I would really appreciate if you could filter the user patches by module, like you can with the racks. E.g. Display all patches containing Intellijel Atlantis (or any given module).


How about a filter for manufacturers that don't use plastic in their packaging? A "green" filter if you will.

I think it would be cool if modules could be linked to eachother, with relations such as:
- is a clone of /is cloned by
- is an imitation of/is imitated by
- is an extender for/is extended by

Then for example, on the module page of the original Mutable Instruments Plaits, you could show:
- list of all existing clones of the module
- list of any clones that are for sale
- link to a search query in the module finder for modules with a certain relation to the Plaits. You can then further narrow down your search by say height or width.

Edit: I was thinking a bit more about this, we could also consider modules that there is a newer version of a certain module. Then there are also modules that contain functionality from other modules, i.e. the Disting EX does everything the Disting mk4 does, but it is not simply the Disting mk5. The Disting EX can also use MI Braids and Plaits engines but it is not a clone of these either. To consider whether new module versions are an instance of this 'generic' module relation, or a separate attribute type.

how about a link to all other modules bythe same xompany or submitted by the same user

how about a link to all other modules bythe same xompany or submitted by the same user
-- pointandclicksystems

I think they are already there, if i click on your profile I see all the modules you've submitted.
Plus each manufacturer is searchable.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


so you cant go to the module finder and search for my company name.

Ahh OK.
Do you have to get autherised or something from Admin? Or is it a pay money type deal?

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


you have to have stock built on the shelf ready to ship to be added to the company list. i just want to be found when someone types in my company name and not be referred to as other/unknown

I would like to see the ability to have multiple racks on the same page. For example, have number of racks and then it splits and has rack one, rack two, etc. It would be nice to be able to layout a large multi-rack system on a single page.

Would also like to see an Excel-compatible spreadsheet of the modules generated from the program.

I would definitely pay for these features.

Thank you!

-- IvanC

I had this request as well, so I could emulate my real-life multirack system. The workaround is to create one big rack and divide it into smaller racks with blank panels. It worked out really well.


How about a repository for user manuals?

For those of us who rely on Modular Grid for module research, it would be extremely helpful, especially for those cases where the manufacturer no longer exists, or documentation was spotty.

Maybe even allow for the more industrious technical writers among us to create new user manuals where none previously existed?

Location could be within each module's page, or a forum heading, or a separate area of the site by manufacturer, or some combination thereof.

Speaking for myself, I have a lot of modules, but not a lot of modular experience (the robustness of my rack is purely owing to an opportunistic purchase at an estate sale), so I get a lot of benefit from manuals. Tracking them down (for example, to ensure they're actually plugged in correctly), though, is very time consuming and often frustrating.

But when I find them, they are eminently more useful than scrolling forever through YouTube videos hoping to find a loopop or Robin Vincent or Chris Meyer or Tim Shoebridge deep dive with section headings so I can find the thing I'm trying to do without watching all 20-60 minutes of the video.

I think a manual repository would be really helpful to many people, with my own preference bing one in a separate area of the site, organized by manufacturer, with links to individual manuals within module pages.

One man's 2 cents.

That sounds like a pretty good call.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


Yesterday i wondered if its time to rearrange the (~160) modules in my rack from scratch
As its not possible to place modules to a specific position within the rack this is horrible monkeywork on huge racks
so much scrolling, so much zooming in and out, so much searching in the my modules list, so much fiddling around with the buggy hard to use module placement that requires pixel perfect movements...

so i had another idea to start with this task:
it would be great to work with module dummies in the real world before starting to persist the arrangement in modulargrid.
smaller versions (maybe 1:2) of each module printed on paper or cardboard which can be arranged & moved around on a desk.

using AI it shouldnt be that hard to convert existing images of the modules to printable blueprints/pictograms that can be printed to paper and cutted with a scissor.

So my huge feature request (or at least placing the idea for this feature) is an "export all my modules or a specific rack to printable A4 sheets"

I have to admit thats especially for users with huge racks because small racks are handleable completely digital within modular grid...
Maybe the idea is totally crap because some aspects are much more tedious than on modulagrid (like searching modules or to get a feeling for the arrangement with only a black/white mess of tiny pieces of paper/cardboard)
Any thoughts?

fiddling around with the buggy hard to use module placement that requires pixel perfect movements...

-- modular01

keyboard shortcuts might help with this, if you don't already use them...

