Hi again - I spent some time with my Plaits, and as long as you adjust the coarse tuning, it actually works well with pretty much any voltage range that you throw at it, so positive or negative voltages, no problem.

If you should ever consider to buy something from Pierpaolo aka @RTFM, don 't hesitate.
I recently bought a Korb DVCA from him (this is a DIY module which was built by himself), and will di it again any time soon.
Neatly built, very friendly communication, prompt delivery - what can you ask more?!

Thread: fill the gap

The Joranalogue sounds pretty nice. I would feel the need to pair it with a more complex analog vco than my quad vco tho.

Thanks @mosorenson - That makes sense. Hopefully neither I, nor the module will explode. Here goes....

Warning: I don't have the Morphagene, and be very careful about attaching the ribbon cable the right way. As far as I can tell from your picture, the side of the ribbon with the "red stripe" is facing the same way on both pictures (it is down). In that case, both ways are equally fine. As long as the side with the "red stripe" goes to the same pins on the module, it doesn't matter if the cable sticks out on the left or right side of the connector. Just make sure to connect the side of the ribbon with the red stripe to the busboard in the right direction (usually the side with the red stripe goes to -12V).

I just got a Morphagene but am confused about installation. The pic in the manual has the ribbon going the opposite way to how I think it ought to go on the actual module I have in my hand. Does that make sense? I've taken a photo but can't see any options to attach it to this thread, so hopefully someone knows what I mean.... Any help much appreciated!

Thread: Tuner

Hi Lugia thanks (again).

I'm goin to have a look to it!

A couple of points here: first of all, yes, lose the uZeus immediately. Never add a power supply to a powered rack (unless it's something for a specific module, such as for some tube modules). And more VCAs is good. The Optomix is actually a pair of low-pass gates, which consist of a tandemmed low-pass VCF and a VCA, and this is fine for controlling audio levels, but having a couple of linear, DC-coupled VCAs for controlling CV and modulation levels is also strongly advisable.

Beyond that, I would suggest looking into a couple of dedicated envelope generators, ADSRs in particular, plus a couple of LFOs. While the Maths can do both of these things, it's much better when it's used for complex modulation curves, using its own internal subsections to create complicated CV/modulation patterns that go beyond what basic EGs and LFOs do.

As for Rings and Clouds, keep in mind that Mutable discontinued Clouds quite some time ago, but they still make the Rings module. However, both are available as third-party builds from several manufacturers...which is a bit of a plus, as those companies offer these in smaller form factors than their originals.

Thread: Tuner

Or maybe this: https://www.kvraudio.com/product/ctuner_by_c_plugs That offers you MIDI note, frequency counting, metering with deviation in cents, plus a per-cents calibration mode. The latter two features make this quite useable for microtonal work, as well.

NB: the markup syntax here sorta munges the URL above, but going to KVR and searching for CTuner should suffice.

Hi Janvf,
yes, this is a good start, I would say.
It's good to start with a small collection of modules and get to know them before you expand. And of course you will expand sooner or later ... so it is also a good idea to buy a sufficiently sized case now already. The Doepfer-case will be fine for that. With the included PSU you won't need the Uzeus, however.
So -- if you're interested in Rings or Clouds, why not watch one or two youtube-clips to find out what you could do with those? Maybe you'll then decide to swap the uzeus for one of them.
Or you might have a look at all those interesting filters out there... endless possibilities. But you're doing it just right, start with your planned combination and go slow. There's tons of cool stuff you can do with those modules already.
Have fun!

You are the master! Thanks. I'm glad I found out about this page. Your help is much appreciated.

I have no experience with the Grandmother, but on page 38 in the manual it says:

"KB OUT RANGE - The voltage range of Grandmother’s KB OUT (pitch CV) jack can be either -5 to +5 Volts, or 0 to 10 Volts. To adjust the KB OUT Range setting, press the (C#2) key, and then use the first two white keys to select -5V to +5V (F0), or 0V to 10V (G0). The Default is -5V to +5V."

So it looks like you can set the KB OUT to the 0-10V range, which works better with Plaits.

