Top Row screws: 19
bottom: 20
3rd: 16
4th: 16
Hi, I am building my first Ambient rack, and I need advice please,
maybe maths ?
I want to keep 2x84 because in the beginning I wanted a 1x60 hp, then moved to 1x104, then 2x68, and now 2x84hp. If I don’t stop at some point it will never end, and I will end up with a 12U 104HP taking half of my music room ;)
Besides that, I would like something I can bring with me if I go on weekends or vacations.
Bought a few modules (via a different platform) from @GnudelZack
Great communication, everything as described. Recommended.
If space isn't the problem (is it?), why not getting a 3*84 HP case? Gives you more flexibility and you don't need to worry that tomorrow or next week or next month you need to buy yet another case ;-)
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
Did you consider the Shakmat Modular - Time Wizard (8 HP)? That's a clock divider module, seems to be a handy module and you still have 2 HP left ;-)
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
I like varigate because I can create little sequences fast, and with the glide fonction I guess I can use it for cv modulation as well, am I wrong?
Don’t find some hikari triple AD in europe, what do you think about xaoc zadar? It has a screen, that’s downside but it is a quad env generator for only 10hp.. Same as Lugia, I don’t really want micro modules, I don’t like littles knobs at all, so I have to make compromise.
that’s where I am, is it better?
I followed Lugia’s advice for the quad vca, and I would like to incorpore 0_c as Ronin suggested (or triple sloths? Never heard of it). And then I’ll consider ditching the varigate to get a pamela’s if I can get more out of it (or am I wrong and should I get pam’s first instead of o_c?)
Thank you very much for your help
Thanks for the advice.
I will use the Disting and figure our how to use the slew rate limiter. If I need that function a dedicated module will be my next buy.
I have PAIA:s modular synth 4700 that I built as a DIY kit 1982. It is still working (partial) . The problem is that it use Hz/V. But I can use the filter, EG, VCA and spring reverb.
I even have the Moog Werkstatt and some guitar stomp boxes like reverb and a Eurorack step sequencer from Synthorek that I can use plus the Korg SQ-1 and Arturia Keystep and Beatstep.
So I think I can have some fun with what I already have for a start.
But I am sure that you are right that the next modules will be a slew rate limiter, an EG, one more VCA and some effect module.
But as I wrote, for the moment I have a limited budget :-(
A micro Ornaments & Crime would be nice here or a Temps Utile... especially for its Euclidean Rhythms and internal logic.
A Noise Engineering Mimetic Digitalis would fit in that space. It's a great little sequencer, especially for CV of filter cut-offs.
Effects, sequencer, slew rate limiter?
The Brute has a sequencer in it... but what about smaller sequencers for controlling additional CVs... especially one that can be sync'ed to the Brute's internal sequencer.
The Brute also only has one full ADSR. So you may want to add at least one other ADSR and possibly some more VCAs.
Play with the effects in the Disting and see which ones you'd want from a dedicated module.
I just bought a new 4U Intellijel case to make a control case for the rest of my set-up: sequencers, attenuverters, and the SSSR Wobbla (4 units) looks pretty tasty.
It's difficult to critique the system because it seems like everything is covered and it's a question of personal taste. As far as control units and since you play (rather than make weird noises), have you considered something like a Waldorf case/keyboard unit?
I like the idea of the separate "control pod"...I'm assuming this goes next to/near a keyboard controller for any sort of "expression" activity that might come to mind...?
BTW, with that joystick there, you might want to have a peek at Ladik's Joystick Math. 4 hp, does arithmetical voltage operations based on the X-Y movements. Very useful for doing things like opposed modulations, etc.
I see that a few other folks have specified the NS CVP in their 200e systems, but I've read elswhere that negative voltages produced by the CVP can easily damage 200e modules. Any opinions on this very welcome.
I am building this modular, 4-voice polyphonic, + monophonic, + a subsequent moog embedded in the structure, many modules are already in place but you can always change your mind ...
I state that I use the synthesizer to play and not just to make noises ..
I accept advice and comments of any kind
Trying to make it a bit more clearer:
Every one can add modules to My modules, but you need a Unicorn account to add modules from the My module page to your rack.
Clicking on a module in the All modules tab redirects to the module detail page while clicking on a module in the My modules tab adds that module to your rack. If you don't have the Unicorn account you will be redirected to the order page.
