I found 790 threads containing Total in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Bug Report ModularGrid by 114 1696
Feature Request ModularGrid by 513 7708
Do we really need a fourm? ModularGrid by 7 13
module depth measuring ModularGrid by 5 101
Why is there a limit of 8 Rows? ModularGrid by 8 373
Case selection not adding to price? ModularGrid by 2 13
 Marketplace ModularGrid by 59 9596
 Good Traders on the Marketplace ModularGrid by 1262 26559
Total Newbie Question, Flame expected, but it's hard to find answer. ModularGrid by 4 7
New retina/highres module images look insane. Good work! ModularGrid by 5 6
How to deal with dubious traders? ModularGrid by 13 312
Pedalgrid ModularGrid by 12 582
Power system update to the configurator? ModularGrid by 1 ..
Spam post (modules section) ModularGrid by 11 72
An idea to de-clutter the forum ModularGrid by 12 34
Free State FX Macro Digital Oscillator: Display Conundrum ModularGrid this user has left ModularGrid by 5 5
External devices: what to do? ModularGrid by 2 25
Suggestion: Total Collection Value ModularGrid by 3 56
 Bad traders on the marketplace [no doxing!] ModularGrid this user has left ModularGrid by 120 7218
Modular: do you need it? Really? ModularGrid by 8 532
Feature Request: Grouping Modules, Power Groups and Combo Racks ModularGrid by 5 286
Replace pots Make Noise Maths ModularGrid by 43 840
UK Option in Marketplace ModularGrid by 26 295
Wanted please, suggestions for final modules to add some oomph ModularGrid by 11 113
Erica Synths 2x84HP PSU ModularGrid by 4 80
A question about CASES ModularGrid by 5 197
Electrical Noise on rack ModularGrid by 10 230
Feature request: Checkbox for 1U size format (Intellijel VS Pulp Logic) ModularGrid by 18 258
Can we see two racks at once? ModularGrid by 11 363
Modules by price? ModularGrid by 8 78
Thoughts on upcoming Tiptop Buchla releases vs. existing modules ModularGrid by 6 164
Total value of collection? ModularGrid by 3 92
Is this an information site? ModularGrid by 15 560
How do I add WMD SSF modules to my MG rack? ModularGrid by 3 54
Package lost. Refund legit? ModularGrid by 32 684
Collection — see all modules in a rack ModularGrid by 3 103
Defunct manufacturers that still have manufacturer-approved (i.e. locked) module pages ModularGrid by 3 200
Dedicated fx for certain modular systems/synths? Modular Discussions by 6 33
A really noob question from a real nooby noob Modular Discussions by 5 52
Stillson Hammer mkII firmware upgrade Modular Discussions by 4 196
DIY A-100 kit running very hot – idea's? Modular Discussions by 3 10
Starting off with modular synthesizers (for the average synthesist): a primer (of sorts) Modular Discussions by 5 1035
Silver Apples Modular Discussions by 3 11
The Synthesizer, in four parts (long instructional essay) Modular Discussions by 3 96
Plays Well with Others... Modular Discussions by 3 121
Prepackaged systems versus assemble your own? Modular Discussions by 22 154
VCV versus the real thing: some thoughts Modular Discussions by 9 683
DAMN!!! :( :( :( Modular Discussions by 10 64
small racks. Modular Discussions by 7 106
Polyphony in Modular? Modular Discussions by 7 62
 Why to NOT get into modular synthesis Modular Discussions by 83 5278
Stereo Problem Modular Discussions by 5 14
Pros/Cons of Mixing In or Out of the Case Modular Discussions 17 3090
Help me!!! My first modular rack... Modular Discussions by 14 227
ACL & Waldorf modules Modular Discussions by 22 210
Power consumption. Modular Discussions by 6 442
Sequencer search, with repeat option Modular Discussions 78 1456
Should I buy everything I want to try or stick to a specific goal? Modular Discussions by 12 243
Tuning the VCOs Modular Discussions by 6 338
Doepfer Power issue - no +12v LED Modular Discussions by 2 26
Adding additional module power outlets onto the flying bus cable Modular Discussions by 4 375
Ribbon cable recommendations for the Arturia BruteRack 6U? Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid 13 213
Eurorack Layout? Modular Discussions by 10 411
Best size case to start? Modular Discussions by 19 739
How many VCOs did you start with? Modular Discussions by 14 1329
AE Modular? Modular Discussions by 27 579
Drawbars? Modular Discussions by 4 58
Musical probability Modular Discussions by 18 188
How deep should a case be? Modular Discussions by 16 1365
Beatstep Pro x 2 in sync with Protools Modular Discussions by 3 127
Is the Behringer K-2 Eurorack-compatible? Modular Discussions by 21 734
What do you love (or prefer) about modular? Modular Discussions 30 601
Synth guru from a local Daiso Modular Discussions by 6 100
Installing Malekko modules in Doepfer A100 basic case Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid 27 280
Planning new build Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid by 5 45
Vote now! Eurorack Essential Features Survey 2020 Modular Discussions by 4 67
easiest way to send a Eurorack to DAW? Modular Discussions by 11 517
Favorite support and utility modules Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid 7 180
I am building again Modular Discussions by 8 91
Total noob eurorack question (DOEPFER Starter System 1 A-100BSS1) Modular Discussions 3 66
My first rack Modular Discussions by 10 179
Who makes the most beautiful modules? Modular Discussions by 10 203
So much for that "limited edition"! Modular Discussions 29 345
Need patch tips for Doepfer sequential switch Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid 9 294
Eurorack Rarities Modular Discussions by 3 125
Oh, wow! I can haz 2600... Modular Discussions by 17 235
Expanding on semi-modulars (Neutron/O-Coast) Modular Discussions by 3 81
Complex Harmonies Modular Discussions by 13 346
The Great Rearrangement Modular Discussions by 14 320
Remember : sometimes it just sounds like shit. Modular Discussions by 5 109
Multitrack recording Eurorack into DAW?is getting a ES-9 the easiest way? Modular Discussions by 6 250
Best studio desks, monitors and sound acoustic treatment packages for modular gear? Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid 19 296
Get difference between two CVs Modular Discussions by 11 146
newbie question Modular Discussions by 16 258
Some notes about generative music Modular Discussions by 9 1156
supplying power. Modular Discussions by 4 56
modular generative / control schemes and DAW equivalents Modular Discussions by 1 129
Favorite DAW on computer for recording modular Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid 19 353
Getting a Fat Sub,can i use a Clock Divider? Modular Discussions by 39 671
Drexciya style sound - eurorack setup? Modular Discussions by 14 289