I am new here and I just purchase an Intellijel TPS30 MINI bus board. I need some beginerr advice for my first modules.
Without any musical knowledge, I want to star small and slow.
I make few options from 44HP to 60HP setup that I will like your opinion.
All the racks have the Oscilloscope DATA (16HP). I like the idea to visualise what is going on.
Instead, to mix and match brands I opt for same modules brand
Do they make sense?
Do I miss anything important, is there something I can omit?
One question that is almost shameful, where are you connecting your monitors or cans?
Thank you!
Erica and Make Noise my two favorites configurations.
In order of preference
LeRAW 60 Erica. Alternative: Black VCO instead Black Wavetable VCO
LeRAW 44 Intellijel. Alternative: PLOG instead one Dixie II+
I forgot power will be on the side.
The 1U Will not be in use at the moment