Oh yes, good calls on all of those!!

Spotted a very expensive QMMG in the marketplace the other day - eek! Is there really nothing else like this?

I have lost a lot of friends over recent years, it's absolutely devastating, you don't know what it is like until it happens. I was warned about it, one day you are fine and everyone around you is fine, then all of a sudden half your friends are dead or seriously ill. The same thing happens in eras of famous actors, for example. While I wish no one, not even the total assholes, any ill will... it's not going to be long before some Euro Heros start to go.

This is a bit morbid, sorry, but it is part of life, I believe we should talk about it a little more.

Nice, what I was trying, and probably failing, to say was...

by trying to do these things you come across stumbling blocks, this does two things:

1) it lets you know what is missing in your system and what to go for next

2) as you have shown very nicely, it makes you think about how you could achieve something similar without the correct tools

2, imho, is a significant portion of what modular is all about for me, it's about thinking laterally and trying things you would not normally do with a classic synth architecture.

I have just built 2 Entropy to sell!! I know you probably want to do this yourself, but if you are interested and in the UK or EU, it would help me out to have a sale - of course absolutely no trouble if not :)

Good choice by the way, I really rate the Zlob stuff!!

Yes 100% fun support from me too... modular bleeps and bloops and I love your attitude and approach - spot on!!

Right now you have enough to spend some serious time learning... stick with what you have right now and experiment.

Try some tutorials on how to create classic modular patches, I didn't look too closely, but you probably have enough to create a Krell patch - this should be your next video - hint hint ;)

I very rarely shout anyone out for their entry into the world of modular, but you really made me smile :)

It's really GOOD to see someone taking their time and building SLOWLY!!

Really good!!! It's the best way and how it should be done!! In all but the most exceptional of circumstances I don't like it when someone just buys a bunch of euro all in one go or a very short space of time. Grumble... grumble... :D


I have been thinking recently about how certain modules, that were once de rigour (at least for me and a few folk) are slipping away from us and are no longer available!

The Harvestman modules were the ones that first alerted me to this growing phenomenon, but since I have come aware of it, there are more... Make Noise - Mysteron, marked as retired on the MN website and only one or two instances in the wild that are for sale! I mean wow... what a a module, what a sound... is there anything else quite like it? I can't think of anything! It is by any reasonable definition of the word, dare I say it? Rare?

Can you think of other modules that are becoming rarities?

I was thinking of selling my Mysteron, for 'rack space reasons' it's been in it's box for a little while, but having realised that there might come a day in the not too distant future where it might not be easily replaced, or that I could end up with an instance that has been erm... lets say 'used' ... now I think I am going to keep it! It's mint!

Thoughts? Ideas? Concerns? What are you thinking?

Annnnnnnnd..... relax :D

That's much better!!! Good idea on the foam board, does the job nicely!

Just some small notes:

You don't always need filters, although they have a habit of creeping in everywhere, FM synthesis is perfectly capable of creating sounds that sound like they are filtered.

You patch 01 sounds great, I like the huygge reverb too!

Please consider using something for blank panels, all it would take is one errant cable and you could create a short and be very unhappy with the result! Even some cardboard will do!

I stand 100% behind my assertion that Hydrasynth is absolutely NOT just 'wavetable + subtractive + linear fm synth' @perilousp, yes there is a similarity to a Virus from a quick look, but it is so much more than that it's silly. I love FM8, but Hydra kicks it's ass in many ways. As I say, 30+ years experience here and it tops everything in this domain - quite literally the best FM synth I have ever used, by far, there are more sculpting options than you can shake a stick at, just one example; check out the PW-ASM [Warp] feature - absolutely out of this world and totally unique as far as I know - it sounds exactly what you are looking for to me.

...but sure, ignore me and carry on, it makes no difference and I wish you all the best :)

Yes - @sacguy71, Hertz Donut mkII is also really excellent for FM and beyond - I use this a lot too - truly outstanding character! When I first got the Hydra I thought a lot of The Harvestman and that it might replace those, there is definitely that noisy racket side to the Hydra - the noise options are excellent, as it turns out several months later they are still different enough, I find them extremely complimentary! It's rare to find a desktop synth that can hold it's own against such exceptional stuff like The Harvestman - but it totally does. I would also be interested to hear your experiences with Elektron, I have used all the old machines and know them inside out, but did reach limits with them and actually it was the Elektron machines that first inspired me to get into modular back in the day. I should probably check out their new stuff more. That little Model:Cycles looks like a fun little box, it would be nice to get hands on so I can actually speak about them with confidence and knowledge, trying to ascertain features, playability, sound etc from a manual is always going to fail. I need to do the same with the Argon8 - that seems similar too @Lugia!

