Hi Farkas,

Interesting way of looking at that (you said: "thanks for letting me fill your time") however I would rather like to thank you for sharing your work, for making interesting videos and modular synth music that invites the listener to be absorbed into your creativity :-) I enjoyed the full length of this track.

Thank you very much for filling up my time with your art work! Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Here's an example of how you could patch it up, just for extra explicitness. (I've got an e352 and a Maths in my rack as well. don't mind all the other crap.)

Adding delay and reverb in post will liven it up a lot. (incidentally, it's not "TV", it's "1V/OCT", cuz a difference of 1 volt CV creates a pitch of one octave.)

Another idea would be to play around putting the e352 into the inputs of the maths to allow it to work as a pseudo lowpass filter.
-- flies

awesome thanks mate,have the batumi+poti modules arriving tommorow:)


Got a Mantis Case and a Grandterminal+expander for sale,PM Me

Hey Garfield,

ok, its a little mean, but it's work in progress :).
The Sinfonion quantizes Vectors output which controls ACL VCO, its a random note sequence modulated by marbles, no chords involved...

I will wiggle further next weekend, so take my apologies :), but stay tuned!

Thanks for your kind words and support which give me even more motivation to create sounds !!


Here's an example of how you could patch it up, just for extra explicitness. (I've got an e352 and a Maths in my rack as well. don't mind all the other crap.)

Adding delay and reverb in post will liven it up a lot. (incidentally, it's not "TV", it's "1V/OCT", cuz a difference of 1 volt CV creates a pitch of one octave.)

Another idea would be to play around putting the e352 into the inputs of the maths to allow it to work as a pseudo lowpass filter.

Oh sorry, didn't realise this was a unicorn account only feature. Super handy either way.

Can you really.....
Wish I'd not just moved all my modules! :)

*Is that a Unicorn Only feature?
-- wishbonebrewery

Yes, Swap Rows is a Unicorn feature.

Thanks again for the incredibly kind words, Garfield. I'm glad you've enjoyed it!

Inscrumental music for prickly pears.

I think some of this convo ignores that people mostly get into modular cause it's cool and fun. I have aspirations to actually make music with my gear but I kind of think most people just want to make noise for themselves, or that they're at least happy with that, and hell if nothing I make ever gets any attention I'd still be fine with it, I'm having a blast, and in ways I never did with digital. The only real question from my POV is "Can you afford it?" and if so I say fire away. Just one noob's two cents...
-- troux

I absolutely agree. One doesn't need to set out with the goal of becoming the next Subotnick or Ciani or EDM giant. You don't need to have any goal at all beyond wanting to check it out. There is an air of gatekeeping here that I don't think is necessarily intentional but is present nonetheless. Curiosity as a starting point should never be discouraged.

Furthermore, most of the artists I follow, and the few I know personally, pretty much universally agree that being in a place of discomfort, trying something new, is one of the keys to artistic growth - is one of the ways to know you're onto something. So, I think being in a sandbox with infinite possibilities is a great place to be. If you get frustrated, well, that's something different that could maybe be worked on outside of the context of music.

Inscrumental music for prickly pears.

Thanks @troux. I like to limit myself to what I can accomplish in one take. Aside from the glitchy vocal sample, which was overdubbed, this was what came out in a single attempt.

Nice one @farkas! Good balance musically and between the instruments, excellent craft work like all your other pieces lately. I think I can feel the late 90s influence again too, maybe a pinch of Fly Pan Am or Stereolab in the vocals. Keep it up!

I think some of this convo ignores that people mostly get into modular cause it's cool and fun. I have aspirations to actually make music with my gear but I kind of think most people just want to make noise for themselves, or that they're at least happy with that, and hell if nothing I make ever gets any attention I'd still be fine with it, I'm having a blast, and in ways I never did with digital. The only real question from my POV is "Can you afford it?" and if so I say fire away. Just one noob's two cents...

