I found 100 threads containing Current Rack in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Bug Report ModularGrid by 132 2017
Feature Request ModularGrid by 516 7836
 Change Log ModularGrid by 180 2362
Allow Variants Of a Single Rack Rather Than Duplicating Racks ModularGrid by 5 2
Bug Report ModularGrid by 3 25
Feature request: duplicate module on module edit page ModularGrid by 7 112
Wanted please, suggestions for final modules to add some oomph ModularGrid by 11 113
feadback for my first eurorack. ModularGrid by 20 426
Reasons for setting ALL racks to private ModularGrid by 17 590
see which m0dules from my modules are in use in other racks ModularGrid by 4 163
Eurorack Layout? Modular Discussions by 10 411
experience with Dreadbox modules? Modular Discussions by 11 304
I bought a 42ru rack for my modular setup Modular Discussions by 8 202
This one is a bit more ambient You by 50 501
First patch with the DivKid Ochd You by 5 79
Patch 009 #zuggamodular You by 3 32
Collection of my Modular Visualizers/Music Videos You by 4 98
Panels4DIY PS842b Modules by 3 5
Disting... Hmmm Modules by 19 461
What single model will make the most improvement on audio? Modules by 12 268
Behringer 305 can it be used as a VCA ? Modules by 2 97
rare/cool effects modules for sound processing Modules by 16 505
Modules with more outs than ins Modules by 24 361
Replacing Octatrack Mk2 Filter Distortion? Which module? Modules by 1 37
mobileControl Racks by 73 54
Current Rack Racks by 2 ..
Effects Processor modular build help please Racks by 5 37
Build In Progress: MS-20ish synth in DIY IKEA Rast w/ HCC15-3 PSU Racks by 4 8
Motherload 2 Racks by 9 11
New 3U system; Next steps? Racks by 1 3
Feedback on my rack Racks by 4 12
Mindphaser Shapey Racks by 4 12
home made polysynth Racks by 4 28
Current rack, need ideas. Racks by 7 43
Current Rack Racks by 3 124
ThunderRack - Rack Development Racks by 11 332
ambient_rack.60hp Racks by 14 423
First Ambient/Drone Rack Racks by 30 1226
Ambient Generative feedback please Racks by 4 126
Looking for thoughts on my (mostly) DIY rack Racks by 5 82
MyCase Racks by 11 275
Need a bit of help with my current rack..(prob need more modulation) Racks by 9 170
Replacing the Erica Synths Black Wavetable VCO Racks by 14 844
Extra 60hp rack for Mother32/DFAM Racks by 1 64
Newbie Here. I want to make Steve Reich, Hans Zimmer-like music. Racks by 3 118
Rack finished 2-4 voices. Suggestions and comments are welcomed and appreciated! Racks by 1 100
The Tiptop Mantis or the 6U Rackbrute? Racks by 10 2082
Current Rack -Directions to head? Missing pieces? Racks by 1 210
Would this rack be any good? Racks by 10 294
Power & Audio Output Question Racks by 2 21
First Rack Racks by 32 448
Advice on filling 420 HP Racks by 13 225
4ms Pod 64X HP - Drone/ambient Racks by 8 369
98HP Jumpskiff DIY (befaco, 2hp, zlob, MI, ZZZ) Racks by 58 1062
TOTAL MDLR 126 + Suitcase (current rack) - Nerdseq, USTA, Maestro, Preset, Gallop, Mime... Racks by 6 262
feedback + suggestions Racks by 7 144
Advice please: generative Eurorack Racks by 18 2587
Another throw at ... Racks by 1 67
two to four voices in a Rackbrute 6U? Racks by 6 176
Seeking Opinions/Advice for Optimizing my First System Racks by 16 421
Rack feedback questions and also thoughts of replacing LIP with something else Racks by 4 105
New to modular, planning initial racks.... Racks 9 207
1: Now! (current rack) Racks by 4 681
Lost and looking for direction Racks by 6 148
Looking to expend my rack, looking for "boring" and cool modules Racks by 5 204
Please fill the gap Racks by 14 268
DFAM-based 2x60HP Racks by 7 154
Visions from the future Racks by 4 111
Hypothetical Rack Racks by 18 523
Filter decision Racks by 7 202
Live Rack for Techno Racks by 35 772
GalaxiesMerge Eurorack-2 Racks by 2 45
New beginner Rack Racks by 13 184
Starter kit Racks by 36 906
My first Modular Racks by 6 198
scaling it back for smaller set up Racks by 14 302
a better layout Racks by 21 464
Roast my Rack!! - Looking for advice Racks by 16 364
My First Rack, by --The Tentacle Monster-- Racks by 10 357
Newbie diving into modular through niftykeyz Racks by 4 170
My rack, but drilled on the side Racks by 2 56
84HP Rack Racks by 3 293
Drum box or... this? Racks by 22 531
7U —> 7U + drum'n'bass case Racks by 1 91
Rack feedback & advice sought Racks by 6 171
Your thoughts on my rack? Racks by 9 296
My current case and future steps. Racks by 4 143
Eurorack Blues Racks by 2 105
Sanity check my upgrade - moving towards generative Racks by 2 87
Newbie, creating a Taiga + DFAM + Quadrantid Swarm rack Racks by 22 504
Controlling the Sprawl Racks by 2 84
"IGNORE ME!" - Already changed this rack - Seeking critiques on a rack and looking for ... Racks by 7 243
Help with organising rack please Racks by 13 326
Minimal monophonic techno basslines (62hp) Racks by 12 306
My last 11 HP Racks by 8 232
Duplicate Current Rack Racks by 5 74
What does this need? Racks by 3 97
current rack Racks by 1 216
Looking for suggestions for a mixer/vca module for 6 sound-sources. Racks by 11 315
Too many modulation sources? Racks by 4 173