Thanks for sharing man!

I agree that it would be useful with a clock to drive Rene. Your existing synths may already have one that you can use. In principle, any LFO will do. For more features, Tempi is a good choice. Another popular option is Pamela's NEW Workout.

I am not sure about the quantizer, though. Rene2 has a pretty good one built in, so that may not be as urgent.

Cool. thanks for comments. yes will definitely add in audio out.and look at a quantizer. other make noise bits look useful too.

Any Update for this??

Thread: phanta

I'm also thinking of the Doepfer 119 and Sputnik EF/Preamp for an ef. Wondering if there's some other good multimode filters other than the Koma, or a better waveshapeable vco other than the PM Primary.

ModularGrid Rack
It will be linked to a Minibrute 2s, I feel like I have everything I need, what am I missing? :)


Wow. The Neutron has a tune-pot-bypass feature that allows me to use the oscillator tuning knob for other stuff while using MIDI to control the oscillator in tune. (So it's even less of a sacrifice than I thought.)

OK, so it turns out the keyword I needed was "offset." I think I searched for voltage offset and found nothing. Just the word offset, all by itself, finds modules that emit a constant CV. Here's a small one with a couple other handy features.

I think that if I configure the Behringer Neutron's assignable output to the oscillator 2 control voltage, I can turn the oscillator 2 tuning knob and emit from the Neutron's patch bay a constant, manually controlled CV. (Page 13 in the manual.) This seems like a straightforward way to control something in a modular system that has a CV control but no knob.

(By the way, this isn't a great sacrifice, because I often don't like the sound of the Neutron's two oscillators working together in sync, and I think it's because of the issue described in this YouTube video of a modification performed to correct the issue: )

OK, I'll leave this thread here for future searching newbies like me, and for educational replies, but here's at least one answer found on another forum:

Oscillators send a signal even with no input. even if there's nothing saying what pitch to play or when to start/stop - that is done by other modules such as sequencers, VCAs etc. This is true for VCOs - they'll make a constant tone and LFOs - they'll make a constant CV (dependent on settings)

Apparently, oscillators don't always oscillate, and perhaps they're the conventional way to get a constant CV, e.g., for a static setting on a CV-controlled pan: oscillator -> attenuvertor -> pan.

Hi! Consider, for example, the CV-controlled panning on this stereo mixer:

If I want to hold the mono audio at a constant place in the stereo image, say slightly to the left, during part of the song, what module emits that constant voltage? I expect a VCA with bias turned up to amplify zero if there's no input, resulting in zero output. Oscillators oscillate, but I want it to stay constant, so that the panning stays put, like a manual knob that I've left in place for now.

Things that send out voltages for pitch must emit constant voltage, but I only know about MIDI-to-CV modules and sequencers for that. These modules seem overly complex for driving a constant pan.

This is a pretty serious gap in my knowledge of how modular systems are working, but the odd thing is that I can't find any results when searching for "constant voltage" in the forums here, so I'm ignorant in a special way! Any help would be most appreciated.

Thread: phanta

Yes I saw the SSF, the ability to choose a frequency range from the input looks good. I've been trying to use my minibrute's gate extractor into my eurorack with a Tocante Karper for an input, and had lots of trouble. But anything that someone says they use and is reliable in lots of situations I'll look into. The Xaoc is probably overkill but I like that it has a line output as well.

Simple and basic...that'll work, actually. A couple of additions you might consider, though, would be an audio output module, a quantizer (definitely beneficial with the Rene2) of some type, and maybe the MakeNoise Tempi, as the Rene2 was designed to link with it for some extra timing trickery and it would be useful for triggering extra bits here and there. And while you're on a MakeNoise kick, why not put in a Pressure Points/Brains combo which can also work in tandem with the Rene2/Tempi to provide some direct hands-on control in addition to the Rene2's gives you an extra 4-step touch-controlled sequencer to beef up the control capabilities.

Thread: phanta

Well, for a basic, straightforward envelope follower alone, you might check Ladik's E-510. But if you need more complex functionality, SSF recently kicked out a new module called the DETECT-Rx. It's about twice the price of the Ladik, but serves up some enhancements for the price.

AH does appear to carry Buck's full line, yes...although, it's worth checking with AH themselves to see if this is, in fact, the case.