... and thanks for supporting!
Beep, Bopp, Bleep:
I think you are looking for a "switch". There are many different kinds with different features. Some suggestions (from simple to complex) are:
it was a pleasure to trade the "chimera" of WMD module with this swedish fellow @KNYST!
all the best daniel
Ditch the varigate and get a Pam's New Workout or a Temps Utile. Each of those modules can generate multiple clocks among other features. You can set one output to be your reset. The others can be clocks, Euclidean patterns, even custom sequences.
You can have more room by using clones of the Mutable stuff. Just balance size with performance if you're going to want to play live.
I agree that the MI modules would be a great start all by themselves (I am a fan of MI). I don't see an envelope generator in there, though, but Plaits kind of has that built in. Staying within MI, for a final touch of modulation, you might consider adding either Stages or Tides.
What do you suggest to add more subtle changes over time? A second batumi?
And to restart lfo and enveloppes, something like a varigate 4+ could help in your opinion?-- Utilisateur_2
I can recommend @igorsv @tos @BrokenBo. Good comms, items well packed and as described.
I'm with you on the menu diving's becoming a trend these days, it seems, to tack a little OLED display into a module and then expect users to memorize a catalog of menu locations and access procedures to get relatively basic functions to happen. It's OK if you have one or two of these things, but there's no way in hell I'd want a half-dozen or more of these sorts of modules in a rig. Modular synths tend to be a bit perplexing in of themselves, even for experienced users, and adding a load of "hidden" functions just seems to needlessly add to that issue. Sure, they allow you to shrink things down...but is that always a good thing? Not really.
I still prefer 1 function per control situations, especially live. And I'll re-emphasize that: especially live. Performing with a modular is even dicier than studio work, and everything's happening rapid-fire. There's no "undo" function on live, and if the objective is to get thru a set with a minimum of screwups, you absolutely want that "WYSIWYG" sort of interfacing with your instrument.
This is also why I'm not big on small rigs. Modular synths need panel space galore so that you can capitalize on playing the instrument. Stuff like the 2hp modules and Erica's Pico series are great space-fillers that allow you to add functionality into a tiny bit of leftover space...but I'd rather pull my own head off than try and use a modular made up purely of these, at least on a daily basis. Sure, going with bigger modules means bigger cases and so on...but it also means that when you need that crazy filter sweep at JUST the right time, your hand can go right for that VCF cutoff knob with no trepidation. You know where it is, and you know you can grab it with ease.
Also, since I see you have a Takaab module on there... if you want to save some $$$, and add a solid filter module, you could substitute their dual low pass gate module for Ripples... you'll save about $100, and it will give you a completely different kind of filter from what you already will have in the Brute.
I don't think you want both the Marbles and the Turing Machine... Marbles is basically a super TM, so having both would be fun but redundant in a system of this size. Also not sure you need a clock divider here (though again: always fun) since Marbles can divide down from an external clock if need be.
Marbles, Plaits, Ripples, Veils, and Disting could easily function as a fun system all on their own, so I think those five would be a great place to start. I'd leave Ripples for the last purchase of these five, since many of the Plaits algorithms have filtering built in.
Not sure where you are from, but before you buy, check out Juno Records in the UK (even if you are not from the UK... their Mutable Instruments prices are ridiculously low).
My opinion is that you're not ready to drop thousands of dollars on modular yet. You should learn more about the functionality of basic bits of kit (including attenuators/attenuverters) before buying a bunch of modules and a case. There's nothing wrong with learn-as-you-go. But unlike a self contained synth, it's very possible that you put together a collection of modules that really don't cover as much functionality as you'd need. You'd be better off buying a pre-configured system if you really want to be in the Eurorack environment without knowing how to purchase the parts for a custom system. In my opinion, the smaller of a system you're trying to put together, the harder it is to get something useful out of it. At the same time, because of real world budget limits... small systems are the entry point for people new to Eurorack.
The preconfigured systems from Roland, Pittsburgh, Erica, Make Noise, etc. are great if you have the budget to start there. Semi-modulars work on the same principle... except rather than being individual modules they are all baked into a stand-alone device.
Bottom-line... up your knowledge of synthesis before spending a lot of money on Eurorack. You'll have a better experience.
