Hmmm...a poster example of "Sexy Module Syndrome"...

This will not only not work the way you expect, it won't work that way with MAXIMAL expense! I hope you haven't bought all of this, because there's some grave mistakes here. Let's rip into this...

I see three (actually 3 1/2, but you didn't add the Brains along with the Pressure Points) sequencers. And I see ZERO modules which can work with timing trigger/gates to create more complex pattern behavior between the three. No delays, no comparators, no logic, no probabilistics, no dividers, no multipliers. Zilch.

There are NO VCAs! None! Yeah, I know...VCAs look BORE-INGG, but they're quite essential. How do you expect to control any of your levels, audio or CV/mod, without those? And, for that matter...

There are NO EGs! Well, there's one lone Maths that's being tasked with every single bit of modulator duties in this build. But the Maths isn't exactly a dedicated envelope generator that can give you the nice exponential envelopes you need for your audio path VCAs (when you decided to put them in). Where are your LFOs? Your standard envelope gens?

There is ONE mixer in this entire build. Given that you need mixers and/or adders to combine signals, ahhh...yeah.

Basically, this is a great example of how to spend money to fill up a Eurorack cab, but it's missing about half of the sleepy-looking scutwork-type modules that MUST be in there to make these sexy, expensive, blinky ones function optimally. Or, for that matter, as a synthesizer in general. As it stands now, it's an interesting collection of...stuff, but a poorly-planned one, in the end. If this is simply a MG build, I would suggest deleting it and starting over AFTER taking some time to study how classic synths are structured and AFTER quite a bit of time spent here on MG going through the really dull-looking modules and understanding what those are for. And believe me, they definitely exist for a reason! last thing: Maths = Serge DUSG. Not Buchla., don't just read adverts. Go back and look at a Serge system and a Buchla 200 (same general vintage) side by side. Don never used the same sort of slope gen implementations that Serge Tcherepnin did, mainly because Don kept his audio and control paths separate and Serge didn't. This is the sort of thing you pick up on from actually digging into the history, concept, and so on behind these classic systems, along with why they're designed the way they are. By picking up on these concepts the...yes, hard learn to avoid critical (and costly) mistakes in designing a modular. And the above is definitely quite costly!

Yeah...the thing that Uli loves to do, with creating CGI mockups, dropping them on forums such as Gearslutz, and then basing his marketing decisions on what degree of hype he can observe...that's the thing I really detest. Basically, that's market research via trolling,'s lazy, it annoys quite a few people, it tells us little about the final product other than that it might exist eventually, and so on. Then when he starts showing off his "field prototype" and "production run" pics in the same way, it still tells us NOTHING in the way of when the product will be available, NO exact MSRP figures, NO general availability, ad nauseaum. In the meantime, there's a certain...ah...arrogance? to this, how it seems that "influencers" can get his protos but I've never, ever heard of anyone with an actual background in instrument design or "in the trenches" musicians (except on rare occasions) obtaining a B. "field prototype" to really dive into.

And this can have predictably shitty results. F'rinstance, let's look at the NEW (ie: vaporware) Behringer "Solina". Now, Eminent made a few different versions of this for ARP, and users who have experience with them know that the SE-IV was THE version to have. But Uli opted to base his redux on the SE-II. This is the one that the "world's most famous pop, rock, jazz and disco musicians" didn't like. It wasn't stereo, it sounded thinner, it had no control over mixing the "ranks", and so on. The "lounge band" version, more or less. And to this, he's added a very basic phase shifter circuit which is...well, OK, but the other key to the Solina sound was flanging, and I see no flanger circuit here even though B. does, in fact, make them. In the end, it looks more like the Behringer "I Can Haz Streichfett Too" synth and not the Solina that everyone who knows better has been wanting.

So, when Uli gets it RIGHT...sure, I'm down. Neutron: OK. Pro-1: Sure. RD-8: fine. But when he screws up (this "Solina"), or when he just decides to go for intellectual property theft (Mackie, dbx, et al) and whip out something currently being made (MS-20, Odyssey)...yeah, screw that, and him too. He needs to learn to play nice with others.

Well, what you need to do is to come up with a list of six things you know the patchable MUST have. We already have one here: more than one VCO. So, let's start with that as #1, and work out five more.

Now, clearly you seem to be leaning toward something with a proper controller, such as a Moog Grandmother. But is that the right move? Would it make more sense to get something like an Arturia Keystep as both a controller AND sequencer, with that being capable of working with the initial synth and the later expansions? Also, if you eliminate the controller as being part of the synth, it's worth noting that you both widen the field of candidates + lower the price for them.

