibes of the ambient composition, but i was left wanting like some high hat or something like that.

peace ✌️
-- singular_sound

Thank you for the feedback, appreciated. Next time will add some percussion

Thread: Lippy Kids

trippy visuals, and i was getting some nice bladerunner vibes of the ambient composition, but i was left wanting like some high hat or something like that.

peace ✌️

Thread: Lippy Kids

you might want to consider the strange-r bighat for your sequencing if youre aiming toward experimentation as your end goal:


just a suggestion.

peace ✌️

hehe, those long since dead mushrooms that i took photos of years ago.


Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


oh, so youre trying to make 4 signal paths and envelopes for a square, saw, triangle, and sin waves and then recombine them using a super overkill filter? i see now. ...

but it still seems like the memetic digitalis might be more than you need. idk though.

not an expert. it all looked overkill to me.

peace ✌️
-- singular_sound

you have a point there. I think it's gonna need a whole lot of refinment...

oh, so youre trying to make 4 signal paths and envelopes for a square, saw, triangle, and sin waves and then recombine them using a super overkill filter? i see now. ...

but it still seems like the memetic digitalis might be more than you need. idk though.

not an expert. it all looked overkill to me.

peace ✌️

Sounds exciting! Atmospheric techno with improvised sequences and a strong bassline must create a unique vibe. I’ll give it a listen. Keep experimenting and pushing your sound forward!

Highen Fintech
Innovating Financial Solutions
Email: sales@highenfintech.com
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Ah, i see. Sorry about the misunderstanding. I was kind of going along the lines of more exploritory and experimental. And for some reason. modular grid defaults to 1u as the first case unless you make a new one?

ModularGrid Rack

unrelated, ive had alot of fun messing with ADSRs with my korg minilogue XD

still working out some ideas though. Not in a rush to buy anything yet. But, i'm feeling something which has a lot versitility. And then maybe eventually go more focused.

i dont know a lot about function generators.

it just seemed to me like the 60hp one i posted was more steamlined and focused.

it seems like you were choosing modules with extra functions that you didnt need.

peace ✌️

pretty meat and potatoes acid, but i think it would be even more trippy if you added a galvanic element from real mushrooms, etc.

peace ✌️

cant say i love the look of it, to be honest.

i would have chosen something that looks more like 'this' as a starter, for my style. ...

ModularGrid Rack

peace ✌️

it seems to me ridiculous that i could post something relevant for feedback and see no replies on an active form over 24h later, etc.

i dont think this place is being run great. ...

troll post:

lol, guiz. new modular rack design. is it 'modular' enough, do you think? "feedback".

ModularGrid Rack

seriously? no comments?

people were saying my other rack configuration designs had way too much going on, so, now i have stripped it back essentially as much as i know how, and not even a single regular user has anything to say?


peace ✌️


(also, can anyone comment on if the kitty eyes / penrose would actually generate a randomish arpeggiation effect like i think?)


what was that advice again?

"too many modules to keep track of. be more conformist. gooble gobble." ?

im a rockstar.

peace ✌️


(like, i get it if you think one brainstep controlling 4 voices, plus one scrooge, plus 100 other knobs and things, plus a mixing console, isnt the right stuff to really just compose almost anything on the fly and really generate a compelling performance, but thats not the feedback i have been getting, so if thats it, just say so. etc. ... .)

seems to me like you already have ideas about the kind of signal chain you want. not sure if i can help you refine that at all, but nothing looks totally out of place, to me.

one thing i can think to mention is that i just came across the 'cyclonix cyclebox', now discontinued, and i think an area to explore might be finding ways to replicate a similar functionality in a more ambient production context, to share, if thats helpful. peace ✌️

Hello! I want to get into modular. I know nothing. I want to create a synth for pads/ambiences/pretty sounds. Please let me know how I can improve! I would also love for my pfp to not be sideways.

I think all the advice you got in your previous posts still applies.

|one more comment|

nobody seems to like my 4x3u 100hp designs, so here is a 2x3u one. better?

ModularGrid Rack

peace ✌️

great, mean comments. definitely the reason i use modular grid.



(i wont take any more of this 'snark'. im a freaking "rockstar".)

peace ✌️

Did AI help you with this one, too?


I'm looking to trade this Befaco 7U case for a Palette 62, preferably black, and the difference in money. If however someone is interested in buying it, then I'd like to get around 500 EUR (slightly negotiable). I bought the case in December 2024 and I also have the decksaver (included), the power supply (still with plastic wrap on it) and the strap it comes with. Everything is like new. I used it only a couple of times. It's a great case, but I changed my mind and don't want to spend that much money anymore. A small Palette should be ok for me.