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

it would be great to work with module dummies in the real world before starting to persist the arrangement in modulargrid.
smaller versions (maybe 1:2) of each module printed on paper or cardboard which can be arranged & moved around on a desk.
-- modular01

You can go to Modules -> My Modules and just use the Print function of your browser. I have changed the print.css so the modules will be printed in series and other info will be hidden.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net

Hey folks,
I had several situations I wished I could simply send a picture of a real existing module in my rack at home or a soundfile to somebody else here on modulargrid via a messenger service like on Facebook and many other web sites. This would make communication within an ongoing trade much easier and I would not need to use sombody elses e-mail adress or send mine to receive more infos about a module. I do not know how hard it is to implement this into this site but maybe something worth to consider.

Hey folks,
I had several situations I wished I could simply send a picture of a real existing module in my rack at home or a soundfile to somebody else here on modulargrid via a messenger service like on Facebook and many other web sites. This would make communication within an ongoing trade much easier and I would not need to use sombody elses e-mail adress or send mine to receive more infos about a module. I do not know how hard it is to implement this into this site but maybe something worth to consider.
-- ChaiBaba

We have this now as an experimental feature for unicorn users. See https://www.modulargrid.net/e/forum/posts/view/40032

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net

Thank you so much. The implementation looks great and will be useful for many unicorn users. No need anymore to show links to other websites for their real pictures of the modules. Plus its now possible to send MP3s to show in a auditive way that a module is working or what have been achieved with a certain module. This is really great.
Kind regards
Chai Baba


I don't know if it has been requested before, but it would be nice to be able to "lock" the position of some module in order to exclude them from the "optimize rack space" command.
Grouping them would be cool too.

For instance :

  • I want my mixer at the top row far left -> I place it, I lock it, then I optimize the rack space around that locked position.

  • I have a batumi + poti + samara -> I group them, then I optimize rack space, and they stay next to each others as "one unit" in the optimization.

Combining the two tools would be amazing ("group" then "lock").

Many thanks !

It would be great to be able to split the rack in sections (Mantis, Go, etc.) with separate current draw calculations.
At the moment I've got separate racks for each section, which is far from convenient for shuffling around modules. Is there an easier way to do that?

Also, key shortcuts for moving modules vertically would be nice too.

It would be great to be able to split the rack in sections (Mantis, Go, etc.) with separate current draw calculations.
At the moment I've got separate racks for each section, which is far from convenient for shuffling around modules. Is there an easier way to do that?

Also, key shortcuts for moving modules vertically would be nice too.
-- Mazz

If you click on Data Sheet in the rack planner power consumption is calculated by row. Does that help?
Also key shortcuts to move modules should work. Hover over a module, press enter, use cursor keys to move, enter to place ...

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net

At the moment I've got separate racks for each section, which is far from convenient for shuffling around modules. Is there an easier way to do that?

Also, key shortcuts for moving modules vertically would be nice too.
-- Mazz

If you click on Data Sheet in the rack planner power consumption is calculated by row. Does that help?
Also key shortcuts to move modules should work. Hover over a module, press enter, use cursor keys to move, enter to place ...

-- modulargrid

Ah excellent! I was using the "," and "." to move the modules left and right. I didn't know the Enter+Cursor Keys.
The Data Sheet is great for rows, but the Mantis and Go have separate left and right sections.

Apologies if already requested, but didn't see it... would love an option to sort by power specs for eurorack among the other sort features (newest, popular, alphabetic, etc.). I often find myself jumping back and forth to the 'details' page of modules just to see the power specs... trying to check if I could fit a module, power-wise. A simple sort would handle it nicely, though I know the three separate power values might complicate things. For my needs, +12v alone would be sufficient; or maybe just sum the three specs as a single integer value?

Thanks for a great website.

would love an option to sort by power specs for eurorack among the other sort features (newest, popular, alphabetic, etc.). [...] For my needs, +12v alone would be sufficient;
-- obmuc

We have that now. Modules can be ordered by positive rail.

We have that now. Modules can be ordered by positive rail.

-- solitud

What the evil twin said.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net

I think it would be cool to use AI image recognition to build a rack from a photo of a real world setup. Sometimes someone has a cool rack in a photo and I wonder what the modules are: how great would it be to leverage all the module photos on MG (let alone faceplate variants) to recognize and reconstruct their rig?

Three more feature ideas that are probably easier than AI:

  • A filter on "My Modules" to show only modules not in the current rack would be very helpful when contemplating swaps.
  • A way to "diff" two racks so that I can see what modules are not in common between the two would help for what seems like a common use case around here: versions of the same rack. Bonus points for movement notation or visualization (e.g. this moved here and that moved there and this was added and that was removed).
  • A way to say that I own more than one of each module, and a counter in the β€œMy Module” list that would show me how many I have used (e.g. 2/3). If this worked with the β€œnot in this rack filter” in a smart way, so that if I had used 2 of 3 I own it would show 1 not used in the rack, all the better!