I feel you on the "avoiding screens" sentiment. A good part of my own personal requirements is that a module be intuitive to use. I do not want to remember that obscure three-button combination times however many modules that I own. Unless you go exclusively East-Coast classic, you'll probably have some sort of menu diving in your system.
A restart or reset is nothing more than a gate or trigger used for that purpose. You send the gate to any module with a "reset" input to indicate that it's time to go back to the beginning and start playing from there. The only requirement is that whatever module is generating the reset is capable of transmitting the signal at the desired time(s).
Anything that can generator a slowly changing CV is a modulation source. When you're looking at LFOs and envelope generators... how slow can it go? A simple 8 step sequencer locked to a slow clock, followed by a slew limiter... that works too. Get a copy of VCV Rack and do some experimenting with slow modulations. It'll help you define what you're looking for in a real world module or modules. You don't need a varigate specifically for resets/restarts.
The Ornaments & Crime has an acceptable amount of menu diving for what you can get out of it. The same with Temps Utile. If you get the micro versions of each, you get some really nice tools to use in your patch that take up minimal space.
You can use the "Contact the manufacturer" button to reach out the owner/lock-responsible of the module and ask them to change the specs as necessary. Unfortunately, I agree, there are some locked modules that need an update. I run across them every now and then and ping the manufacturer accordingly.
Hey man, you can only save modules to "My Modules" if you have a Unicorn account. It is a feature of the upgrade. If you once had the Unicorn account and saved some stuff to My Modules then you get to keep that, but you can't add more until you re-subscribe.
I don't get it--I honestly have no problem paying $22.29/yr for this cool system, and I'll probably just end up doing that I guess, but I just don't get why I am now apparently being required to do it with no big systems or anything saved. Do I have too many modules saved in "My Modules"? I can't imagine so...
However, any time I click on one I'm brought to the Unicorn sign-up page. What am I not getting about this?
This article might be interesting Top 10 Things to Know Before Launching into Eurorack
As a bit of a preface, this series will focus on the Eurorack modular format; there are other formats that use patch-points. Eurorack is currently the most popular, by far. I’ll be using “Eurorack” and “modular” somewhat interchangeably, except where I specify that something is exclusively true for the Eurorack format, such as voltage specifications or physical measurements. You can assume that any module I mention in detail in this series is built according to (or compatible with) the Eurorack standard unless otherwise stated. Synthesizers like Jupiter 8, Minimoog, Minilogue, Prophet Rev2, Oberheim OB-6, that cannot have any parts replaced with a different part.
If you make electronic music, you’ve likely stumbled across modular synthesizers. You’ve no doubt seen videos of blinking lights and rectangular panels connected by masses of cables, sometimes being deftly manipulated by hands reaching from off-screen, other times generating music without any human intervention at all. If you’ve felt a sense of wonder when watching these machines bleep and bloop, then you’ve tapped into the heart of the modular community. A constant sense of wonder, surprise, and discovery. Filling a rack with modules can be a deeply personal journey toward discovering your unique sound and style. Modular requires a lot of knowledge up-front and can seem overwhelming to a beginner.
You can read the Full Article on StrongMocha as part of our Summer Of Eurorack Love Series:
Top 10 Things to Know Before Launching into Eurorack
Thorsten Meyer
If you don't want to use a step sequencer, but want to loop your live playing, you might take a look at the FUTURE ARTIST MIDI looper...
I use it since 2 years, I am very happy with it. Very easy to use, far better than a step seq.
Your feedback is welcome. I am on my journey joining my Eurorack with AE Modular and my DAW on MAC using VCV Rack, Grid by Bitwig, Ableton Live, and Softtube for some selected Modules. PLus the natural Semi-Modular like DFAM, Mother-32, Arturia MicroFreak, and Matrixbrute.
Currently, I look for sequencer in the BOX, either in the DAW or in VCV Rack. I am considering the Metropolis when it comes to Eurorack, I do have two Sequencer in AE Modular.
Share your thoughts on the different sequencer in the box or in Eurorack.
Thorsten Meyer
Great experience with @Jonjonjon
Bought 4 modules - all good, great price, easy negotiation, fast and reasonable shipping. You are a champion!
Just received a fantastic Wogglebug from @MKNaomi . Good communication, fast shipping. All good
It's called the Felix:
I can't hype having this module enough, I use it in basically every patch now. I'll usually take different controller outputs, or envelope follower, and route it all over my modular with one set high, one low, and another one inverted.