Next, what functions should the patchable have? Multiple VCOs, check. Filter...? How much "character" do you think is needed there? You're considering adding a Rings later, which is a physical modelling "filter" and therefore capable of some pretty strange transformative behavior, so maybe you can get away with something with a more simplistic filter sound for now and know that, later, you can expand on this.

More functions...modulation sources? Should it have ample LFOs and EGs? You've specced a Maths above, so again, you might go simpler here, either in terms of amount of submodules or in terms of potential complexity. Perhaps the patchable can have the "simple" sources and the more esoteric stuff can go in later?

Do you want this to be a purely subtractive synth? Or more "West Coast"? Or something down the middle such as the Pittsburgh Voltage Lab or the Make Noise 0-Coast? Or something just downright weird? And with that in mind, do you even really want it to patch with 3.5mm cables? Why not bananas, such as the Kilpatrick Phenol, or Dupont patchwires, like on the AE Modular system? After all, you can adapt one connection to the other in many different ways.

Lastly, should you jump right on into Eurorack with a voice module as your first Euro acquisition? Note that I'm NOT suggesting taking something like a Mother 32 and "de-casing" it to put it back into another case, but something like the Intellijel Atlantis, Malekko Manther Growl, Cwejman VM-1S, Eowave Quadrantid Swarm, et al.

So, work along these lines, sort your "must-haves" out into a list, then sift the data according to them. Given the sheer amount of equipment out there these days, there's SOME patchable that'll work on nearly all if not every one of the aspects you need.

It's exactly what i want to do: start with a semi-modular synth and then expand it with some modules.
The problem is: i don't know which one should i buy.

Longer envelopes in Plaits was a good advice. Thanks!

Hi Squallaz,

I don't want to take away your enthusiasm here however if your budget is US$ 850 (let's say Euro 800), perhaps you shouldn't start with an Eurorack system. A "basic" Eurosystem (depending on what you want) starts in my opinion with at least several thousands of dollars/Euros. Below US$ 2000 I think it's difficult to get you something that you need. With US$ 3000 it's getting better but you still want and need more ;-) It can go as high as US$ 5000 or more and than you still want & need more, that's the "lousy" part of Eurorack, the initial start up of getting started with Eurorack is immense expensive.

Why you don't look for a (semi-modular) desktop synthesizer (like the Grandmother you mentioned) and start with that first? If you still enthusiastic about that then perhaps in the future you can consider moving to/adding a Eurorack system?

If I would be you, I would spend US$ 850 into some nice desktop stuff, and start saving money for a Eurorack system, then let's say, if you are still enthiousiastic after one or two years and then consider a larger budget.

Naturally, that's totally up to you :-)

Kind regards,

Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hi MusikM,

Is this system something you got already or are you in the planning phase and considering this?

You really got a lot of interesting modules in this one, I wish I was as daring as you are :-)

Without wanting to sound or to be negative... I miss a bit the "basic stuff". Did I overlooked it or don't I see any envelopes? You might want to consider a few of those EGs. How about VCAs? You also might want to consider a slightly bit bigger case 5 * 84 perhaps so you have some spare space since this case is already pretty full and you might not have enough space for the near future.

As you mentioned for this not too large setup, do you really need two large sequencers to start with? If the Eloquencer is the best module, why do you still need the FLXS1? ;-) I am myself still looking for a good sequencer and I still can't decide. I am waiting for the Ground Control and Erica Synths Black Sequencer, hoping that one of these will be the sequencer I am looking for.

If you have hands on experience with the Eloquencer then please let me know how are your findings about it? I am quite interested in that module too.

Good luck with planning(?) of this setup and kind regards,

Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Ronin1973 and Lugia,

I had a chance to test the ARP Odyssey Rev. 3 (Black version but also the white version Rev. 1) at my local dealer, if that's the one you are talking about here. To be honest, after I all heard the positive news of the original ARP from last time, I wasn't overly exicited by it when I tested it. It's certainly not bad and perhaps it's just me, but it's just not my cup of tea I guess.

Sorry Lugia, I have to agree with Ronin that the Neutron is a good deal. I got that one too, here in Europe it's around Euro 300 and I am very happy with it. I thought after getting a Eurorack system I wouldn't be much interested in it any more but I am still looking at it, no better, I am still using it together with my Eurorack system and I am still very happy to use it together with my modules.

The Model D I feel it's a slightly bit too expensive, it goes here in Europe for about Euro 300 too. I am waiting for a better deal and might then get the Model D too.

Similar as you guys, I can't wait for the Pro One, hopefully it's going to be as good as the Neutron or better!

Lugia, if Behringer can make their Odyssey better than the current ARP Odyssey on the market today, then I would be happy to get that one too ;-) But let's see, hopefully Behringer doesn't follow the "touch and feel quality" of the current ARP Odyssey, then I might be not very interested.

