ModularGrid Rack

Hi all,

Looking to build a killer instrument setup for live use, and am just starting into modular. I use a lot of other external hardware and effects (Elektron boxes, guitar pedals, sequencers) so don't need my rack to have much in that department.

What I'm hoping this one will do is give me a lot of options for both percussive and chromatic tweaking that can be supplemented with an Analog Rytm / Four.

The setup I've gone after is to have options to compress signals separately from the Minibrute, Lifeforms, and DFAM, with the latter two also having separate EQ controls. I've got a Maths in there for general fuckery, and a Disting+EG for additional utilities. Everything would run into the stereo mixer for panning control before it gets compressed in stereo. It then goes to balanced stereo with some overall options for tone and saturation.

Thoughts? Things I've missing or haven't thought of? I'm new to eurorack so am tryna build the synth of my dreams here!


Could you be so kind, if you find the time, show me this in a little Patch? That´ll help me, iam sure. I did not knew, since a couple of days, that I can modulate an Oscillator with an Oscillator.... If I understand you right, I could modulate the Telharmonic with a STO?

What I did there with the oscillators was to do a pairing very much like what I did on a rebuild last week. In this case, the "primary" oscillators are the Telharmonic and the Plaits, and the STOs are co-located so that they can be used as an AF modulation source or a doubling VCO on each. But yeah, the lack of envelopes was the key...VCAs and VCFs need 'em like we need water!

Thank you so much for your reply and for "redesigning" my Rack!!! Iam quite new to Modular and quite happy that I start getting a feeling for whats missing, btw whats too much. You confirmed my oppinion! I still dont know why I bought 2 STO´s and the Telharmonic and the Plaits but I think I´ll need them soon, or find a use for them. At this time I only use a few Modules of mine, just to get them to know deeper.

Thanks again mate! You helped me a lot!

The new album is out>

Hi GM and thanks for your support.
Drums are from Noise Engineering BIA and 2HP, Erica sample drum & Tip tip audio one.
The album was written on our modular rig and recorded/mastered onto 1/4” tape
Head related transfer disorder is mainly done using Noise engineering BIA.
Hit like/subscribe/follow on Facebook/Instagram and there is lots of more cosmic electronica on our Bandcamp page.
Keep it reel!

I don't have one - but maybe it would be a good idea to check what psus you are all using

someone mentioned a uZeus - which is not known for being particularly quiet

try to find someone to test it with either a Doepfer PSU3 - which are generally pretty quiet

so it might be that the rainmaker is particularly susceptible to noise on the power rails

in which case the options are simple - put up with it, get a better psu, get rid of the module

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

I think this is the rack you are talking about? You can just add the link, so it's visible for everyone.
ModularGrid Rack

One thing i see at first sight: You can't mix Pulp Logic and Intellijel 1U modules, they have different dimensions.

Yep, and the problem is pretty obvious: not enough envelopes. There's lots of stuff here that needs them (VCAs, VCFs). I reworked this a bit:
ModularGrid Rack
I also reworked the layout considerably, putting most of the audio UP, mod/CV DOWN (except for the Milky Way and Rosie), and putting everything in a L->R flow. Now, I did remove the Make Noise just one EG in an 8 hp space, it was a waste of panel space in a small rig like this. Removing it and one of the Links allowed me to drop in a Malekko Quad Envelope instead, which also will play nice with the Stages, Tempi, etc. Plus, while the Links has some very useful functions, there's no need for two of them here; you should be using inline mults whenever possible in small rigs.

Hi Lugia,
Thank you so much for your help. As Exposure pointed out, it’s extremely helpful when someone with experience can give a wealth of information. I’m actually surprised how much people have helped with highly informative information. I’m going to go with the setup that you have shown. Makes a full contained unit. And the layout that you’ve suggested is even more help than the change of modules, which I will also change.

Thank you again!

Thanks...yeah, part of the problems that arise with a lot of builds is that there's no real order to the layouts. And because of that, you see a lot of weird/inappropriate/downright wrong choices creeping in...or at least, that factor plays a huge part in that happening. Fact is, though, that when the early synth companies all landed on a similar left-to-right signal flow for their post-modular instruments, there wasn't an accident there. In the West, we typically look at processes as moving left-to-right, and that's how I try to make things function in the builds I work on.

