I found 84 threads containing 301 in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
mapcore compilation Patches by 1 42
Building a small rack around Meta module Racks by 1 50
UZeus Flashing Blue Lights Racks by 6 126
Another Moog Matriarch and Sound Studio 3 companion Racks by 7 136
Moog Matriarch Companion Racks by 3 66
saxophone , a minibrute 2s and a 3U rackbrute Racks by 8 115
Richard Devine travel rack 2024 Racks by 3 222
Finish my case Racks by 8 192
Bark Filter or Piston Donut ? Racks by 1 33
Not possible to make Rack bigger? Racks by 2 49
Looking for ideas! Please enlighten me:) Racks by 8 204
I need an advice Racks by 7 170
Would like some feedback Racks by 4 149
Rack to compliment melodic electronic music Racks by 6 200
My custom and and made modular synthesizer system Racks by 1 76
Expanding from a 64hp beginner palette to a ( albeit slightly less tiny ) 104hp rack. Racks by 8 271
7u Built Around Akemie's and ER-301 Racks by 3 123
My first rack Racks by 20 366
First small rack for guitar and other audio processing Racks by 5 292
Rack complete Racks by 11 376
Two racks - feedback please Racks by 17 244
Need advice on my first Techno System Racks by 6 215
Beginner's guitar processing rack, hopes of generative Racks by 5 201
Looking for some advice Racks by 13 321
Tips for my first dub processing rack Racks by 10 220
Latest Racks Racks by 1 63
opinions / critique : how to balance depth and focus on a self-contained system Racks by 3 123
Multitracking + feedback/expansion Racks by 4 80
Will these Behringer CP1As power my rack? Racks by 4 40
BKM Black Panel Requests Racks by 19 746
Please critique my rack . Racks by 5 92
Petite sampling rack advice? Racks by 7 157
Additional rack towards Octatrack live set Racks by 10 275
Any glaring holes? Feedback appreciated Racks by 11 206
Ambient Rack - need some advice before I hit buy! Racks by 4 112
ER 301 USERS Racks by 3 11
thoughts on this setup? Racks by 3 2
How to expand on Moog Mother-32 and DFAM? Racks by 8 1399
Morphagene or Clouds Racks by 5 780
The Whole Shebang (copy) Racks by 1 17
The rack to end all racks. Racks this user has left ModularGrid by 4 57
New Techno Build for DJ Exigen, Tung Bunker Studio, Norway. Racks by 19 133
ellipsis Racks by 2 8
First modular Racks by 12 230
Just getting started, need input! Racks by 11 49
The Whole Shebang (copy) Racks by 2 14
Effects only Racks by 3 13
Lukree's Eurorack Racks by 8 42
Adrift in the Clouds (copy) (copy) Racks by 1 7
Written on the Sky (copy) Racks by 1 4
Adrift in the Clouds Racks by 1 20
Old Soul Mod Racks by 5 5
Nostalgia for Infinity (copy) Racks by 1 15
Kill The Piano Racks by 9 9
Nostalgia for Infinity (Castle edition) Racks by 1 1
Cheap (portable?) eurorack cases Racks by 20 2611
DESERT ISLAND / beginner's rack Racks by 4 31
Lifeforms 301 - suggestions on filling last 24 HP Racks by 4 1
Oubliette (monome expander) Racks by 1 4
Oubliette (moogless) (copy) (copy) Racks by 1 62
Advice for Troubleshooting Power Issues Please Racks by 14 540
sample scanner Modules by 1 101
Speakers Modules by 11 162
Eurorack recording? Modules by 11 230
Thoughts on Indian Resonator V4 Modules by 9 207
ediT Drum Voice Modules? Modules by 2 73
ER-301 Orthogonal devices fair price? Modules by 2 56
Soundforce Dual Filter Modules by 10 261
1010 Music Bitbox Micro Modules by 15 23196
New Mutable Instruments Clouds, er... Beads Modules by 17 333
Future Retro Transient: opinions Modules by 4 66
Other/unknown Softwire Synthesis - Octal Voltage Controlled Switch - OVCS Modules by 2 576
I made a glitched vocal patch on Phonogene with a melody on Plaits and a bass line on M... You by 3 64
Some Tapographic delay with desmodus versio + ER301! You by 3 55
Doing some feedback patching You by 6 115
Some dark ambient with Verbos Bark Filter You by 6 111
Mannequins Just Friends and Ansible Earthsea You by 4 129
A few live modular performance/exploration videos with music You by 1 1
Please help me Start building a modular for dark ambiant music. Modular Discussions by 11 458
How to randomize accents on ostinatos? Modular Discussions by 8 158
alias subdomain for MG? ModularGrid by 11 183
 Good Traders on the Marketplace ModularGrid by 1262 26571
Feature Request ModularGrid by 515 7759
Bug Report ModularGrid by 114 1696