I totally agree with you Lugia that this all takes far too long, Behringer introduces a lot of new stuff but we are waiting here and sitting ducks... that's the part I also don't like!

Let's just hope that at least for all our waiting we get surprised with one or two good products then I would be happy already :-)

Kind regards,


For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hi guys!
In the last couple of weeks i have been enjoying a lot VCV and i tryied a bunch of modules. Now I would love to pick up my first semimodular synth but i don't know what to do.

A couple of notes:
1) My goal is to make the synth fit into an indie-rock / math rock band (lead and bass stuff) thus its sound should be as much "musical" as possible.
2) I want to expand this first synth with a small euro-rack in the future
3) my budget is like 850€ max

I was thinking about a moog grandmother. The Mother 32 could be good but it has only on VCO and i am not totally sure about it. It feels really limiting. I may be wrong but the minibrute 2s seems to have a "techno sound" and sonically it is not really what i'm looking for.
Another good candidate is the Pittsburgh Modular Lifeforms SV-1. I kinda like the sound of the oscillators but a lot of people seems to report tuning issues with this machine. It ahs a lot of utility built into it tho.
I really don't know what to do lol.

The first modules i'ld like to buy after the synth are:

1) Make Noise Maths
2) MI Plaits
3) MI Rings

About Modules

1, Row

Plaits: My favorite, it's a macro-oscillator, very easy to use and modulation, also has beautiful voices. Must have it!

Galilean Moons: It's a brilliant module. You can use it as VCO, Envelope, or just some small fx. It's originally an expender from another module, but you can also use without that (i always use it alone).

Chord v2: A polyphonic oscillator, making chord of course haha but beautiful voices. Normally the one module can only make one voice, if you wanna make a chord, you'll need...............

Prism: A multi signal processor, it has 2 stereo input and 2 stereo output, the best thing is, besides the normal control parameter, it has a "filter type" control with CV, also can use in clock input. It has lots of fun function, can add more changes to your music.

Filter 8: It's a multimode filter and 8 phase oscillator. You can see so much CV jack on it, so just patch it and twist it, you will get lots of surprises, trust me~

ABC: Very useful mixer, because of it so tiny, just 5HP, and have 6 channel. Super for the small set.

Audio Interface II: You can use it to connect your external line level instrument, fx units, synths or drum machines that you can play along with your eurorack. You can also patch it out to a DAW or whatever you want.

2, ROW

Disting mk4: Very very very very useful module in just 4HP. It has hundreds function inside, whatever what features your rack missing, it all can give you. It also has a micro SD card slot, support audio files, it can read loop marker in audio files, MIDI files, MIDI/CV conversion, scales files, and playlist files for all forms. Just need to read and find the function code you need in the user manual (too much to remember!)

Erbe-Verb: A DSP Reverb with many control options. ( if you have some external reverb device like guitar pedal or any hardware, you can also use those, the difference is those are not eurorack, so it's up to you. My point is, if you want to put something more interested modules in your rack, but out of the space, than you could consider that option. Or you could buy a big case at first then put them all inside hahaha!)

Maths: A analog computer, based on tradition Buchla's Algebraic Processor. Legend!

Belgrad: 1976 Dual Peak Multimode State Variable Filter. Like the big knob design.

FLXS1: 4 channel 64 step sequencer. A great sequencer with multi-function and colorful design. The only thing is, just 4 channel, not enough for a big set, but super for the small set. Or can also work with different multi sequencers in the future, they are all can sync with the same clock.

3, ROW

Spherical Wavetable Navigator: Six channel synthesizer with six wavetable oscillators. The chords and modulation are great, just a little hard to trig the right chords in sequencing, but lots of possibilities. Im still working on it.

Shapeshifter: Dual Complex Wavetable VCO, multi voices choice, a lot of modulation and control possibilities. It has preset sequencing and morphing, delay based resonator, 64-band vocoder mode, analog wavefolder, detuneable 8-note chords, extensive sync, pulse and mod B options etc. Very useful module.

Pressure Points: Touch Controller / Manual Sequencer. It has touch plates, if you wanna play something by hand in your rack, you can use this. (you can also use the controller / keyboard who has cv output to play with your rack.)

Loquelic Iteritas: Super powerful voice, it's really awesome... If you like the characteristically wicked voice, that's it. BEST one! When i first time patches it and heard that voice, it shocked me out, i really got physically attacked by its voice. I think you can use that voice, this module, to kill someone, no kidding... I can't use it more than 5 min, it quite hard to stand, so still not succeeded in making a single patch with it... Just take a listen, you will see...

4, ROW

Eloquencer: Best Eurorack sequencer, i think everyone has it haha. Just a little bit big for a small set.