Sorry you had a bad experience, that's nothing like mine - quite the opposite!

I think it's just random, you are very direct, like me, I like that very much, but I also think it gets us in trouble when actually we mean no harm ;)

So... come on... I see MG as a freaky nerdy pacifist super dudeism reverent chill place for chat, people are genuinely weird, strange, helpful and kind - so... we can laugh about these fascist fcks hey? I should send you my sh!t list of total asshole companies and people in the music retail scene - there's a good few of them about haha - total egotistical assholes! but... that's just *my experience - it's a shame, I genuinely wish it wasn't like that... but it is and yet I still guarantee there will be plenty of folk who will have had the exact opposite experience with these exact same people -

    ...see what I mean?

All that is to say it's a shame if you were put off, in over 30 years of messing with synths, I can honestly say this is by far the most incredible machine I ever laid hands on! As a complete package, from the key bed and ribbon controller, through the UI, the truly polyphonic sound engine to the FX and the IO - it just shines on every level!

Mind bogglingly good! 10/10 from me!

Excellent! Yes, all of the above are highly recommended and will add a lot to your little rack!

I hear you, I use have effects on sends too, but I tend to set and forget, so I think you will get a lot more from a delay in your modular than you will on the mixer because you will probably start to modulate more and play with it because it is just there, but maybe that's just my way of working?

Just seen your edit, yes, that definitely looks like a LOT more fun!

Oooh I did not know that - I did just have a read of the description for it though and confirmed what I thought in that it is a complete voice.

I don't think you necessarily need more, but with the envelope VCA combination I assume you are looking for different flavours of envelope which is why I suggested the things I did - does that make sense?

If you are happy with the sound and are looking for ways to extend the functionality, I would probably go for more modulation, maybe some S&H, maybe another flavour of wave folder and definitely some kind of FX, my natural choice would be a nice complex delay... DLD, Rainmaker, Tapographic, 1-Bit, Chronoblob, any of them are awesome and will let you do incredible things with those bongo hits, have a listen to this to hear the effects you can get with a delay, my favourite is the Berlin style syncopation where the delayed notes interplay with the newly generated notes... magic!

Totally going against the modular aspect here, but I see you are not averse to other gear so...

My advice is...

If you like FM ... buy an ASM HYDRASYNTH instead ;)

(You can thank me later!)

Also, I think you really need a delay :D

I hold a personal belief that a modular is not a modular without at least one delay in there somewhere ;)

If you want bongos you're looking to hear, you want a nice set of vactrols, no?

For a digital solution I really rate MI Streams - the emulations in that thing really are super and cover a lot of ground in the bongo field!!

Or maybe if you are feeling flush, a juicy Rabid Elephant Natural Gate? That think kicks ass and I absolutely love the responsive stuff it does - very nice indeed!

I think I agree LYFoulidis, the one thing that annoys me about the SSM is that I nearly always want more IO hehe

BTW, the SSM also has CV addressable scanning too - you can use a sequencer to sequence the sequential switch :D

Thank you MG!!

Please DM me for help with the unresolved problem if you would like to, I can usually fix these kinds of things - if they are actually fixable anyway ;)

Switches are fun! I have the WMD SSM but this caught my eye recently:


Super cool!

That looks much better!

I would still get rid of more, if you really want multiple voices start with this:

a rack

You will get:

1 Melodic Sequencer to drive Plaits (these two make a complete voice)

1 Pattern generator Euclidean Circles + BIA and Disting EX give you 3 voices for drums which you can mix and send to the Mimeophon for weird FX!

Maths for modulation or custom envelopes!

Pam's needs two channels for clock and reset which you will need a multiple to send to Metropolis and Euclidean circles, leaves 6 channels for modulation.

Maths and Pam can be attenuated, inverted, mixed, using the Quad VCA as desired.

I could make tracks on this system - I would get frustrated and want more utilities, but I really think you're better off starting with as little as possible and building up slow and what you find you need rather than trying to guess!

   Just PNW, Maths, Quad VCA, Metropolis, Plaits (or?) and Mimeophon would go a LONG way!