The case has a small sticker with a funny cat on the bottom side. If it bothers you, it can be removed effortlessly.

PM for more details and pictures.

Located in Bucharest, Romania.

Buyer pays shipping costs, but we can share the Paypal taxes.

yeah, but that is exactly the kind of commemt i didnt want.

how im thinking about it: 2 demon cores like 2 guitars, the plasma voice like a bass, all the sequencing i need, the plonk to spice up the scrooge, brains to have brains, then the swarm as a background drone element, some effects, chaos, and noise, and then all the other modules to give me the right performance options, and things like that.

i dont think its too much.

peace ✌️


(also, brief comment... the 5 on the bottom left are negotiable. i just had some space to fill, and i think i did a pretty ok job, etc. ...)


Too many clock multiplers...

“You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche

Ch2: Pitch
Ch3: ATK
Ch4: DEC
Ch5: S/L/M
Ch6: B/A/T
Ch7: Delay Modulation
Ch8: Additional Trigger (Cross to Ch1)

Cv1: ATK/DEC Modulation Attenuation
Cv2: S/L/M & B/A/T Modulation Attenuation

Axon - 2:
Assign 7: Normally Pitch Range (Pam Ch2, level)
Assign 6: Normally Pitch Shift (Pam Ch2, offset)
Assign 5: Normally Slew or Off-beat Trig probability (Pam Ch8)
Assign 4: Normally Euc Trig for Pam Ch1
Button A: Next Bank
Button B: Randomizer (Cross source, seed, for ch 3,4,5,6,7)

Exponential Rythm based on Two LFO modulation in feedback

Ch1, output main clock
Ch4, output modulation LFO, use ch4 output to ch1 "Both",
Ch1, output to ch4 "Both", Create feedback look between two LFO.
use Ch1&4 Attenuation to stablize or mess up the clock.

Do the job

Multi in Phase mode,
adding the Multi output with LP output, Creating special Mid frequency Harmonics.

One random S&H Modulation Source to three different parameters.
Turn The attenuation during the performance to create drastic effect.

Live Note:
Do some work in Pam, Save your ass during the play.

Ps: Update PAM to V128. In V128, dynamic clock (or Exponential Rythm) is more easy for PAM to capture. Please do that.

been trying for a total production case design for a while. forum didnt absolutely love my old designs, but i think this new particular arrangement is special. etc....

i would like comments related to the ability to use just this to create music live that could suit a plethora of contexts and composition styles, like it was 100% replacing your daw.

(but, of course, also functioning like its own fully contained stand alone instrument too.)

ModularGrid Rack

((positive feedback only, please. no 'not enough clock multipliers' comments...))

peace ✌️

looking for feedback on the nifty keys layout rack I made a plan for.
is it viable for a newbie...? don't want to burn any moduels or make retarded newcommer mistakes. any guidance apriciated.
looking mostly for crazed psychedelic fx/Pad squeltch/glitch sounds, to sample and chop up in daw.
the reason for keys is to get, and playable key note for track reference.
saw a mates rack, and based the components on his. so know the crazy shit his made, wich is the goal i have...
ei, no meaningful melodies, or Synthesizer sounds, need Piched up, glitched crazy sounds for psychedelic music productions...

thanks a bunch😄🔥


Looking forward to playing with the TenderBang Eurorack Module!

one for the admins to delete me thinks!

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


How do I handle possessiveness in my relationship?

🔹 Anna_B – Feb 21, 2025, 11:00 AM
I’ve been with my boyfriend for almost a year, but recently, he’s become super possessive. If I go out with friends or spend time with family, he gets upset and starts accusing me of not caring. It’s draining. I understand he loves me, but this feels like control rather than affection. Any advice on how to deal with this?

🔹 David_G – Feb 21, 2025, 11:30 AM
Possessiveness can be tricky. Sometimes, it stems from deep insecurity or past experiences, but it’s important to set boundaries. If he loves and respects you, he should trust you. You have every right to spend time with others without feeling guilty. Have you tried talking to him about how his behavior makes you feel? Communication is key.

🔹 Olivia_T – Feb 21, 2025, 11:45 AM
I’ve been in a similar situation before, and it really hurt my mental health. In the beginning, it feels like they care too much, but soon enough, it becomes controlling. I ended up feeling trapped and isolated. It’s important to talk it out, but if he’s unwilling to change, you might have to ask yourself if this is the relationship you want. Everyone deserves a healthy, trusting connection.