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This is why I started my journey very slow and easy with a semi modular Make Noise 0-coast and the free software VCV Rack. Learning the basics at low to no cost and ability try try hundreds of modules and patterns at home is wonderful so when I do buy a case/power and modules, I know what I will actually need without going bankrupt. I think a lot of folks end up with cases and thousands of dollars wasted because they did not grasp that fundamental point.

The thing about that sandbox metaphor is that you can do literally ANYTHING in a "sandbox"...but that carries with it the problem of "what do you create in this totally-open environment?" And without a sense of discipline and a suitable background, the likely things that'll be created will be "bleeps", "blips", "drones" and/or "nothing". So the failings there aren't with the tools...but the user, which is sort of the corollary to another maxim: "Equipment doesn't create success...success is up to the musician alone".

And believe me, it is VERY easy to get lost in modular patchwork to a point where you've lost any creative momentum that might've been present before you busted out the patchcables. This gets right back to self-discipline and technical/musical knowledge, both of which I think are essential to cultivate before stepping into modular for that exact reason. Not saying that you need a music degree and all of that, but if you intend to pour several grand into a modular, you need to know why you think you need one in the first place. And that means that, yes, you know your work well enough to say where it needs to go AND you know the gamut of tools for that work well enough to make ample use of one. Otherwise...well, it's worth knowing what depth of the pool you're jumping into, as you don't want to swan-dive into the wading end, nor do you want to casually hop into the deep end and expect that bottom to be right there...when it's NOT. Most people know what to do in that situation...but when confronted with the "modular or not?" choice, the default seems to be to start chucking attractive (and expensive) modules into a box. And to quote Rocky J. Squirrel, "That trick never works!"

Uh-oh, here comes farkas with more of his weird lo-fi glitch art project. :)
As always, thanks for letting me fill your time.

Hi Jingo,

Woooo... that sounds very promising. That's a little mean from your side though, make me so hungry to hear the rest, this demo is so short, it sounds to me like I want so much more to listen at :-)

This demo on it's own would be an almost perfect sound track for a superb film!

P.S.: I can't hear the ACL - Sinfonion in action, you must have used it so subtle :-) Or that background kind of music, are that chords via the Sinfonion? I only know one way to use the Sinfonion and that's the brutal full way ;-)

I want more, I want more, I... ;-) Thanks a lot for sharing this and I seriously hope to hear more of this, kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Baltergeist,

Thanks a lot for sharing your new track. I like the tension you are building up with your track, a bit spooky here and there as well, yeah I love it :-)

This song could go on and on for me and I still wouldn't have enough of it :-) Going to listen it for the fourth time, can't stop discovering all the nice details!

Thank you very much and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

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Das System besteht aus einem Standardcase für Audioequipment, in dem ein Doepfer A-100 DIY Kit eingebaut wurde, mit zwei Reihen a 84HP. Die dritte Reihe könnte im Case noch erweitert werden (im jetztigen Zustand ist sie einfach abgedeckt und kann noch nicht verwendet werden).

over the weekend I went into ambient generative style sounds and this is a first kickoff sample into which direction my efforts will go, have a peak into it :)

main modules are -> ACL Multifunction Discrete VCO, ACL Sinfonion, Vector Seq, MI Marbles, MI Rings, HN fx aid, dervish and lots of modulation sources like MI Tides2, XAOC Zadar and erica synths stuff for some more modulation and EG/VCA stuff...

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Agree it is a sandbox and learning fun too. One reason I want to build a setup is to explore the lego building blocks of synthesis- VCA, VCF, VCO, EG and so forth. Plus unique sounds. No presets so complete freedom. The challenge is so many modules so research the tones and features is time consuming.

I completely agree with just about all of this except #5. I think modular is absolutely stellar if you have don't have a clear direction or idea of what you want to do musically specifically BECAUSE it is a sandbox. The caveat to that, of course, is that one must be comfortable with experimentation. Maybe that's what you mean by having a developed direction, I am not sure, but modular is definitely not for you if experimentation is not something that appeals. Besides, how does one develop or come to recognize limitations without experimentation? Modular, to me, is one of the most suitable milieus for this.