Personally I would swap Plaits for a proper oscillator and go for a multi channel sequencer over Metropolis and Euclidean Circles, something like Westlicht Per|former, but if you like the style and the ratchet thing then it's a good option I guess, but whatever :)

Have fun!

Do you know of a store that has any of the Harvestman items in stock?

A friend is looking for a TS mkII!

There are keyboard shortcuts?

Just teasing, heheh, I knew they existed really, but - I have never used them nor had any problem because of them either!

Mac OS X / Safari here.

I agree, this is not a good system, some fantastic modules for sure, but you have waaaaaaay too many voices and hardly any utilities or modulation sources... you need at least another row of utilities to even begin using more than one of those voices sensibly.

An alternative approach would be to study some of the modular systems, see what they include, ask yourself 'why?' for everything - and if you can't give good solid answers, read and watch videos until you can.

Seriously, aim for ONE solid subtractive voice for your first modular

  do it virtually in VCVRack or buy one of the patchable semi-modulars as suggested by Lugia!

You will have a much better experience I promise :)

Yep, take it easy there!!

Start small and build as you learn is a much better approach, you will still make mistakes and that is okay, but they will be less expensive and less frustrating in the long run.

I would recommend that you still buy the big case and some blank panels, even cardboard will do in a pinch!

Then sort out ONE subtractive synth voice comprising: An oscillator, envelope, VCA, LFO, a filter and something to sequence it!

If you choose a complex oscillator you will also be able to create patches for FM synthesis.

You will be able to create every kind of sound on your list with just these few tools if you learn how to create these sounds from scratch.

You may be amazed at what is possible with just a few modules.

once you understand this, then add FX - I don't think it is a good idea when learning to drop reverb on everything, I would hold back and really listen to what is going on first. Okay okay... buy the reverb and have some fun, but don't skip these beginner lessons!

Once you feel like you have a good handle on this subtractive voice, you will realise what you need add to it to get where you want to be, so for example, you might want richer bass sounds, so you could add a wave folder, or you might realise that you want a source of random or different colours of noise and some FX.

Then finally start looking at specialist dedicated modules for specific tasks, e.g. dedicated drum modules and texture synthesisers.

Of course it's entirely up to you, but I never see people rushing out and buying a lot of exotic modules having too good a time in the long run, they always end up back at these first steps somewhere along their journey.

Good luck and have fun!

p.s. I am envious of your Pulsar-23 :D

Yeah right, you deleted the proof of your bad behaviour and then lied about it - you are a sociopath and you are fooling no one!

I called you out on your bad behaviour, just like everyone else, that's all - I stand by it 100%, calm, collected, assured.

I am not a terrorist.

And phew... Good riddance...


I cannot thank you enough!!! What great feedback and advice I'm getting here!!!

Yes, it's a good one :D

What if I based my system on the SS but exchanged only small pieces, like the DPO for the CS-l and the Morphagene for the Arbhar? Does that make sense?

Sounds great to me!

t0b1 mentioned the Krell patch - this is a GREAT place to start from for what you have in mind. I recommend that you study it very well and only buy the modules you need to recreate it.

This will get you to close to where you want to be for the least expense and let you play around with the system to get a feel for it.

Once you have got your head around that you will have a much better idea of which modules to buy to extend this patch.

I strongly advise against going out and spending £4K on modules, it's a much better plan to have some blank plates and go slowly.

Wow... I am lost for words.

You need serious help... you are rewriting history and playing the victim.

This is called GASLIGHTING ... look it up!

I marked you down for your appalling attitude and vaguely threatening posts.

It stands because I believe that people would be better off avoiding dealing with you, I certainly won't.

I don't care whether you mark me down or not and I won't be made to feel like I acted unreasonably, especially after you have deleted your offensive posts.

Incredibly, your latest post makes this whole drama even worse, not only have you had the unit for 2 weeks before it developed a fault, refused a fair offer to make good from Pibou, posted this awful crap on here, you now claim that you are more than capable of fixing the thing yourself for a small amount of cash and a little time, which I also see Pibou has offered to pay for.

I am utterly baffled, please, just sit down.

Hey t0b1,

The best part about modular is that it can be (more or less) whatever you want, if aesthetics don't matter to you, or you happen to enjoy terrible ergonomics or even not having enough modulation sources... who is to argue?