Mosorensen - Do you know if patching out with the Grandmother would create a similar issue as you described above? I should also mention that I also have a Make Noise O-Coast and Digitakt. I've had a couple of musical projects going on and I can finally put this thing together tonight after work.

Hello everyone, a few months ago i started to get this mental obsession about eurorack and modular synthesizers in general.
What i already have is a digitakt/Monologue/DFAM. And i want to expand.
As a case i'm thinking of a Doepfer A-100LC6 Low Cost case 6HE incl. A-100PSU2 (2 rows / 84 HP)
My goal is to learn more about modular and i just want to start out with something fun where i can practice and then expand from there.
I'm not really into a perticular genre.
The hing i have at the moment is this : https://cdn.modulargrid.net/img/racks/modulargrid_880539.jpg
Is this a good start ?
Do i have to get another VCA cause the optimix can be used as a VCA right ?
I'm also intrigued by the mutable instruments Rings / Clouds but don't really know what to do with it.

Thank you very much sorry for this newbie question

Thread: Tuner


Thanks for your reply. I own 2 Disting MK4 so that is nice! I did not knew they had that feature.

It seems that most audio recorders also have a tuner function. I own a Tascam DR-40 and it also has a tuner
on board.

So more money for modular!


Thread: fill the gap

I only saw one filter, the Wasp? A multi-mode filter would be a nice addition. A Joranalogue filter would fit nicely and leave some HP for a small module or two like an Expert Sleepers Disting Mk4.

Thread: fill the gap

Thanks for the advice and the new rack idea.
I allready thought about getting the sample drum or a plaits, but wasn't sure about it.
Other modules i considered where Scanned and the BIA. The Batumi Zadar combo will be the next thing after i get a new soundsource (probably some stackables too) ^^

Of course, you can first buy a semimodular synthesizer. Personally, I would not urge you to buy a moog synthesizer. Nothing against moog. I also have a voyager. I just think that the moog sound is least well integrated into mixes coming from modular synthesizers. Arp, Korg, Roland etc., in my opinion, fit much better in terms of sound. I would put directly on modules. Doepfer has a huge catalog of modules and is comparatively cheap. By the way, Doepfer is often underestimated. If it's supposed to be a moog I would recommend you the Behringer Model D Clone. Sounds fantastic and is cheap and taxable via cv. In addition a nices sequencer module. Personally, I'm a big fan of Intellijel products.
Have fun with the patching.

Hi there

An ambient/drone track manly made with 2 shapeshifters. enjoy ;)

Shapeshifter 1 (1v oct controlled by Voltageblock) Output 1/2 -SystemX Filter IN 1/2 - uVCA (CV IN from Dual ADSR / Gate controlled by Vari Gate 8+) - 4ms DLD - A-138s Mixer - Befaco Out V3

Shapeshifter 2 (1v oct controlled by Voltageblock) Output 1/2 - Cwejman MMF 1 IN 1/2 - uVCA (CV IN from Dual ADSR / Gate controlled by Vari Gate 8+) - 4ms Tapographic Delay - A-138s Mixer - Befaco Out V3

Analogue Noise Source - Polaris - uVCA (CV IN from Dual ADSR / Gate controlled by Vari Gate 8+) - 4ms DLD - A-138s Mixer - Befaco Out V3

Mix to Lexicon Hall

Thread: Tuner

I have the Boss tuner (I use it for electric bass), and it is fine. It is chromatic, and it can tune a "C", so it would work. I wouldn't recommend it, though.

For Eurorack, I would recommend a module with a built in Tuner instead. It is much easier to use in practice (I am not even sure the Boss pedal would work with modular signal levels). Two suggestions (I have both) are the Disting Mk 4 and the O'Tool+. Both are great, and both do a lot of other stuff. Personally, I use the O'Tool to tune. I can really recommend it, especially for the oscilloscope function. It is easy to dismiss a scope as being unnecessary when you are starting out (after all, it doesn't do anything to the sound), but it is fantastic for getting a window into what is actually going on in your modular.

Thread: Tuner

In order to tune my VCO I want to invest in a decent tuner.