Yes, it is expensive, but, as you say, with a little research one can learn synth basics and start small, and let the system grow organically along with one's musical/artistic direction. A professional-level bass or guitar, amp, and minimal pedalboard can add up to several thousand dollars. If you're a drummer you know how much a good set can cost, especially when add quality cases. As an upright bassist, I can assure you that quality student-level instruments can routinely cost upwards of $5k. So, put into context, modular isn't actually that expensive unless, as mentioned, you want to replicate a Moog One. Which I would agree is utterly insane.

Inscrumental music for prickly pears.

Another track for the next album, like the others it still needs some work. Morphagene, Tetrax, Cocoquantus, Three Sisters, and various Nonlinear Circuits modules, especially the 8-Bit Cipher, and others at play.

Inscrumental music for prickly pears.

I recently bought 2 x Intellijel 1U Buff Mults from Chris_Da_Break and he was really easy to deal with organising payment and delivery to UK. I can recommend this seller.

Recently bought a Intellijel Performance case from @t0b1 and he was really easy to deal with organising payment and delivery to UK. I can recommend this seller.

circ rythem > gate mult - sdsr gate > trig O_c

this user has left ModularGrid

Brilliant caution to newbies. I recommend the book Patch & Tweak as well as using the free software VCV Rack before spending a penny on modular gear. For me, I learned subtractive synthesis on Moog Sub 37 which I still own and love and moved into DAWs with Ableton Push and software VSTs then Elektron gear for live performances. Now been using those and west coast Make Noise 0-coast to experiment with patching. Several years later since then, I am looking into building a basic modular rig for sound exploration and creating weird background sounds to supplement my studio.

It's your thread, so steer away!

I have a bunch of Verbos modules and they're great, but they are quite the investment for someone just starting out. If money isn't a problem by all means, get them, but there are more affordable options for similar features.

You can also download VCV Rack and explore many different sounds in there without opening your wallet. All of the Mutable Instruments are available in there (under the brand "Audible Instruments"). Many other IRL modules have VCV Rack analogs.

If you are interested in AM/FM, you might want to get a complex oscillator. They all seem to be based on an old Buchla 259r, so the difference in tone is what you'll want to focus on. I've had both the DPO and CS-L and I personally prefer the CS-L, but my buddy prefers the DPO. It is all person taste. There is even a Verbos and ACL complex oscillator. There is an old DivKid livestream out there where one of the guests had 2 oscillators to do the AM/FM stuff and then went to a single complex osc and was blown away by the difference. (I think it was James Ciglar on DivKid Modular Podcast #6 - Oscillators).

A Pam's New Workout with the Pexp expander might be a better solution than the Yarns, depending on what you want to do. Pam's by itself is a great multi-function module.

I had to look up DAAT and SynthSense, but if I found the right stuff, you might want a sampler like 1010 BitBox or an ALM Squid Salmple. I have the Squid and it's amazing. Then something to trigger those modules (external hardware includes a BeatStep/KeyStep Pro, or modules like a Euclidean Circles, Pam's New Workout, or even something like a Winter Modular Eloquencer.) I see you said sequencing is taken care of externally, but those 4 jacks on the Yarns get used up very quickly. I personally keep everything inside the case.

Lots of good advice here. I second (fourth?) the idea to ditch the digitakt.

Just in the spirit of offering a differing opinion, save the simple Doepfer-type modules for VCV Rack. Learn their uses there and save your money and the tactile response for more... fun modules. You get more bang for your buck to get some really nice modules that can do more than one thing.

Like a lot of Noise Engineering modules can be used for a bunch of different applications (Basimilus Iteritas Alter, for example, can make really great percussion sounds or be used for bass or noise). Mutable Instruments Plaits is another multi-use sound source (though all MI modules are available on VCV Rack under the brand "Audible Instruments").

I don't like to suggest individual modules but you might want to look at Pamela's New Workout. It is super versatile and you'll probably get one eventually anyway so you might as well get it sooner than later. It is a clock, clock divider/multiplier, LFO, random gate/cv generator, logic, attenuator, etc. It's super useful. Plus it has the MIDI expander and holds time really well, so you can even use it as a master/slave clock for your DT (if you decide to keep it.)