Plus, I think it was you, Ronin, that made the point that you can blow new firmware onto the Toolbox and change its function. That's also potentially a plus inasmuch as you can shift the entire working paradigm of a build just with a switcheroo on the Toolbox's EPROM.

My first foray into the world of modular synthesis.
I am an enthusiastic amateur and enjoy creating synth soundscapes. Hoping to add some more interesting textures/sounds.
I currently use a mixture of plug in synths / vcv rack / korg minilogue and roland piano.
My research has led me to believe the modules in this rack would be a good starting point.
I plan to build my own rack using the doepfer A-100 DIY kit.
Any thoughts / ideas / suggestions would be most welcome (before I hand over any hard cash to dealers!)

Thread: phanta

Thanks, I'll take a look. However I forgot to mention this would be more for getting gates from external audio; instead of an envelope follower I'd prefer to get a gate from the signal and use an envelope I already have for it. More flexibility that way!

Yeah, I think they're part of Analogue Haven, maybe?

Buck Modular seems to be the manufacturer... but I can't find a website for them. The best I get is a hashtag.

Thread: phanta

If you're looking for gate extraction from CV, you may want to research Erica Synth's quantizer. I know it can output gates based on changes of incoming CV voltage. I don't have the model name.

You may also want to research Joranalogue's Compare 2. Perhaps its not exactly how you envisioned pulling gates, but could also be useful.

Even though it's pricey I feel the eloquencer is one of the best modular sequencers out there! Ronin have a look:

This module is a complete powerhouse with an infinity of of possibilities in terms of sequencing.

I've been eyeing out FMRs products, I also checked out the RNLA but I feel the RNC gives a more transparent result. Thanks for the recommendations guys!
-- burayemusic

As far as sequencers, I had a toss-up between the Eloquencer and 1010 Music's Toolbox. I went with the Toolbox. There's nothing wrong with the Eloquencer. It's great. However the Toolbox is smaller (fewer HP), it's more flexible with its outputs, and the controls are a lot easier to deal with... especially coming from a DAW environment to a Eurorack environment.

I would also check out the forums for OS revisions. 1010 is always updating the firmware to give more value. From what I understand the Eloquencer is rarely updated. Oh, and something you might like is the ability of the Toolbox to record CV voltages, store them, and play them back. So if you have a nice complex loop of CV, just record it and take back your CV generators for something else.

if anybody knows his adress please let me know, he scamed me for 230€ for a bassilimus
he removed his account already.. if anyone has any info on riccardo please let me know
you can send me an e-mail on

bought shades from @Slocap arrived quickly in lovely condition, thanks dude.

Bought a module from @techforze - great condition as described, friendly communications and was sent very quickly & well packaged! :)

Thread: phanta

Open to comments on any/all of this.... I have a few racks up on MG, feel free to compare, going more or less the same direction with most of them, with a few variations. Obviously going just for synthesis here, no sequencing or effects. I'm going for 8hp or less in as many modules as possible save for ones that seem unique. Based very loosely on my favorite modules in my current setup CLICK ON THIS TO SEE IT ALL ( ModularGrid Rack ) but in a 104x2 format. Especially want to know the best gate extractor is out there! Also anything about the Koma vactrol filter the PM Lifeforms Primary Osc. Is the Batumi worth the price? Tubbutec uTune? This is something I can't afford all at once, so I'll be picking away at it for awhile. I think there's a cheap SM Valve Multiplier near me, so that might be next unless one of you has a better version of the same (in 8HP).

No, the +/- 12V you're probably thinking of is generally what you find on your power rails. Synth-level signals usually work like this:

Audio: this tends to be +/- 8V peak to peak at max, much of the time, but levels up to +/-10V aren't uncommon.

LFOs: as a rule, this is similar to audio levels except when the signals are unipolar. In that case, you see one of two things: either the voltages swing around a given voltage offset level, or 0V is still the center, but there's no negative voltage swing. This last state is also what you see with audio that's been half-wave rectified in waveshaping/distortion.

EGs: 0 to +8V (or a bit more). Envelopes only swing into negative voltages when inverted, as a rule. Some inverted envelopes can also swing from a given positive offset level down to 0V, as well, depending on application.

