Really excited to announce my album, pianola, which came out today on the Expert Sleepers label on Bandcamp. It's a collection of minimalist (and quasi-minimalist) tracks I've been making on the modular in the past year or so. As so many minimalists composed for the piano, I decided to limit myself to piano multisample libraries, loaded onto the Disting EX.

You can find a patch breakdown for each track, in the videos on my youtube playlist, "pianola: patches":

pythagorean scales are not my favorite, and i prefer a good bit of melodic progression (see: scriabin) but im enjoying this anyway. has almost a 24/7 chill study music vibe. ...

passed this along to a fellow music dude etc.



thanks for listening - and for sharing it with your mate! interesting that you detected a pythagorean tuning, as it was actually 12ET.