Test to insert image:
Notes to self regarding this experimental rack:
- Case to be used: 8U 10,5 half-rack cabinet, i.e.: http://www.allmetalparts.co.uk/690-8u-105-half-rack-cabinet-435mm-deep-with-handles-5055726206217.html
- LEFT side represents front, RIGHT side represents back. Effective Eurorack HP yield is approximate
The idea is to make an entirely self-contained rescan setup to complement the direct video synth. The Cadet modules represent the basic functionality of a Rutt-Etra scan processor. Certain of them, i.e. Ramps, may be built as 1U tiles to make space for more fun Eurorack modules, i.e. oscillators, modulation or Castle-series modules. The currently shown 1U tiles are not necessarily the ones that will be used.
The 1340A has 9.5 rack mounting ears, but I intend to use a wider rack and simply mount it on a rack shelf to make it feasible to switch to other displays in the future.
The BOTTOM FRONT 1U row will contain mounting hardware (16mm stud) for the rescanning camera and connectors for video and power.
The REAR of the rack includes a TBC2 that will be used both for video input to the scan processor, and for synchronising the rescan camera feed and converting it to LZX 1V video for further processing. (I may try to find a cheaper solution as colour video is not really needed here)
Other available space on the back will be used for a drawer for storing the rescan camera and related cables, as well as power input (PowerCon) and video IO.
Copy the image URL to the clipboard.
In the reply, use Image/Inline or Link.
See Markdown Syntax on how to use these.
I tried to find an "attach file" or whatever to do so but without success.
Could you be so kind to indicate me the procedure ?
(Sorry for being inexperienced on this forum).
... But same result and the resolution is way lower than what I got before.
...> -- pnussbaum
Can you post the screenshot here for reference?
Hi, thanks, did try it...
But same result and the resolution is way lower than what I got before.
I don't think I can post an crop from the entire picture on this thread, but for instance the Qubit Pulsar is barely 128 pixel wide. Perhaps nice for a screen-saver (not on a Retina), but for printing it is a killer...
Hi Pascal! Try this:
Go to menu My Modular/Command Center/
Click your rack to snapshot
Go to menu Show/Screenshot
Screenshot will be displayed in browser window.
Right click and download to process as needed.
This is a little utility rack I'm starting to go along with my DFAM and 0-coast semi-modulars. Adding some attenuation and signal multiplication (mostly for clock) and some fun and musical delay.
Dear MG,
I recently upgraded to Unicorn in order to fit my (wide)rack. Works perfect, thanks for your excellent job !
Months ago, I succeeded in getting a snapshot (was from the browser) to make a decent A0 plot (still on my wall).
Now, when I use snapshot from MG, the resolution is too poor to be printed. I get the same result from the browser (firefox).
Do you have any option to get a high resolution version ?
Hey guys,
I'm looking for my first modular synth. I'd like to create something musical, no super-strage melodies, but I'd like to interrelate melodies so i'd picked a quantizer, the quantimator, that should be the brain of my researches. 3 VCos because of the chords progressions, any advise on utility modules or any big oversight I did?
From Feb 9th
Ableton: Many Firsts
Haven't multitracked this many inputs before (6)
Used Ableton to clock the KeyStep via MIDI Out from 18i8
Used Transient Shaping for most tracks to either add or subtract "front end" from each
Grouped Dry and Delayed Rings signals and applied compression and/or EQ to the Group tracks (sometimes in addition to the individual tracks)
Panned everything between 35 and 5 away from C
Disting - Used C4 (Clockable Ping Pong (Z Input Pan)) algo instead of B4 and sent only delayed signal out of A and B
Routing - Sent Dry of both ODD and EVEN Outputs as well as both Delayed signals on Rings, for a total of 6 tracks recorded at once (Blofeld Dry, BIA, Rings ODD Dry, Rings EVEN Dry, Rings Delayed 1, and Rings Delayed 2)
- all audio cables used mono ground loop isolators for ground noise reduction
- NOTE: The height of the displayed audio cables indicates the corresponding mixer channels, where Top: CH. 1 and Bottom: CH. 7
Rings - Used Modal Resonator instead of Sympathetic Strings, which didn't turn out terribly interestingly
Ears - Sent GATE Into Mod Input instead of State Select Input, sent ENV into Rings Position & Damping as well as BIA Fold, sent audio OUT into M32 Buff Mult to free up space on ADDAC200B for Rings copies
Tempi - Modded Channels 1, 2, and 3 of State #1 and kept it on State #1 as opposed to last Home Improvement patch
Blofeld - Used B043 Marimboid with a bit of Sustain on the Amp ENV so it was a cross between a percussion and a bowed sound
From Feb 9th
Ableton: Many Firsts
Haven't multitracked this many inputs before (6)
Used Ableton to clock the KeyStep via MIDI Out from 18i8
Used Transient Shaping for most tracks to either add or subtract "front end" from each
Grouped Dry and Delayed Rings signals and applied compression and/or EQ to the Group tracks (sometimes in addition to the individual tracks)
Panned everything between 35 and 5 away from C
Colour Scheme
Disting - Used B4 (Clockable Delay/Echo) algo and sent only delayed signal out of A and B
Routing - Sent Dry and Delayed signals of both ODD and EVEN Outputs on Rings, for a total of 6 tracks recorded at once (Blofeld Dry, Rings ODD Dry, Rings EVEN Dry, Rings ODD Delayed, Rings EVEN Delayed, and BIA)
Rings - Used Modal Resonator instead of Sympathetic Strings, which didn't turn out terribly interestingly
Ears - Sent GATE Into Mod Input instead of State Select Input, sent ENV into Rings Position & Damping as well as BIA Fold, sent audio OUT into M32 Buff Mult to free up space on ADDAC200B for Rings copies
Tempi - Modded Channels 1, 2, and 3 of State #1 and kept it on State #1 as opposed to last Home Improvement patch
Blofeld - Used B043 Marimboid with a bit of Sustain on the Amp ENV so it was a cross between a percussion and a bowed sound
Damn, that's pretty...I especially like the look of the base module; the structural and decorative aspects really click there.
But yeah, especially if he's going to do something like this, which would effectively pick up the ball that KAHNCO dropped and potentially change the Eurorack cab game quite a bit, he needs to get more info up, start talking numbers, and so on. I note he's got a bit on there about inquiring about distribution/sales agents, but until he can start pitching something concrete, I can't see the various shops beating a path to his door...which they will do once this is ready to hit the door, but given the market saturation in Eurorack now, they're apt to be jinky until/unless something's clearly happening.
BTW, about the only other enclosures I can think of on this level, when it comes to internal depth and mounting especially, would be Knurr's DACOBAS Mini Distributor Racks...but since Knurr/Extron only ever deals with industrial or government ISM clients (apparently), getting per-piece pricing info out of them proved impossible when I tried it some months ago. No habla customer service, apparently. Geeklapeeno could literally carve his own niche here, provided he gets onto doing so.
The 1010 Music Toolbox is also capable of recording CV (even audio). It has two audio/CV inputs that can be used in mono or dual mono. It can play back up to eight channels of CV or audio. You can also SAVE and LOAD your CV from microSD cards saved as .wav files.
The price on the Toolbox is $600US. The Flame is $400US. You'll get more mileage out of the Toolbox as it's a full sequencer with LFOs, gates, pitch, etc.
I would check out both modules before making a decision. I own the Toolbox and have used it in such a manner.
Next time you're in touch w/ Geeklapeeno, you might want to let him know that zero progress reports and info updates on the site over about three years time is really not a good look
I think he is aware of it. He has a full time job in the maker industry, so on the good side the products are top notch because he has a lot of experience in engineering and construction.
Images from the new prototype with an angled construction. It's planned to have different wood choices and finishes:
solitud.de | YouTube | Soundcloud | Bandcamp
I bought a Fluctuation Magnétiques from @pibou, sent right away, very well protected, good condition. Good seller.
Wellll...not just mod sources, tho. Knowing the oscillator (or better, "audio generator") compliment does go quite a bit of the way toward determining your modulation needs. Filters, VCA...those are sort of givens. But if you do a build with a pair of complex oscillators, these need different modulation schemes than would, say, a wavetable oscillator plus a very basic VCO for sound fattening. Or two (or three, or more) plain-jane VCOs in general. It's actually one of the stumbling blocks...when picking the audio gens, you do have to have part of your thought processes working a few steps ahead, and that's not always the easiest bit of multitasking.
Hey, thanks a bunch. Yeah, I am still getting one, just haven't had the time.
Good trade for an Eloquencer from @theartstrip , quick delivery , good packaging . Good seller !
