Is there a way to post a eurorack case to the Marketplace?
I would like to see a possibility to search patches. I have Module a,b and c. Show me all patches with these modules.
When i do a patch list the modules in the patch note automatically.
Thank you for your effort.
Cheers klanglicht
Moving my mixer/fx modules into a dedicated skiff for these final outputs :)
very excited. it also makes room in my 9u 126hp live rig.
Here's to bringing your notes to the stage with you!
Curious, .... of your lack of standard envelope generators, attack/decay, adsr's and the like, in your live rig..: for creating those tight percussion sounds. i'm not asking for trade secrets.
do you simply use lfo/AM/FM for your voices' vca control ?
anywho. hoping you get booked in portland some time :)
You know, subbing out the Pip Slope for an EON + the DPLPG would keep me at 17 powered modules, but add the capacity to get some noise into the system plus the cool vactrol goodness of the DPLPG... let me think about that. And thanks for your experience re: the mults. When I move up to my next (bigger) case I've got more mults in the picture.
Totally not easy! I've read somewhere that for most usage, it's not too necessary to have buffered mults, and in my experience (which is limited!) my 2hp Intellijel passive mult has worked fine for everything i've plugged into, and i've even split audio signals through it with no real problems. I went the path of getting a number of smaller or multi-function modules for my 3U set up, such as the Disting, the 2hp Qu-bit EON (envelope/osc/lfo/noise), and the 2hp MengQi dual LPG which is a passive 2-channel VCA type module. As I've been building my rack I also realized how important it is to have enough envelopes and vcas!
Thank you!
While I think I've got logic handled with Cold Mac and Disting, you're right, I'm low on mults. I ran out of room (I can have a maximum of 17 current-drawing modules) so I don't have a buffered mult in this config, but I could easily see swapping out the Malekko MUTE 4 for the 3HP 4ms buffered mult module if it turns out that I can't live with stackables.
My goal is to blend audio/samples with synth voices, both by running the external audio/samples through various modules and by mixing audio/samples with other stuff. At least that's my plan.
All that said, I may pull the Radio Music and replace it with the Brain Seed that got pulled out to make room for the ALM Pip Slope, as I was painfully short on envelopes. I also dropped the URA to make room for the Spectrum in my most recent edit, which I'm not entirely settled on.
This is not easy.
Super sweet rack!! Ever considered getting some multiples to split signals, or do you use Stackables? And what exactly are your goals? Are you mainly running external audio/samples from Radio Music through these?
@penrose_riots is a great seller! Super quick, very polite and totally trustable! Had the best package (looked like a bomb) ever!
Hi all, I've acquired half of the modules in this rack (Batumi+Poti, Mangrove, Three Sisters, Cold Mac, Disting, Tangle Quartet and Clouds (on order)) and I think I've got the rest pretty well balanced for my goals. Am I making any Hideous Errors in your opinion?
Seems reasonable to me! Thanks for all the free grandfathered in large rack glitch riding for the last year! ;-)
I announced the Unicorn Account last September 2014. That was an unrequested feature, obviously, but a necessary one. A lot of users chimed in and showed their support for the ModularGrid. With their hard earned cash, I am very grateful about that. That contribution allowed us to stay independent from investors and keep the platform as open as possible.
The standard account limits the amount of rack rows you can use. But there were many racks at the time which exceeded that limit already. Those racks could not be resized, but people could still add and arrange modules.
This caused two problems:
The solution I came up today is to let the old racks behave like the new ones, that is:
you cannot rearrange modules in big racks if you don't have a valid Unicorn Account.
I hope that is reasonable.
Beep, Bopp, Bleep:
Yeah, going the desktop mixer approach is another good option. Definitely the potential for lots of inputs. My friend, Lampeo often uses the OT as a mixer, advantage being that you can incorporate the OT's effects. If you can bus your rack (and anything else) down to work with the OT's 4 inputs, this could be an option.
I'll likely look into some in-the-box (Eurorack) submixing options to keep using my 8 ins on my interface. Using that is nice because it's less bulky than most hardware/mixers/outboard effects. The ABC should do the job for three stereo pairs, I just need to sacrifice being able to treat each output individually.
And yeah, I had't known that Elite wasn't shipping worldwide. Oh man, I feel for you.
Well, wishing you the best with your adventure.
Is it possible to change the order of modules on a manufacturer page? eg: newer modules first?
not possible at the moment
Also a flag for "discontinued" on modules would be nice to indicate those which are no longer being made.
-- kisielk
that will come. production status is high priority ..
Beep, Bopp, Bleep:
thx for the reply !
finally thinking to use a vlz mackie i already got for the mix, gonna be more weight for live but will be a greater use in live and will make me save some money ! also have some md OT and S1 in the mix...
Would like to order a elite 12U too, would like some of those in Europe !! have to go with custom
Is it possible to change the order of modules on a manufacturer page? eg: newer modules first?
Also a flag for "discontinued" on modules would be nice to indicate those which are no longer being made.
We introduced Unicorn Accounts one year ago.
Unicorn Account users now get a reminder in their message box, when their accounts are close to expire.