Much of the problem also seems to come from users who've gotten their initial synth experience on software synths. When these are properly designed (or a replication of a proper design, like what Arturia does), they're great. But way too many software synth designers create things that, if their interfaces were implemented in the real world, would be a total bitch-and-a-half to use. And these are the things that some of these users on MG use as their design basis...and that's a big mistake. We don't interface and interact with hardware in the same ways as we do with software. And yes, everything on MG is "software"...but the objective is to create HARDWARE in the end, which contributes a bit to that design disconnect as well.

Hey All,
I've been doing some research for a little while. Coming from the world of fully constructed synths (Moog Little Phatty, Behringer Model D, and an Oberheim Matrix 6). I found myself more and more just playing these synths with the intention of playing long modulating notes that go very deep places, so I want to make the plunge.

I am a little space constrained so I am looking at housing everything in a Intelljel Palette (62HP with one 3U row and a 1U utility row). Here's what I put together as an initial idea. I know for sure that I want the Mutable Instruments Plaits (it sounds amazing), but want to make sure I am in shape for my objectives around ambience. I think I am but the feedback would be much welcomed.

Here are the modules in the main row: Mutable Instruments Plaits, Make Noise Wogglebug, AI Systems AI002 Mixer, Make Noise Maths, Mutable Instruments Ripples, Intellijel uVCAII

Here are the modules in the 1U utility row: Pulp Logic Sample & Hold, Intellijel Multi-FX 1U, Intellijel uMIDI 1U, Intellijel Stereo Line Out 1U

Thanks everyone!

Hallo Community.

Finally, I gout my first Rack standing infront of me. After Patching some hours I am struggeling if i maybe need some more modulation sources? What do you think?

ModularGrid Rack

It’s such a shame. I was really looking forward to purchasing a few of his panels.
Apparently he received some complaints that must have ruined it for the rest of us. They must have taken the fun out of it for him.

I sent a message to him asking him to reconsider and not to let a few bad apples spoil it for the rest of us but haven’t heard back. Judging by the pictures he was making a very nice looking product.

I hope he will reconsider and continue making them. But if it’s not fun for him anymore do understand.


James B

Hello everyone.
I did not want to write anything until the issue was resolved. I had some private drama stuff happening and thus was not clear enough to answer for a full 4 days which of course, and partially understandable made some people nervous.

Nervous enough to contact many of my Instagram friends to let them know that I owe someone money etc. That is a bit unlikely behavior that surprised me and I am still learning from many of my friends and relatives everyday that they have been contacted, even my work place was contacted.

As I am well loved in my community :) nobody thought too much about it and the damage is minimal. But I will take this under advice to never underestimate peoples... energies.

All the best to all of us who love the relaxed and confident way of trading on this platform - it surely (usually) renews my hope in mankind.

-- SteveLate

well, your private drama is really not my (our) consideration. we gave you the money and i want what i paid.

you did not answer to me (us) although you were responding to other messages. this was my radical, logical step

Just reveived a mail that bkm panels closed the business.

Ich hab das vermona qm quad midi dran. Läuft gut. Lg

Hello everyone.
I did not want to write anything until the issue was resolved. I had some private drama stuff happening and thus was not clear enough to answer for a full 4 days which of course, and partially understandable made some people nervous.

Nervous enough to contact many of my Instagram friends to let them know that I owe someone money etc. That is a bit unlikely behavior that surprised me and I am still learning from many of my friends and relatives everyday that they have been contacted, even my work place was contacted.

As I am well loved in my community :) nobody thought too much about it and the damage is minimal. But I will take this under advice to never underestimate peoples... energies.

All the best to all of us who love the relaxed and confident way of trading on this platform - it surely (usually) renews my hope in mankind.


Hey Lugia,

I'm not the original poster but I wanted to thank you anyway, I really like it when you re-work other users racks and then explain what was changed and why. It is really useful for less experienced users like myself, it allows me to understand how different modules play together to make a good rack.

