I am thinking of building a modular row with 114 HP around the mother 32.
I think it needs:
1. Maths (alternative: one or more functions or 171-2),
2. another oszillator (E330),
3. one LFO (E355, A-147-2),
4. Power solution (uZeus?)

Do you know any modules that I am missing, or can do better?
If I would go for maximum module count the erica synths pico series would be an option:

PS: the uZeus only uses half of its mA with this row. Is there a way to power the whole row with the Mothers PSU?

Looks like this at the moment:
ModularGrid Rack

Disting MK3 is a very useful companion to the Mother 32

Yes of course, I could fill up the rack with distings and only have to remember which function is assiged to which module.
I always wanted to pick one up, bit forgot about it.
Looks cool:
ModularGrid Rack

PS: the uZeus only uses half of its mA with this row. Is there a way to power the whole row with the Mothers PSU?

The Mother doesn't use -12V. Hence, the mother's PSU doesn't delivers that.
But the other way around works - you can power your whole system from the µZeus. The power should be sufficient.

Apart from that I like your system. I don't know the VCO - might be nice.
You can use stackable cables instead of the passive-mult. Then a braids would fit in (also not HP-dense)
And with two more HP you could get a Rubicon, if you like FM.
RYO Penta would be a even smaller 5 step sequencer with small but dedicated 'knobs' - it's DIY though.

Edit: if you go with the multiple - I would take an active one...

Edit: if you go with the multiple - I would take an active one...
-- grahambrot
Yes, but it was just to fill the space and i already have one left. And I use stackables.
Also the Tirana is already in my bigger setup.
The VCO ist new and has an attractive price for what it can do, but I did not have purchased it yet.

Another thought would be to use only black panel modules that use only the 12 V of the mother psu …

Uzeus is no good, anything with flying bus boards will give you cross chatter, bleed and instability, the small doepfer DIY LSU's are the way to go in terms if stable, cost effective power supplies.

Oh meanwhile I have the uzeus powering teo small mothers cases. Works ok for me and powers two rows of 60 Hp.
Actually it looks like this at the moment:

ModularGrid Rack