Beep, Bopp, Bleep:
Oh great. Yeah. I see your approach with the SCM + uScale. I love René, she's just currently in a 48hp skiff with Yarns & a mult. I had to make room for a new module that I'm beta testing, so I picked up one of those little Pittsburgh dealies. Looking forward to the new Elite 12U hopefully this October. As for ABC, I like that it's easy to use in either mono or stereo. I tend to run most everything in stereo because Mutable is just so good at it. But really this new iteration of the case is just an experiment (aren't they all?). For the previous "Supermoon" version, I had 8 outs going to my audio interface, and performed all mixing and other effects in Ableton via a Lemur template on my phone. This was a great approach, but now I have more than 8 outs (I love stereo) so I'm still working out how to best approach this.
@tankprofane: i had a closer look at the Gabotronics xProtolab scope and think it might be possible to hack it for 4 logic ins and 4 logic outs. adding divider/multiplier functions there would be awesome!
could you do that??
When you have the time, I'd love to see all the silver versions here. They look great.
I'm going pretty near your previous version with rené,
Are you happy of the ABC bastl mixer ? looks really nice in hp for that kind of setup
just posted a 1HP, 1U filler panel. i think i will throw one in with the trace logic 1234 in case people only want 4 logic inputs. thanks for pointing me down that path!
-- tankprofane
nice! 1u1hp want :)
just posted a 1HP, 1U filler panel. i think i will throw one in with the trace logic 1234 in case people only want 4 logic inputs. thanks for pointing me down that path!
I had another smooth transaction involving an Edges with @Heren. All good! : )
Nonetheless any manipulation of prices will set me on rage mode
-- modulargrid
That was a general statement, not directed at Holti.
Can we agree that all was a misunderstanding and no harm was done?
Beep, Bopp, Bleep:
flip the image, dude. ditto ERD/ERD
-- Endorfinity
Heh, I had a 50/50 chance. On it now.
Please don't confuse mkI and mkII modules. mkII is much-much-much cheaper.
Schneiders Laden is asking 325,- for the new module at this time.
On the Module Detail Page there is no hint on panels and pcbs. So I just checked the price for an assembeled module.
What did I do wrong?
-- Holti
Good sellers:
A Wogglebug from @nuuttipukki
A Stillson Hammer from @jandybala
An Ultra Wave from @teethgrinder
A Z3000 from @AThousandDetails
A Pressure Points with Brains from @allert
A Dronebank and another Z3000 from @OurMod
A few Make Noise modules from @altemark
I am seeking guidance for my first purchase of a modular synthesizer and would greatly appreciate a critique of this setup. I have very limited knowledge about modular synthesizers. My goal is to make bombass beatz and kool melodies. Should I add or subtract any modules? Will this module even produce sound?
Thanks! :)
Schneiders Laden is asking 325,- for the new module at this time.
On the Module Detail Page there is no hint on panels and pcbs. So I just checked the price for an assembeled module.
The time I was searching, I didn't see there was a version MKII. Sorry for the mistake!
Mint Pressure Points from @tritata. Anytime again :-)
@box78: well suited Piston Honda incl ROMs.
Wonderful Metropolis from @psantoni.
@St john sent got a very nice Quantimator.
Lots of mint stuff coming from @dogma: Dual Borg, Qu-Bit Nebulae and Tri-ger, Make Noise Telharmonic.
@mheumann sold RT60.
@Nomodulus offered Sputnik 6 Channel in very good shape.
Nice Optodist from @Heren.
@psicopaticofilo sold a Panther ED701 miniScope, arrived very fast in good cosmetic shape.
Bought a nice DS-M from @Phwb.
A very nice Make Noise DPO and Malekko Noise Ring from @vytis, packed super safe, sent fast. And the price always is killer!
@thisisprisma sold a Mutable Tides.
@sambal sent a good working LP1lightplane.
@WilleZurMacht sold a nice Wogglebug II.
@tobi sent a Springray incl. two tanks.
Got a QCD from @Llouwelyn.
@ranzen sold me the Braids I was looking for.
@RKW sent HATS909 in good condition.
Got a Jupiterstorm from @airfrankenstein.
happy dealing with @helloitsmeagain - bought a discontinued Blue Lantern CMOS Party logic module, very useful little gem in my setup.
yeah, 4logic inputs will be enough for me. that'll make 19hp with the scope. there is nothing in the 1u tile world that'll even things out...
so that combined with the trace oscilloscope, all three modules will be 24hp, not 26hp. this module doesn't do anything on it's own and maybe not everyone wants all 8 logic inputs for the scope. besides, it will be open source hardware, so you can change it to whatever you want it to be if this doesn't suit.
damn, why 5hp now?
i see , 12345678 will be 10hp, but still....
Nice feature! While it's nice to be able to filter to see the 1u only, but it would also be nice to filter out the 1u tiles. Some probably don't care to see them.
Genius. And nicely implemented as well. Great that it can be any row needed...
-- exper
Thanks! As always, I expect new bugs, so don't be shy to report..
Beep, Bopp, Bleep:
Genius. And nicely implemented as well. Great that it can be any row needed...