All messages which are listed in your outbox are in the inbox of the recipient. Even if the recipient did not get an email, he will see them when he logs into ModularGrid.

A missing feature of the ModularGrid Messenger:

It's not possible to reply to ModularGrid messages from your email program. They go to, which is a digital trashcan.
You have to log into ModularGrid and use the messenger there.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Change Log

Request your username

Besides the password reset function you can now retrieve your username with your email address.
Pretty standard, but it was missing.

A lot of people forget their usernames, not sure if that is related to modular abuse.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Select and Copy Entire Row

Are there any plans to address and add this feature?
-- GRK_Astronomer

Currently you can only swap entire rows. Group select is on the list but won't come very soon.

so that we can have non-rackable modular items/accessories outside of the "modular grid case" (clean this mess up!).
-- Trinniti

It won't work well because outside of the rack, modules don't stay in place after a page reload.
The database is modules only. I see that it is a nice touch to track your cable hangers and such, but if we open up the db for things other than modules the database will be full of dreamcatchers, Lucha Libre action figures, japanese maneki-neko and what not.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

ModularGrid serves the images in two resolutions depending if you have a "retina" high DPI screen or not.
All images are converted to png, maybe that is the step where loss in clarity occurs.
You can try to upload the image as png to prevent the conversion. Opacity will be preserved btw.
The module does not look too bad for me on my computer.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

You can search in your collection like in the ModularGrid database. If you reset the search form, you should see all modules you have added.
You can also add all modules in a rack automatically with the Edit-> Add all to my modules drop down.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Being able to search for people‘s real names would be a great addition.

We don't know the real names of the users so this will be a problem...

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Did you know we have a user search function?
If you click on Messages there is a link Find Users. You have to know their MG username though...

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

I only searched for this on the detail page of a module and these options are not there. I wonder why one can only do this in the module list view.
-- mikeleebirds

That is possible now. There should be a button Add to Collection beside the Add to Rack button on the detail page.
Thanks for pointing out.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

We don't have social media functionality on ModularGrid, but we think about at least to add some kind of friend list.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Ah, only if I use a computer?
-- sislte

I thought it works everywhere, but I was wrong:
Rating on the mobile detail page was disabled for mobile phones.
I can not remember why, so I have enabled it again, should work now.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Yep worls alright hovering. It's c and v though, not p. Which I am used to anyway. THx!
-- wiggler55550

Of course it's v! Thanks for correcting, it was even listed wrong in the shortcut descriptions

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Module Detail Page

First check that you are logged in.

  • Open a module details page.
  • Stand up and move away two steps from your computer screen.
  • You will see a grey box with five empty stars just between the module info and Marketplace headline.
  • exhale, brabbling "duh"

I tried to make them stand out while in reality I put camo on the functions.

Module Browser

  • There are 4 buttons on a module cart in the module browser.
  • The one with the star is the rating function.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

I press 'c' flip to the other browser tab, press 'p' - nothing. What's the secret?

-- OurMod

The secret is to hover with your mouse over the target rack before pressing v.

The reason: there has to be some kind of focus, else people would paste a module when entering "VCA" in the search field which is on the same page. That is a bit confusing and not ideal and I will think about a better solution.

edit: shortcut is v not p.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

And sophiajoseph is a spam pattern for dumping spam into the forums.
-- Lugia

She is gone.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

I have rechecked and asked Mr Schreiber:
Synthesis Technology does not manufacture the MU modules and for that reason prefers not to be listet as a MU Manufacturer.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

... if I turn the Popover off, the spinner icon doesn't disappear along with the Info and Trash icons.
-- JohnLRice

That should be fixed now.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

The first two you listed "may" be duplicates

They are the same. The original one is locked by the manufacturer, the duplicate has better info, though.
I have pm'ed the manufacturer to unlock or update specs on the original.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Anyways, unfortunately ModularGrid doesn't support CP sized modules in the way that 1U modules are supported for Eurorack (hint hint? ;-)
-- JohnLRice

I am taking notes, John, but I don't promise anything ;)

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

I think that Synth Tech MU modules were in Other/Unknown because they never manufactured any MU modules. Any of the ones in ModularGrid are DIY hacks by individuals, at least that I can recall. I'm not saying to do it one way or another, I'm just saying. ;-)

Ah John, you're right.

Actually, is there a MG rule on that? I'm never sure if I should put a module that was DIY'd into a different format under the manufacturer of the "guts" or if it should be under Other/Unknown??
-- JohnLRice

It's a bit tricky. While DIYers want to show respect by labeling their builds with the inventors brand, some manufacturers don't want to have DIY modules labeled with their brand. Our suggestion is to better not label DIY builds because if manufacturers complain we remove them anyway.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thanks for the hint, I have corrected it.
Cheers ... and welcome!


Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Change Log

Flip Modules

There are people who like their modules mounted upside down for ergonomic reasons.
With the new flip function you can rotate module by 180°. There is also the keyboard shortcut f available.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Is there a way to rotate/flip individual modules, such as a Batumi where the CV patch points are on top rather than on bottom?
-- RunnyKine

We've been discussing adding the option to flip a panel for while.
-- ParanormalPatroler

The future is now! I have added a 180° flip function. There is also the keyboard shortcut f available. I hope I did not break anything ... Thanks for reminding me, guys!

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: I am jinxed.

It’s just shocking. At least you have restored the producer. They give you guarantee and that’s what guarantee is for. However, you should try building some kit yourself, it's large amusing.It's funny and try this SpamFuck to increased knowledge in your life.

I have deleted the Spamaccount. That was the message @Lugia was answering to :)

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

I have checked it: that module was assigned to a single private rack.

Still can't delete that one so something is up!

There was an issue, when modules were assigned just to private racks the Related Rack partial was not displayed at all.
I have fixed that.
I have deleted the module assignment so you should be able to delete the module.
I am working on a feature that will allow mods to delete modules no matters if assigned or not ...

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Nooo - I had a heart symbol put there, did it break the submit? greater than symbol + 3. :(

Ok - I have to meditate on top of this, I'll write the stuff again when I have a bit more time. But thank you again for the feedback!
-- Lukree

Indeed that heart breaks the code :(
Sorry, I look into it. In the mean time try one of the Emoticons, accessible besides the Submit button, like this interesting raccoon.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

[...] Again, more coding headaches, sure...but it's sorta what comes with having become 'authoritative', so it's definitely not a negative. Just what happens when you turn into the 'definitive reference'.
-- Lugia

Thanks @Lugia. You know that you can "browse" through different faceplates in the browser view, when you activate the Panel Selector button? It is a bit "halfbaked" but let's you choose different panel gfx which was uploaded for that specific module.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Here's a question/request which ought to be easily feasible:

can we make sure that the alignment between using a module on a rack and what appears in the info section of the module in regards to usage is 1:1 ? I mean, I'd like to be able to see exactly on how many racks a module is being used on, no exceptions.

I guess you mean the section "Related Rack" ?

Right now I have a module hidden, which I uploaded and had to remove, which is in no racks (supposedly) but when I try to delete it, it doesn't allow me as "it's being used in some racks". There's probably someone who still has it on a rack but I can't know who or how many there are, since the information is non-existent.

Same goes for when I upload a module the first time, I put it on my rack and there's no info about it being used anywhere. It's a bit weird. Is it possible that it's a bug?

ModularGrid uses a system where a html page is constructed from several "partials". Single partials can be cached for performance reason. That is the case with the Related Rack partial. It is cached on the server for 2 hours, because I did not thought that it is timing critical info and if in doubt I always prefer speed over precision.
I now have updated the code that Unicorn users get real time data for Related Racks. Maybe that solves your issue?

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Change Log

no anonymous vote for modules

It's not possible anymore to rate modules with an anonymous account. Before the change it was possible to manipulate the Top Modules list. I have removed all anonymous votes.

better spammer detection

The system tries to identify forum spammer on registration and blocks them.
The system is very sensitive. If you are blocked and you are not a criminal please write me an email.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thanks @ParanormalPatroler for all your engagement and doing! These are good points as always. When I understand that right there should be some kind of automatic duplicate detection on upload. That is a good idea.
You already suggested a merge mechanism for modules, I still have that in mind. And also a way to flip panel images without uploading new images, like we have in the pedal section.

I can not act as fast as I like to do and there are several issues behind the scene which are mostly invisible but have to be addressed with priority like the recent spam attacks. I am most interested in a clean database and a way to purge the module data will come.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

I am trying to "streamline" the site from time to time and clean up functions which might have become redundant.

I thought nobody uses the shopping list, because of the spec sheet, which displays quite the same info, except the highly unreliable money column.

The shopping list is still there, but hidden:

Open one of your racks and change the URL in the browser adressbar from[your Rack Id]
to[your Rack Id]

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Still not sure if they are idiots or geniuses. There is at least one guy in Jakarta who thinks that modular users also are the target group for illegal abortion. He puts really a lot effort into letting us know.

ModularGrid now has an IP blocker, so I hope the situation will improve over time..

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thanks, we have to fight a lot with spam recently. Problem is, it's not a bot but real people from Indonesia, so they are hard to filter.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

It's already there.
Checkbox is called Show other/unknown Modules

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

There was a second Liquidus which was uploaded by another user. I have unlisted that.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

If you have uploaded them yourself click on Me: Brother Theo in top navigation. There should be a delete button next to your submitted modules. It only works, if those modules are not yet assigned to racks, though.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Change Log

Fulltext search

That first input field in the search that used to search for module names and in description now also searches full text.

You cannot catch the cat

Users had issues with the cat overlaying over info and add buttons. The cat will now run away in a sinusoidal movement with inverted acceleration when you hover over it.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Top right in the module browser is a link Price in $.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Clown gefrühstückt!

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Request

Firstly, I general access the site from my iPhone 7+. I can't for the life of me figure out how to rate the modules I own using this interface. It would be good to make the ratings more visible as well.

