@modular01 power specifications are exactly as written and written correctly. 5V is not used in the module you gave for example.
-- Vaemi

this "5V is not used" should be inserted as 0 mA
its impossible to distinguish between zero mA and missing information when you keep this field empty
thank you!

@Vaemi if possible please ensure there is nothing missing in the power specs:

thank you!

this one is more bug than feature...
if a module does not have an image a MG branded placeholder is shown. it seems that this placeholder does only work for >=18HP.
in case the module is smaller (e.g. 4HP) the image doesn't fit at all and looks like crap:


currently i am building a bunch of DIY modules and i am not able to attach images until those modules are finished. but already planning a new rack with those unfinished modules isn't really an exotic use case, isn't it?

there is a youtube channel called @eurorackDIY where you can find really useful tuto.
-- klodifokan

good to know
thank you!!

I'd try on modwiggler/MusicTechDIY...
-- JimHowell1970

great idea
Thank you!!

i want to build 2 passive modules but i am a noob.
are there any PCB experienced bleepbloppers out there who would like to transform my design into a file that can be uploaded to a PCB manufacturer? both modules are very simple but one has a multi layer PCB.
of course i pay for this job.
in case anyone is interested please send me a message.




I just wondered if it makes sense to correct something like this:
Varigate 4+ is listed with a street price of € 258:

on schneidersladen.de its currently available for € 318
i found some notes about including/excluding vat in this thread

street price of € 258 may was true some time ago but in my opinion the street price should be changed to € 318
Do you agree?

...and seems like ModularGrid does not allow me to add 2x 1Us to 12U...
-- fjaartaf

Free users are limited to 4 rows per rack.
You need a Unicorn Account for bigger racks.

...There are things in there that really, REALLY don't belong...such as iPads, DJ mixers, entire synths...
-- Lugia


Simple fix: Name it "Pedals and more"...
-- zuggamasta

maybe a property like "pedal", "foot operated" or "floor device" that can be activated in the search filter would make sense!?

Thread: vpme.de Qex

...Anyone happen to have a picture of the connections with arrows showing what goes where? ...
-- Thyratron88

qex has to be right of QD main module
there aren't that much possibilities to align the connections!?
see the picture on https://vpme.de/qex/


the 16 pin connector has a POWER label at the bottom.
This indicates the position of the -12V / red wire of your ribbon cable

thanks @justarandomgeek and @BrumoD for your answers!
I found the hint for 'current sharing' on the Meanwell website.
The RT65-B which i use, does not have this feature.

But in the Datasheet i found that there will be headroom up to 1A on the -12V line as long as the total power consumption does not exceed 64.4W

so instead of trying to connect the PSU's parallel i am going to add another RT65B in this specific row and everything should be fine...
thanks again!

maybe my question was hard to understand. so here is another approach:
is it possible to sum up the headroom of all PSU's for all voltages over the entire rack by simply connecting the bus boards with 16 pin flat cables like this (or alternatively on the stronger wires directly on the PSU's output terminals which is technically the same)?
thanks in advance for any feedback or thoughts!

i have 3 pieces of Meanwell RT65B in my rack and i am quiet happy with it.
the specs are

+12V 2,8A  
-12V 0,5A  
 +5V 5,0A

which is a bit poor on the -12V line.
now i am planning to build a bigger case 197HP x 18U where each of the 6 rows gets one RT65B
I do have a module (WMD Performance Mixer) which is very hungry (430mA) on the -12V line. so i do not have enough headroom for other modules within this row.
it would be possible to add a 2nd RT65B to this row for having one power supply per bus board. but even that is not enough headroom on the bus board the WMD mixer is connected to.

So my question:
is it possible to interconnect all busboards which have a separate power supply?
so my result is 6 pieces of RT65B all connected together in parallel on the secondary lines (-12V, +12V, +5V, GND) for extendig the headroom for all 3 voltages over the entire rack.
As far as i know the voltage won't change as long as it is connected parallel.
thanks for any advice!

Starting with racks that are deleted today we have that now. You will be redirected to the users profile page.
-- modulargrid

thank you!

Thread: vpme.de Qex

Module depth:
33 mm without power cable
43 mm with attached power cable

i finally have finished the frontplate and the prototype PCB.
Now i have clock+reset inputs on the backside of the module which would really open tons of feature possibillities but unfortunately there is no room for additional jacks or controls. And there is no analog or digital pin left on the Arduino UNO as well. I already replaced multiple led pins with an adressable LED strip which only needs a single pin on the Arduino for using 36 RGB leds.

Anyway - i am glad that i was able the create a perfectly working module that absolutely meets my requirement of having a tiny keyboard in the horizontal row of my rack. And i really like the vibrato feature (or the fact that there are no additional modules needed to create such vibratos).



you can try to reproduce the error in a private window/session.
if everything works maybe deleting the cookies will solve the problem.

Thread: vpme.de Qex

any news on this?
-- neykes

available at schneidersladen (Germany) as well

as far as i know moving a row to a specific position is not possible
i already made a suggestion for this feature in the feature requests thread
but you can swap rows in the Edit -> swap rows menu:


@Lugia thank you so much for your suggestion!

I am sure there are no aftertouch nor velocity sensors on the keyboard unit. just a switch matrix where you can track keyDown and keyUp of each key.
The "keyboard latch" looks interesting! but having an additional CV pitch out jack i could make a polyphonic CV keyboard which seems to be not that easy.
But i will give it a try (at least on the breadboard).

