If you make the rack public then other users can viez it properly and get click through and infomatics - really useful when helping!!!

You need more vcas - get a quad cascading vca - mutable veils or intellijel for example - I'd also consider replacing the tallin with the intellijel 1u vca - all of these are dc coupled - as are most vcas

How are you mixing? if you do not already have an external mixer - you either need to buy one or put one in the rack - even if you do have an external mixer you will need sub-mixers, panning, modulation

Some utility modules will massively add to the variety of patches that you can create - mutable links, kinks and shades for example

you will need to free some space to accommodate these modules - the erbe-verb seems to be the obvious sacrifice - too big, not really a generic end of chain reverb (which is possibly what you are after) - replace this with an FX Aid XL and it will free 14hp more up - this may still not be enough!!! next to go would be the mimeophon (you seem married to the erica stuff) and again replace with an FX Aid XL

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Hi Garfield,

as I am a big fan of erica synths I mailed them about the black sequencer. Raivo (Kodek) said that they had it on their agenda for a release end of june or so. The units are already manufactured, but as I understood they still polish the firmware. I waited long but in the end I gave up on waiting because I was in need of a more hands on sequencer than my nerdseq was. The only cv sequencer left on the market for more immediate hands on sequencing is the vector. And yes! It is the best sequencer I ever had and its developer Jim is very dedicated to fix and improve things. His support is one of the best I ever experienced. And also the support of erica synths is stellar but somehow they do not release their black sequencer...

The sinfonion is just another beast from acl (also own two of their vcos, the multifunction and the variable sync). Its superb to keep multiple voices in the same scale or process marbles output to your desired musical results. I also wanted to get a melodicer but it has just too much hp and my rack is already filled to the last hp, I cant ditch other modules for it to free some room, sadly...

btw: you can buy the vector from schneidersladen in Berlin (schneidersladen.de) as I did. They ship ww and are just beautiful and dedicated people there, I wish I knew them earlier so that I had bought more stuff from them.

If you got any questions about the vector or other modules I have (can send you a pic of my setup if you like, just pm me your mailadress) please feel free to ask. I will try to answer as good as I can :).


ps: here is a piece of music I am usually into... Since I am 13 I try to make techno-ish "music" and it always goes into stuff like this. Whatever I try it becomes like this. I always try to do some ambient but I also always fail hard. I am just not able to :/.
This piece is sequenced by vector into sinfonions song mode, acl vcos for bass and acid tones pushed through es polivoks and sara vcf, also starring modulation by kermit mk3 and there a lot of other modules involved :)...

try to listen, but its not easy if you are not into this "shit" ;)

Good one @mowse, thanks for sharing.

Hi Mowse,

Woo-hooo-hooo, those Moog sounds give me the cold shivers (goose bumps), that's properly done! He, he, and then your kick hitting once and a while through it, gives it the necessary "beat". To use a phrase from the movies (and meant as a compliment): "This is some serious shit!" ;-)

Nicely done, this is just the beginning, that kind of music makes us addictive, we need more! Your music is like a hard drug, once taken, you keep needing it... Thanks a lot for sharing this and kind regards, addictive Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Jingo,

Oh no! Your patch is gone :-( and ;-)

The Sinfonion I have it already and indeed is a nice module. Nice for sequencing your chords but not for the voices. So I am looking for the ideal "partner" for the Sinfonion. You as well as Sacguy71 mentioned the Five12 - Vector sequencer, watching now a video of loopop, yeah it's not that bad indeed, perhaps I should give this sequencer a second chance. Only pity is that my local dealer doesn't carry this brand.

Instead of the Erica Synths - Drum Sequencer, I was thinking of the Black Sequencer, though it still hasn't been released yet :-(

Marbles is already on my wish list, good to hear from you about Marbles, I will put it a bit higher on my wish list :-) Or instead of Marbles, how about Vermona - Melodicer?