As always, use the forums if you have more questions!

Can you really.....
Wish I'd not just moved all my modules! :)

*Is that a Unicorn Only feature?

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


How about in 'My Modular' there could be a Move Row Up / Move Row Down buttons? So when you add a new row you can easily move rows without having to move each individual module.
-- wishbonebrewery

Hey, you can do that under the edit tab, swap row X for Y.

Hello! I've been thinking a lot about quadraphonic systems and the key element for me are the matrix mixers. Not only they can send audio to 4 different outputs but they can also mix dry/wet fx signals to multiple destinations without the need for many fx modules. It's hard to imagine the possibilities that's why not many people consider them.

Absolutely brilliant ideas. Thanks MNLO.

I really like the look of Verbos. They've seriously nailed function and form. I'm a fan of the Harmonic Oscillator (and their whole system!), so perhaps the case will take a stroll down that street next.

I'm easy in terms of direction. I suppose one path I'd like to explore is implementing the classic techniques (subtractive/fm/additive etc.) with gritty digital sounds reminiscent of the 80s/90s era of bit-depth/sample-rate restricted technology. Any thoughts?

In all honesty though, I don't want to steer the thread too much in order to hear ideas that simply wouldn't have crossed my mind before. The only real criteria being what have people found to be particularly great sounding and fun to use.

How about in 'My Modular' there could be a Move Row Up / Move Row Down buttons? So when you add a new row you can easily move rows without having to move each individual module.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


Ah, that sounds like a great combination of instruments. In that case, I would definitely get something like the Doepfer A-119 or a similar mic/instrument preamp with envelope follower. Rings and Clouds would likely both be really fun with a dulcimer.
I've been using two of the TipTop Mantis cases (208 hp each) along with two Make Noise skiffs (104hp each), and I would highly recommend the Mantis in regards to value for money. They have been having trouble with low stock, but I'm sure you could find one soon.
Have fun and good luck!

@farkas, sorry I didnt clear things up before, I am a hammered dulcimer player (primary instrument); my live and recorded work usually revolves around pre-recorded dulcimer samples which are converted from pitch to midi via ableton then ableton is used to sequence an elektron analog 4 MKI. I have a bunch of external piezo mic'ed gear which makes me think I want some pre-amp modules like the ears. I make ambient music and was looking to put together a small generative synth for my first eurorack setup. Since becoming more knowledgeable about my current system (pretty much everything besides the micro plaits and disting) I am realizing that I need more space to build the machine which can match my required level of modulation and expression. Thanks for the help, will be building a bigger case...

I think if I was dead set on the micro Mutable clones and 84hp, I would go with something like this:
ModularGrid Rack

You still haven't mentioned what kind of music you are trying to create, or given us any idea if you have any other gear to pair with a modular, so this is all just guesswork. First and foremost, I would recommend buying a larger case than you think you currently need though. That would be the first universal piece of advice I could give.

@farkas, just updated the case if your down to take a look

Would it be possible to implement rack gear? I think it would be great for studio building, and there are a vast amount of units and ecosystems.....examples:



It would help build and plan a Studio Rack


The chromatic modules are a good place to start, as you can get a VCO, VCA, Filter, Mixer, EG, and LFO all in just three modules for around $100 a piece. It’s what I did and don’t regret it. Definitely go for a 6U case. My rackbrute 3U filled up very fast and now I’m kind of stuck debating with myself if I want to get the 6U and have 9U which is more than I need, or switch to a different 6U case and sell my 3U or keep it as a separate case for a small system later. Either way it’s a problem I wish I didn’t have.

Hi there,

I have a brand new Disting Ex and I can't make it communicate with my Sweet Sixteen via i2c.
I've tryed every possibilities.
Pull up on Disting enabled and disabled on Sweet 16.
Disabled on Disting enabled on Sweet 16.
Sweet 16 in master and slave mode, with pull up enabled and disabled.
3 different Dupont cable at the back of the modules.

