ModularGrid Rack


what would you add to this case ?
I make ambient/droney/melodic music.
I use external gear, MN 0 Coast, Strymon and Eventide reverbs, and the Analog Heat for drive/distorsion/filtering purposes.
And the Keystep for sequencing/arpeggios/play...
I record mostly in Protools, multitracking with light editing and some plugins for compression.

I guess I need some VCA's ...
What do you think ?
Cheers !

  • env follower
  • 2-pole 12db filter
  • saturation circuits
  • final filter

  • modulation

  • VCA(s)

Yeah, if you're a routine user of Scala, you'll really like the FH-2. Plus, since it understands USB hubs, you can have both a controller and computer connected via that so that you can have your performance setup intact without having to yank everything to "blow" new Scala tables into the FH-2. And since you're going bigger, you might also look at Expert Sleepers' Disting...sort of a Swiss army knife of DSP-type functions hiding behind a 4 hp faceplate.

Haha yes I was trying to cram in all the bare essentials, much to my own detriment in terms of space for future modules/upgrades. I checked out the FH-2, seems perfect for my needs as I use scala a lot! Plus you're right, having the 1U intellijel format is a idea so ill go for the 4U x 104 hp cab. Thanks for all the help!

Actually, you managed to nail the architecture as best as you could in this tiny a space, which is pretty impressive. However, if you plan to use this with a Beatstep, you might also look at Expert Sleepers' FH-2. This will need a 4 hp expander for 5-pin MIDI use...but if you went with a Beatstep Pro, then you could directly link to the FH-2 via USB, freeing up 4 hp for other uses. The FH-2 uses standard Scala format scale tables for microtunings, and offers a bit more freedom in configuration as the eight outputs are user-configurable. Plus, since it has four inputs for CV or gate, you can get the modular to "talk back" to the BSP depending on how the FH-2's been configured.

A better idea, though, would not only be to use the FH-2 instead of the Yarns, but to move up a bit more in size. An Intellijel 4U x 104 hp cab would not only let you use more than double the present 3U space for standard modules, you'd also have the 1U Intellijel-format tile row in which some other basic functions can be placed, such as I/O, a basic mixer, noise + S&H, mults and so on. The form factor would work nicely with the BSP if you went that route, also. Plus, you can put a 1U Zeroscope in that row, which has a tuner that displays in Hz...which, if you're doing tuning-critical stuff, would be majorly useful!

Thread: Chinese Spam

It did slow them way down, though. I saw this after they apparently gave up last night, and they'd been reduced from several posts per minute to about one per minute, and when I hit the site they'd seemingly given up about ten minutes previously. So, it might not be blocking them but it appears to be discouraging their efforts.

Just looking for a small eurorack modular to hook up with my microbrute as well as my beatstep. I Chose the yards module for its ability to use alternative tunings, translating the beatstep's midi notes to new (user) tuned CV. I have a fairly good grasp on synthesis but have never actually built a modular. Should I just buy a proper semi-modular (as opposed to the lacking microbrute matrix) or just get my feet wet with this basic set-up? Thats if I a have done it correctly? As microtonality and retuning is important to me could I just buy the yards module and possibly maybe a mother-32 (instead of plaits + VCA's, filters, lfo etc.) to get the same functionality and for a lesser price?

Basic Modular

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Seems that this reCaptcha3 likes to block everyone but not the bots ... sigh.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Bought a module from @Bohler. All went as planned. Thanks!

Thank you for the help

Thanks Lugia! I see you posting in tons of threads, was hoping you would make a suggestion! I agree I need more modulation, and that ring mod looks cool in only 2hp.


I'd yank the USB power ports, for starters. In a small rig like this, anything you can do outboard needs to be done outboard. This would give 15 hp, so...Xaoc Batumi + Poti = 13 hp, and a Circuit Abbey Twiggy dual ringmod/quadrant multiplier to use both for ring modulation or as a spare VCA or polarizer. That's where I'd go, fwiw...