Rene Mk2: 3D cartesian music sequencer. It's a unique sequencer, different than others. If you have space, could have some fun with it.

As for the Odyssey, I'd rather give Korg the money. They were there first, plus David Friend of ARP assisted them with bringing it back. That's a Uli move I don't endorse. True, it has a few additional functions, but since you can get the "real deal" for all intents and purposes, I think that would be more appropriate.

But as for the RD-8? Yeah...the Roland Boutique really didn't match up to the original, so Uli wins there. As long as he sticks to the currently-unobtainables, I don't have much of a problem with B.'s reduxes.

Bought a Richter Oscillator II from @sram, everything went smooth and it was well-packcaged.

Do you have commentary on the Odyssey?

I really like the Neutron and Model D. They surpass my "good enough" expectations and for $300... well... you can't beat the price.

The RD-8 is being sold for $350! To me that's insanely good for an entire 808.

Hee...actually, there are two B. products that will probably wind up in here before much longer, tbh. One of those is their 808 clone, and the other is the Pro-1. Someone whose ear I trust has put the RD-8 through its paces, comparing it to their experiences with the Real Deal, and they state that the only obvious difference is that the timing on the RD-8 is tighter than the original. Now, this might be a problem, as I think that one of the things that made the TR-808's feel right was that certain amount of "slop" that added a tad of humanization to things, but there might also be a (M4L-generated clock quantizing jitter, perhaps?) way around this.

As for the Pro-1, Dan Bell up in Tha D has had a preproduction unit for a while, and the original Pro-One is something he knows inside and out since that's one of his mainstay axes. His verdict was that it's indistinguishable from the Sequential version...and this, interestingly, makes sense since B. now manufactures the redone CEM chips, meaning that the original and the Pro-1 have essentially the same chipset for the signal path. Again, this is someone whose judgement I trust implicitly, not someone random shill on Gearslutz that's sucking up to Uli. So, given that I'd like to have a Pro-One(ish) again (this would be...ah...#3? I think?), and given that the sound is pretty much spot-on and there's little else that B. can fuck up there, this seems like a logical buy. Whenever Uli bothers to get 'em out the door in Shenzhen, that is.

Don't let Lugia hear this, but the Behringer stuff isn't bad for simply for the oscillator sections.

The Boog aka Model D has a stack of three oscillators + noise, 1v octave CV, with a Eurorack level oscillator mix output (pre-filter) and doesn't require racking... for $300. Plus, it's a full MiniMoog clone all on its own. I don't think you're going to find that kind of functionality for $300 if you source everything individually. Granted the oscillators aren't capable of hard-sync nor have individual outputs. But if you go with the 0-Coast and you want some analog to go with it, it's an option.

The Neutron can be thought as a utility box that includes sample & hold, slew generator, a couple of extra ADSRs, attenuators, two VCAs, filter, etc. Plus two oscillators that can hard-sync.

I wouldn't call either ideal for replacing dedicated, individual modules. But they are worthy of consideration if you're trying to get more out of your set-up with limited funds. I've used both as stand-alone synths connected to my DAW for a few tracks... because sometimes you just want something quick without a ton of patching.

Bought an Audio I_O 1U from @restlessboy. Smooth transaction, quick shipping and nice package. Recommended.

Make sure to check out the Delta VCF aswell!

I got the tip from Lugia (thanks again!) I own a Wasp, a Forbidden planet and the Delta VCF and in my opinion the Delta sounds the best in all the situations I had to use it untill now!

Best of luck!

hi there. Im Kotze. Just started my modular journey. It's been great so far. Up to this point it's been a game changer a day. Started on vcv which has been a great introduction. Just got my first modules and I'm super glad I decided to buy some real hardware. Looking forward to all the sounds that will come up :-)

Lastly, Garfield, thanks for the wife's advice, although she is too cleaver, any trick I use she will know in advance.

Ha, ha, then you need to find another way to convince her ;-)

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Thanks again @garfielmodular and @Lugia for the incredible list of filters. I wish I had a Buchla Blue Box and no reason to worry about them.

Like you both said, the choice of a VCF is nonetheless personal. I love the sound of a Joranalogue Filter 8, for example, and felt in love by the rythmic timbres of Serge's VCFQ. Since I am working in a compact - but hopefully efficient and flexible case - I will test the ones that bring me more sonic possibilities.

About the Envelope Generators A-140-2 or A-140 should be my choice, instead of Quadra since I have Function from Make Noise as a sort of AD option.

Lastly, Garfield, thanks for the wife's advice, although she is too cleaver, any trick I use she will know in advance.

I was curious if anyone has expanded an Expert Sleepers ES-3 or ES-8 to the max, and has set up a second ES-3 or ES-8 via a second ADAT stream (or done an aggregate device with some combo of ADAT and either SPDIF or USB)?