Thanks a lot and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi The-Erc,

Yeah, that's some nice noise coming from the DFAM indeed! Lovely and I like your "cable salad" picture too :-)

Nice stuff and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Sacguy71,

Not sure if you have perhaps these modules already, but perhaps two reasonable sized and nice oscillators to consider? Intellijel - Dixie 2+ and Make Noise - STO. STO I have it myself and for any large patch (multiple voices) I almost always include the STO. Dixie 2+ is high on my wish list and I have high expectations of that one too.

Have fun with the rack planning and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Selling remaining stock. Prices are good through October.

Just some food for thought... You have about 60hp dedicated solely to effects in a relatively small first rack. That's a lot of space and money for some reverb and delay. Is there a more cost/space conscious way you could get a similar result? Multi-FX module (Erica makes a few good ones)? Guitar pedals and FX send module?
All of the modules you have chosen are great, don't get me wrong. Again, just giving you some things to consider.
Have fun and good luck

Thread: First Rack

Playability's a big deal, but I find that I like a good mix, half bigger modules and then squeeze a bunch of smaller support or focused modules in to support them. For example: ModularGrid Rack

If that approach makes sense to you the question becomes: how important are envelopes in your overall rack?

Thread: First Rack

I have a love hate relationship with modules over 14hp. I love the fact that the controls aren't squeezed in and hate that I need more cases to use them. What have I got myself into.

Hey everyone!

I'm planing to build my very first Modular Synth and I would like to get some feedback from the more experienced users. I have some experience in making and recording music in general and making electronic music in particular. So far, I did almost everything "in the Box" with software synths. I also have some "virtual" modular experience with the Moog Model 15 app-version and of course, with VCV Rack.

I'm less interested in plain modules that serve one distinct purpose and more in playful ones, that can do a variety of things and keep some surprises along the way. I also don't mind a steep learning curve instead of buying more beginner friendly modules, just to replace them eventually.

What really got me started was the Fusion System 2 by Erica Synths, since I'm interested in dark and drony music. So from what I learned about modular synthesis, I thought that this system could do much more, if it's combined with the right modules. Also, I think 2 VCOs, a VCF and a modulation section are a great base, with other useful and interesting modules in there.

I plan on getting the Fusion System as a whole and putting it in a bigger Intellijel Case. I wanna go for that plan for two reasons. First of all, if I was to buy the modules separately, I would end up at the same cost as the whole system. So that way, I would get a bunch of patch cables and a case for free. Which brings me to the second point. I can easily put it back in it's original case, freeing up a whole 104 row, if I need much more space in the future.

I went with Pam's new workout because of its versatility and the combination of Steppy (because it fits in the 1U row) and Mimetic Digitalis, because they seem to go very well together and the Mimetic only takes up 10 HP (and I've seen Ricky Tinez doing some fun stuff with those both sequencers together). I also want to get the new Midi module from Intellijel as soon as it's available, to sequence it from my DAW or to play it with my Keyboard, while having the ability to play around with the two sequencers when I don't want to use my computer.

I want to get the Mimeophon because it sounds so nice as a delay and it can be used as voice, that has a nice gritty string-like quality to it, which I'd also like to explore (this is one of the modules that I'm looking forward to play with the most). The Erbe-Verb, well, as a reverb, mainly because it's highly controllable with CV.

A Tallin for VCA since it can also handle CV. And the TriTone from Happy Nerding as an EQ, because it can overdrive in a nice way.

And well, a Maths, because I think i would regret not getting one, after I looked through the inofficial Manual.

So, after months and months of researching, I came up with this first rack. If some of my thoughts are garbage, please tell me. I don't mind learning from my mistakes along the way, but if there's something that I should avoid from the start, I'd love to hear about it. Also, if I'm missing something important that would get me frustrated, only to order it afterwards. Oh, and if there are any good ideas, I'd like to hear that as well!

Thanks in advance!

Love it! Well done.