It's a buffered mult with attenuvertors on each output. Soooo useful!
Not sure what it would be called but is there a module that can send/route a signal out of different outputs (ideally, several) depending on a CV input?
So for example low CV would use output 1, medium output 2 and high output 3?
Found a bug when searching for 6hp sequencers. Seems that a lot are duplicated for some reason but it's not two modules, it seems to be the search. Screenshot available but can place here.
Hi - I made a simple Arduino based device for converting your turntable in to a modular gate sequencer.
Here's the video for how to make it
and here's all the code / diagrams / templates you'll need.
I'm having a lot of fun with mines, particularly by combining vinyl sampling.
Let me know what you make of it.
I would go with an Make Noise - ModDemix and a Expert Sleepers - Disting MK4
Or a Intellijel Designs - Shifty and Disting MK4.
But if I had only 2 HP more space I would go for a
Tip Top - Folding processor
or a Doepfer A-110-6 (Trapezoid Tthru Zero quadrature VCO)
just my 2 cents (or was it 5 cents ? ) ...
After some comments I have modified my first rack that is based on a Arturia Minibrute 2S and a 6U Rackbrute.
I want to extend the Minibrute with more sound possibilites with a path to ambient and maybe som first steps in generative patches.
I have a limited budget so I would be glad if you take away some of my suggested modules if you advice me to get another one.
Or maybe suggest a whole new path.
I got some more modules in my rack and have some on my wishlist for the next 6 months.
The upper row and left part of the second row (all to the Curtis Filter, which I could get for cheap)_are already in my possession, but the right part of the second row is my wish list (shor list).
Any idea's about those modules, in combination with the modules that I already bought ?
This in addition to my MiniBrute 2S, and a Dave Smith Instruments Tetra.
I am waiting for a AE Modular case with a delay module, and try to save every month a bit for a make noise 0-coast.
So I have not planned very expensive modules for the second halve of the year.
Even the plan to buy a make noise maths is put on hold to the first quarter of next year.
ps. I also added a 4ms - rotating clock divider to my wish list, but I do not see it in the image of this version of my rack yet.
The Mimetic has a reset input called "origin" that takes the sequencer back to the upper left corner (if you're following the lights). So you'll need another source that is sending out a gate/trigger after five beats. There are a few ways to accomplish this. Temps Utile, Pamela's New Workout, Befaco Muxlicer, a MIDI track in your sequencer dedicated to one gate output of the Mutant Brain.
The Basilimus Alter would make a better module for kick drums and simple snares than the Loquelic. It can do both with the right modulation at the right time (those non-sexy modules Lugia mentioned).
If the modular that your building doesn't have LFOs, envelopes, sample and hold, quantizers, attenuators, etc. then you have a really expensive synth that isn't even capable of doing what a semi-modular (like a $300 Neutron) can do.
Noise Engineering offers a lot of its hardware offerings as virtual plug-ins. You'd save a bunch of money and have a much more capable system keeping it all software (even if you have to buy Reason for Rack Extensions).
You can buy this rig but the amount of satisfaction you'll receive from it... not as much as you'd hope for the price.
-- Ronin1973
Thanks! So you'd recommend me not to go modular, but better buy something semi-modular like Neutron or Mother-32 or even stay virtual with my purposes?
Or i can still buy a rig, but expand it with the modules that would make the system more capable (i don't have a clue what are the attentuators for - have never used the one).
Thank you Ronin for the advice. I should mention that I have a semi-modular dreadbox Nyx, it has an oscillator and three modulators I can use.
The cvpal is only here if I need to layer synths from my DAW projects. Not to use in my everyday eurorack ambient set.
I don’t actually need time stretching sampler you are right I can do that in ableton, but I love granular so it is just a pleasure. And I want to avoid screens in my system, so bitbox won’t fit, but thank you for the suggestion it could have been a good alternative!
What do you suggest to add more subtle changes over time? A second batumi?
And to restart lfo and enveloppes, something like a varigate 4+ could help in your opinion?
EDIT: Or instead of a second batumi, maybe an ornement & crime, a Xaoc Zadar, or a Disting mk4 would be a good complement (even if they have screens I wanted to avoid) ?
I plan to add a Triple d by hikari as well, based on Lugia’s advice.
Would it be a good improvement to my system, on a 2x84hp ?