I can look up a module like an ES-3mk4 and find racks with that module in it, but not a rack with more than one.

Bought a Ritual Electronics Miasma from @Silentsound - quick and effective communication, module came in excellent condition and with all accessories, and extra-safe packaging. Recommended!

Hello :)

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

Thanks for your answers! That's the road I was strongly considering yeah, 0-coast as a starting voice and a case on the side I slowly add things I miss to.
Already thinking about a cool sequencer and a filter but that's already going too fast, first the 0-coast :)

Bought an Erica Synth Black Octasource from @akaroid : swift transaction, perfect module. Thanks!

Hmmmm...filters. A few that I think are interesting, have a great deal of "abuse potential":

Doepfer A-106-1: this is based on the Korg MS-20 filter pair, but with some extra tricks and the downright evil inclusion of an insert point in the resonance foldback path.

Limaflo Motomouth: bizarre modelled formant filter with morphing capabilities.

Epoch TwinPeak: what it sounds like...a Rob Hordijk design that incorporates aspects of filtering and wavefolding. Massive abuse potential here.

DinSync Sara VCF: another dual VCF scheme, this time with "opposed cores" in which all sorts of strange resonances can be pulled out due to the interference of the VCFs.

Tiptop Forbidden Planet: Tiptop's take on a Nyle Steiner design. It acts quite a bit from what I've heard of it like the Synthacon VCF...gritty, punchy, very capable of tearing your ears off when in self-resonance. Quite a good "everyday" filter, too.

Intellijel Morgasmatron: Intellijel's MS-20 pair version, with loads of modulation/routing possibilities, more modes, etc. More, basically.

Make Noise QPAS: currently, the stereo VCF extraordinaire.

SSF Stereo Dipole: the other stereo VCF extraordinaire. More like a relative of the TwinPeak above, but with more complexity, stereo signal path.

Mind you, a filter isn't 100% necessary to color signals. Some potent waveshapers also have quite a bit of capability in this as well, and it's worth noting that Don Buchla's original "Buchla Boxes" didn't have proper filters as we know them today. It's from Don's work that we have the VCA/LPF combo known as the "Low-Pass Gate" as a timbral (and dynamic) shaper, but his synths also relied heavily on waveshaping, FM, and the like to arrive at complex timbres. My Davolisint doesn't have a filter either...but that's something else entirely. ;)

Hey Nik_Neves,

There are sooooo many filters, so difficult to give you good and correct advice here. I might be wrong but perhaps the "taste" of which filter fits to a person is perhaps the most personal part of a modular system (besides of how the system has been setup). I made a list in Excel of the "first" 1600 Eurorack modules I found (I know there are thousands more here in the modules list, so you can have a look there too) and selected filters & VCFs in my list... I got more than 150 results... My favourites (don't have most of them yet):
(this list is not trying to be complete, just a few examples, between brackets is one of the main characteristics of the filter mentiond, by no means it conclude everything the filter can really do)

Doepfer A-106-5 SE (SEM type filter)
Doepfer A-120 (low pass)
Doepfer A-124 SE (Wasp)
2hp - Comb (Comb)
ADDAC - 702 (Dual VCF)
Bastl Instruments - Cinnamon (State Variable)
Befaco - BF-22 (Sallen Key)
Bubblesound Instruments - Diod (multi mode)
Dave Smith Instruments - DSM01 (Curtis) - Squawk Dirty To Me (multi mode, not released yet)
Erica Synths - Black Dual VCF (Dual VCF)
Grp Synthesizer - 12db SVF (State Variable Filter)
Happy Nerding - HN VCF (State Variable)
Instruo - Tràigh (transistor-ladder-low pass)
Intellijel - Polaris (multi mode & phaser)
Jomox - T-Rackonizer (Filter Matrix)
Kilpatrick Audio - K6501 Philter (Multi mode)
Manhattan Analog - Steiner Synthasystem VCF (Steiner)
Patching Panda - Vibrazum (multi bandpass)
Steady State Fate (SSF) - Stereo Dipole (quad multi mode)
Synthrotek - DIRT filter (low pass)
Toppobrillo - Multi filter (multi mode)
TouellSkouarn - Kala Goañv (wah/filter/overdrive)
WMD/SSF - PoleZero VCF (low pass MOSFET)
Xaoc Devices - Belgrad (Dual multi mode)

And there are so many more, please check here on the modules and then select "filter" in the function field then you will find all those I haven't mentioned ;-) For the (correct) details of the above mentioned filters please refer to the manufacturers' websites.

