Thanks all :)
@Farkas - So you favoured triggers and gate flow, I think my original favoured Pitch flow, things do get tight with the 2hp modules even with some of the others, if there are a stack of jacks filling one module then the Pots on the module next to it can be almost impossible to tweak. I can see some interesting sounds coming from mixing the outputs of the Befaco EvenVCO via the Doepfer mixer then onto the SVCA & Moon-Phase. At the moment I'm using the Doepfer mixers to stereo-sum my percussion and the Happy Nerding & Befaco mixers are basically my Output to external mixer.
@Ronin1973 & @Farkas - Filters in the top row, I think this will be done pretty soon, I'm already fighting through wires to adjust them where they are.
@lugia - I'm glad someone said VCOs, this does feel like a glaring hole, I was thinking of sticking fairly traditional and the Honeyeater from ST Modular looks interesting with its wave mixer section which vaguely reminds me of my old Roland MC202.
Yep the Percussion row can be pushed off to another case.
In what way to you mean Complex Oscillator? There are lots to choose from under that headline, something like a Plaits would encourage me to get rid of the 2hp Pluck & Bell and make for more finger room around jacks and pots.
I'd quite like to keep the EvenVCO, as it was a DIY build and for the moment I still feel attached to it.
My main focus in Eurorack is to have fun and learn, if what comes out sounds good thats a bonus.
Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.