After some research I narrowed down to 2 options. The First one is one
mentioned a lot in various forums: the turbo tuner from Sonic Research.


The second one is the Boss pedal chromatic tuner.


I choose for this one because I already own a lot of Boss pedals and this would be a nice addition to my pedal
collection. But this one is stated as "chromatic tuner" Are all tuners chromatic? Or can all tunes be used to tune
your instrument/system. I also would like to use the tuner to tune my other stand alone (semi/modular) synths.

Are both of these good choices? Which one is the most useful or should I pick none of both?

Thanks in Advance for your help!


Thread: fill the gap

More sound sources:

Piston Honda MKIII
4ms STS
also really nice: Erica Sample Drum (not just for drums!)

I'd ditch that clunky A-143-3 and look into a XAOC Zadar + Batumi combo

You can also ditch the multiples as you can get in line splitters that'll work just fine. If you're sequencing externally, I also don't see a pressing need for a quantizer, especially since you're not using Random sources.

So, it could look something like this:

ModularGrid Rack

Thread: fill the gap

I need to get some new stuff to fill the empty space in my little rack. I'm sequencing and mixing externally.
What would you get if it was your rack?
cheers, slindor

ModularGrid Rack

I need a bit of help today and hope that some Eurorack wiz may have a good idea:

I am having trouble synchronizing my sequencers. I am using a Doepfer A-190-4 as a MIDI to CV clock and transport control interface. Clock works just fine, but transport is an issue. The Doepfer has a Reset out that responds with high voltage (constantly) to MIDI stop. My sequencers, on the other hand respond to voltage high as a clock reset or stop, so in a way the Doepfer does precisely the opposite of what I need it to do. I am using Rene MKII, Mimetic Digitalis, Pamela’s New Workout, and a Trigger Riot to sequence. I suppose I could use a logic module to put clock out only when no voltage is sent from the reset (advantage here: sequencing stops), but are there any better solutions? I’d have to get a suitable logic module with a NOT algo, so I might also consider an alternative MIDI to CV that is more suited to my needs.

Suggestions? Is there a way to solve the problem with what I have (includes a Deluge as master MIDI controller, which can put out clock and gate, and a Mutant Brain).
I guess I could just use a Gate and a CV output in the Deluge to directly send clock and Reset. The tricky thing is, that sending a reset via gate on end or start of sequence would hardwire a set cycle, which eliminates some of the neat abilities of the Trigger Riot. In fact, the Trigger Riot is causing me the most issues.
So, how does one send a single gate out only once upon a MIDI start signal?

Bought an Edges from @alibu, and everything was fantastic. Great packaging, great condition, fantastic communication, the works!

Recently purchased a Pittsburgh Primary Oscillator from @Tomah. Well packed and as new, thanks!

Hi great you found the answer yourself.

If you have te possibility to pan manually you also can have a look at this module:


or the more advanced version:




Hi! I had very nice deals with @JeanMichelDan, @Lamouette and @Groove_Addict. Thanks to them!

Thanks so much for all the feedback. I was considering replacing pams with 4ms shuffle clock divide and the 2hp Euclid. Would this be a good idea? it would also give me an extra 2 hp..

clocking aside, I would love to get some opinions on the filter/modulation section. I have a few different versions right now and what I'm trying to work out is the envelope, the filter, and the VCA.

For filters I'm between the Morgasmatron, the harvestman polivoks, and the optomix. I realize these vary wildly in hp and functions, but they're all appealing to me. I have thought about having both the morgasmatron and the optomix, but that would mean losing STO and I'm not sure about that.

As far as envelopes go I'm between the XAOC zadar and the quadra. I thought about the intelijel dual adsr, but I figured it would be better to sacrifice the better control of the adsr for the two extra channels on the quadra. The zadar seems interesting, and I think it could also be an good source of modulation, but I'm not super into menu diving and I'll already have to deal with some of that with the disting and Pamela so...

The other thing I'm not too sure about is the uFOLD. I like the westcoast vibe of it and I've seen it make some cool sounds, but I'm wondering if I'll need it, especially if I have the morgasmatron and if I ditched the ufold I could do the 4 chanel intelijel vca instead of the uVCA which I think would probably be better (?).