Also, unless you have a Clouds already, don't put it in here. Instead, use a third-party build...either a smaller version of the Clouds, or a more complex version such as a "Monsoon". farkas is also spot-on about the signal flow in this build...you'll have an easier time of this if you try and localize your audio path to one row, modulation to another, etc and make everything flow in the same general direction. Instead of the Minimoog, though, have a look at an ARP 2600 instead. I've always found it to be a superior teaching synth as well as an excellent workflow model for modular builders.

Thread: First Rack

Nice one @lugia.

Thread: First Rack

One module along these lines to not neglect: 4ms's PEG. Similar to the Maths, this can give cycles of up to 30 minutes.

Thread: First Rack

So I'm actually gonna sell my Quadrax, my Zadar is in my ambient rack (Maths is in my acid rack) and it fits great there because it can create like weird crazy 60 minute cycles or drive melodies or be just a regular old envelope generator. In my acid rack I also have a Serge DUSG, and TBH I could see myself trading that for another Maths and maybe a Javelin, but we'll see.

Thread: First Rack

Its the HP that is a killer. It seems like 1 Maths/6U is a good ratio. I am going to chew on this for awhile perhaps after some more patching I will feel differently. Math's is great but would like a dedicated envelope generator. I guess would you replace both your quadrax and zadar for a second Maths?

Thread: First Rack

I can't speak to other quad envelope generators, but I also have a Zadar and tbh it's pretty easy to use. I'd rate it higher than the Quadrax but lower than Maths.

Thread: First Rack

I have been debating between the Quadrax and the Zadar. The menu diving of the Zadar has me somewhat turned off. I have a squarp pyramid and some other outboard gear for that fun. My emu proteus is gathering dust because programming it is a bear (at least for me). I have also given thought to a second Maths but I think I will hold off on that until I start on my second 6U.

Other options for quad envelopes, doesn't have to be in a single module but don't want to consume more than a quadrax or zadar?

Thread: First Rack

Looking good so far. Re:envelopes, I haven't really liked the Quadrax much and would take a second Maths over it for sure. As always depends on a lot on what you're trying to get out of it but the feel and range weren't working for me.

Thread: First Rack

Current rack,

First two rows is what I have (the LxD and Lubadh are on order). The third row is what I am planning to add. Seems like I am always looking for an attenuverter/mixer and the 3xMIA is a lot in a small package. I wanted more envelopes to free up more of maths.

Let me know what you think about the third row, the FH-2 is mandatory but the rest is just based on what I find myself looking for to balance the voices and effects (I couldn't resist the uBurst as I like clouds, but didn't need a full-size or even the monsoon, mine is silver/white panel just no option to select that from the modules).

I do find links and kinks in every patch so that was extremely helpful.


Looks like I will be needing a second mantis very soon, love that case the value/HP curve is the best in the market imho, while I would love a custom finished wood cab, it's hard to justify that over more modules ;)

I would recommend rearranging your rack for easier workflow. Voices, filters, and VCAs together at the top, with sequencing, modulation, and utilities (envelopes, LFOs, etc.) on the bottom row. This will help you visualize audio and CV flow a little better. It may also help you see what you might be missing. Try to imagine how a MiniMoog's signal flow is arranged. That is a popular synth for its ease of use.
Have fun and good luck.

My second jam on the completed Moog stack. For this one, I created two simple sequences on two Moog Mother 32's and a kick with the DFAM. The two Mother 32's are patched to through Rossum Electro-Music Panharmonium and Make Noise Mimeophon. I'm playing the M32's and Panharmonium by hand while making changes to the two sequences using modulation from Pamela's New Workout.

Yo I am no official speaker, but the feature of having multiple frontpanels consolidated into 1 module is already
included on modulargrid funnily enough.

Yes, we have that Panel Selector. It steps through all uploaded panel versions of a module.
Maybe it should be more prominent.

When you upload a new photo it will replace the old one, but the old one still is not lost.
For every upload a new version is added.
Other people who have set their module image to HEAD version (default) will see your newly uploaded image.
HEAD means: always show the newest image.
If they switch to an older version it will stick there, newly uploaded images will not affect their racks.