Gate/triggers: 0 to +5V is the norm. However, some synths use inverse triggers, such as the Korg MS-20, older Yamaha monosynths, etc. Also, the Moog "S-Trig" bus is normally at +5V until triggered, when it drops to 0V; this is unusual, however, as the Moog "S-Trig" is prone to voltage drops due to connecting too many devices to the trigger bus, which can cause the triggering to fire at unwanted times and it's recognized these days as the 'wrong' way to do this.

Note also that some inputs that normally see only positive-going voltages can have interesting reactions when fed with bipolar voltages, and vice-versa.

Control voltages usually scale upward exponentially from 0V in what's known as a volts-per-octave (often written as 'V/8va') relationship. There are different methods, though, with some (again, Korg and Yamaha) using a linear Hz/V scaling, some older synths (notably EML) using 1/10thV steps with 1.2V/8va, and some using bipolar CVs in a V/8va relationship (Moog).

Came across this diy case idea today

So by normal synth levels I imagine you mean +-12Volts?

The Eloquencer quantizes internally. Nice feature, that...

As for compression/dynamics, give this a look: . Very simple, straightforward, and excellent-sounding. Plus for 'bang for buck' factor, the RNC is hard to beat for a quality stereo compressor. It's a workhorse.
-- Lugia

The Expert Sleepers Disting Mk4 just added some dynamics/compression patches. While it's not as substantial as a dedicated compressor, I would take it into account if I needed a couple of compressors once in a while to have two Distings.


Good seller, item as described and kept in contact to update me on the delivery

All round good experience! Thanks:)

This is the model I have and it is up for sale.

Even though it's pricey I feel the eloquencer is one of the best modular sequencers out there! Ronin have a look:

This module is a complete powerhouse with an infinity of of possibilities in terms of sequencing.

I've been eyeing out FMRs products, I also checked out the RNLA but I feel the RNC gives a more transparent result. Thanks for the recommendations guys!

The Eloquencer quantizes internally. Nice feature, that...

As for compression/dynamics, give this a look: . Very simple, straightforward, and excellent-sounding. Plus for 'bang for buck' factor, the RNC is hard to beat for a quality stereo compressor. It's a workhorse.

Go to Arturia's website and DL the Matrixbrute manual, and then see page 2. The expression pedal I/Os aren't really supposed to connect to a modular system, but actual pedals. The rest of the I/O should be at normal synth levels.

Yes, the Mackie VLZs will handle synth level appropriately. Just back the trims way down, and there you go. I have an original 1202 that I've had for over 25 years, used it for literally everything imaginable, and it takes loads of signal level abuse and keeps on rolling. Even so, an output module with isolation can tease out some benefits in lowering noise floors, eliminating any potential of groundlooping, and the like. Since you're doing your FX on the Mackie's AUXes, there's another Happy Nerding output module that's just a straight stereo out...but with transformer isolation, and there is definitely some audio benefits to having a bit of 'iron' in your output path like that. Adds a touch of enharmonic nonlinearity that warms up sounds, as a rule, without really mangling them...unless (and this is a benefit, too) you push the transformers into saturation with some high levels, in which case you'll get a nice, warm, wooly saturated sound that you'll likely find some uses for.

Seconds on the Intellijel Quad VCA. As far as multi-VCAs go right now, I'd say that that one's fairly close to being the gold standard. The ability to warp the response curve is brilliant, plus the addition of the mix function is super-convenient for either audio or CV summing. For a smaller rig, it's a good way to go.

Cool. Cool.

Also, your 1U Quadratt can be used to reduce the range of CV signals as well as offset them.

Take for example your standard LFO. It runs +5V to -5V. But say you want it to run +5V to 0V (all positive). Place the output of the LFO into channel one of the Quadratt and reduce its voltage by half. Now you have +2.5V to -2.5V LFO. Now take the output of channel 2 of the Quadratt and boost the signal of channel 2 until the LFO runs at +5V to 0V. The Quadratt outputs are normalled together as a summing mixer. When you don't insert a patch cable to a channels output it mixes into the next available channel. When no cable is present in the input (like in channel 2), you get a voltage to play with that you can also use to offset other channel's voltages or use stand-alone. You can do the same trick with channels 3 and 4. This also works well when you're trying to limit the range of notes your quantizer is spitting out as well. Wait... I don't see a quantizer. :)

So I did make some changes, I've been contemplating my needs and what I want to get from the system as well as what Ronin mentioned. I now have an Erica Synths MIDI to clock as I think it will work better with my ERM Multiclock, I actually searched and the Dixie is still available in Perfect Circuit! So it's a nice LFO to have. Exchanged the synth voices for some wavetables such as the Muskrat and the Erica Synths Black Wavetable as well as the Shapeshifter, took out the Jellysquasher as Lugia recommended. Finally added the Mutamix. I believe this can get some really complex and crazy drone/ambient/textures. Sequencing the wavetables and other voices with the eloquencer and using Dixie, Maths, Rainmaker and Morgasmatron to enhance it all!

Hey, so upon watching a video on how to route your modular rack into a matrix brute I noticed the author mentioned the expression jack pathway couldn't exceed +3.3 volts, does this mean any other jack could support -12 from modular rack? Does anyone have experience or info to help me with this? Thanks!

Thanks for the reply Luigia! Though I've more or less scrapped the plan from yesterday now(this is the final revision, I'm promising myself that)... I've realized that to truly craft the instrument I want I just need to more or less start over.

That said, Behold...!

ModularGrid Rack

Okay I also just really love how this system looks, but it also seems like it would be a lazerbeam of precision awesomeness to play..

To address some of your previous points - I do run my whole modular system through a Mackie 802VLZ4, which seems to more or less handle the modular levels, though I really have no comparison as this is the only way I've ever done it. Would you still think I could benefit from an output module?
I do have a seperate little 48 hp case which I'm currently using as a little System Concrete style sampler, but I could turn it into an output buffer zone... Maybe with Mutable Instruments Clouds, a Cwejman VC-SC and that Happy Nerding unit you mentioned... Now I'm getting into dreaming territory though :P

Also, I have an Eventide Space connected to the Aux-Send of said mixer, so am covered on the reverb front.

Any thoughts on this current plan?

(edit) Am debating now between Tides v2 and Just Friends.. I feel like I understand the capabilities of Tides a lot more, and that makes it more inviting.. But something about the mystique of Just Friends is hard to shake. It's almost as if because I understand it less it seems more capable -_-

It's a fun module. But I've found it hard to incorporate with other sounds as it always seems to want to dominate everything around it. It has some unique and inspiring qualities... but trying to put a saddle on it and ride it around is pretty difficult.

I clicked on your rack and there are some changes between what's pictured and your rack. I noticed that you added a Dixie II. I don't think they are made anymore... I think they are now Dixie II+, which is a bigger module in terms of HP. You'd have to find a second-hand Dixie II.

Koma also makes attenuator cables. You might want to add them to your selection as well as the stackables. Being able to attenuate a signal without running it into another set of patch points is pretty useful.

Oh wait... the Neutron does have a second VCA. Attenuator 1 has a CV gain control. I'm not sure if that qualifies as full VCA control. But I'm sure it'll do in a pinch.

I have two Intellijel Quad VCAs. I found them to be the most flexible due to the normalling as well as the linear to exponential response curve... and a switch to boost signal level through the VCA.

You can find other VCA modules with more VCAs per HP. But I think most of them lack features and are set at either exp. or linear response.

Very good transaction with @Nielsen, great communication and quick shipping. Thanks!

You're right, @Ronin1973, that the Neutron has a single VCA.

@Lugia, do you have a specific module in mind? I tried to search on modulargrid for "quad VCA exponential" and got no hits.

Actually, Streams from Mutable Instruments looks really fun, although it has two channels, not four. Should be plenty for starting out!

Terrific, thanks. That's very encouraging. I'll get some more stackcables. :)


Thanks for your reply! What does not sell you in terms of the dynamic functionality? If you don't mind me asking. Rubicon sounds like a very nice option, hadn't given it much thought


Those suggestions of yours ( regarding the interaction between sub-chains ) are exactly the type of thing I've been trying to wrap my head around. All have been really helpful ideas that have lead to me to rethink my mental map of how the system operates as a whole.

Thanks again for the feedback.