I'd put Maths in the lower left corner, before the percussion voices,
and put the quantizer and Circles to the left of the oscillators and envelope generators.
Avoid having wires draped everywhere. I love using those little yellow Doepfer wires.

The Wasp and the 106-5 SEM sound different, but kind of the same.
Substituting an A-101-6 Opto-FET Filter would provide more colors.

You are going to need more multiples.
If you had to sacrifice something for a 4HP Rides in the Storm QAM, what would it be?
Mounting a module from 2hp on the end of a row is asking for trouble.
Always a wonky fit and really difficult to get your fingers in there to tune it.
That voice is already covered, I'd drop it, and with the spare space already,
there's your 4hp for a QAM.

Circles (and techno!!) wants a clock. I know it's costly, but I'd drop the A-136 waveshaper,
and put a Pam's Pro Workout in the far left someplace. Maybe near a mult(!).
The A-136 doesn't give back much for the space it takes up anyway.
Pam's can do a lot of the things the noise generator does too, plus 7 other outs,
in the same space. It could also help with the lack of LFOs here.



A nice little filter from Befaco, that's also kinda a mixer and sorta vca. Either mix three signals through the filter or take that filter out, and the vac triggers on input audio voltage, that's why I say "kinda".

Pretty straightforward build, though as typical Befaco there are a number of tight solder locations.

Calibration was a breeze, also.

And sounds pretty sweet. Will sit well in many mixes.


it's overfar's notes on the collection. the base level of my build started with a PWM malevolent. then came the dreadbox (Hysteria;nixed-replaced with the PIP and Push VCA), bit crush & phaser. I kept them as they have sweet spots & utility. the rest came in sequence ->BEFACO/REBEL Lich, CLANK SUM, NLC MING ROD, COSMOTRONIC Delta V, SSF ultra perc, SSF steady state gate, WMD CHIMERA, VULT CAUDAL, Schlappi Engineering 100 GRIT, Happy Nerding FX AID XL, 4MS RowPower35, Retro Mechanical Labs GPI, ERICA Black Joystick2

The units are housed in two skiffs, 84hp from the RP35 to the SUM (powered by the RP35, skiff dimensions match the Moog skif profile), 60hp from the ultra-perc to the FX AID (powered Moog skiff).

I also use a Novation Circuit Mono Station as a sequence and CV controller/audio processor. Recently, a Moog labyrinth has also been added to this mess due to the shifting sequencing/wave folder/voice...but I have to spend more time with it to pass on an opinion.

-edit Oct.30.2024
Added the plasmavoice and reconfigured the desk, 2x84hp top and 2x60hp skiffs. Ok yeah the labrynth is a whole skiff. This feels pretty good for my use case and can pick up and run with ideas using the other gear in the studio with purpose, including soft synths and automation with a nod to purpuse. I'll probably ditch the Euphoria for a Mutant Brain and a slim rectifier.

Here's an experiment with sending three sequential switches to the same output, to create a longer melodic sequence. Patch notes in the video.

Started sharing my jams not too long ago. Hope you like it!

The Archer's Rig is now out ! Thanks everyone for your patience !


To get a single rack larger than 12U, you will need to get a Unicorn Account: https://modulargrid.net/e/users/pro_index

I hope that helps!

Is there a way to make and build racks that are larger than 12u?

I'm trying to put together a 24u rack and so far I've had to split it up into two.

"vocoders are shameful in publics"

Thanks very much. This suggestions helped me a lot.

-- JimHowell1970
-- Progspiration

Thread: Patch #2
  • pamela's pro workshop: clock BPM_120, Shape_Gate, Withe_50%
    • 1x4
    • 2x4: Eucl Steps_8 steps, Eucl Trigs_1 Trig
    • 3x4: Eucl Steps_ steps, Eucl Trigs_1 Trig, Eucl Shift_ 5번째 of 8 Steps

Looking to build this one as a techno setup. Feel free to advice me on how I could make it better. Thanks in advance

XFMR Euro DI : Audio Demo : Vaemi (Eurorack)

As VAEMI, we designed the Euro DI in the Eurorack module format, which can be used for all digital or analog equipment, synthesizers, and drum machines ranging from line level devices to high voltage synthesizer levels. In this way, you can input the unbalanced sound signals of your equipment into your microphone preamp with a balanced XLR connector.

Key features include:

  • Balanced XLR Output
  • Neutrik XLR connectors
  • Enables the transmission of audio signals over long distances
  • Clean and transparent sound
  • 0 degree phase shift
  • Accurate isolation from electrical noise in the audio signal
  • -12dB Pad switch
  • 180 degree phase switch
  • GND Lift switch

To watch the full video:

To be honest, I expected some boring synthwave but this was filthy AF just like something labeled cyberpunk should be IMHO. Good stuff! Maybe the drums are a bit too loud in the mix but this is just a very minor complaint. I like this a lot.

"the sky above the port was the color of television tuned to a dead channel"
-- symmetrizer

You can listen to the lower drum beat version here.

If I have time I will post a video incorporating Piston Honda Mark 3.