No, cases aren't usually included with proper modulars. While the complement above isn't bad, what I'd suggest is to perhaps look at something along the lines of a patchable synth first to get your feet wet and get some understanding about how synthesis architecture works first. By doing that, you'd have a firmer grasp on what needs to be in a proper system and you'd have the system's fundamental building blocks in the form of the patchable, onto which you can expand as needs be. Something like a Moog Mother32/DFAM pair, Soundmachines Modulor114, Plankton Ants!, Kilpatrick Phenol, Pittsburgh Microvolt or Blackbox, or Arturia MiniBrute2 and 2s pair might make a lot more sense from a learning standpoint for right now than trying to build up a complete system.

It's getting there, yep...I still think the Maths would be preferable to just the single VC Slope of the Contour because of all of the internal routings you can do with it to reconfigure it in some very complex ways. Why not pull the Contour in favor of a Doepfer A-140-2 or an A-141-4 for some additional "proper" ADSR EGs? Also, you might consider a comparator or two, since adding those plus a Maths would give you a decent compliment of modulation sources on which you could use the comparator(s) to fire gates when the modulation curves pass given voltage points. Put this together with some logic to work with the Varigate, and you'll have lots of rhythmic mayhem possibilities.

Maybe Plaits?

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

my 4u

Hi there,

Would anyone suggest a module or three to fill my remaining 12hp in this tight setup? Externally I'm using an Arturia Keystep for melodies/bass lines & an Arturia Beatstep Pro for general sequencing.. Thats a small plaits on the left and a small clouds on the right next to the pico dsp effects (delay/reverb)

Another voice maybe? VCO like the mangrove? I have some analysis paralysis.

- Forrest

I need help.

I really have no idea what I am getting into and really need advice. Here is a stupid question, does the case come with the synthesizer

Here is my rack ModularGrid Rack

any feedback would be great

Well, well... Things are moving. A RackBrute 6U has been ordered this week.
Starting from a first approach and your expert advices, then after watching some Youtube videos (as you guess... ;-) I have led with this set (to be linked with Mother-32, DFAM, 0-Coast, System-1m, KeyStep, BeatStep pro, SQ-1).

My piggy bank is shaking.

It would be great to read your opinion.
ModularGrid Rack

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

And also a shout out to @Slocap for getting this Cs-L away to me very quickly indeed. Lovely stuff and, oh boy, does it sound magnificent! Thanks!

Shout out to @STB86 for making my purchase of an ATC and a PEG super-smooth and hassle-free. Great communication and both modules well packed before being shipped swiftly. Nice action, I thank you, sir! (and, dang, these units are both FANTASTIC!)

Hello long time lurker and complete modular newbie here.
This is my idea for my 1st rack.
I'm looking to experiment with a semi controlled self generating sound to add to my Elektron Analog 4.
I've based it around the Lifeforms Blackbox as it is a complete voice that I can take it out and use it stand alone to free up space if required later.
Rings and Tides are in because i love playing with them together in VCV Racks and i think they could add a lot to the Lifeforms.
The Disting is there as a swiss army module that I feel will become more and more useful as my experience with modular develops.
Links is in for routing handiness.
I'm wondering if i should replace the Disting with another VCA, to compliment the SV-1's VCA as I read that "you can never have to many VCA's" a lot in various forums.
I'll be using the Analog 4 for sequencing via its cv outs and additional filtering etc.
Have I made any glaring omissions or could this all be to much to soon for a 1st rack.

Ladik C-041? Hey...why settle for two when four in the same space is even better! Or you can do one of those and still have room for one of their variations on ADSRs.

anyone familiar enough with the circuit available to troubleshoot this build? the two gate outputs are reversed, and the length/shift CV inputs seem to be swapped as well. will pay for shipping + time (assuming it's repaired).

There. Moved some stuff around and added a dual AD envelope. While I think Noise Reap has stopped making those, I am sure I can find others in the same size or smaller.

Thanks Lugia, that makes sense. I had thought of contouring if it was audio info but had not thought of it for CV signals. I can likely pull the 4hp mult and replace with a dual AR generator.