My perspective in addition to the good advice given above:

Aesthetics are cool. I think they are important. I always make an effort to organise my rack using aesthetics as one of the guiding principles - it does make a difference to me. Of course this does not negate functionality, ergonomics etc. and you should always consider these too.

I would highly recommend an Envelope follower and gate/trigger generator:


or if you want something really nice:


These will allow you to take the sound AND the signal information from your bass guitar to influence your modular synth.

With this as your starting point, think about the kinds of things you would like to do with that envelope follower and gate/trigger/

e.g. each not played on your bass guitar could trigger a sequence played on the modular or a sample playback or provide the clock for your sequencer, an envelope for your filter cutoff, the possibilities are endless.

The point being is that you need lots of ways to process that incoming envelope and trigger - so as BORING as it is I would highly recommend a multiple and a clock divider/multiplier - so ONE trigger generated from playing your note on your bass guitar can trigger a whole sequence of events or events that only play once every four notes etc. etc.

Finally once you have melted your mind trying to figure out the millions of things you could do with clocks, triggers and envelopes, look at additional sound sources and FX modules.

I would also highly recommend looking into wave folders, tone shapers and compressors - ROAR!

Have fun, I too look forward to seeing what you do here :)

Gosh! Thanks... I mean it's just a little messing around?

The patch is quite simple:

1) SH mkII one channel sequence > Argos Bleak
2) 2 channels of Argos Bleak > HD mkII (already tuned as perfectly as possible as described in my previous post)
3) Main osc out of HD mkII > L&R inputs of TS mkII (in Tap Tempo mode tapped/clocked to taste)
4) Various outs from Kermit & ZC mkII direct to modulation points in all of the above
5) That's it - Enjoy & have fun!

I am sorry but I never make videos, even the thought gives me anxiety. I recommend you ignore the downvotes, it seems some people just do this, it's completely meaningless.

The only thing that truly matters is that you enjoy yourself!

If you would like to relieve yourself from the powerful psychological manipulation these views/likes elements invoke, I highly recommend 1Blocker - install and then select the elements on the page you want to hide - create a new rule - done! Never see the likes and dislikes on any YT video ever again, unless you want to - 100% win in my book :)

Heh all good fun!

Agreed re. the new IME modules, too small for me!!

Here's a random recording of The Harvestman from the other night:


Hehe yep :)

I have the mkII modules except the Polivoks VCF & LIDER Suboctave and the mk I Double Andore, it's a very stable box, I am not changing much around in it, it could well be as it is now forever.

Kel_'s Harvestman

Agreed re. the new name, it's just so boring in comparison, I have no idea why...!

Yay! Good to know there is another fan here - they really are superb hey!

It took me a little while to fully understand them, but now I absolutely rate the Hertz Donut mkII as one of the best complex oscillators out there!

My tips to get the most from it as a new user:

Turn all attenuverters to their centre position, Discontinuity, Tracking (off) and Modulation to zero, choose Sine waveforms for both oscillators and just patch the main Sine out to the mixer.

Really important: Tune the oscillators to each other < seriously, take your time here, they are super sensitive, but your experience will be transformed if you get it right!

Then turn on the through-zero FM and slowly bring up the Modulation knob to discover lovely FM bell tones!

Once you have found this you have found the most pure of Hertz Donut sounds, from there just adding a tiny bit of any of the 3 flavours of Discontinuity wave folding will give you endless timbres, after that, well, just experiment... remember less is more, but sure... why not go all out and turn it all into a snarling cacophony of sound!!

Pro Tip: use Argos Bleak to generate the ratios ad intervals for your oscillators in FM mode - prepare to be amazed!


Lets hope so..!

Utterly bizarre and irrational!!

And I understand it perfectly, and it reads like a threat of violence.

It has been reported as such.

You can't go around threatening people. Seriously not okay!

If you do not understand how to conduct yourself in a public forum read about it, study it, there is something offensive about your whole existence!

Ok, you are reported for inciting and or threatening violence you psycho.

Just because you wrote it in Latin doesn't make it any less of a criminal offence.

I specifically chose The Harvestman because I wanted to talk about The Harvestman modules not the new Industrial Music Electronics modules.

I love mine, they are hard work at times, but the rewards are there with patience and deeper understanding and appreciation for the finer qualities of these modules.

They are capable of producing the most lovely bell tones or the nastiest noise you will ever hear and everything in between.

They are also unobtanium - there's hardly anything available anywhere!