The majority of your build seems to be Doepfer modules. They are fine. But you can have a lot more functionality from other manufacturers. But I do get your point of keeping things simple (i.e. - one knob one function). You can achieve this with other modules as well.
Pair this system down to as basic of a system as you can to create your first iteration. Then use it. Get to know the modules you're starting with and don't be afraid to modify your end-goal. Using the synthesizer and gaining experience WILL change your outlook and your priorities as you find your "voice", no pun intended.
I will second Lugia's Expert Sleeper recommendation. If you're going to tie your Eurorack to a DAW or other MIDI devices, the FH2 and its expansions will serve you better than what you've put together.
Bottom line is don't go all-in at once. It will be very expensive and you'll probably regret your decision.
Mutable instruments Clouds is the most popular module for granular effects. Mutable allows for clone builds of a lot of their modules. There are micro versions (smaller footprint) versions of Clouds. At this time, my favorite is "Monsoon". Monsoon is relatively smaller, less expensive ($250US) and allows for independent modulation of attributes that can't be simultaneously modulated.
There are other sampling/granular modules out there as well. But in a Eurorack system, the oscillator/voice is just the beginning.
In all honesty, you'd be better off spending your money on a copy of Ableton Live augmented with the Max4Live device "Granulator II." If you have an existing modular system, adding a granular/sampling module isn't so much of a stretch. But starting a brand new system around granular synthesis is going to be a very expensive one-trick pony.
The OP is building a simple monophonic synthesizer. Honestly, you'd be happier buying a TB303 clone or a Neutron. They are much more sophisticated than the OP build and a lot cheaper.
An oscillator, a filter, a couple of EGs and VCAs... there's no need to get into modular for that. Where modular shines IS the modulation. Pick-out and design your modulation FIRST then worry about oscillators and filters. You'll have a much better time even with the most basic of oscillators with some great modulation, than you will have with the most complex of oscillators that only have two EGs and an LFO to play with.
The most overlooked functionality are EFFECTS. Most synth patches sound pretty dull and dry without effects. But they seem to be an afterthought when people are first putting their kit together. Do NOT skimp on the effects. They are 1/2 of your sound.
Don't be afraid to be wrong. You'll make a lot of them. You'll have lots of modules you buy today that you'll regret (not deeply) later. Keep them around until you know you'll never touch them again. You'll also find the modules you curse today might be that special dash of seasoning later on.
How would one go about getting info added to a module?
I've talked with the engineer for the subcon modules, and I have numbers for the power draw for the Vampire, which would be really nice to have while designing racks.
Recently bought 2 DIY MI modules from @igorsv, the miniClouds and the Peaks, and it was an excellent transaction!
Quick to answer, good packaging and fast shipping, great build quality. Recommended!
i had excellent transactions with @razzkazz shipped from Spain and @Nod Flenders from Canada, all smooth ad good chat about modular stuff thnx guys!
During the past six months I've had good experiences with buying modules from @bark, @zannielzynga, @hadj, @bj_gzp and @AmbrexMeer. Thanks all!
Flame now makes a knob/CV recorder called "quad-CV-recorder". It is a bit expensive, but I really like it.
hi !
anyone lnow where to still find any - or a similar module ?
looks awesomely simple :)
-- LeSlow
Hi, just found this one by looking through the internet.
best bastian
4ms STS
Voltage Block
Turing Machine
Intuitive Quantizer
Ornament & Crime
Quad VCA
I thank you for the advice, but I state that I have no intention of reducing it, indeed, here also missing a 2 row section for 28hp with hotweels and other manual controls, switches etc. .... I put to the left of my next moog 37 CV.
for the speech of reducing the space, mine is a comfort solution ... to not stumble between the cables.
What interests me most is the choice of the modules, if the exponential and the vca linear are correct and sufficient, the mixers as well, if in short the structure works
hello from vienna
may i ask for your help ? i tried to find a downloadable pdf version of the book for quite a time but do only get a lot of fake or rip-off sites or expired links but no real hit ... i wonder if you could direct me in the right direction ? thanks !
essentials: case & power supply
what i'd like to do: JUST Sampling (v.keen interest in granular sound design), Reverb + Effects/Filters, Generative Sequencing
recommendations would be very helpful!
P :)
There are some that would say that building a subtractive monophonic Synth using modular gear is almost missing the point. I don’t necessarily agree, but it raises the central and FIRST question you should ask: what is it that you want your modular to do? No one can tell you, that is for you to figure out and it very much determines what build you should explore.