Some of my experiments with Telharmonic as main voice.
The patch was inspired by atonal music theory and classical vocalise examples by Rachmaninoff, Fauré and Medtner.
Vocal is recorded on a tape and processed by Clouds.
More explanations below the video on YouTube.

check this

mixer with sends and mutes, cheap and just 6hp

Thread: Marketplace


Great. thanks for the comment.
Wow really cool. mixer and outs for 1/2 the price of the rosie!

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Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

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Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Marketplace

i feel it's a silly question but i can't find the seach bar or buttonon the marketplace i only have the list of the item which is of course too large to find anything...
-- spyinzedark

In the normal module browser is a selectbox Available in Marketplace. Select a region and use all the search options like name, manufacturer etc. The results are modules available to buy in the marketplace.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Marketplace

i feel it's a silly question but i can't find the seach bar or buttonon the marketplace i only have the list of the item which is of course too large to find anything...

On that last bit: in theory, you can do that with the RCD, but your VCA envelope will simply be on/off, no contouring. To make that work optimally, find a couple of smallish EGs (two-stage would be just fine, IMHO) and trigger those with RCD clocks, then send the envelopes to the VCAs as control signals. You can lose the mult as well...I find them to be impractical in a small build like this, with inline mults and/or stackcables being preferable to losing 4 hp to a dedicated mult module where something active would make more sense.

Neither. If budget is a concern and you want maximum function, AUX send/returns, and an output, check out Ladik's M-175 mixer and M-053 AUX Mixer. With these, you get it all in 20 hp, for $147-ish + shipping. This gives you three mono AUX sends, four pannable mono mixer channels, plus two more stereo mixer channels suitable for AUX returns. And the mixer has dual 1/4" TRS outputs with a master level control. For this sort of thing on a budget, it doesn't get much better.

Ronin's got it...yeah, try and squish everything as much as you can if you intend to stay in this small a cab. You need to use both sizable modules that're jam-packed with functions like the Hermod or Toolbox, or try and shrink down your basics to as small as you can get while still keeping user interface functionality.

Thread: Chinese Spam

Yuppers...definitely bots. When you're refreshing the Forums window every 15 seconds and 2-3 more pop up, and the bandwidth of the site is so choked that it's halfway to being like a DDos, that's the only possible conclusion. Captcha time, I think...

Looking for tweaks or hacks on the rack above, which is my medium range plan.
I currently have: The uZues, Mother 32, Doepfer ADSR, MA VCA, Mult, Mino VCO, Clouds, and Tides.
I know I can take the M32 out of the eurorack case for more room but I like it being self-contained and more portable. I'd probably get a bigger case if this all went beyond 6U 84P, and that is ok. I already have outboard reverb and delays that don't live in the rack. As far as the purpose or goal off this rack - I generally like making interesting lead and fx sounds, definitely on the more ambient / softer edged spectrum. Sometimes when using it as part of a larger music project, I am sending Midi from my DAW to the M32, other times when exploring I use the M32's sequencer or even just play the small rubber keys. I might add a Keystep at some point though.

  • The Music Thing Turing appeals to me for the knob per function usability, and while random, it repeats phrases with the degree of change over time being controllable, and very easily. I like that, since I envision it mostly running into the TUNE quantizer for scale based melody generation.
  • Instead of adding a second random source to modulate parameters on Clouds (and eventually Rings), my thought was using existing LFO outputs from the Mother 32 into the 2HP dual Sample and Hold to create random CV, fed thru attenuator, achieving seeming randomness that is not so different as adding a Wogglebug, etc
  • I'm pretty fuzzy on clock dividers / multipliers, but I am assuming I can use the 4ms divider to open the x3 VCA at determined intervals to control modulations of other modules and help create patches that softly glitch or evolve over time.

I have really tried to avoid modules with menu diving. The MI stuff with push buttons to change modes is about as complex it gets, and that is intentional. I feel a bit over my head though.

