Dear Humans,
This oscillator is incredibly cool. Patching is easy. 4 ins for gates. 1 out. 1 "Kriket" CV input to make it do things. It sounds awesome. It's cheap. You should buy one.

First patch
- Pamela's New Workout > Moffenzeef Kriket
- Moffenzeef Kriket > Ritual Electronics Miasma
- Ritual Electronics Miasma > Make Noise QPAS

quasi-chiptune bliss

Ok, so I’m new to eurorack (so fun!), but am struggling getting good illumination on my case. Does anyone make lighting modules? LED BNC lamps (like what are used on audio mixers) only draw 50mA or so off +12VDC and would fit great in a 4hp panel. Anyone seen something like this? $25 and 2 hours to make one, but wonder if any are commercially available, thanks!

Hi Rickolls,

You got yourself some fantastic modules there planned (or did you bought them already?). It's just that I am missing a bit the "standard stuff". How about an extra LFO for example? How are you going to output your audio? Did you planned any audio output module (and perhaps an input too)? I see you got a mixer so that's good but I am missing an audio output module.

Since you mentioned it already yourself that you are not really have a purpose for that MIDI breakout module I would get rid of it, saves you 4 HP space. Today I just received the Erica Synths Black VC EG module, fantastic ADSR module, I love it. I bought it together with the extension module, up to you of course but I can recommend that module too. It provides you with single outputs for the ADSR (i.e. for each an output: Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release). The only stupid thing of that extension module is that's 5 HP...

So how about keeping the lower multiple but get rid of the upper multiple? For your relatively small layout perhaps one multiple should be enough? If you would get rid of one of those multiples, you get another 4 HP space free, then you could (if you want that) add that extension module and you still have 3 HP left. Erica Synths offers many different Pico modules (they are all 3 HP wide) so you can use that 3 HP space in the future for a Pico module (just as an example). If you still want a second multiple, in the Pico line there is a multiple (called Multi) available.

I would keep any way some space reserved if I would be you since you want to restrict yourself to just that 6U space. Keep another 8 or 10 HP in the lower row free for future use as well, it might come in handy. I wouldn't plan it totally full straight from the beginning that leaves you with no flexibility for the near future.

At the end all up to you of course :-) Good luck with the planning and kind regards,

Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Budget is pretty non-existent to be honest.... it will be slow progress. I'm going to dig around in the attic and see what i can sell on ebay to fund this new addiction.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

Ignore the fact that this case is 9U, I've actually got a 6U case and don't intend on going any bigger. This system is already ridiculously powerful. I sometimes use it with lots of other external gear, and sometimes standalone. I swing between using it to generate raw material which I then sample and make tracks with, or making drones, melodic generative stuff, as a filter box for external sounds, and at the moment lots of pretty techno-minded stuff. But I need to fill that last 18HP, question is, how? Hmmmmm. I lust after so many things, hence not having filled it yet. Trying to see what I'm needing/craving most. Another VCA, another EG, a wavefolder, something else that generates triggers, a quantiser, fx, a bunch more Distings to do it all?! God knows!

Suggestions for the most powerful ways to use up that space?

The only thing that doesn't get much use is the Disting midi breakout, it's actually pretty redundant, so I could lose that without noticing and gain a tiny bit more space. Any thoughts or suggestions much appreciated, thanks in advance!

ModularGrid Rack

Looks like you have a plan. I bought a Pittsburgh Micro Sequencer. I hate it, personally. I find that accessing features to be really unintuitive. If your budget allows, try a micro Ornaments & Crime. They are 8HP... 2HP less than the Micro. The menuing system is much easier to navigate than the frustrating button combinations on the Micro. A Micro will cost you around $160-$200. The O_C is about $250-$275. If you go with a larger format O_C you can get them for about $200.

An alternative to the Happy Nerding Mutes is the Joranalogue Switch 4. It's $20 more but includes more features. Each of the four switches come with a three-way toggle (momentary, off, and on). Plus there are two additional outputs connected to two rotary switches with an on/off switch as well. It's a little bigger than the Happy Nerding Mutes but the additional features are worth it in my opinion.

You may also have an issue finding Happy Nerding stuff in North America.

Additionally, the 2HP bell... have you thought about a micro Braids module instead? It'll cover bell sounds as well as a host of other sounds. It's probably double the cost and roughly 10HP in width. But you'll get a lot more out of the module.

Another possibility to add more oscillators is a Behringer Model D and leave it in its original case. It has a Eurorack jacks built into it and includes a 1V/Octave input plus a jack out of the mixer section. That gives you a three oscillator stack plus noise for $300... plus a Mini-Moog clone. Lugia despises Behringer. But I find the cost benefit and the sound to be well worth it. $0.02.

Hi Ronin1973..... looks like you are vaguely my age, i.e. not feeling old but beginning to feel broken in various places!!

I've got a plan, its evolved a little as I've discovered what I can do with the limited bits I've been able to purchase so far, I'd say that I'm 2 purchases away from buying a Mutable Blinds (for the Quad VCA / attenuverter).
Funnily enough I have my 2hp modules spaced apart by 2hp as it takes about 30 seconds of knob twiddling to realise that a rack of 2hps right next to each other is about as stupid and unusable as it gets, though the features of the 2hp do seem to make them look more appealing to similarly priced but more-hp modules so i keep circling back to the idea of 2hp.

Next up 2hp Bell and a Pittsburgh Modular Micro Sequence... then the VCA's and LFO's and maybe something like the Noise Engineering Sinc Defero Buffered Quad.
I love the 'look' of the Happy Nerding Mutes too but I don't see me having a use for it yet until I have more voices in my rack ;-)

Cheers :)

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

Pleeeeeeeeaaasssseeee, release this!!!! :-)


This just showed up on my Google News feed for some reason. LOL! Nice system!

Now with more dollars and less sense!

So far I have found these.
But they're DIY tutorials. I cannot solder to save my soul.
are there any companies that can do this for me? Will I have to buy the pedal (s) and send in, or can I just buy them already as modules? I would prefer the first, but would use the second if I had to. Honestly, I would use either if I had some more money.

On my shortlist are the basics:
tremolo/wah wah

but I am open to anything

Could someone explain how to add photos of a module in ads please?
Some can do that but I can't find the way they do.
Thanks for your help.

What Lugia said. If you follow the Rack forum, you'll see a lot of peoples' "first" system being just a collection of "that looks cool" modules without any thought to what they'll be able to produce with their collection. That's not bashing anyone's first attempt or amount of knowledge, just stating some of the common traps people fall into.

Attenuators, attenuverters, traditional ADSRs, even LFOs seem to be overlooked in a lot of first builds... they aren't cool or flashy... but they are fundamental elements in almost any kind of build.

Another factor overlooked would be ease-of-use. There are some really powerful modules out there... but the learning curve... remembering all of the secret double, long hold, double button presses to access features will really bum you out. Mutable Instruments makes some quality stuff. But unless you're devoted to committing each of them to your day-to-day thoughts, you'll always find yourself referencing the manual. The Expert Sleepers Disting is one of those modules that packs a lot of features but the interface is horrible to get around in. Again, I'm not bashing anyone's choices... but they may be a factor in what modules you'll want to select.

Ergonomics. 2HP makes some space-saving useful stuff. But dialing in settings is hard as hell with those little pots. A lot of modular is finding that 1mm of "sweet spot" of knob turning. Good luck on a 2HP module crowded next to another 2HP module. DEPTH can also be an issue with space-saving modules (or any other module) as some racks can be compromised on depth. Always know the depth(s) of your rack. You'll also want to consider ergonomics with things like VCOs. A great example is choosing the pitch. One solution is to have a course tune knob that runs the entire frequency range and a fine-tune knob. Another strategy is to select octaves (using layman terms here) and have a fine tune knob for the frequencies in between. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Compare the Tip Top Z3000 vs the Intellijel Dixie II+ regarding the two methods.

Thread: Drum filter

The Intellijel Morgasmatron works well as a dual filter. One channel has an overdrive and the other has a phase flip. Other than that they are identical in function. It would work well for stereo processing of your drum mix yet still be quite useful for traditional applications including self oscillation (useful for creating kick drums, etc.).

Appealing and simple patch! If you like the nocturne genre, try those by Faure. The later ones get extremely bizarre and they are absolutely sublime.
-- Lauprellim

Thank you! I'm a big fan of Faure.
His Vocalise, among others, inspired me to made another tune a few weeks earlier -

This is listed as 14hp on the EMW site but it's actually 16hp.

