Hello, my name is Leszek and I am electrical engineer. I would like to try to build my own modules, but in order not to copy the errors of others, I need to know something more about parameters of modules and how you use the synthesizer in general. Instead of asking you dozens of questions I decided to use google form and create a survey. That will help me to get overall point of view. So here I would like to ask if you could support me and complete this survey? If you would like to complete it quickly you can answer single / multiple choice questions – it will take you 5 minutes. There are also open questions but none of them is mandatory (however I would be grateful if you could answer at least some of them).

Here is a link:


This is a link to google form, so it is safe.
To have reliable data, I need to have ~100 answers.
Thank you for your support!

Just in case here is a photo my latest synthesizer:

Hi Lutzek,

I filled in your survey and if you have questions or like to discuss something you can do that either here or send me a private message.

Good luck with your interesting project, keep us up to date with your results (as soon as you got a first module, please introduce it here) and kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi GarfieldModular,

Thank you for your valuable feedback, you helped me a lot! :). And thank you for spending time on open questions, I appreciate it. I'll contact you in PM


Hi LutZek,

There are multiple conventions around the world that deal in synthesizer design. You'll find many manufacturers displaying their latest modules, synths, and ideas. You'll also find plenty of users and enthusiasts there as well. I would try to attend a couple of these if I was in your shoes. You'd probably have a lot of fun regardless... because the manufacturers love to talk about electronics!

Some upcoming examples are:
Synthplex 2020
NAMM 2020
Knobcon 2020

Here's a link to get you started:

Hi Ronin1973,

How about the Superbooth 2020 in Berlin in April? ;-)

Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

My votes here go for Superbooth and Knobcon...basically, the synth Big Shows for Europe and N. America. They tend to be both trade shows and huge meets for the enthusiasts, whereas NAMM is purely a trade show. Synthplex is a bit more of an enthusiast gathering, but they also have a lot of vendor/manufacturer sales at the event as well.

Thank you for all your answers. For now I have a feedback from 15 people, so it is quite nice :).

I initially planed to go to Superbooth, but since I have some health issues now (and surgery in March), I'm not sure if I will be able to travel. But If wait, I am looking forward to see some of you in Berlin :)