I also like your pedal idea! i didn't think of that.

Yesterday i started to create the frontplate for the keyboard unit. Due to some plastic structures of the original housing there is less space left than i thought before.

Anyway - thank you!!!


Hi community

A few years ago i found an AKAI synthstation25 keyboard somewhere in the trash.
I never expected that i will find a use for this but recently i tried to create an eurorack module with it's keyboard.
Within a few hours i successfully built a fully functional eurorack keyboard on the breadboard with:
- 1 output jack for CV pitch
- 1 output jack for CV gate with LED indication
- pitch bend potentiometer +/- 1 octave
- another potentiometer for +/- 2 octave shift
- beeing a class compliant midi controller as well (polyphonic for possible usage with hermod's usb host jack)

Next thing i am going to do is creating a prototype PCB and a frontplate (~50 HP)

But before that i should have finished my decision which functionality will be included in the final product.
there is some space left on the frontplate (~15 mm x ~150 mm) where i could add controls for any further features (jacks, potentiometers, leds, switches).

I dont want to build a feature packed keyboard (like keystep). i just want to use the remainig space for something useful.
Currently i have no clock + reset input so "sequential/arpy" features should be avoided

Does anyone have an idea which functionality would make sense?

my ideas:


for low frequency oscillating around the current note pitch
no additional jacks needed
- 1 potentiometer for speed/lfo frequency
- 1 potentiometer for amplitude


for keeping the gate open until the next note hit
no additional jacks needed
- 1 LED switch

1) Modules usage of bus-signals

i think it would be helpful to add 2 properties to the module specs to have an overview which modules makes use of the 2 signal lines of the power bus:
Bus Gate: in | out | none | unknown
Bus CV: in | out | none | unknown

2) showing rack size in users rack list

for example this list modulargrid.net/e/users/view/200335
Some users have dozens of racks and wouldn't it be nice to see XU x YHP in this list without the need to open each racks detail view?

1) position of pasted module

On the other hand, if MG drops modules into the "soonest" open and properly-sized slot, you know where they are.

In my case i pasted a 1 HP spacer module 6 times in a huge rack that has been 95% full with modules
it took me several minutes to locate where those have been pasted and move it to the desired position

also the moving of those tiny modules in a huge zoomed out window is very hard to achieve. And the moving wouldn't be necessary at all when it had been pasted in the right place.

So generally i agree but this does not apply to tiny modules in huge racks
Imagine you have a huge rack where you paste > 100 modules
100 times * no need to locate&move module after pasting = lot of time saved

3) links to deleted racks

Uh...do you realize how much storage space that would take up on the server?

yes - very little

rack-id | user-id | deleted
  123   |   456   |    1

so when clicking on a rack-link for example found in the signation of a post in the modwiggler forum
you get invalid rack

it would be dead easy to add a link to this page
see all racks of user 456 in case user 456 currently has any public racks
sorry for beeing not clear enough...

i have 3 feature requests / thoughts

1) position of pasted module
currently the pasted module is pasted on the next free space on the very top left.
it would be very useful when you track a click event and place it exactly there after pasting.
this would be especially helpful when rearranging a large rack from scratch with 2 browser windows.

2) "move row" feature
the existing "swap rows" feature is nice. but in some cases its tedious to reach the goal.
for example: adding an empty row at the very top of a 5 rows rack requires a lot of swap-row operations

3) links to deleted racks
its totally fine to get a 404 when trying to view a deleted rack.
but it would be nice to have all users public racks as a fallback


thinking of mouse click event within free space:
it would be nice to see how much free HP the mouse clicked area contains without the need for moving a module next to it

first of all - thank you for the great site!

What are your thoughts?

a few days ago i decided to give my rack (4 rows x 197 HP) a full re-arrangement from scratch.
i started from zero (empty rack) and it was very very tedious to add & arrange all modules
so much scrolling/searching/moving which took hours

it would have been less tedious when i already have known the exact ordering starting from the top left.
but in this creative process i wanted to place some modules and fill gaps afterwards.

today i had another idea:
i double the width of my existing rack
then i can move the modules from left half to the right half
there is no need to use the search form or to scroll down to the module list
i always see which modules has to be moved to the new arrangement until everything is done.
when i am finished i set the doubled HP back to the real HP

Unfortunately i was not able to try this approach because doubling my rack HP exceeds the limit of the allowed HP :/

My thought:
Consider to increase the standard limits of rows and HP but only for a short period of time
so a full rearrangement procedure would be less painful.
For example with a warning "CAUTION: Your Rack will be downsized automatically in 3 days"

Another thought:
Have you ever considered to make the Editor open source?
i would be happy to fix several javascript bugs or at least give it a try
pretty sure there are others who would be glad to help improving the editor


just noticed it is already possible to copy/cut/paste modules between browser windows
awsome - thank you!!!

Hi forum,
I am new to the modular world and i am glad that a tool like MG exists. Thank you for that one!
In case this question already came up, please submit a link. I really tried to find but i think this not a good solution for my specific case.

Yesterday i build my first custom module. Its a passive breakout board for "Arturia BeatStep PRO". Now i am wondering if this is addable in MG.
It really does not make any sense to submit this a new module because its unique.

Is there any best practice to add something like this or is this simply not possible?