Set o_C to locrian in D for all
Top right 3 cables go to slider bank
turn on and off o-coast tempo, use upper mixer for range of notes

Searching (through addictive Ebay auctions) I have purchased a couple of modules that I love to form my first Eurorack.
Until now I have my first row ready (TOP ROW) and I am deciding which missing parts are crucial, or that could suit this composition.
Ideally I need a module that survives alone, but it will definitely complemented by NI Reaktor (via a DC Coupled interface that I already have).

Top row I have, lower row not yet.
My first option VCF would be Serge's Random Source, VCO I thought about Dixie, and I thought Quadra could act as envelope source, I might be mistaken.

Looking for opinions, suggestions for the Drama.

ModularGrid Rack

Appealing and simple patch! If you like the nocturne genre, try those by Faure. The later ones get extremely bizarre and they are absolutely sublime.

Pittsburgh, PA
“Have a good trip!” — Karlheinz Stockhausen

I put my conclusio on top: This is a great module.
I built the 37€- DIY-kit in under ten mins, then recorded great sounding bass, guitar and contact mics straight from source to DAW. Even an old Sunrise pickup in a big guitar felt taken seriously.
Can only strongly recommend this.
A similar simple thing should exist for microphone sources :)
Does it?

this user has left ModularGrid

Cool tune and very sensible use of Marbles. Much more interesting than hundreds of those random farts on YT.
Subscribed! Keep it on!

The algorithm in "show related racks" needs some love. All I get are racks that have lots of of one particular module.
I would suggest to not only compare the modules that are the same but also modules that are not.
So for every module present in both racks the score is increased by +1. And if either the origin rack or the potential similar rack has a module that is not present it's score get reduced by -1.

There are several issues/parameters that you haven't factored in:

a) How do you tag each module? Is it a tag? Is it a behind-the-scenes parameter?
b) Who will do the tagging? Modules are uploaded by users. The same users who up till now don't usually bother using the "panel selector" option which has been there for ages and instead prefer to have multiple instances of the same module with different panels. I'm not going to go through 7k modules to make the appropriate tagging. I doubt anybody else will.
c) Where do you place multiple instances of the same module when a DIY option is there and the official manufacturer does not want non-original panels in their group of modules?
d) If you want it as a parameter, in the same manner as Filter/Effect/VCA/etc then again b) is an issue, as well as the fact that you'll now have an extra parameter that needs to be factored in when sorting the modules.

All of this work just so you can search by panel colour, where searching for a module will bring you all the instances of the module so you can quickly select it. Not worth it IMHO. Panel colour is far from an important factor when searching.

My 2 cents.

PS: if I could I'd merge all instances of the same module under one instance, and have users swap panels using the panel selector. Not possible when manufacturers lock their modules with different panel colours (2hp I'm looking at you) as official. You search their modules and they seem to have double to available options. A shame, but that's what you get when people don't care for simplicity.

first thing i would probably do when trying to figure out the color of a panel would be to look at the panel. ;)

in all seriousness though, the only time i can see this being an issue is if two panel options are available for a single module and it only has one entry in the database. most of the modules with multiple panel options already have separate entries already though.

when you enter a module in, if there was a field where you can select [black][silver][other], and then make this an option when filtering results of a search... im not really seeing what the issue would be from an implementation perspective?

Is it possible to add a colour category to modules? Even if the options are just black, silver and other, it would be handy to filter modules by faceplate colour sometimes.
-- Tranquillitatis

And how exactly would you know/tag each module based on panel colour?

First of this is what I've came up with.

The goal of this system is it should be capable of doing entiere sessions without any additional gear and maybe live capabilities.
This is not to say other gear does not exist but I have to redecorate and the appeal of using this from the couch is quite nice.
ModularGrid Rack

Already purchased

  • MiniBrute 2S
  • Z4000 VC-EG
  • Quattro Figaro
  • Startup
  • Skis II

Certainly want

  • Nerdseq & IO Expander
  • CalTrans
  • Twin waves
  • Filter 8

I really like the flexibility of the Nerdseq, CalTrans is for convenience and Twin waves & Filter 8 are my "desert island" choices for VCO & Filter

I think it's the best choice for me

  • Entity Bass Drum Synthesizer
  • M303
  • Basimilus Iteritas Alter

Entity & M303 for fast and easy familiar sound and IA because it could fill in for the rest of the percussive voices.

What I do like about Entity & M303 is that they both have their niche usage but have enough output jacks to be used differently.

IA sadly does not have any patching capability besides CV & gate but since it can produce all the remaining percussion I do not have the space for in the patch I guess it's forgiven.

