Hi and welcome,
Better the link to the rack, so we can check the modules...

To complement the Turing Machine a quantizer would go well
This is cheap and two-channel
You talk about delays and effects, but I don't see any module of this type in your rack. I imagine that you intend to take the signal to the strega, but I would recommend at least some effects module with good modulation sources.
Do you plan to use an external mixer for the different sources?
This has a good quality/price/characteristics ratio
I see you have plenty of voices, but if you want to keep a second oscillator and if the DIY issue is not important, for a 3340-type VCO I would recommend something like
To complement your modulation sources I would add an additional mixer/att, highly recommended
And think of some clock divider, sequential switch, utilities are very important.
And definitely, start with a 9U case, even if you don't fill it at first, you will end up needing space, you have modules that consume a lot of HP.
Do not be overwhelmed, start little by little and you will see what you need.
-- ferranadsr
Hi ferranadsr,

mega thanks for your reply and feedback. Obviously as I'm new I am a bit overwhelmed and also lost with all the modules, but better to start with some idea and hopefully, with some good feedback like this, I'll have a better idea when I build.
I was originally looking at the Nano Modules CAIXA 104, recommended buy my local shop. I think it would be worth it for all the utilities etc but a lot of money to spend when I think I'll need at least a 6u quicker than I thought.
Love all the modules you linked, I'm now thinking if I go for a 6u then I can have my voices and filters etc on the bottom row and top row for effects and utilities. Is that what most people do?
I thought I had added Happy Nerding FX Audio, I was recommended this on Facebook as a good effect module. I have added it now.
Size is a big issue for me, I would love to try keep things at 6u maximum if possible, I'm hoping if I plan it right I will get close to where I need to be.
I have the Microcosm Delay pedal as well so would love to incorporate this into some of the voices but I would need a midi module to sync it, can you recommend one that would do the job, wou be iel if I could midi sync Matriarch as well..possible?
I'll go and watch some more videos on the ones you sent link for and work on a 6u case and see what I can get now.
All the best