At the end, the best thing is to make a selection of modules you are interested in and then check if your nearby dealer has them so you can test them

Regarding envelope generators, yes I think the Doepfer A-140-2 is a good choice, I went for the A-140 but's similar. It saves you 4 HP space too compared to the Quadra of Intellijel; naturally the Quadra can do things you can't do with the A-140-2; these are two (completely) different modules. At the end it's really what do you want to do with it? Depending on that you should decide on which EGs you are going to take.

Okay try this idea: Buy something seriously expensive for your wife (be it a diamond ring or whatever she always wanted to have), make sure it's so expensive that even she will feel a bit shamed of that fantastic gift, that should give you a green card for the next few years to buy whatever you want and keep reminding her onto that if the green card turns red. ;-) You might need to fine-tune this idea here and there a little bit but I guess you get my point :-)

Good luck with convincing your wife that you need a bigger system and kind regards,


For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

+1 for starting with Tip Top HEK. I built many variations on ModularGrid, watched videos, and honed in exactly on what I wanted.
I specifically also chose a Disting MK4 (bang for buck) and Expert Sleepers ES-8 based on a really cool video by Loopop. ES-8 allows VCV rack to bridge the gap from my computer to the hardware setup and back due to the DC coupled i/o. I will be able to use this module for the foreseeable future.

Hi Lugia,

Thanks a lot for your grand help!

Kind regards,


For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Fixed some of these after finding an image source, but getting the 3 hp one put together was a total PITA, so it remains uncorrected.

I bought a SMOG Antumbra from @ElectricMist and everything went very well. Great seller, friendly contact, and the module is in perfect condition and he packed it safely. Thanks!

Made a trade with user vantablack

Very good communication and quick payment. vantablack was further a very patient buyer since the package got delayed.

Hey @GarfieldModular, thanks for your comments. I agree (and it's on my plans) to have more than one VCO, not sure if a Dixie. My fault it's not there.
A second Filter wasn't planned but I will consider with care. I really look for a Filter that could give me more than just Low Pass Gates or Distortion, something that I could modulate and use as a sound source if necessary. Suggestions are more than welcome.

Regarding the AD or ADSR,I consider also the Doepfer A-140-2 as an option, it's also way cheaper than Intellijel Quadra.
The case can't be too big at the moment 9u would be wonderful but I don't want to scare my wife with my sonic ambitions, I will wait for her to get used to my little box before anything bigger land in the room!
Thanks and take care!

Dear All, Moderators and hopefully Erica Synth employees,

For the first time I have created/added "Modules" to this forum's website, i.e. the Black Blind panels of Erica Synths. 2 HP existed already so I have left that one as it is, I just updated the naming so all 7 different blind panels have the same naming convention. I used the information from Erica Synth's website.

I tried to scan a blind panel but the results were pretty disappointing so what I did, I used the same image as for the already existing 2 HP blind panel. If somebody has better matching pictures, please update these blind panels accordingly, thank you very much in advance for that!

Moderators: Can you please check if I have successfully and especially created/updated the modules accordingly to your "module creation rules"? If you feel there is any kind of improvement and/or corrections required please do let me know accordingly.

Thank you very much in advance for your feedback and kind regards,

Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

To experiment with "sweeping strings and droning organs" have you tried turning down the tempo on Marbles and using a longer envelope on Plaits (I think you adjust the envelope with left button + morph, but it is in the manual)? Run some slow modulation (either directly from Marbles or through the slew) to the oscillator, and see where that takes you.

If that doesn't do it, I would look at a reverb / looping delay effect (I don't remember, if the Disting does that)

Hi Nik_Neves,

Amazing and very interesting how compact you can keep your system :-) Just for future purpose, it's perhaps an idea to start with a bit bigger casing, 9U instead of 6U; or wider? Sooner or later you will need the space...

The Dixie as you mentioned to use as VCO and/or LFO is fine (though there are cheaper and smaller options) however only one VCO/LFO in the entire system? Personally I would like to have at least two VCOs and one LFO but naturally it's up to you to decide.

If you don't want an ADSR I guess the Quadra as a quad AD or ASR should be sufficient. I actually would prefer to have at least one full ADSR.

You have a quad VCA and quad AD/ASR, okay but I only see a single filter and a single oscillator, are you going to be okay with that?

Have you thought about an audio output module? I can't find that here.

Good luck with the planning and kind regards,

Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Once again, thanks for the advice!
As I understand my Veils is pretty similar to Quad VCA?
As I already have at least 4 independent oscillators and kind of 4 LFO:s in my rack I think I can test your suggestions in my existing rack before I buy the dedicated modules you suggest.

*In my grand plan I have a Mutable Blinds on my shopping list for the 4 VCAs. (But....)