Suggestion: add 'Inverter' to the list of available options for module functions.

Suggestion: add 'Inverter' to the list of available options for module functions.
-- MPCman

it's already there, although not as 'Inverter' - Polarizer - means the same thing

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Suggestion: add 'Inverter' to the list of available options for module functions.
-- MPCman

it's already there, although not as 'Inverter' - Polarizer - means the same thing
-- JimHowell1970

Thanks for mentioning that. Interesting, I thought that polarizer was synonym for attenuverter, but it apperantly is not :)
It looks like there are currently a lot of modules with inverter/polarizer functionality that do not have that Function label in the database.

After some further digging, I'd say the term polarizer is a bit of a grey area in eurorack. When googling, I see several discussions on Modwiggler where people are debating whether the word polarizer is equal to inverter OR attenuverter.
The brand Doepfer consistently uses the term polarizer only in the context of attenuverters.
If search for the keyword "polarize" in the free text input field here to search for modules that have that text somewhere in the title or description, it only shows modules with attenuverters.
On the other hand, if I search for the function "Polarizer", it also shows modules that only have an inverted out and no attenuverter, which is in line with using polarizer as synonym for inverter.

I guess if everybody would agree on only using the terms attenuverter and inverter from now on (and abandon the word polarizer), there would not be any confusion, but that is probably never going to happen :-)

How about a way to set a module to 50% opacity or something via a shortcut to indicate I don't have this module yet, for example. Could help evaluating the feasability of a new rack layout. I used to use f=flip for that until I actually started turning modules upside down.

How are things going with the Wishlist feature? Any closer to rolling out that feature?
Also, with the emeregence of AI technology, wouldn't it be great to have module or even rack suggestions based on modules in your collection and modules you might want to add to your collection? One could even go so far as to have an interface where you describe what you sound or function are looking for and have suggestions based on that.

Would like to see better support for 1U to 3U adapters, like the XODES, or at least a way to stack three 1U modules in a 3U rack properly.

It would be great to have categories added for Spectral and Granular to the Function drop-down

One thing I would appreciate:

In pedalmode when yo create a pedalboard-rack - the possibility to add own created eurorack-racks as part of the pedalboard.

Like adding a small 60 or 84 hp 3u case as part of a hybrid live setup with pedals and synths.



Sorry if it's already been requested but I really would like to see:

  1. "Pin" button on modules to lock an individual module to its place in the row. Like "Rack Lock" but on a per-module basis. There are some modules that I never want to see bumped or swapped until I'm ready. Probably would need some logic programmed for how it would interact with functions like the "push left/right" and row swap.

  2. Link adjacent modules. Like pinning, above, only to another module. Use case: Link a module and its expander(s) and move them as a group. Link a series of modules always used in a chain, and move them around like a block. "Pin" a selection of "linked" modules to their spot on the row, and they will be impervious to accidental swaps and shuffles.

It would be really nice if you could search for modules of minimum size. Also maybe by range. Like for example show me all modules between 4 and 16 hp.

I really wish there was a 'Bottom Row' tag, or something similar, for modules where the jacks are in the upper part of the module while the lower part has the knobs/faders/etc.

This should also include modules that are flippable by design (the display has to be flippable and/or rotary knobs turn infinitely in both directions + programmable...modules that still work well upside down). Either that or there should be a flippable tag with this criteria.

I feel like it would be great when putting together any sort of desktop sequencer, controller or mixer pod/skiff. Also for racks where the bottom row(s) slant forward (ie ES Megarack, PM Structure etc), or the bottom tier in stacked cases.

Thanks for reading

filter/sort "My Modules" to only show modules not currently used in the displayed rack πŸ’œ

It would be helpful to be able to tag "My Modules" with "Owned + quantity" or "Wishlist + quantity" and a list showing the current racks you've used them in.


I don't know if it has been proposed but I wish I could rotate the 3U modules 90Β° (not only 180Β°) to fit in 3U to 1U adapters


Date Formats.

I'm not in the USA but date format in the marketplace long listing is USA format: mm/dd/YY.
Only two countries use this!

As the site already automagically senses TZ could it use that to format the date to suit the TZ?

Better still, just use proper ISO8601 format everywhere: YYYY-mm-dd

...Better still, just use proper
ISO8601 format everywhere: YYYY-mm-dd

-- igloopoo

one size to fit them all. IMHO.

Better still, just use proper ISO8601 format everywhere: YYYY-mm-dd

-- igloopoo

Let's start with the marketplace long list!