I think that the extensive modulation options of pretty much every parameter in many modules offers unique sonic possibilities, even in a subtractive synth. In addition to the excellent points that Lugia made, consider that many well revered standard hardware synths use multiple envelopes and LFOs per voice: pitch, volume, filter at a minimum and that some of them are five or six stage (delay, attach, hold, decay, sustain, release). A four multi stage envelope module is ideal and XAOC Zadar reigns supreme here. LFOs also in fours (Batumi), so that you can get some tremolo and movement (pitch, volume, PHASE, PWM etc.).
That said, I personally would consider Zadar and Batumi a must for any monophonic subtractive build. Also, I’d second the SVF comment, albeit I would advise to also include one of the really interesting multi-mode filters, such as Three Sisters, QPAS, or Belgrade as they REALLY open up sound sculpting.
Lastly, Reverb and Delay are must have effects, followed by Chorus and Phaser. Classics for a reason. Also, here is where things get interesting, as you can do neato things with a sequencer and those parameters. At a minimum, add a decent multi FX (Black Hole DSP2) and Pamela’s New Workout. Sending a Euclidean sequenced saw to the reverb size can make for some interesting effects.
Now for the interesting and unique:
Sample based sound engines: 4ms Stereo Triggered Sampler and MN Morphagene. The former is better suited for pre-sliced samples (albeit you can experiment with start and length parameters) while the latter is just awesome for all sorts of sonic mayhem that involve dynamic playback speeds and slicing (including triggered) and cross fading. Both are excellent choices. Both can do granular synthesis, albeit the Morphagene with its dedicated CV control has a bit of an edge here.
Additive synthesis:
Audiospektri HG-16 is high on my want list for this purpose, albeit, I could see some of the FPGA based technology really take a hold here. XAOC Odessa should be interesting, but I’m really hoping for a true FFT based engine at some point (Fast Fourrier Transformation) with full control over the resulting harmonics. Any sound source can go in, like a sampler, but it is actually re-created using additive synthesis.
Wavetable synthesizer:
Preferably with custom wavetables to be loaded. The Piston Honda MKIII is a nice example of what can be done with this, particularly the CV controlled morphing. The more you like percussive noise, the more you need to look into this. Manis Iteritas and the other Wavetable Oscillators from Noise Engineering reign here.
FM synthesis:
Bring on the noise! Akemies Taiko and Castle. Harsh, metallic, mental. Love it, but I’m out of space.
Sequencers and clock:
The beating heart of your setup. Nothing comes close to Tempi+Rene MKII, albeit for percussion I’d suggest a Trigger Riot. These can be easily substituted for using a MIDI-to-CV module and whatever other sequencer you have. The Mutant Brain is a decent choice.
The unsung heroes:
It is ALL about generating and mangling CV. That became clear VERY fast to me. Hence, modules that attenuate, modulate, cross-modulate, and otherwise combine CV are the heart of what makes a modular unique. This has been my biggest epiphany since I ventured in head on. Half of your setup will easily be those types of modules and 2/3rd will generate and mangle CV without ever making a sound themselves.
Modules I love:
WMD Triple Bipolar - CV controlled attenuverter with three individual channels and a SUMMED out, also does fine work on audio signals
Noise Engineering Roti Polar - Four CV input attenuverting mixer (e.g. add two envelopes with opposing signs to get a bidirectional envelope to control the playback speed of a Morphagene)
4ms VCA Matrix - it’s big, yes, but it’s a CV modulated four channel CV mixer for all weird complex waveforms
Ornament & Crime - for the ASR alone
Branches - a dual Bernoulli gate: if you have two different timbral versions of a sound (two oscillators or two Signal paths) having a probabilized sequence of the two can be fun. Example: open and closed hi-hat in a percussive sequence
Marbles: still very much learning how to use it, but we all love happy accidents, don’t we?
How do I sell thru here and link my reverb.com account properly? I see that some sellers have a link that says Reverb instead of their account name.
-- AudioResearch
The Reverb offers are pulled automatically from their website so if you put an offer on Reverb it will find it's way to ModularGrid
Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net
Another nice thing about the Rene mkII + Tempi combo is that those two can work together in some exclusive functions that only that pairing is designed for. But yep, liquid_air is spot-on...going with a 7U Intellijel cab allows you to remove some basic functions to that 1U row, which then opens up more 3U space to functional modules. It also lets you move your external connections to the cab, taking a bit of spaghetti off of the jackfield itself.
