Hi Exposure,
He, he, yeah it's one hell of a crazy space frog that is ;-) Thank you!
In this track I am kind of testing my "percussion", it's the Vermona - DRM1 - Mk III with trigger inputs. I wanted to wait till the Endorphin.es - Ground Control becomes available however after having waited for more than a year for the Ground Control and I got that DRM1 already for a few months now... I just couldn't wait any longer...
I kind of tested it with EGs and LFOs instead of using a real sequencer. Okay, I have to admit for the handclap I used the Centrevillage - C Quencer DLX sequencer, nice and interesting sequencer that is by the way, there is a fill knob where you can define how the 16 steps are being filled up (not extremely flexible but still nicely done), nice for live performances; nice if you want to get quickly some changes to keep it interesting, though I didn't use that knob during this track, I predefined it instead.
Well a good point you got there and that's why it took me 3 takes (and still not 100% happy ;-) ) before I was kind of willing to "release" this track (so what you hear here is the 3rd take/try). I do a bit of a mixture of what you are saying. I have now quite a few patches going on (it slowly grows and progresses) on my modular synth and try to keep them as long as possible, to "keep/save the sounds as long as possible" :-) Once I have enough of it, either finished the (test-) recording or just had enough of it, I remove all the cables and then it's bye-bye to this configuration that perhaps I could partly reproduce but this one I am not really going to write down, no. With the first ("real" and not demo) track I released, there I wrote down a few notes but I am afraid that would not be enough to get me the exact sounds back.
Well that's it with modular synths right? They forgot to think about a save button, so once you "cleared" your system, your patch is gone forever unless you have a very good memory or unless you are really willing to write down all the details, which I am not :-)
Thanks a lot for listening and your feedback and kind regards, Garfield.