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net

Got 2 requests

1: 19 inch rack gear please! Been hoping for years Modulargrid would get on it. Why hasn't it still been added though?
Seems like a pretty straightforward thing compared to all the other options right?

2: Pedalboard too small, please let us extend it beyond what we currenty have.
It's been very populair for people with desktop gear not just pedals.

Hello, new here. I just wanted to say that I never-ever paid the price displayed on MD for a module (always more lol). I'd really love to have a "what I paid for it" option for each module I add to My Modules so I could keep track of the real value/spend of my rack.

It would be great if we could filter the Marketplace based on the function of the module

It would be great if we could filter the Marketplace based on the function of the module
-- andydavies

Actually, you can. On the Marketplace page, click search for all offered modules in the Module Browser . There you can filter and sort the offered modules as you wish.

I'm in the process of migrating to a large DIY system, which is three side-by-side 27U cases each 168HP wide (for a total system width of 504HP).

I'm finding it challenging to model this system in modulargrid for a number of reasons:
1. I can't fit my system all into one modulargrid rack due to the ~432HP row width limit.
2. Splitting the system into multiple racks forces me to manually track which modules I've already assigned to one of the other cases in my system.
3. I have multiples of some modules, but modulargrid doesn't provide any tracking of quantity in my collection vs quantity currently assigned to a rack
4. When modeling multiple cases in the same modulargrid rack I have to manually keep track of the boundary between cases.

I would love to see the following enhancements:

  1. A higher max row limit
  2. A way to insert rack horizontal and vertical rack dividers when modeling a multi-case system in a single modular grid rack. The dividers would act as edges that you can place modules across.
  3. in lieu of #1 and #2, it would be useful to be able to group multiple modulargrid racks into a "system" and track module assignments across the system. For example, if racks A and B are part of a system and module X is already assigned to rack A, it can't be assigned to rack B without removing it from rack A.
  4. A way to specify the quantity of each module in my collection plus tracking of what quantity of each modules is currently assigned to a rack/system.

When dealing with huge racks that are very full its often a pain to perform tiny rearrangements
it would be great to workaround this by temporary injecting empty rows and remove them again
something like this

Row functions
β”œβ”€β”€ Swap Rows
β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ Row 1
β”‚Β Β  β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ with Row 2
β”‚Β Β  β”‚Β Β  └── with Row 3
β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ Row 2
β”‚Β Β  β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ with Row 1
β”‚Β Β  β”‚Β Β  └── with Row 3
β”‚Β Β  └── Row 3
β”‚Β Β      β”œβ”€β”€ with Row 1
β”‚Β Β      └── with Row 2
β”œβ”€β”€ Move Row
β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ Row 1
β”‚Β Β  β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ to position 2
β”‚Β Β  β”‚Β Β  └── to bottom
β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ Row 2
β”‚Β Β  β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ to top
β”‚Β Β  β”‚Β Β  └── to bottom
β”‚Β Β  └── Row 3
β”‚Β Β      β”œβ”€β”€ to top
β”‚Β Β      └── to position 2
β”œβ”€β”€ Insert empty row
β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ 3U
β”‚Β Β  β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ top
β”‚Β Β  β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ between rows 1 & 2
β”‚Β Β  β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ between rows 2 & 3
β”‚Β Β  β”‚Β Β  └── bottom
β”‚Β Β  └── 1U
β”‚Β Β      β”œβ”€β”€ top
β”‚Β Β      β”œβ”€β”€ between rows 1 & 2
β”‚Β Β      β”œβ”€β”€ between rows 2 & 3
β”‚Β Β      └── bottom
└── Remove empty rows
    β”œβ”€β”€ all
    β”œβ”€β”€ empty row y
    └── empty row x

-- modular01

@modulargrid have you ever considered to implement this feature (at least the move row functionality)? It shouldnt be that time consuming!? i am still willing to help out.

...filter/sort "My Modules" to only show modules not currently used in the displayed rack...
-- proppy


...A filter on "My Modules" to show only modules not in the current rack would be very helpful when contemplating swaps...
-- gimbalgambit


...I wish I could filter/sort by whether a module is in the rack I am currently viewing...
-- adamj

@proppy @gimbalgambit @adamj & many more who requested this feature within the last years
As an ugly workaround you can open the javascript console of your browser and execute this snippet:

Hide modules that are already in the rack

$('.box-module').show(); $('.box-module.in-rack').hide();  

Hide modules that are not in the rack

$('.box-module').show(); $('.box-module:not(.in-rack)').hide();  

But be aware that this only applies to already displayed modules! So you may have to scroll down after clicking My modules