Not sure

  • Monsoon (vs Mimeophon / Disting mk4 & Pico DSP)
  • TIMBER (vs Ultrafold)
  • COLD MAC (vs Maths / FALISTRI / Rampage)
  • Döpfer A-132-8 Octal VCA (depends on the rest, already have 6 vcas in the bastl stuff but I would like to have more)

Certainly would want similar functionality from different modules but also something has to go if so.

First, do I really need 14 vcas? Maybe not, but I'd rather not run out. I'd like to have 10 at least.

Then the issue with Maths or no Maths:

Against: I already have a VC-EG and the Nerdseq can generate complex modulations on it's own.
For: Just in case, and I would have to live without a Slew Limiter
I'm also not sure of which of the 3 big Function Generator modules would be the best Synergy with the system I have.
Overall I have 6x trigger & 12x cv from the nerdseq and 1x trigger & 4 cv from the Minibrute
There is one clock divider in the startup
2x LFOs & 2 EG from the Minibrute
Twin waves & Filter 8 can also be used as LFO on crunch time.

The Effects & Granular stuff

Although I quite like the sound of dry synth I don't really swear by it. But I could let it go and just use a Disting mk4 & Pico DSP for whatever.

How do you intend on mixing audio signals and attenuating/mixing CV?
Do you plan on having a clock source?
I would have a couple of traditional ADSRs in the rack even if you're going to keep the Zadar.
Noise sources?
Additional utilities will eventually be on your list.

Plan to have a bigger rack than this. The amount of HP you've left yourself just won't do. Eurorack systems grow.
-- Ronin1973

Do you plan on having a clock source?
I would have a couple of traditional ADSRs in the rack even if you're going to keep the Zadar.
Noise sources?
Additional utilities will eventually be on your list.
Plan to have a bigger rack than this. The amount of HP you've left yourself just won't do. Eurorack systems grow.
-- Ronin1973

For the audio signal, my interface has enough I/O so it's not a concern.

I'm definitely short on attenuation and CV mixing. The Erebus has a noise source as well as one s&h and VC Amplifier with attenuator and inverted outputs. Not enough (I usually use the VCA on the Erebus for it's own patches) but in my style I rarely use all the instruments in one track so maybe I can share it for the time being.

I can send clock, cv, gates from the Beat Step Pro too.

I already have this rack so, by god, I will fill it and then move on to another rack if I need to. Im just looking at the best compromise for this rack so it's usable for the time being. Perhaps a smaller sequencer than the voltage block, which would allow me to add more utilities. I'll probably get rid of the 8hp clouds clone since, while fun, it's not essential to me.

Thread: Drum filter

How do you intend on mixing audio signals and attenuating/mixing CV?
Do you plan on having a clock source?
I would have a couple of traditional ADSRs in the rack even if you're going to keep the Zadar.
Noise sources?
Additional utilities will eventually be on your list.

Plan to have a bigger rack than this. The amount of HP you've left yourself just won't do. Eurorack systems grow.

Thread: Drone

It's possible to fit 89 hp per row with the RackBrute. My 3U : ModularGrid Rack

Your link doesn't work correctly.
-- Ronin1973

Apologies, it's fixed now.

Your link doesn't work correctly.

I have no idea what I was thinking when I put this rack together. What was my inspiration, it just looks totally random and almost foreign to my sensibilities.

Hi all,
I mainly do beat oriented music, shifting from harsh-sounding techno to bassline heavy EBM. Currently producing with a Vermona DRM MKIII, Moog Minitaur, Dreadbox Erebus V3 and soft synths. With a few pedals that I mainly use to distort the DRM.
I usually layout the sequencing on a Beatstep pro and do the final sequence adjustments in Ableton.

As I'm running out of space, the proposed rack will expand my drums with the Intellijel Plonk, add an acid-type bassline, and the Piston honda for those big and harsh wavetable sounds that they do.

My questions is in regards of the modulation sources that I have selected and the empty space that i still have on the rack. I'm I good with what I have? What else could I add. I know I will probably need some Midi to cv type of module or Expert Sleepers stuff.
Perhaps some Attenuverters?

What do you guys think?

Here's the link to the rack:
ModularGrid Rack

It's really hard to get "a little bit" into modular synthesis. Can you get sounds out of your current set-up... of course. But in this current set-up with digital sound sources, you've spent a lot for what could be done with $100 VST plug-in.
-- Ronin1973

That’s interesting. However I don’t want to have a computer in a club . Also , I can swap sound sources in and out ?