Rating is not working on mobile devices. I have the feeling when I build that feature mobile phones were tiny. Have to reevaluate :)

Second, could we get written reviews too? Ratings are useful, but written reviews give context to the rating. We don't all create the same music, and we all have different preferences for UI, menu diving etc.

It is possible already in theory. On a module page you can Post in a new thread. What you put there will be displayed on the (underused) MG forum but also on the module detail page itself! This would be a perfect place for reviews but it is always difficult to get these things startet.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

You have to enter the correct width of the pedal. Everything else will be resized automatically.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

We don't have much discussions going on here, so I am not sure if it is a good idea to add even more sections.

How about you post in Modular Discussions? If we get more activity about related gear we will add a new section an move the posts.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

I just cleaned up.
-- ParanormalPatroler

Just wow and thank you!

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

I already DELETED 30+ tags of some notorious modules ;)

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

I'm using Firefox 56.0.1 (64-bit). I just clicked on the "Frequency Divider" tag (no other search options) and I got (in order of appearance): Compare 2 (Comparator, Dual/Stereo, Frequency Divider, Logic), Divide & Conquer ..
-- ParanormalPatroler

Did not see your first message: The order you have is "Newest". The default order wasn't switched when clicking on a tag. That should be fixed by now.
However you can still change the sort orders any time, if people want the old representation with "most popular first" it is possible.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Followup: ok, it works when using the drop-down. Just checked with Frequency Divider again and it works just fine. It does not work when clicking on a tag though, just so you know. My offer still stands if you need to test.
-- ParanormalPatroler

Ah, those little blue tag links in the module short description box? They should work now too.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Ok, this is interesting. A few thoughts. I think the penalty could work, but it may take some time. For example, I sorted by LFO. Batumi, which is clearly an LFO has 4 tags and shows up way, way down on the page (Atlantis showed up first until I removed all tags but Synth Voice). This could prompt manufacturers to use less tags so that placement is higher on the page. The solution implemented sort of works, but not for items that are tagged heavily.

Atlantis showed up first, when you selected LFO? This is wrong, maybe there is a bug in the code :(

The PRIMARY FUNCTION could be the new database field. It would mean that many modules would not have that particular field filled out for a while, but eventually we'd get there.

I see. I am not totally against it, but I know there would be a lot to change with the version system ...

Side note: I am not pushing this agenda, I am just having a conversation. I work in a filed where we bounce ideas off each other all day long, so I am not married to any of my ideas, just trying to spur creative thinking.
-- dysonant

It's completely fine, we need ideas to improve.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Is it working though? 'Cause I'm searching based on tag only and I get mixed number of tags on the results.

It should work. Which browser are you using, which function/tag are you looking for?

I would assume the ones with just that one tag would appear first, no?

Yes, that is the idea.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

I am experimenting to implement a ranking for the results. If someone is explicitly searching by function the modules with less attached functions will be prioritized in the ranking. That means there will be a penalty in the listing position for the swiss army knife and overtagged modules.

We have that update now. What do you think?

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Sorry for the confusion. You cannot add new modules to a large rack with expired unicorn account.
I will change that in the description.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

There was a time when one could select a module function, such as "VCA", and be presented with list of modules that served that function.

It's hard to get this right, because it is not only a technical problem but also a question of definition.
I think we have 2 problems here:

1. modules are overtagged

We have a best practice for that @ParanormalPatroler already explained:

the question that tagging needs to answer to is whether a module can be used as X or not. If the answer is yes, then the tag should/could be applied.

e.g. if a module is labeled as a VCA it has to have input and output jacks to be used as a VCA in conjunction with other modules. If there is somewhere a VCA burried in the module you cannot access it is not right to tag it as a VCA. It is a community effort to get the tags right.

2. modules are tagged correctly but the result is still confusing/unexpected.

If you have a synthvoice with accessible patchpoints it is o.k. to tag that module as VCA.
Still people looking for just a VCA don't want to have a synthvoice listed at the first places in their result.

One easy and immediate solution to this problem would be to limit the tag option down to 2-3 tags at maximum

Sure that would work too, it would be the easiest and quickest solution, but it would feel almost like cheating ;)
Btw. we already have a max limit.

Damn, I had a detailed and great response queued and clicked submit to be presented with a login.


I wonder if a broader category like "Modulation" with sub feature filters that one could select multiple feature from would work?

I understand the idea but I am not very much into the category/subcategory topographies. It gets academic and inconsistent very quick. Beginners will be overwhelmed, the UI will be difficult and the SQL queries will be slow/complex. If it is possible to keep it flat and simple I am in for that.

I am experimenting to implement a ranking for the results. If someone is explicitly searching by function the modules with less attached functions will be prioritized in the ranking. That means there will be a penalty in the listing position for the swiss army knife and overtagged modules.
So searching for VCA will get you the simple building blocks first.
I think that might be a good thing because manufacturers have to think about the main function of their module.

The main idea is to not add any new functionality but to just magically get better results.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: