Hi Quantum_Eraser,
I clicked your sound/track and still busy with reading E-mails, so my brain's task was focusing on something completely else, not really listening at your music, to be honest but I couldn't focus on that work any more that I had so urgently to do. Your music... I can't find the words, I was forced to walk to my listening chair, stuck there...
The sound, the music, so subtle, so gripping, my brain stopped working only focussing on listening... almost as being in a trance. My heart protested, not really wanting to beat any more, wanted to listen as well via my ears...
After a while, I don't know how long, I got a shortage of oxygen, not realising that I didn't breath any longer...
This is not happening to me very often, but this... this is something really serious...
To me this sounds like some serious A-class movie sound track music! I don't know how you do it... (please let me know how you recorded it, technical details, devices used, etcetera --> I am struggling to find a good way of recording, perhaps your way might give me ideas for my own recording)
Fantastic! Extremely well done, so subtle, so good, this is by far the best sound track I have heard here on Modular Grid so far. The harmony, how it all fits together... I am still not functioning well... difficulties to look at what I am writing with half wet-eyes... speechless...
I have to stop, sorry, you really got me there (in a good way), my most well-meant respect for this track!
Kind regards, Garfield.
P.S.: Going to listen at your track for the 4th time, I don't think I will stop listening tonight, let me know the link to your album where this track is part of. I hope there is an album of such good music?! :-)