ModularGrid Rack


Hesitant on what to do with remaining 22hp.

I was thinking of Virt iter legio + Ghost as it would allow me to vary the sounds (virt can sound like an organ), and Ghost comes with a few cool features (sidechain, a big filter knob!). but there´s already a ton of sonic possibilities with Ultra-kick, BIA, Tymp and the dual oscillator.

What would you suggest I fill the gap with?

I tend to make minimalist repetitive dubish electronic music (think Surgeon or Colin Benders but slower with a ton of bass).

I usually go for no-menu immediately playable modules.


The voices etc look good bu I think modulation and playability is worth improving.
- A matrix mixer for CV
- Switched multiples
- A bunch of attenuverters
- Tetrapad or a couple of Gliss.
- More envelope generators

Do you really want 5 basic mults?

Hey! Thanks for the notes.

Yes I tend to like mults cause I don't use stackables or out of case mults. I use tendrils as I don't patch/unpatch much and it helps for playability. Maybe 5 is a bit much though :)

Gonna look into you suggestions. Never used a Matrix mixer. Thought it was mainly useful to facilitate effects routing and the mixer has effects sends so I didn't give it much thought.

Switched multiples I could use to facilitate certain transitions, alternate between sounds etc. And I could most certainly use more attenuverters and envelopes.

Will see what I can fit in.

Since you have ths FX Aid, you may also like Happy Nerding's 3xMIA and 3xVCA. If a matrix mixer (which is actually a great tool in Eurorack because you can use it to mix, route, and reroute CV for lots of detailed transitions) is too big to fit in, this may also give you some good modulation mixing/changing options. For the 3xVCA, one thing I like other than the attenuator for the input CV is the switches you can use to send the output of a channel to the next channel, allowing you to easily multiply or mix signals together at the literal flick of a switch. Simple utilities, but super playable and really useful.