Thread: Away Again

To be honest, I expected some boring synthwave but this was filthy AF just like something labeled cyberpunk should be IMHO. Good stuff! Maybe the drums are a bit too loud in the mix but this is just a very minor complaint. I like this a lot.

"the sky above the port was the color of television tuned to a dead channel"

I use Mob of Emus to modulate, quantize and pattern sequence the ime modules.

Some patch notes:

  • Sport Modulator IN receives white noise from A4 CVB
  • Triatt INA receives V/8 from A4 CV-C
  • Maths Ch2 IN receives static 5v from A4 CV-A
  • Maths Ch4 Trig receives gate from A4 CV-C
  • It is critical to keep the DPO Timbre knob closed and the corresponding attenuator only slightly open; it is also critical to keep Maths Ch4 Rise fully ccw and Fall at roughly 12 o'clock
  • Gemini set to dual
  • MMG in LP

Also the Hemispheres firmware for Ornament and Crime has a CV controllable gate delay applet

When I had questions ADDAC were very responsive. Maybe you caught them when on holiday or something, everyone has a life outside of work.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


2hp burst might work...

maths can be patch programmed to do it (page 24 of the illustrated supplement)

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

yes... almost anything "can" be a modulation source...

usually it helps if your modulation source is slower than what you are modulating...

all signals in modular are just electricity varying in frequency, amplitude band shape... so to a large extent anything can be anything...

the only real caveats are that for a signal to be audible it needs to be both fast enough (>20Hz ish) and slow enough ( < 20KHz ish) and that it's not a great idea to send DC signals (slow unipolar signals) to speakers - as this can damage them...

and try not to be so loud that you damage your hearing!

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

yes... almost anything "can" be a modulation source...

usually it helps if your modulation source is slower than what you are modulating...

all signals in modular are just electricity varying in frequency, amplitude band shape... so to a large extent anything can be anything...

the only real caveats are that for a signal to be audible it needs to be both fast enough (>20Hz ish) and slow enough (

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

I haven't tried this particular module (it's in my wishlist though). However, I had some problems with the saw output on my DIY ADDAC701.REV2 and Filipe from ADDAC was extrememly helpful in diagnosing the issue so I could eventually fix it. No shade on ADDAC from me.

@gary_b I get where you're coming from, but, did you bother looking at the ADDAC website? A quick look on the module's page shows

Last update version: D_5, April, 23rd, 2024

D_5 Changes Log:
* FIXED: An issue where at maximum speed the module controls will become irresponsive after a few minutes.

along with steps for the update. How about you give it a try?

Was eagerly awaiting it's release and picked one up from Thomann in March. When it's working, it's a great modulation source, but after running for a few minutes all the controls quit responding - this problen occurred on the first day out of the box. Happens every time after a power-up. Tried emailing ADDAC about the issue but like so many Eurorack module makers these days, no reply. Seems very few mfg's stand behind their product any more, so buying a module (especially from a small maker) feels like a crap-shoot now. So now the module has been sitting in it's box for months, never used again.

That Hysteria module is a lot of fun (and modulates, as well!).
-- halbroome

A VCO can be a modulator ?


That Hysteria module is a lot of fun (and modulates, as well!).

Yes modulation is way more important than too many voice oscillator modules. If you want to keep the smaller case, consider smaller sized hp modules that perform these modular tasks like 0chd from Divkid that is way smaller than Rampage and still gives you tons of modulation. Also consider getting a quad VCA module and attenuator. A filter would be great add on as well.
-- benscott

Many thanks, your answer helps a lot .

Hello everyone!
Is there a trigger/gate delay where the delay time can be CV-controlled?
Thank you!

Not a bad start but I recommend a larger case and more utilities and maybe some effects?
-- benscott

I have an empty rackbrute 3U 88hp.

Yes modulation is way more important than too many voice oscillator modules. If you want to keep the smaller case, consider smaller sized hp modules that perform these modular tasks like 0chd from Divkid that is way smaller than Rampage and still gives you tons of modulation. Also consider getting a quad VCA module and attenuator. A filter would be great add on as well.

I know it's wide in modules,setup etc ....while talking about a modular system.

I just would like to know if some people here could consider my system as a system with ''load'' of modulation modules.


ModularGrid Rack

Not a bad start but I recommend a larger case and more utilities and maybe some effects?

I know it's wide in modules,setup etc ....while talking about a modular system.

I just would like to know if some people here could consider my system as a system with ''load'' of modulation modules.


ModularGrid Rack

Hi everyone :) I'm releasing a small EP under the name HOLW: https://holw.bandcamp.com/album/petits-grains
It's a blend of some guitar and modular processing, a bit cold and melancholic. I'm quite excited as I never released anything under my name. Hope you'll like it !

I always chuckle when I see someone say they want to receive payment by Venmo. I would never do anything except PayPal with 3% because it protects both the seller and buyer. Do those that want to be paid using Venmo send the item first and then receive payment after the buyer receives and is ok with item? I'm guessing not
-- jb61264

I agree that you need to act only through PayPal. The fact is that with this option there is the possibility of a refund in case of disputes, which protects the buyer, but can create problems for the seller. Just a week ago I read about top card issuing providers, I used https://dashdevs.com/blog/top-card-issuing-providers/ for this. It’s worth understanding these things if you want to work in this field. Any wrong move or wrong choice and you will remain in the red.