Thank you

Banged on it a bit...see what you think:
ModularGrid Rack
You'll notice some changes, to be sure...but not anything huge. I got rid of the summing mixers because, frankly, these are intended more for summing CV and mod signals (they're more akin to adders, really) and if you're combining AUDIO signals, you need discrete level controls per input. Only one buffered mult remains...because you really only need one here. The biggest lineup change was to jettison the Polaris; frankly, you don't need a third VCF in this, and you'll do loads better with an effects unit...which is what that Stasis Leak is all about. Stereo output, too...hence the transformer-isolated stereo output next to it. Just run your audio mix from the Quad VCA (I suggest using VCAs 3 and 4 here for this, out of the Morgasmatron's dual outputs, leaving VCAs 1 and 2 for CV/mod work) right on into it and control your wet/dry mix for your final output result.

I added a nifty Seismic module in the lower row, since there wasn't anything to manipulate CV and mod signals with. This does that really well, manually OR under CV, plus it offers another linear VCA for CV/mod work. Then the lineup overall was altered to put all audio on the top row, all controls/CV/mod on the bottom, and the setup for the VCOs was changed to co-locate each of the DixieII+ modules next to a Rubicon2, which is then next to a 2hp Mix...making it more convenient to combine the two operationally for a more Buchla-ish operation situation, which'll make it easier for you to go WAY past basic detuning. Lastly, all of your audio signal paths now "read" in a proper left-right manner, with modulation, etc coming in at intervals from the bottom row.

Seems more solid. It did increase the cost a few hundred, but the results seem far more workable now.

@SteveLate is being scummy and has ignored several of my messages even though I know for a fact he's been on the site couple of times since I sent him 500 EUR for a Bitbox.

I also know for a fact that he did the same with other people and doing it right now.

If he does not answer soon, send my money back OR send me the module, I'll have to pay him a visit in person, cuz it's not a good idea to scam someone who's 2 hours away from you while all your info is public and easily traceable.

I have waited long enough but decided to post this because he still sells things and has no trouble answering other people he hasn't scammed yet...
-- breakline

+1. it was all cool until i sent him the money, after that he disappeared.
@SteveLate you better pay us back

-- sdelimar

So, any updates on this?

-- maclittle

so its all good at the end. he sent me mine today, and breakline's stuff was already on the way from beginning of the week. he only kinda forgot to notify us about everything. but we cleared everything up

alt text

So I am going to go with a different case. I wont be able to buy everything soon, but I can go piece by piece and eventually get it done.

So I took you guys’ advice and added some sequencers and modulators. The only thing I’m not totally sure of is the Oscillators. I think it looks good and I just feel if I have one I need at least two of that one. Coming from standard analog synths I’m used to detuning or phasing the Oscillators.

Let me know if this looks better or if there are still some glaring weaknesses.

Thanks again soooooo much!

Hi guys!
Thank you soooooo much for the information, gives me a lot to think about. It makes sense to have more space because without added modulation and some creative modules it is basically just a generic mono synth. I’m going to work on putting something together in a bigger case. I’ll repost to see what additional advice you guys have.

Mainly what I will do is:
1. Look for a bigger, better case
2. Find some analog oscillators like the Chormatic. I would still want to have an unusual sound source like the shapeshifter or squid sample just to not have only analog oscillators
3. I’m thinking the Quadrax instead of the Dual ADSR as it can still be kinda used as an ADSR, but can also have 2 LFOs besides the usual envelopes.
4. Look through modulators.

Thanks again, I appreciate it as I’m just getting my feet wet.

@SteveLate is being scummy and has ignored several of my messages even though I know for a fact he's been on the site couple of times since I sent him 500 EUR for a Bitbox.

I also know for a fact that he did the same with other people and doing it right now.

If he does not answer soon, send my money back OR send me the module, I'll have to pay him a visit in person, cuz it's not a good idea to scam someone who's 2 hours away from you while all your info is public and easily traceable.

I have waited long enough but decided to post this because he still sells things and has no trouble answering other people he hasn't scammed yet...
-- breakline

+1. it was all cool until i sent him the money, after that he disappeared.
@SteveLate you better pay us back

-- sdelimar

So, any updates on this?

