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Ok so hello! Thanks for looking. I need a little feedback on this planned system. I currently have a Moog Grandmother, DFAM, a Dreadbox Erebus and a keystep, so this set-up is built with those in mind. I'm trying to augment my existing semi-modulars while also introducing some modules for more generative ambient music and some strange fun things.
I'm really interested in CV logic manipulation such as the Maths and that Doepfer Switch, so any more suggestions in that direction would be most appreciated. Also any suggestions on what modules here are overlapping in function as well as maybe some cost cutting advice would endear you to my heart forever.
I'm capable in DIY so I'm planning on trying to save some bucks with whatever modules I can find as kits (4ms clock divider so far) and I don't know much about much but I see these clouds clones cheaper than the original mutable ones, are they similar in quality?
Any and all suggestions, comments, criticisms, observations, judgements, opinions and views are welcome and needed. I understand that this modular grid plan is not set in stone because of module availability, price changes and such so I'm here to learn and absorb so I can know what to keep an eye out for.

Thanks a ton!

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Pamela's New Workout is a very powerful and flexible module, especially combined with Pexp-1 expander. I would start there and then consider which of the Turing Machine, RND Step, Rotating Clock Divider, and Ochd you really need -- Pam's overlaps with all of them to a greater or lesser extent. Also, since the recent firmware update, Pam's does quantise to scale (which is awesome) so the Intellijel Scales my be less useful. That said, DFAM really enjoys a good quantiser which is maybe reason enough to keep Scales.

On the saving money front : ST Modular Switched does the same thing as the Doepfer switched multiple, but it's a DIY kit. It is also smaller and has the cables and switches at the top and bottom respectively, which is better than left and right.

Great advice, thanks a bunch for replying.
Trying to figure out what to get first has been a bit of a mind melter for me, but I think your point about Pamelas Workout is a good one so I'm thinking of starting with that and Maths at the moment.

Picking a quantiser has been a little tough as well but knowing that DFAM really needs one to sing pretty, I'm thinking the scales is
a good option, but of course theres things like Disting Mk4 that can do that and much more but I gotta say I'm more attracted to physical hardware knobs and switches over cycling thru the menu on Disting.

Disting Mk4 is not very user friendly but it can do almost everything you can think of. It's a great module for a small system, especially while you're figuring out what you need: whatever you need, Disting can probably do it. It was one of the first things I bought, and I still use it in most patches... most often as a quantiser for the DFAM :)

Yeah the more I look at this the more right you sound. Disting seems like a good way to test out different types of modules before deciding which way to go for some of this.