There have been a massive amount of great points covered in my other thread so thanks all :)

Specifically here I'm thinking of the output from the 2hp Pluck, its loud, and by the time it reaches the Intellijel MixUp its really easy to take into a crackle of overdrive. So I assume something like a Passive Attenuator (maybe the AT-AT-AT DIY as a first project) or something similar would be good inline to to tame the output before it goes onto the Mixup.

And where would the best place to attenuate be? Straight after the 2hp Pluck or after its been through the Reverb? (I assume straight after just to trim it back a touch)


Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

Actually, have a look at Recovery's Jupiter Spirits. This is a quad VCO module based around the CEM 3340 chip, designed to hit the general area of classic analog polysynth sound generation. The waveforms it outputs are triangle (great for the more organ-ish sounds) and saw (typical string synth waveform). Easy to use, relatively small, and doesn't cost a pile of $$$. You could follow this with something like Intellijel's Quad VCA, also, which would allow you not only to mix the VCOs down to a single signal, it would let you use modulation sources to vary the four VCO levels; if you use a quad LFO in conjunction with this, you could put all four VCO outputs in continuous asynchronious shift against each other...definitely an ambient sort of thing there.

On my side I would buy the 0-Coast and let it as a desktop unit, then buy a tiptop audio Happy-ending kit and start adding other modules...

It would even be possible to combine VCV Rack with an Expert Sleepers FH-2 midi to CV converter to extend your little setup without spending to much money...

Best regards,

Have you think about getting a module like Morphagen or Nebulae 2 ?
It could be a great addition as you dont have any "real time sampler" like module to twiste up your patch...

Regarding VCA's, you could consider replacing the MIDI extention with a ADE-50 3x Lin VCA to save some space and be able to manage advanced CV modulation.

Best regards,

Awesome, thanks! I searched for a long time and didn’t find!


After good advice from Lugia, Ronin and others I have started my first Eurorack. The base is a Minibrute 2S that I have completed with some modules.
ModularGrid Rack
Marbles and Plaits have been a very good combination and is so far the foundtion for most of my patches. But they are a little bit to ”percussive”. What I want is a sound source that can give me kind of sweeping strings and droning organs for ambient type of tunes.
I would be very glad for some suggestion how to achieve that.
Maybe some kind of complex oscillators or esotheric filters?

VCAs? I see the Joranalogue VC mixer, but you don't have anything specifically for use with CV/modulation signals.

Lose the mults altogether. This build is too small to sacrifice 8 hp for something that could be accomplished in 0 hp with inline mults and/or stackcables. Plus, if you want more trigger capabilities, 8 hp happens to be the space needed for a Pamela's New Workout, and that would give you eight channels of activity that includes that...and quite a bit more.

I honestly don't see the point of the Cwejman dual VCF, either. Not that it's not an excellent piece...but it's expensiveAF and, these days, a little too simplistic. Intellijel's Morgasmatron, ADDAC's Dual Wasp, The Harvestman's Bionic Lester mkIII, SSF's Stereo Dipole...all are far more interesting dual filters; you might be able to get one for near-zilch by trading in the Cwejman. Or better still from a space standpoint, there's Rossum's Linnaeus, Doepfer's A-106-1 or DinSync's SARA VCF, all of which fit in the same space as the Cwejman (the Doepfer even saves 2 hp) and offer some very interesting takes on dual VCF architecture.

Wavefolding and mixing. Why not both? Look at Tiptop's Fold Processor, for starters; this also gives you an octave divider. Blind Monk's Harmonic Multiplier also provides a dual-input mixing solution. But the most over the top version of this could be Vintage Synth Lab's AWM-3...a three input wavefolding mixer. FYI, combining functions like this is a great way to free up space in a smaller build like this; you could employ this as an audio mixer post-VCOs to give you a single audio path beyond it...and then this cascades on down to allow for simpler filters, mixers, processing, etc...all of which can then go in as smaller modules, which then ups your patch complexity while potentially spending less money.
-- Lugia

Hi Lugia,

Thanks for your response. With regards to the Cwejman DMF-2, I just received it in trade for a drum machine that has been sat unused under my bed for some time. Believe me, it was a good trade! I see what you're saying about its classic nature, and honestly, that Filter8 is one of the sexiest things I've ever heard, however this Cwejman piece does sound incredibly lovely.....anything I put through it gains a really lush, warm sound, almost as if it's been pushed through a really expensive pre-amp or something. And when you sum three sound sources together with it, it just does something lovely that I haven't heard from anything else I've used. So I really appreciate your suggestions, but for the moment I'm not looking to change filters. Now, onto the other bits. VCA's, yes, absolutely! How about an Intellijel Quad VCA, seems nice and is a lot in only 12HP, would also boost my basic mixing capabilities within the system, any thoughts? Aside from that, I'm definitely needing another envelope generator, and I'm open to any other suggestions. Anything crazy I haven't considered yet? Or do I just fill it out with bread and butter, basic, functional modules?