Also the mixing capabilities of the brute are very poor so right now I'd be purely relying on optomix (is this sufficient? and if not would adding a 2 hp summing mixer be enough?)

I'm so sorry for bombarding you guys with so many questions! just a lot to figure out. Really appreciate all the help thus far.

For the ones interested I came up with a solution myself.

I changed the PanMix for the 6xMix so I can mix all my voices. Then the mono out goes to the left B input from the Bastl Ciao! The manual states that the signal is then normalled to all other channels which gives my a line level stereo output!

That's a bit alarming, actually. What I think you should do is to get a device such as this: https://www.homedepot.com/p/Gardner-Bender-Outlet-and-GFCI-Tester-GFI-3501/202867890 that works for your location's mains voltage and plug setup (if you're outside of North America) and then check your outlets to see if something's miswired. What you're describing certainly doesn't sound normal at this point, so I think that suspecting your AC circuits might be a logical next step.

thanks to @alibu for Peak MI , well packed and mint condition, serious seller.

Thank you, I’ve done many trades on MG but I’m not selling a module but a case, can’t use the marketplace...

Hi Alex, you can post your cases in "Marketplace." It's the last item in the menu at the top of the webpage: "Modules. Racks. Patches. My Modular. Forum. MARKETPLACE" I'm not sure on the rules or if there's a minimum number of posts before you can sell... but that's the best place to do it. Take some pictures too!!

I've seen the slat (wall panels) and hook/shelf used in professional project studios where operator is a complete hoarder. :)

If I ever go back to a hardware dominated set-up (like back in the early 1990's), this would be the way to go... now where IS my Kawaii Q80?

The Tempi is good for straight clocks but is a nightmare if you want any sort of swing or groove. Swapped mine out for a PNW and haven’t looked back.

Hello to everyone, maybe this isn’t the right place to post, but I think I’ll find a buyer more quickly than anywhere else.

For sell 2x Submodular Shadow cases 6U 104hp bought in last August both filled with a TPS80W Max Intellijel power supply.

800 euros the case and is negotiable !

I am located in France near Paris.

Don't hesitate if you want further information.

Thanks for your reply :-)

The RackBrute is not connected to anything else!
I have tested the make noise skiff again, and it actually also exhibits this behavior, with only one module in it (with this module taken out of the RackBrute, the RackBrute feels buzzy). So unless it is multiple modules that causes this, it is not a module problem.

Further, if i touch the ring of the dc plug with one hand, withOUT it being connected to the RackBrute (so it is unpowered and not connected to anything) and touch the RackBrute with the other hand, is also buzzy feeling, as soon as I let go of the dc plug it stops

I have the Rene2 with the Pam's. The Tempi and Pam's don't cover exactly the same ground. Lugia is right that Tempi is made to pair well with Rene2.

Pam's, on the other hand, also does LFOs, basic envelopes, random voltages (in addition to Euclidian and random rhythm, and all the other trigger stuff).

My sense is that Tempi is perhaps more immediately playable, and works better in live situations, interacting with Rene2. Pam's may be more "structured", and give more options when developing patches offline.

Thread: Rack setup

Nice, thanks, yeah the Zadar looks pretty cool. Xaoc’s Odessa looks fascinating as well. Alright I have all your suggestions laid out on my rack according to signal flow, and really appreciate the help! Will for sure reach out again if feeling overwhelmed.

This sounds like a ground loop issue. The problem probably isn't coming from the RackBrute's DC supply, but from a grounding issue with whatever you have the RackBrute connected to. The fix is to consolidate all of your AC connections onto the same ground plane. Probably the best way to do this is to star-ground everything to a central point that has an AC ground, such as your mixer. To do this, simply connect hookup wire between all of your equipment chassis and get those connections back to your mixer, which may well have a ground post for this exact purpose.

The next possibility is that something internal in the RackBrute isn't properly connected, and you're getting DC onto the chassis from an improperly-connected bus cable. If the issue persists after establishing a star-ground, then I would suggest opening up the cab and checking the bus cables to see if everything is properly seated on the busboard headers. If this is the problem, I would suggest keeping the star-ground connected anyway, as a good unified ground also helps to reduce overall noise issues in your system.