Any love for The Harvestman here? What is your favourite and why?

You now have 3 downvotes...

Looks like your trading days here are over!

Byeeeeeeeeeeee :)

You also have the cheek to trade on here and you don't support the platform?

You are totally out of order... at the very least you should be paying the €20 a year before you consider buying or selling anything here - to not do this is highly disrespectful!

Oh dear!

You are just making yourself look bad!

Youclearly didn't read my post, you are just whining and whining and whining...

and NO... won't shut up!

You shut up!

Why are there no posts here!

Wonderful module...

Have you ever got tired of the monotonous repetitions that your standard delay pedal/module produced? Have you ever wished for a more complex rhythmic structure than just decaying repetition? If yes, you have come to the right place: the Tapographic Delay is an advanced effect that lets you handle repetition in a completely novel way. It is to a traditional delay what a full rhythmic sequencer (with pattern recall, velocity control, tactile input) is to a simple clock. With the TD, you interactively define the rhythm that the repetitions will follow: a velocity-sensitive sensor allows you to record, edit, modify, and sequence your own arrangements of delays. In a sense, the TD is the converse of the classic Frippertronics sound-on-sound setup popularized by Robert Fripp in the 70's: you don't play the guitar, you play the tape loop!

Multi-tap audio delay line with advanced features
Velocity-sensitive force sensor to tap the delay configurations (tapographies)
Up to 32 taps, each with its own delay time, amplitude/filter and panning
Low-pass filter or resonant (pingable) band-pass filter on each tap
Morphing between delay configurations, with adjustable morph time
Two different feedback paths: a Repeat toggle and a Feedback knob
Save and recall up to 24 delay configurations (4 banks of 6 slots each)
Tapography sequencer with forward, random walk or random directions
Synchronization to an external clock, with clock divider/multiplier
Gate output that plays the current rhythm of delays
Maximum delay time of 174 seconds (almost 3 minutes)
16 bits/48kHz with 32 bits floating-point internal processing, 1.3ms software latency
Mono-in, stereo-out operation

Wow... people can afford modules? You lucky lucky lucky lucky bastards!!

Grow up, it's a few euros and a scratchy knob that sounds like it needs some switch cleaner or at the very worst a £40 repair job!

People are dying from a virus, people are out of work, children are starving, I am on my fucking ass because I lost my work and haven't had any income since march, families are losing their loved ones, it's chaos...

And you are complaining like a spoiled brat about a little problem like this?

Please... get some perspective and start behaving like adults!


I am not usually up for these Behringer clones, but this looks incredible! Thanks for the heads up!

I haven't bought anything Korg for a long time, I think maybe it was Gadget on iOS, maybe one of the other software versions. They are pretty good to be fair. I have no interest in hardware from them though.


I too like XAOC, Harvestman - esp, the original panels - that Double Andore is stunning - also sounds incredible too!

I'd suggest Monome for a totally minimalist look, Vermona and Feedback modules (their 1-bit delay is lovely) for a retro bakelite knobs aesthetic, but recently the ones I have been enjoying most are Instruo - something very pleasing about those all day!

Hey farkas,

That's cool and thank you!!

Nope, but I can build anything, built loads of modules of all degrees of complexity; the Burst looks very straightforward, won't be a problem at all!

Will definitely be a fair price, I will DM!

I like it... I am still alive too!!

Anyone else?

I know right... and a totally awesome case from EricaSynths too! I am tempted to build one on spec and hope t sell it, but it's a lot of cash!!

I have 2 VnIcursal built and ready to go, they are very nice, super dense builds. I actually like making these things, so satisfying. I would just recheck and calibrate again before sending :)

Thank you for the welcome back :)

Ideally I am looking for someone who wants one of the NAVA 909 clones building haha, I want to build one but don't actually want one :D

I have a 16n coming soon, SWT16+, some Zlob VnIcursal & Entropy, Shakmat Clock o'pawn & Time Wizard, probably some Monome stuff, and well, anything else anyone wants. Hundreds of builds - no complaints - reasonable rates - full guarantee :)

Hey everyone,

I am finally back in a position to start taking orders for module or other synth builds - it's been a little while and I've been getting back into it in recent days, all is going well & I even have a few modules all ready to go.

Anyway, If you would like something built, message me with your dreams, wants and desires and we will see if we can work something out :)

Hope everyone is happy and keeping well!