VCAs? I see the Joranalogue VC mixer, but you don't have anything specifically for use with CV/modulation signals.

Lose the mults altogether. This build is too small to sacrifice 8 hp for something that could be accomplished in 0 hp with inline mults and/or stackcables. Plus, if you want more trigger capabilities, 8 hp happens to be the space needed for a Pamela's New Workout, and that would give you eight channels of activity that includes that...and quite a bit more.

I honestly don't see the point of the Cwejman dual VCF, either. Not that it's not an excellent piece...but it's expensiveAF and, these days, a little too simplistic. Intellijel's Morgasmatron, ADDAC's Dual Wasp, The Harvestman's Bionic Lester mkIII, SSF's Stereo Dipole...all are far more interesting dual filters; you might be able to get one for near-zilch by trading in the Cwejman. Or better still from a space standpoint, there's Rossum's Linnaeus, Doepfer's A-106-1 or DinSync's SARA VCF, all of which fit in the same space as the Cwejman (the Doepfer even saves 2 hp) and offer some very interesting takes on dual VCF architecture.

Wavefolding and mixing. Why not both? Look at Tiptop's Fold Processor, for starters; this also gives you an octave divider. Blind Monk's Harmonic Multiplier also provides a dual-input mixing solution. But the most over the top version of this could be Vintage Synth Lab's AWM-3...a three input wavefolding mixer. FYI, combining functions like this is a great way to free up space in a smaller build like this; you could employ this as an audio mixer post-VCOs to give you a single audio path beyond it...and then this cascades on down to allow for simpler filters, mixers, processing, etc...all of which can then go in as smaller modules, which then ups your patch complexity while potentially spending less money.

They do, but they're not the BNC connector type. Synthwerks has dimmable USB modules that work with typical 5V USB LED goosenecks, for example.

Yep, I despise Behringer. ;) However, functionality definitely works when needed. My take on that would be to wait until B. comes out with the Pro-One clone, though, as I think the original was a superior monosynth overall when compared to the original Minimoog. The modulation routing capabilities alone are worth the wait, plus in the case of B.'s reintroduction of the CEM chips (even with their janky semi-piracy of the architecture), well, that was a move that I feel was 100% warranted. Now if someone would step up to the plate and get the SSM silicon back on the street, I'd be similarly unopposed.

Another way to get those bell timbres would be a ring modulator, of course. Yes, this requires two VCOs to work, but you really should have two anyway for detuning, working waveforms against each other (swept pulse against square, for example...quite nice) and the like. And the ring mod offers its own set of extra functions, such as being useful as a spare VCA of sorts, modulating audio with LFOs to create 'chopped-up' sounds, mangling incoming audio, and so on. It's very much another of those "boring" modules that gets overlooked...when that shouldn't be the case, as ring mods are part of the "bread and butter" of electronic music devices. Plus, they're small and cheap (usually).

I bought a µO_C from @PinPinKula: excellent communication, very professional, sturdy packaging, top-notch quality (it looks and feels professionally made). I would definitely recommend and I'll buy again from him if I get the opportunity.

Hi Garfield,

Thanks for your reply. I have already purchased all of these modules. I've been using the system almost as it is for a year actually, apart from the DMF-2, which is a recent addition. I can generate LFO's from Maths, Black VC EG, Rubicon, Disting and Marbles, so I don't think I need to use up my last bit of precious space with another LFO. I currently mix audio with my MIX3, my filters and with Maths, and use the MIX3 as a final audio output module. That MIX3 has such a lush sound when you sum things that I've been considering another, it overdrives beautifully. To be honest I also take quite a few separate outputs from modules to a mixing desk for EQing and FX processing etc. The system is more of a studio/composition tool for me, I don't really have any desire to perform live with it. At least not any time soon. With regards to the multiples, I do tend to use both, hmmmm, maybe I could live without one of them. I think for now I'll lose the midi breakout, shift the multiple from the bottom into the top row, and that will leave me with 22HP to play with.

Definitely craving more stuff that generates triggers, another envelope generator, and a bunch of the things I love about the disting... hell, maybe just another Disting in place of the midi breakout. Although I'm getting on fine without one, I would probably benefit from a nice quantiser (again I occasionally use the Disting for this).

Maybe a Micro Ornament & Crime? Wavefolding, extra audio/cv mixing are also thing's I'd like....

It rocks. For instant polyrhythm I set EStep to 16 and set ETrig to modulate with CV 1, and then self-patch another of its outputs, e.g. set to a slow random or triangle, into CV 1 for modulation.