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Watched a couple of videos about matrix mixers. It's a great tool indeed to distribute modulation. And would save me some attenuators at the same time. Love it. Honestly had never really thought about it that way. I usually plug mimetic or an LFO into the targetted cv input through Quadratt and that's it.
Yes I tend to like mults cause I don't use stackables or out of case mults. I use tendrils as I don't patch/unpatch much and it helps for playability. Maybe 5 is a bit much though :)
Gonna look into you suggestions. Never used a Matrix mixer. Thought it was mainly useful to facilitate effects routing and the mixer has effects sends so I didn't give it much thought.
Switched multiples I could use to facilitate certain transitions, alternate between sounds etc. And I could most certainly use more attenuverters and envelopes.
I was thinking of Virt iter legio + Ghost as it would allow me to vary the sounds (virt can sound like an organ), and Ghost comes with a few cool features (sidechain, a big filter knob!). but there´s already a ton of sonic possibilities with Ultra-kick, BIA, Tymp and the dual oscillator.
What would you suggest I fill the gap with?
I tend to make minimalist repetitive dubish electronic music (think Surgeon or Colin Benders but slower with a ton of bass).
I usually go for no-menu immediately playable modules.
True. I built a few super dense cases (like 12+ modules 62hp palettes) and accessibility/playability is an issue. I manage-ish by iterating on module position/direction and using angled Tendril cables with optimized length (once patched I usually keep the rig for a few weeks).
Yes. Percall seems like a good idea. It would replace the Mega tang ? Only issue is I would not have the Fx send/return, which is kind of cool in such a small space. I'll think of a way. Maybe I could take out Pons Asinorum and add and small submixer to emulate an Fx send.
2 brooks will serve as bass and lead.
2 doepfer vco and noise will be used to patch percussive sounds (ideally kick, snare and some sort of hh). Kick patch will likely go through LPG 1U.
I dig minimal techno. So the most important thing for me is to be able to easily mute/unmute stuff and control the length/snapyness of sounds.
Steppy will sequence the 3 percussive sounds and a reset signal.
Bloom will handle bass and lead.
One brooks (lead) will go to mixer Xer dualis via Wasp filter, Dvca and Electus.
The second brooks will go to mixer via Wasp filter and Mega tangle.
Mega tangle will also power percussions and MFX will be patched through send/return.
Neo trinity ans Pons asinorum will modulate, with quadratt to attenuate modulation.
Does it work?
Can I get a powerful kick patch here?
Any changes I could make to improve the setup in this form factor (104hp/4U) ?
Any feedback ?
After Later Audio Scenes (stage clone) looks great, thanks for the tip. I'll do that instead of 2 dual ADSR. Will also check Sound on Sound series. Thanks again for taking the time.
Sorry, my post lacked context.
I do have Pam's and Steppy for sequencing duties. I was really wondering about the patching techniques you would use to make the most out of these 5 modules as a drum unit.
So if I understand well, I could use one Brooks, one ADSR channel and one VCA channel to implement a kick.
And 2 ADSR channels, one Brooks, noise and 2 VCA channels to implement a snare.
Means I need more ADSR!
So let's say I add a second Dual ADSR to have 4 different envelopes.
Could I then leverage the last Cloaks VCA, the remaining envelope and the noise to add Hats to the mix?
Hello all,
I tend to use dedicated percussion modules for drum duties.
Now, I would like to patch my drum sounds out of base components, in order to have more flexibility/sound variety/control.
What could I make out of these 5 modules?
Based on what I read, I could make a decent Kick, snare and hats.
How would you patch a 3 part drum kit with these modules? Or even a 4 part drum kit?
Let me know your thoughts, different choices of modules, additions etc.
With 2 more modules than the 12 expected on the 62hp Palette case. Works fine!
It's a fun little skiff. Not much variation on the sounds, but Neo-Trinity allows for on-the-fly cv recording to change melodies, steppy is quite playable, I can alter the synths´ decay with Total Recall and note triggers with Running Order, Electus is quite fun, I even have some ducking with Tymp...not too bad for such a small portable case.
Pushing the limits of the 62hp palette beyond the 12 native power slots w/ flying bus cable, with modules that didn't make the final cut on my main rack
Techno-dub-ish delirium
Random patch notes
Total recall will handle decay of Brooks and Pico Drum high hat through Pons Asinorum; decay of pluck
Remaining Pons tracks will be for modulation
Tymp legio will hanlde BD with low bass and ducking
Brooks for mid bass
Pluck for lead
Peaks not sure yet, but probably snares or modulation
Pico Drums 2nd track for bell or snares (if Peaks is on modulation duty)
Arp...well...arp cv distributed to both Brooks, Tymp and Pluck cv/oct (they'll all have different triggers)
Running order and Steppy - sequencing duties w/ one track of Steppy for reset variations
Pico dsp for drum fx
Electus (or I'll flash it for Desmodus) for fx on the pluck
Brooks will be handled with LPG 1U and Pons Asinorum
I'd put the 2 sequencers, total recall and Arp on the same flying bus cable
Given that you don't want to go slow. I would suggest focusing on straightforward playable modules rather than modules with a steep learning curve. Otherwise you'll end up spending hours learning how modules work rather than actually making music.
As you dislike menu diving, and you are Visual, there is a chance you won't like complex modules with lots of combos. You should consider prioritizing playable modules with one function per knob. That way you can approach each module like a little instrument.
In that perspective and based on the modules I know (only 4 in your racks!)
Desmodus is a keeper. Love it.
Bloom, I like it and the company is great, but based on my comment above I would replace it with a Turing Machine and a quantizer or something like that.
Queen of Pentacles, I still use it but it can get boring, as there is not much to modulate. Mem card is in the back which makes it cumbersome to change the samples. I'd replace it with a basimilus and a couple of Tymp Legios.
Pico DSP, I like it in small cases, but I would let go of the small modules. You have a lot of real estate and again, larger and more playable modules can help get to the music.
One last comment. Given that you'd have 3 cases full of modules. I would suggest keeping it all in there. No midi, no external gear. That way you can really focus on your setup, patches etc.