Thanks for this response, I will do that.... i just wanted to check that there are no additional issues to do with compatibility or other factors i needed to know!

With kind regards T

You would just go looking for a 10 pin to 16 pin Eurorack ribbon cable. I find this is actually the ribbon cable I run into most - more than 16 to 16, at least. When you buy more modules that are not standalone, they'll often come with this cable, and it will occasionally already be plugged in.

Hi everyone,

super beginner question - my very first step is that i want to mount Moog Mavis on my new eurorack mount

this is my rack mount product plus power unit, the tip top

Anyway.... i see that the power in point for rack mount on the Mavis is male with 10 pins in two rows five pins,
While the scarf cable on the tip top power supply is male with 16 pins in two rows of 8

I presume I need an adapter type short section of cable with the diffent types of female rows each end?

or are there other factors that make this more complex?

Also, what is the usual terminology used to name these different formats of pin arrangement (i'm guessing it's just the usual terms, 10pin or 16 pin, but just checking)

Thanks if you can help

Thread: ZZ (LIVE)

I come from a keyboard / guitar background, and like to have a module that will allow me to export
Eurorack cv to a guitar pedal and bring back in (preferably in stereo). Cheaper than Eurorack modules, guitar
pedals make for interesting sound effects (the Drolo Stretchweaver pedal -- wow!). Even an EQ pedal works
well for less money. No external sound effects in your system?

Bored Brain has some of those interactive modules with external guitar pedals, and others. Worth exploring!

Thanks, it was very helpfull

500 series section needs to be scrubbed for duplicates, several uploads of the same module.
-- bkbirge

It's not that simple, right?

got my Sweet16, perfect! thanks for the tip

A dual filter with interesting routings, inspired by the Korg MS-20.
Mostly surface mount pre-installed, but since it’s a stack of 4 circuit boards it’s an interesting build.
Lots of sonic possibilities, sounds really interesting. A good kit.

ModularGrid Rack

I think my case is finished, what would you add?

Pssst! just a little tip if you plan to stay and want to pay less :

You can buy several years of unicorn account at the actual rate of 19.90.
- When logged, on the main page got to "Like a Pro, About the Unicorn account" next to the "Top Modules" List.
- You have the at the end of the comparison the possibility to buy 1 year via paypal,
- Repeat this several times and each time you add 1 year to your account (each time at the actual rate).
-- Folkien

What's the advice here?

Hi Knut, MG has a lot images so Cloudflare should work especially for users far away from the cloud/server location so it worth it keeping it alive.

Regarding the redirection feel free to write here any future issue if you like :)

Regards, Marco

Ʃ ~ ^ ¬

Dear All. - Thanks at for opening the post and in advance for any advice.

I am new to Eurorack but not synths and hardware.

QUESTIONS below in bold.

I sequence using Hapax Squatp with MIDI + CV hardware synths to my DAW via Mixer. Ive got a Crap outboard compressor if needed.
I have used Softube Modular for fun FX racks but hate having to turn on the computer for FX

This my plan

SETUP: Direct Out from Synth Patchbay (in both Mono and Stereo!) to this rack for studio synths. (Super6. MS1. MonoPoly, Hydrasynth, TB3, TR8). CVS and MIDI from Hapax
PROPOSED CASE: Cre8Audio Nifty Case (saw Divkid use it. looked great for my size) Agree???
GOAL: To layer effects on Mono and Stereo synths. Fully expecting to record in per channel rather than run multiple channels of audio through this. Its for creativity, control and fun outside the box. i can always use Valhalla etc al in the DAW for static sounds in the final mix. I have a Midiverb for generic Verb. I want to modulate effects to get more movement in sound.

HAPAX provides options for CV step automation and LFOS and envelopes but id like to generate some of these internally hence the Abacus.

I wont buy the original Rings and Clouds but MomoModular do versions om Etsy that look great

So I have:
- VCA to adjust CV and or Audio signals? Do i need another for Audio out? I can adjust CV levels with Abacus
- Maths / Abacus. will try and get the original.
- Rings. love it. Having It
- Clouds. seems fun and right up my street sonically
- General FX. i just wanted a decent Reverb Delay module for general usage without going in the DAW. Any better suggestions
- Filter. Thus is Ripples but stereo. seems a winner to me?? Do you agree
- Mixer. Figure i wont want to do everything in series and also could blend input audio here if needed? ** Is this a good addition**

Any suggestions for other modules. key misses functionality wise
i feel so Freauency Mod might be a good addition?? Thoughts.

I have A Strymon Nightsky which I could swap for the Modular Starlab Id need to change case. it is space hungry so not sure whether i should bother. i think id prefer the workflow with Starlab but i'd need a bigger case

if you made it thus far i hugely appreciate the effort.

I'm slowly enjoying all of your YouTube videos including this one yesterday. Very nice vibes.

as a newcommer I really appreciate your thorough patch explanations/breakdowns.

-- thimble

Thanks so much for tuning in! Good luck with your own patches.