Is there the possibility of adding a class to the taxonomy of modules, where one module becomes the 'parent' module
-- aarontw

We also have a consolidation feature for modules for moderators, which adds up all ratings, collections, marketplace offers...
But the problem is the image versions of the module that gets consolidated will be lost so consolidation must happen early. It's difficult ...

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net

here's the actual link to the rack if anybody wants this instead of a crappy jpg

ModularGrid Rack

I'm not convinced you need more modulation - utilities to leverage what you already have would probably be less expensive and more effective = matrix mixer for starters

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

1) Upgrade the Function to a Maths
I'm not sure with this, function it's enough complex for me to keep it a while, upgrade to maths make me a bit scare. Sure maybe in a future when I feel more comfortable. For now, I try to learn and discover.
-- nokulture

I had the same feeling about Maths, but this tutorial completely changed my mind:

This is my Eurorack im slowly building up for Ambient(Dark Ambient)


(Right now i use reverb and delay in the daw,when recording)

i might need some utilities,more modulators etc??


Got a Mantis Case and a Grandterminal+expander for sale,PM Me

stages is great - a very useful module

one strategy for making modulation more interesting and to go further, which is generally less expensive than buying lots of modulation sources is to add more utilities

for example a matrix mixer would be a good idea - so you can, for example, mix 2 decay envelopes from stages with 2 outputs from Maths

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

@volpinovulcano I haven't used stages so I can't say, but I hear great stuff about it. I'd love to hear about it if you think it's working for you.
-- troux
I will receive it and will keep you posted. This is the rack I have now:
ModularGrid Rack
waiting for Stages. I was in the same situation looking for more modulation (having some modules that require a lot of modulation to express their full potential as the basimilus or Qpas. Of course I explored Batumi, Oachd...but I explored tides and stages as well. I already have math that I really like for modulation.
I think tide is a very powerful modulation source ( keep it in my wish list for modulation of the rhythmical session) but I wanted to have more control, and stages offer multiple possibilities (using it as ad, adsr, multiple lfo...).
I will keep you posted.

Please don't hesitate if you have any other ideas...

Thanks, @GarfieldModular! That is high praise, indeed. Creating music at the caliber of those artists is something I hope to do within my lifetime.

@volpinovulcano I haven't used stages so I can't say, but I hear great stuff about it. I'd love to hear about it if you think it's working for you.

this user has left ModularGrid

I am looking at Winter Eloquencer, WMD Metron, Endorphin.es Ground Control (if ever comes out!) and 512 Vector. Once covid ends, need to try these out in a synth shop.

Hi all, interesting discussion. I have built my own first rack recently as well, and I am now in the same exact situation, I am looking for more modulation sources. My choice is stages, why this module wasn’t part of your recommandation?

This is the setup for my morning jam on Oct 05 2020.

You can listen to the jam here:

Today I am keeping with the two voice theme, but for today I decided to use the Godspeed VCO running through the C4Bon.
The second voice is the bOSC running through the SCPL EQ.
I'm using the Euclidian circles as the rhythm to drive the two voices.
The note sequencing is coming from the O&C using the hemispheres module running two parts: 1) Enigma Jr. and 2) Note quantizer
I am also sequencing the filter as well to give more movement to the Godspeed voice.
Kick and Hats are coming from my Octatrack MKII.
Effects are from a Collider Pedal (delay and reverb combo)

Any and all feedback is greatly encouraged and appreciated.

Thanks for stopping by and checking this out.

thanks troux and garfield :)!

I dont think that I am able to add some beats because the patch is gone forever... I did not take notes as it wasnt the result I was expecting...

For the sequencer, and believe me that I had a lot!, it came down to a combination of:
vector squencer+its expansion module
acl sinfonion
mi marbles
erica synths drum sequencer (but this is a component of the techno system anyways)

thats my personal sequencing dream and I can warmly recommend this setup!