Not bad for a basic runthru...now, I'd suggest starting to pare this down. See what you can remove but still arrive at essentially the same sort of functionality. Also, are there modules that allow you to consolidate the functions of several discrete ones in this build into one or two in the next? Can you increase the functional density, but reduce the physical? Start with those questions first.
As for substitutions outright, one I would strongly suggest would be to remove both the Vermona and Doepfer MIDI interfaces and, instead, install an Expert Sleepers FH-2 + the FHX-8 expanders. That drops your MIDI interface footprint from 30 hp down to 16...cutting the space needed by nearly half, while upping the outputs to eight CVs and gates, plus another eight assignable outputs and two inputs, adding internal pattern gens, arpeggiation, and two return channels to allow you to master-clock your DAW from the Eurorack. Now that's what _I'm talkin' about! Keep applying that sort of logic to module choices, and you can almost double what this could be capable of while making it maybe 1/3rd smaller!
Well, of those two, only the Optomix is a "true" LPG. It uses the vactrol design, which puts it into the same operational category as the original Buchla LPGs in that the decay aspects are going to have that "organic" envelope drop-off. Other versions that use a much faster/more responsive VCA+LPF combo (like the Dynamix) aren't going to have the blurring of contour that the vactrol designs tend to possess. So with those, you could easily shift to a VCA that's being fed via a lowpass VCF (or vice versa, if that works) controlled by similar envelopes...but you can't quite do a 1:1 replacement of a vactrol device like a LPG with that combo.
Another thing about the Codex Veils clone...you have that sweepable VCA response curve on it, which will offer you more flexibility than simply having either fixed linear or exponential responses. Very useful if you want a VCA to respond more or less aggressively, as the situation might dictate. Plus, if you want to break out VCA 1 on it, you can still mix the outs of VCAs 2-4, etc.
How do I sell thru here and link my reverb.com account properly? I see that some sellers have a link that says Reverb instead of their account name.
How do I sell thru here and link my reverb.com account properly? I see that some sellers have a link that says Reverb instead of their account name.
For smaller systems, I find the Intellijel 7U case neat, as you can use the extra 1U tiles to take care of the I/O module and some other features, such as an Audio/CV mixer (Quadratt), a step sequencer (Steppy) and other neat utilities. Keep in mind: only Intellijel 1U tiles will work in that case.
The Erica EG/LG is neat, but you’ll get way more bang using a XAOC Zadar.
Devoting that much space for a mixer in a system this size seems like overkill. There are smaller solutions from the Erica lineup (Fusion mixer is nice, as it has a pleasant tube overdrive and six channels).
I would also suggest to have a more performance oriented sequencer, especially for live performances, same for your clock. Tempi is hard to beat with it’s UI and a Varigate is much better suited for per step changes. Manis Iteritas is great, but not well suited for per step on the fly changes, albeit loading from one of 16 banks can work. Rene is big, but really outstanding (MKI going for $350-380 now). The Trigger Riot could be a neat option as it’s a clock/gate/sequencer unit, well suited for performance in mind.
If it was me, I’d go 7U, Quadratt as mixer and I/O in tiles. Another tile for noise. Trigger riot, Zadar, Quad VCA, Tallin Dual VCA w/drive, Maths (if you must), Logic Module, and then fill ‘er up with sound sources, filter, wave folder etc
I was thinking that if possible, it might nicer if the Info, Zoom, Rotate and Trash icons were in a sub-popup menu that is opened by clicking on a single icon
They are too prominent, in the way? You can hide them quickly by pressing ESC.
-- solitud
This is SO much better now, thanks for the recent improvement!
I've been thinking it would be nice to have a checkbox for sort parameters that would "Exclude Modules Missing Parameter" to more quickly find what we are looking for. This would be particularly great when searching for modules with a maximum depth since, as it is now, all of the modules that don't have a depth parameter entered are all at the beginning (when sorting ascending) which of course makes sense BUT since there is no way to tell how deep a module is short of adding it to a rack or going to the info page for the module it is a bit laborious to find a shallow module.
Or maybe it would just be more efficient to just add a little grey box with the depth next to the grey box with the HP size?
I tried to compose something working, not a ton of modules thrown at random .... I want to play .. I accept opinions and advice from those who know more that