🔹 Jason_H – Feb 21, 2025, 12:00 PM
I totally agree with Olivia. If it’s getting to the point where it feels like you’re walking on eggshells just to have some space, that’s a huge red flag. A relationship should empower you, not make you feel trapped. If you’re ever looking for a change of pace and want to enjoy yourself without the emotional rollercoaster, this link https://www.tenderbang.com/fuck-tonight.html might be worth checking out. Life’s too short to be in a relationship that makes you feel like you’re losing yourself.

Feeling like I've not stabbed a pattern into the Beatstep for a while for some straight up acid tweaking, so here it is, no frills squelch and squeak!

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


Hello everyone!

I've had a Maschine+ since the beginning of the year and am still practicing producing Gabber/Early Hardcore. I would love to add Euroracks to the Maschine+. Percussion and bass are samples via Maschine+ and leads via modules.

Can anyone recommend a small setup for me to get started?

Thank you!

Best wishes

Hallo Zusammen!

Ich habe seit Anfang des Jahres eine Maschine+ und übe noch etwas in der Produktion von Gabber/Early Hardcore. Sehr gerne würde ich die Maschine+ mit Euroracks ergänzen. Percussion, Bass sind samples über Maschine+ und Leads über Module.

Wer kann mir hier beim Einstieg ein kleines Setup zum Einstieg empfehlen?

Danke Euch!
Viele Grüsse

Every rack wants a Pam's Pro Workout as a master clock.

A Nanorings instead of an original Rings will save you money and 6hp, and work and sound the same.
Calsynth makes a nice one, as does Michigan Synth Works.

Because you're looking at the Doepfer MIDI modules, maybe consider the a-190-5 Polyphonic MIDI controller.
It does what the a-190-2 does x4, and provides many more tricks with the kinds of voice modules you have.

If you stick with the A-190-2 MIDI module, note that the A-140-2 ADSR can be automatically triggered
by the 190-2 if they share the same bus. Saves two wires, overrides with patch cables.
Have it live next to the MIDI module.

Mults. Look at the Frap Tools 333 ProAudio Sum and Distribution module. I use it in almost everything.
6hp, cheap, solid, dead on clean and accurate, and handy for adding CVs (and audio) together,
and then mult-ing them out. I also like the Rides in the Storm QAM Quad multiple.
Very well made at a good price.

You could use more meat and potatoes. Will that A-119 comparitor earn it's 8hp of space?
The A-121-3 multimode filter is 4hp and could help tame and shape some outputs.
Next to that, an A-145-4 quad LFO, because everything could use a little more wobble.
Far more utility in 8hp than the comparitor.

I'll hate myself for this, but a used Maths is going for around $290.
A new Behringer Abacus is $59. Ugly as sin, built to a price, but $231(!) cheaper.
I feel so dirty now.

Modules from 2hp always seem like a great idea until you use them.


This is a collaberative album made by myself and my buddy Bode Gustav, and it was released on his label. He made some original material with his computer and plugins and sent it to me. I then ran it into the ms20 low pass filter on grone and clouds, and processed it. Thanks for listening! If you have any questions or comments about it please feel free to ask or post.


Looks good to me!

I would reconsider the Octogain: .....
How are you planning to integrate the drumbrute?

-- teataine

Thanks for the helpful reply! Everything you said makex a lot of sense. I switched out the Rabbit Hole for a stereo distortion and put in a matrix mixer after doing some research, that's exactly what I was looking for. This is where I've landed!

With the drumbrute, for now I'll just use it for the master clock for effect syncs. Eventually I'd like to build out a small drum module to port the kick, snare and hi hats out to some better sounds/effects but for now I'm gonna crank the internal compression and hope they've improved the sounds from the OG drumbrute. I loved the feel and flow, but it sounded like a toy lol.

Thanks again for your reply! Super good info

I would reconsider the Octogain: it's a ART/Polytip (or whatever they're calling them now) module, which is meant to integrate with other Tiptop modules from the same line so it's kinda wasted potential (and it hasn't been officially released yet). If your main signal path will be morphagene->effects then you only have one pair of stereo outs to worry about and 8 mixer/vca channels seems kinda overkill. I'd definitely look into a smaller mixer/vca combo and add another modulation source/utility. A matrix mixer would also be really powerful in this rack because you could redirect the flow from one effect to another, feed them back into themselves and reorder your signal path. Looking at the Rabbit hole, it's a summing mixer, so be aware you'd be losing the stereo image from Morphagene and your effects (find a way to do parallell processing or an alternative stereo saturation/grit module).

How are you planning to integrate the drumbrute?