A note about the Rene and dropping the Pam's: have a look instead at Make Noise's Tempi. This is designed to interface directly with the Rene and provides a bunch of extra functions. Plus, the Tempi would be an apt replacement for the Pam's as far as that module's other functions go.

Or not even short on space, for that matter. Dip over to Thomann and look up the K&M 441/1...yep, slatwall-mounting keyboard forks, with angle and length adjustments, for a measly EUR 14. For small(ish) devices, going to this method frees up a LOT of tier space on main stands, table space, etc.

Thread: Rack setup

Try this: remove the Rings and substitute Codex Modulex's uRinks, which is an 8 hp version of the 14 hp Rings. Then take out the Optomix (8 hp) and put in a Make Noise LxD (4 hp) instead. This gives you 10 hp free, into which you can drop a Xaoc Zadar, which then gives you four EGs plus a bunch of other functionality. Then to place it properly, move the Audio I/O up to the right end of the top row in the version I laid out, and put the Zadar to the right of either the Maths or TM. This retains your signal flow, although you do have that down-then-up dip for your effects at the end of the audio chain.

Hi Guys,

While my first rack is getting finished I'm already driving myself crazy for making an additional rack.

ModularGrid Rack

The rack is quite straightforward a 4 voice synth which combines all the elements from a techno-ish beat.
The Varigate to drive all the voices which will receive a clock signal from my main synth. The Dinky for the drum sounds, The Mutant for some hat action, BIA ripples and Quad LFO for a bass line (the LFO will be used for more modulation with other modules) and yes I stole this setup from Ricky Tinez ;-) , the AI to add some melody and the Prism to add some effects. In my opinion a solid build which has all the basics to make some music. This synth will be an addition to my existing setup but also needs to be able to function as a stand alone unit.

This build is designed around the Noise Engineering modules because I really dig their sound!

First of all thoughts on my build? Would you make changes? Please tell me!

My second question is about the mixing section... I cannot sort it out properly and could use some advice!

Thanks in advance!


I just got my Arturia RackBrute 6u. And there seems to be some ac leakage which, when go softly touch the front plates of my modules I can feel a buzz. I also suspect that it messes with my modules, my marbles clock input is super sensitive, and randomly fires if I plug a cable into it. And I can hear slight seemingly random pitch variations in my telharmonic, I use an ungrounded plug. Will changing to a grounded plug work? Or what should I do? I have tried with both the supplied ac adapter, and an ac adapter from my make noise skiff (which don’t have this problem)


Thanks so much Ronin. Pamela was appealing to me because of the euclidian and random step skipping functions which I guess I could more or less replicate with a divider and rene. I already own the plaits so I don't think I'll be able to switch it out.

I would be willing to lose the uVCA, but I want ears just as a preamp for getting things from line level to euro level.
What do you think about the two different racks? Is it alright to rely on planar as my only rack EG -there are two on the brute- and is the Morgasmatron worth the exchange of ufold, harvestman, and optomix?

Again, thanks so much for the suggestions.

The Renee has six trigger outs. For a system of this size, I'm not sure how much usage you'll get out of Pamela's new workout. You can replace one of your mults with a 2HP clock divider module and get rid of Pamela. If you go with the Knit version of Plaits (6HP), you can add in the Intellijel Dual ADSR.

Get rid of the uVCA and Ears and add in a Zlob Vnlcursal VCA with six VCAs in a 10HP footprint.

These are all suggestions and will depend heavily on your usage and needs. Kick it around and see if it works.

Ok taking that into account I have sketched up the following two racks.
on this one I used the harvestman polivoks clone:

and On this one, I used the Morgasmatron:

in the rack with the morgasmatron I also switched the quadra and ufold for the planar. I was hoping that the morgasmatron would cover most of what I would get out of the ufold and the planar could replace some of the envelope capabilities of the quadra while also providing more modulation. I realize the Planar wouldn't be great as my only envelope source, but I do have an AD and an ADSR on the minibrute.

Would love to get anyone's thoughts on these two racks