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ModularGrid is targeted by a bot network. Hold tight, we are working on an improvement to the situation.
Until then I recommend to not buy the advertised forged passports. The won't get you into Berghain either.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

starting my 1st rack. Tight budget so starting small. One question I do have though is whether I need a dedicated output straight away? I like the idea of the Rosie for the send and return feature which I guess would work well with the pico dsp or other fx. or could I get away with using the Alm Hpo?
any advice welcome.

I have bought modules from @aze_007 and @mexicane, both excellent EU traders! Thanks a lot!

Edit: also @smartbits , thank you for the fast shipment! Awesome.

Filters. I don't see any. That means whatever sound you come up with out of Plaits is what you get.
LFOs. No dedicated LFOs. Maybe the Hermod?
Traditional ADSRs. None. Hermod?
uBurst. Ditch this and get the Monsoon version. Same price, about the same footprint. More simultaneous modulation.
Braids. Get the micro version of this.
Ripples. Get the micro version as well.
Effects? You need effects.
VCAs. Get an Intellijel Quad VCA. I wouldn't go with less than four of them. They aren't just for volume control. They allow you to modulate and attenuate ANY synth signal.

Drop the Hermod and Pam's New Workout and get a 1010 Music Toolbox. You don't really have enough stuff to worry about sending multiple clocks around. The Toolbox might be easier for you to use and it offers gate, CV, as well as LFOs. You can use any gate output as a clock out.

Drop the arp module and get an Ornaments & Crime micro. You will get more use out of it but it's 8HP.

Building a small is definitely challenging but you can do a lot with it if you plan things carefully. You definitely want a balance of voices, modulations and control, so try to find modules that have multiple modes/uses, have built in VCAs or even filters.

I think you can ditch the Arp and Tune since the Hermod will cover those areas for you, so will Pam's Workout. You might want to add another voice source - maybe a 2hp VCO, Pluck or one of the Erica Synths Pico series voicing modules. In my opinion, the Expert Sleepers Disting Mk4 is an absolute essential in smaller systems providing you a plethora of tools that will come in handy including VCOs, filters, sample playback, the list goes on and on... If you don't mind digital VCOs, the Klavis Twin Waves might be a good oscillator that could help you add more voicing options to the system instead of Plaits. That will also free up a few hp that will help you fit other stuff in. Also take a look at the Mystic Circuits 0hp line. These are literally 0hp and highly usable for any size system and dirt cheap too!

Thread: My Debt

This rack is

not sure I follow, sorry. how would I go about doing that?

EDIT: I think I get what you're saying except I'm not sure it would work well with realtime sequencing on a live performance. the pattern record/erase mechanism would likely lose it's practicality, which is essentially what's so special about the LC

I bought a module from @elstongunnn, and everything went smooth :)

Failing a Launch Codes (LC) with more than 32 steps you could try modulating the clock that drives LC with a switch and logic. Not what you asked for but worth trying anyway.

I'm sorry, would you care to elaborate?

KICK ASS!!! for March 2019 we're starting to percolate! March brings us a month closer to Superbooth, the festival of all things synth for Europe. April should see even more action, but for now, there's some nifty stuff that's peeked over the edge of the box in this past month's Eurorack offerings. So, let's dive in and have a look at some interesting picks...

Ladik L-122 Uncertain LFO – Ladik kicked a couple of LFOs out last month, too...but neither of those were as laden with Abuse Potential as this thing. Frankly, I'm surprised at what they crammed into 4 hp, but even moreso, amazed at the price of about $73! No mere LFO, offers 36 fixed waveshapes, but the real excitement here has to be the randomized amplitude and waveshape change actions this module's got. This is no mere 'waveform-goes-up-and-down''s a really complex and capable modulation source, and much too complicated to nail down here, so go check its listing!

G-Storm Electro Transistor-82 – And who doesn't like ticky, hissy, blonky analog drums? I know I do, and apparently G-Storm does as well. On first glance, you'd think this was simply a single voice-only module...but not so! With several modulation points to vary settings on the fly, you can sequence up a number of tasty analog beats and have 'em all coming out of this in a crazy, retro-beatbox style. Knobs on this beg to be twiddled on the fly, too. Those in search for way-cool electro-style drum sounds need to check this...especially G-Storm's short but very revealing video. 14 hp, $175.