I agree with Jim on everything. To get the most enjoyment out of these modules, you will probably need to adjust your approach, pick up a larger case than you think you need, and add some things like utilities, a sequencer, and modulation sources. Something like the Varigate 4+ might be fun for sequencing, and it's relatively small. MI Links is definitely nice to have. Maybe a Make Noise Function with a small setup? All of the modules you have picked seem to be good, but you might not be able to do as much as you want with such a limited setup. Have fun and good luck!

I would seriously suggest a slightly different approach

1 - bigger case - in the long term cheaper and less physically constraining - you do not need to fill it ever, if you don't want to
2 - get something smaller and simpler than the shapeshifter to allow you to get the modules that you actually need - this will also allow you to spend more time ;earning to use a modular then learning to use a super complex module - I'm not saying don't buy it - I'm just suggesting not yet

just get the following - it'll be a better learning experience for you I think:
a sound source - something relatively cheap and inexpensive is good - the dreadbox chromatic one for example
a sound modifier - a filter is a good - and going out to a H9 will add delay and/or reverb I think
a modulation source - modular without modulation is pointless
a way to listen - yeah you have that in the palette or whatever it is - but if you have a H9 you probably have a mixer - use that
a way to play - you basically need one of midi interface- for DAW, sequencer, midi keyboard -personally I would go for sequencer - so you can wiggle whilst a tune is playing - just get something relatively simple to start with - although clock and gate outs would be useful

on top of those some utilities are good to have - I like links and kinks from mutable instruments - a disting never hurts and you already have a quad cascading vca so keep that in there

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Are you voting them as negative? I thibk this feature must be used appatt from this thread, because some people doesn’t know that modulargrid is also a forum!


I would like to suggest one more module.
Befaco PowSkiff


James B

@SteveLate is being scummy and has ignored several of my messages even though I know for a fact he's been on the site couple of times since I sent him 500 EUR for a Bitbox.

I also know for a fact that he did the same with other people and doing it right now.

If he does not answer soon, send my money back OR send me the module, I'll have to pay him a visit in person, cuz it's not a good idea to scam someone who's 2 hours away from you while all your info is public and easily traceable.

I have waited long enough but decided to post this because he still sells things and has no trouble answering other people he hasn't scammed yet...
-- breakline

+1. it was all cool until i sent him the money, after that he disappeared.
@SteveLate you better pay us back

@SteveLate is being scummy and has ignored several of my messages even though I know for a fact he's been on the site couple of times since I sent him 500 EUR for a Bitbox.

I also know for a fact that he did the same with other people and doing it right now.

If he does not answer soon, send my money back OR send me the module, I'll have to pay him a visit in person, cuz it's not a good idea to scam someone who's 2 hours away from you while all your info is public and easily traceable.

I have waited long enough but decided to post this because he still sells things and has no trouble answering other people he hasn't scammed yet...

Hello, yes, I purchased one of these units at the start of mid April from Thomann and I'm experiencing exactly the same problem.

An annoying and audible noise floor introduced when the DRY/WET knob is turned to WET.

I've tried everything to reduce it, lowering the gain and also clearing the feedback when changing presets - but it still happens.

A little frustrating. I have contacted Intellijel and will update when I have more information.

I just had great purchasing experiences with @rsillsley and @fredeke - can recommend both of them highly

Saw this set up being played by Ian himself on the Superbooth HE 2020 stream!

Intellijel Outs

Maybe I'll take a look on small (BIG) modules which can supply VCA and ADSR functions. This will optimize your rack space.

Polaris is a very good filter with lots of modes, which is ok. I think that VCOs and Filters are something very personal and it depends on needs and what final user likes.

I'll go for Nano Modules ALT and Nano Modules QUART, respectively.

ALT has 4 clear VCAs in only 8 HP, so you're saving 4HP. Q
QUART are 4 AD-Looping envelopes, which can act as LFO too an, again, in only 8HP.
We have now 8HP remaining and, we can add Transient Modules 8s as a sequencer (little sequencer, but very funny and powerful).

You can find an sketch of how your rack should be with this changes. Just CLICK HERE and you can take a look on it.

I hope this helps you.


alt text

Hello everyone!
After making multiple designs and watching hours of YouTube videos about Modular, I have finally come up with this setup.

I already have a decent amount of VCO synths, so I decided that a digital FPGA would be different. Also, looking at the videos the Shapeshifter looks to be very deep, and I dont really care that it came out 6 years ago. I am hoping I can use OSC 1 as a sound source and OSC 2 as an LFO.