I read the manual 12457664531 times of course.
Nothing works.
I have contacted Mangu at Tesseract, he tries to help me. Thanks to him very mich.
But for the moment no solution.

If someone could help, it will be veeeeery appreciated.

Have a nice day.

If you're curious about the sound of the E520 this demo may be helpful:

Hi Mowse.

So which modules do pay you a rent? I need those modules, get some side-income to finance some other modules ;-)

Have a good weekend and enjoy the Panharmonium... oh typing that is quite okay ;-) Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hello Mudmux,

Welcome to the forum :-D

Well... you could start with the Stereo Line Out module only and then see if you miss the Headphones, if yes you buy that one too :-) You don't have to buy everything in one go. It's advised to take it slowly and buy only a few modules in one go, get experience with those and the (re-) adjust your opinion on those you still want to buy, and then buy again a few, etcetera.

Sorry, can't help you with the ALM hpo, don't know that module, perhaps someone else who got it can help you with that one.

Good luck with modular synths and kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi JRenklint,

Always 4 times faster... that's weird isn't it, looks like a setting to me. Did you had a closer look into the Logic Pro already? Perhaps somewhere multiplied the clock before sending it out on MIDI? It also could be a setting in the Erica Synths - Black MIDI to CV module but that one you should be able to find in the manual.

For the moment as a work around (till you found the problem) you could use a modular divider and divide the clock by 4 then you are back to the original clock signal :-)

Good luck with the troubleshooting and kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Thank you for your thoughts! I have a long way to go. @troux I'm going to play with your suggestions.

@mowse I agree. Let's have some fun and report back.

Ok. This thing was worth the price tag. It can stay. I won't even charge it rent.

Hello Everyone! Long-time user, first-time poster here on modular grid.

I have been making music with modular synths for about three and a half years. Currently, I am developing my system to work well in live situations and in conjunction with external sounds and instrumentation via Little Mikey*.

To date, I have been using a rosie as my output module; I like that it can be used as a line out or headphones out, and I have used it to plug directly in to a house PA system no problems. I have a 7u 84hp intellijel performance case and have been using the rosie as a basic end-of-chain mixer, but I recently ordered a verbos scan & pan and am looking to free up some space by getting a smaller output module.

Of course I have considered the intellijel 1u options, specifically the Stereo Line Out and/or the Headphones 1u (do I need both? can I use headphones with the output jack in the Performance case with the Line Out module?). I am also kind of interested in the ALM hpo, but am not sure if I would miss the 1/4" out.

Anyone care to share some experiences? Thoughts? Stories? Anyone curious about the same things?

Happy to be here!


 * if anyone is looking to sell an expert sleepers Little Mikey contact me :) *

I think it could work very nicely and I think also that there will be found several other ways to do it. That will be the fun part, experimenting with the concept in multiple ways. The weekend is coming and there will be time to exploire.

You are right, using a VCA as a pre-VCA is definitely silly :D

Thank you for the advice, GarfieldModular! A lot of good ideas here. Unfortunately I don't have a tone of modules so my options are limited. At the moment I am just looping the Pip Slope through my current VCA to boost the sound even though it is altering my decay. Thank you for the tip about the Waldorf - DVCA1, I will definitely look into it!

Down the eurorackhole you go ;)... Be prepared to raise funds, constantly changing modules and setup, watch lots of yt...

Most basic setup in my eyes is: vco, vcf, vca, eg, lfo. Expand this by these modules multiple times as you like and need, a mixer, attenueatars/-verters, cv functions/manipulators, one or two effects (reverb and delay), always remember: you can't have enough vca's and hp, and money. Also sell the DT (funds!) and get an eurorack CV sequencer like the hermit or so for the beginning, just my two cents, I ditched all elektron stuff (rytm mk2, DT, DN, A4 mk2) to fund eurorack stuff, never looked back! :)


Thanks! Reading through my comment again, I realize that I sounded like an asshole... Apologies to everybody, keep up the good work!