Mutant Modular Fan Synth – It's Yep, it's a fan, and it's not designed to make noise. Rather, it provides ample “suck” to pull cool air into your Eurorack cab, which you can then vent through some other vent panel or a couple of spare 1 hp “holes”. So...why this? OK, let's say you gig out with your rack, and it's summer, and the venue is a blazing 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Now, add that to the normal heat buildup inside the cab, and pretty soon, things are probably going to start misbehaving. Tunings get weird, timings slip, and all of those other no-fun thermal problem results. But with this cheap fix, you can now have forced-air cooling of the insides of the cab at all times, bringing down the thermal load on your power supply, stabilizing temperature-sensitive modules, and doing other similar thermal stress-relief things that your Eurorack will thank you for later. The only downside is that Mutant Modular doesn't offer a matching vent panel to go with this (would look snazzy, mind you), but that's just an aesthetics issue, not a functional one. 4 hp, approx $56.

West Oakland Music Systems Sinulator – Two tasty waveshaping functions in one! First, the Sinulator can take incoming saw or triangle waves and smooth 'em out to nice sine tones. But for the real bring-tha-crazy, it also can do up to six folds, letting you turn waveshapes from tame to insane inside this one module. And not only that, it's got an onboard VCA which allows the circuit to also function as a TZFM modulator. Waveshaping is CVable as well. Yep, this thing screams ABUUUUSE!!!!, plus the size and price are right for all of this waveshaping mayhem: 8 hp, $150.

VOID Modular Gravitational Waves – I have two problems with Buchla-esque complex VCOs in Eurorack. One, they tend to be pretty chunky, taking up a lot of panel space. And two, they're usually not cheap. Then along comes this thing...and it blows those issues all to hell! This module offers two cross-modulated and fully-featured triangle-core VCO/LFOs together with an onboard ring mod, in just that sort of configuration that insists on creating oscillational madness! And as the cherry on the cake, VOID put the “fine” tune control on the BIG knobs, meaning that you have some manual pitch-tweaking leeway here without throwing the whole thing out of tune immediately. Smart! But the big smarts are these: 18 hp, $250. Now that's what I'm talkin' about!

Rossum Electro-Music Panharmonium – Moving along from complex oscillators to crazy-as-hell oscillators, we find this. Technically, it is and isn't an oscillator. It has oscillators (33 of them, to be precise), but what they get used for is to sort of...ah...”reconstruct” an incoming sound. This is more than a little crazy in analog synthesis, because that functionality is much more something you'd find in the classic high-end digitals such as the Fairlight or the Synclavier, where this sort of thing is more commonly referred to as “resynthesis”. Dave Rossum uses that term here too, because...well, that basically is what it is. The Panharmonium analyzes and then resynthesizes incoming spectra, with ample opportunities to also screw around with the incoming and/or outgoing spectra. This is another one that simply does too much to go into in these short little blurbs, and I insist you check out the listing on MG to get the full-on skinny about this. Oh, and did I mention it was super skiff-friendly at a skimpy 25mm depth? That's a nice stat...but these are (given what this thing is capable of, which even I can't 100% speculate's that function-deep) even better: 26 hp, $499.

Plum Audio Dazzle tile version – Only available as a DIY kit, this might be a worthwhile excuse to figure out how to solder. Plum Audio's got something neat here: a 1U (standard, not Intellijel) format tile that gives you some nifty functions derived from Mutable Instruments' Blinds. Panning, CVable polarization, and VCA pair all in one tiny but potent package. Frankly, it's not only a good argument for beefing up your construction skills, but for the worthwhile inclusion of a 1U row or two in your build, as those can take basic functions like these and move 'em out of the way, leaving you more space for the meat-n-potatoes stuff in your 3Us. 20 hp, $150.

So, not a monster haul of Euro goodness...yet! But if the sorts of things starting to pop up in this month's column are any indicator, there's going to be some brain-meltingly-amazing stuff in the pipeline for May and Superbooth. Keep watching!