My current set up is a Roland Tr8s and Moog Sub 37 going into Ableton.

After having a go on other people’s modulars I just find it a lot more inspiring for the music I like to make .

TrueGrid really isn't viable at this time... in my opinion.

I would go with VCV Rack. It's free. Just do a Google search for the website URL.

Thread: Drone

Hi all,

After some constructive criticism for my first build (in progress). I buy modules very slowly and learn how to use them before moving on. So far I've bought the Disting and CLX.

My Rackbrute is attached to a MiniBrute 2s.

The rack design is me gathering possible future purchases.

Cheers all.

It's really hard to get "a little bit" into modular synthesis. Can you get sounds out of your current set-up... of course. But in this current set-up with digital sound sources, you've spent a lot for what could be done with $100 VST plug-in.

The Noise Tool from Intellijel is perfect for what you want. It includes a sample & hold circuit. It's normaled to the white noise section but you insert your own source and triggers. It also has a built in clock that can be set to random triggers as well. It has plenty of features and is as non-menu divey as you can get. I believe you have space for it in your 1U row. I have one and it's a very useful utility module.

How do I make it show changes ?

I’ve bought these modules now . I want to use outboard effects and mixer . Is this enough for now ?

Still there?

Two thoughts about sample and hold of external CVs: You could just get a dedicated s&h module. I have 2hp "s&h" next to Marbles, for exactly this reason. Also, take a look at Verbos' "Random Sampling". It has an ASR that allows you to sample external CVs (I have never used this module, though)

I recently read Batumi can do this, yes. Thanks a lot for the source. In fact random Batumi into Intellijel Noise Tools might be a cheap and simple solution for what I am searching. Perhaps I will upgrade later with marbles. Sounds good, thanks!

Is it possible to add a colour category to modules? Even if the options are just black, silver and other, it would be handy to filter modules by faceplate colour sometimes.
-- Tranquillitatis

Dude... YES! Having a color category would be awesome to sort by.

Is it possible to add a colour category to modules? Even if the options are just black, silver and other, it would be handy to filter modules by faceplate colour sometimes.

Thanks for the posts regarding power. I wanted to err on the side of caution as a beginner. Plus i made the case myself and didnt feel confident with installing power, so this seemed like the best option for now. I read that i should look at having a 'beefy' power supply to have plenty of headroom, hence the 2 row powers. So far i have only 1 row installed and am taking it slowly learning as much as possible about each module. and Wow! what a fantastic journey, modular is amazing.
Made even better by the community that surrounds it.

Have to agree, although branching off a new category might be a bit much. What if the mods were able to instead add a "marker" of sorts to the tiles...something like a "P" for the original format, and "I" for Intellijel's?

But yeah...the tile situation is becoming the mess that I figured it would when Intellijel started bringing out these not-exactly-1U tiles. Didn't like that then, still don't like it. At least Analogue Systems FINALLY had the sense and decency to start making their not-exactly-Eurorack modules with proper Eurorack power connectors and oval mounting holes to avoid the wacky .5 hp discrepancy problem. Seems like Intellijel might take a cue from that move and make it easier for users to incorporate their tiles into something other than cases spaced for that specific format variation.

Is there a particular power consumption/+12v power requirement I am not seeing here?
-- mistakeets

There's a power consumption requirement you're not seeing here.

If the 4ms Row Power 30 only supplies 1500 mA on the +12V rail, the lower row is close to 1000 mA. Then the upper row is about 500 mA. If you used just one Row Power 30, you would be very close to the maximum allowable current for that P/S...when in normal operation. Not only is that not good (lots of heat, component stress, etc) for the P/S, there's also the question of inrush current levels at start-up, which would almost certainly exceed the +12V rail's rating for milliseconds. Doesn't sound like much...but it only takes milliseconds of excessive loading to wreck the P/S and potentially cause chaos to anything connected to that +12V rail.

As this stands now, the lower row runs at 2/3rds of the Row Power 30's capability, leaving 1/3rd of capacity as headroom for inrush loads...and this is about right, although you could go up to 1/4th of capacity as that headroom buffer and still be safe. But there's no way that you'd get away with powering BOTH rows from the same Row Power 30 if you factor that inrush into current, yes, that's actually done right.