Cheers guys :) I'm happy to keep experimenting for the moment :)

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


Thread: Patch #1

@Iheartopone -- It only sounds good when you put some good sequences in it, so congratulations :)

Thread: Patch #1

Hi @the-erc ,

I have tried your patch and its sounds so good!! Thank you for the direction. I'm going to experiment and add my op-1 by teenage Engineering using FH-1 expert sleepers to generate additional sounds! Cant wait to explore further.

Thank you

The DFAM is making most of the noise here. Kicks and hats are BIA and Hats909 respectively. The Disting is quantising the DFAM's pitch sequencer, and Pam is doing all the triggering and modulating. Full track below.

Hi Sacguy71,

Yes, great Halloween track! It's full packed with Halloween-ish kind of sounds :-)

Thanks a lot for sharing this, happy Halloween and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Jingo,

Great track, if this is your take on a Sunday evening, then I hope you take many more takes on Sunday evenings :-)

Ha, ha, your music inspired me to look again for sequencers, a never ending search, nicely accompanied by your music, lovely!

I can't wait for next Sunday ;-) Thanks a lot for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

this user has left ModularGrid

Agree on Frap Tools stuff very hard to come by right now as you mentioned. There appears to be a shortage for a lot of modular stuff like cases right now. I read about a Make Noise shortage as well since the Black & Gold Shared system is not available yet and that would be a fun modular system to have since most of the modules in it like Maths and Rene are solid and the case awesome as well.

Lots of tension in this one, throw some drums underneath and you might have a banger, thanks for sharing @jingo

It's a nice little module @sacguy71, also 321 by Frap Tools is nice, but hard to get their stuff right now!

this user has left ModularGrid

I need another attenuator/offset in my second rack and need to look into ALM Busy Circuits 0/a/x2 that would match Pamela and Boss Bow Two for a good tool support pairing to get clocking, switching and tools. I have the SBG which works great with guitar FX pedals and ALM support is responsive when I had issues.

this user has left ModularGrid
Thread: First Rack

Indeed eurorack and modular are some of the most addicting fun hobbies ever and the cutting edge of creative music world! I have been able to create the weirdest sounds that before were not as easy to do. Coming from a guitar and piano background, modular opens up millions of experimental options. Just watch that budget as it can be super expensive. I am trying to limit myself to my two 6U racks one of which is half full already the other completely full before spending another penny on gear.

Now for cables- I really like the longer Hosa eurorack patch cables they are solid so far but I did accidentally bend the end of one so always buy more than you think you need as you will run out after more complex patching! I like having a few stackable Tip Top audio cables so useful to use like passive mults which are key in a modular setup.

For brands, so far IME/Harvestman and Noise Engineering make the craziest wacked voice modules for many sound shaping options best suited for techno and industrial type stuff which I love. I like my core Doepfer modules they mix well with other brands and are solid built and sound decent as well. Intellijel makes good utility modules as does Mutable Instruments- love the Kinks and Links in my setup that Jim recommended to me a while back. While I do like the Richter Anti-Oscillator and Dual Borgh Filter a lot, the Malekko Quad Envelope and Varigate 4+ are trickier to figure out to do what I want in a sequencer and envelope generator. Plus Malekko support is sorely lacking! They don't even have manuals or solid documentation for a lot of their stuff!
Seriously, Malekko get your collective stuff together or I am never buying anymore of your gear!

On the other hand, folks at Intellijel, IME/Harvestman and Noise Engineering as well as Doepfer have been wonderful in answering my questions and technical issues right away when I had problems with their modules.

Hi Wishbonebrewery,

Yet another nice track from you! :-) Out of tune? Well yes a bit, somehow very enjoyable. The picture is more "out of tune" than your music, if you would ask me ;-)

You choose indeed a very nice slow rhythm/tempo, I like that, it helps to cool down after a bit hectic weekend! Thanks a lot for sharing and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

10 out of 10, when's the album coming out @wishbonebrewery?

Nice work here @EroGumpy, I've had my eye on the C4BON and the SCLPL, I may try and fit them into my acid rack soon.