Not too sure if I need the ADSR, I still think it could be useful, but if Im playing from an external keyboard maybe not.

The only thing that is bothering me is not having LFOs, Sequencer, and Effects. The Shapeshifter can be used as an LFO I guess. I will have to use external effects like the H9.

I do what to keep this small as I really want to learn with limited pieces at first. I'm pretty confident that this setup has all of my "needs" down and can substitute my "wants" with external gear to learn what I want once I put together a bigger rack.

thanks for your time guys and I would be grateful of any input!

Hi Benneb,

Looks like it's not ;-) I got the message "This video is unavailable."

Kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

I’d love to see the Intellijel 1U modules I/O 1/4 Jack that goes with the I/O 1U and the 1U MIDI Jacks that goes with the uMIDI 1U. A black Atlantis would be awesome too! Also, I would like to have a Five12 Vector Sequencer with its expander in black! Please please please!!! Thanx!

bought from @akaroid
great seller, very friendly and really helpful. you can trust him! :)

But doesn't that change the default image for everyone? While I wished people would stop adding separate "whatever panel" versions to the database, I'm not sure the current implementation is sufficient. Or am I missing something?

Yep...the MIDI is relatively basic-ish on the AE's MASTER, but it can still do lots of crazy things. To accomplish the really wacky stuff, though, I'll be relying on CV Tools. Even though we don't have any solution like the Expert Sleepers stuff (although, you CAN use their Silent Way software for this same voodoo, too) in the AE environment, it's still cheap and easy to get a used DC-coupled audio interface off of eBay or Reverb, hook that puppy up to the DAW, and make the magic happen that way.

Hi Hedgemunkees,

Nice album you got yourself there! :-) I specifically like those longer tracks with the topper being "Pacs (Main Mix)", it goes on and on and it just can't go on long enough for me :-)

What are you using for the drums? Everything else by modular? Also those voices in track "Head Related Transfer Disorder"?

Thanks a lot for sharing and I look forward in more exciting music from you! Kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

try changing the power connector for your module. I had a few modules i thought had failed me when in fact it was the power connector.

I got the power consumption from Matthias Herrmann (the guy who makes this lovely module) and they are:

Got me a Furthrrrr Generator from @ak47exe, and yeah !!!
Last year I bought an Erica Black Octasource from him too.

Both modules were pristine, and the communication was good.

I wonder how well the Zoia euroburo would play with that master AE module. Doesn't the Zoia have midi control modules on board along with midi in and out? Take a sequencer from a euro module and route it to the Master module with the Zoia, letting the Zoia handle notes and octaves?

Rookie. Learning Guitar. Will one day build a rack.

I had forgotten the I/O automatically handled voltage levels. Guess I just wigged out a bit there. Shoulda known that

Rookie. Learning Guitar. Will one day build a rack.

In the AE environment, you MUST constrain signals to a 0 to +5V scale. It's just how the system works, probably due to part of its origins being in Stanley Lunetta's design work. Now, to get signals in and out, that's what the 4I/O modules are for...they do all of the voltage voodoo. But if you want proper scaling, that will require the MASTER and its MIDI interfacing, since the AE also isn't exactly 1V/8va.

There's also a second solution, especially for CV/gate/trig signals, and that's Soundmachines' Nanobridge. That was designed for their Nanosynth...again, some Lunetta ideas in there...and costs a whopping $40! w00t! This provides 14 channels of bidirectional I/O for control signals (primarily) and when you use the AE's +5 and GND as its references, it will autoconstrain things to the proper range.

I use all of these, btw...pitch CVs via the pair of MASTERs, audio I/O via a pair of 4I/Os, and a Nanobridge for all of the other stuff. I can also drive my AE system via Ableton's CV Tools thru a used/cheap MOTU 828FW mkii ($120 on Reverb), which is capable of dealing with the voltage scaling issue and can give me eight simultaneous channels of scaled CVs if I should need that.

EDIT: You (and others looking at the AE, of course) might find even more answers over at their forum, which you can access via their site at Lots of knowledge flying around there, including some tasty DIY action (company-encouraged, even!).