I found 1146 threads containing LEv in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
your favorite chaos modules? Modules by 31 1262
KICK ASS!!! for August 2018. Modules by 1 154
What's an "envelope follower" and why do I need one? Modules by 6 652
Make Noise LxD -- any good alternatives? Modules by 7 1413
Audio I/O Modules by 5 70
Macbeth Studio Systems X-Series MKII Backend Filter Modules by 2 1399
XAOC Swewastopol II and ZADAR Modules by 4 179
Blue Lantern Modules Asteroid BD (Green) Review Modules by 1 92
Doepfer Wasp filter behaving strangely Modules by 3 103
Favorite VCOs for ambient? Modules by 21 2020
(NEW) VoltRatio - for Analog Through Zero (TZ) FM (Frequency Modulation) Modules by 1 16
Erica Synths EDU Kick Drum Modules by 1 38
Make Noise QMMG on Reverb. Modules by 28 465
Doepfer A-183-9 Modules by 7 4302
Doepfer Duplicate Modules by 4 1
Toppobrillo SMX4 Stereo Mix Modules by 10 3783
Feedback MIX BX Modules by 21 2887
Recovery Effects and Devices CUTTING ROOM FLOOR v3 Modules by 2 282
Audio Out? Modules by 5 324
Modules with more outs than ins Modules by 24 361
Happy Nerding FX AID Modules by 5 357
Behringer Brains Modules by 20 13380
WMD Performance Mixer (black) Modules 11 10381
Is there a module with multiple outs for tracking drums? Modules by 6 178
Thread title Modules this user has left ModularGrid by 22 1579
Adding gate to Slim-O with CEMvelope Modules by 3 34
Erica Synths Black Input Modules by 9 3023
Make Noise CV Bus Modules by 14 5925
Checking voltage range Modules by 6 113
Tensile Tile, a 1u Multi-Function Powerhouse Modules by 1 55
Erica Synths Pico MODulator Modules by 1 9229
Xaoc Devices Sewastopol II Modules by 3 5104
KICK ASS!!! for April 2018 Modules by 1 55
Korg SQ-64? Modules by 26 791
ADDAC200PI vs. ALM SBG Modules by 10 3890
Oscillator Modules with Inharmonic Spectra? (Harmonic Shift Oscillator a good bet?) Modules by 21 513
Wich envelope gen with accent control? Modules by 4 45
2hp play tips for using your own samples Modules by 13 304
WMD Micro Hadron Collider (uHC) Modules by 5 4170
WMD Performance mixer also VCA? Modules by 4 591
The ... 2500 modules, are they 100% Eurorack compatible? Modules by 9 108
Your favorite analog effects? Modules by 7 260
NE Viol Ruina question (maybe obvious) Modules by 2 64
Analogue Solutions HP01 3 Input Mixer / Headphone Pre-Amp Modules by 7 222
Pitch tracking acoustic instruments - Sonicsmith ConVertor E1 Modules by 9 225
Using Jolin Agogo with envelopes Modules by 7 1287
Raquencer - iOS based sequencer for Eurorack Modules by 26 655
Fully Wired Electronics Dual Passive Attenuator Modules by 1 545
rare/cool effects modules for sound processing Modules by 16 503
Behringer Baths Modules by 39 10539
KICK ASS!!! for January 2019 (special post-NAMM brainmelt edition) Modules by 8 270
Other/unknown PAC BOT 3 Modules by 26 724
Future Retro Transient: opinions Modules by 4 66
Es-8 and iPad Pro audio issues Modules by 6 49
Multiple output (multitracking) Modules by 10 661
ph modular 2HP Vactrol LPG Modules by 1 1649
Can the Expert Sleepers ES-8 replace a Focusrite audio interface? Modules by 5 256
Delay not working. Is it just me? Modules by 5 128
XOR Electronics Multi-IO Expander Grey/Black Modules by 1 187
Where's the April 2019 KICK ASS? Modules by 3 92
JF's Modular System Modules by 5 64
Filter similar to BassStation2? Modules by 5 85
iOS/iPhone Interface? Modules by 3 56
Behringer FOUR PLAY Modules by 46 14515
Is my Turing Machine redundant now Modules by 20 516
Erica Synths Link module, bi-directional? Modules by 3 125
Any feedback or comments on either the Pico OUT or the ALM019 - HPO Modules by 3 75
Is Emilie finally shutting down Production? Modules by 11 802
Maths now available in EU Modules by 6 250
A pedal based VCA? Modules by 4 45
KICK ASS!!! for May 2018 Modules by 1 40
Braids stuck Modules by 3 39
Behringer FOUR LFO Modules by 17 5535
Blue Lantern Modules Modules by 13 285
DivKid Ochd Modules by 18 438
Westlicht PER|FORMER Modules by 14 2754
Help with Instruō Cèis ADSR unit Modules by 6 97
Error Instruments Space station gold TUBE LDR ! Modules by 1 1071
Pico Seq Modules this user has left ModularGrid by 6 75
KICK ASS!!! for October 2018. Modules by 1 31
complex oscillator - yes or no? And which? Modules by 14 580
Which Quad VCA? Erica Synths Black Quad VCA, Intellijel Quad VCA, MI Veils? Modules by 7 2097
Expert Sleepers MIDI Breakout Modules by 15 2931
About Intellijel Audio Interface II Modules by 2 15
Kudos to XODES... Modules by 7 126
my most wanted modules right now. Modules by 4 142
ERICA BLACK QUAD VCA - Is bleeding normal? Modules by 13 396
Bought Used Disting EX...V encoder seems bad...advice? Modules by 7 90
Acid Sundays You by 6 119
I made a patch tutorial for how to make envelope followers from Maths and guitar. You by 12 335
Putting a Mother 32 in a Behringer Eurorack rack video You by 29 335
MUR#03 for modular synth and symphonic orchestra You by 4 69
The thread where you say "Hello!" You by 48 179
4ms Ensemble Oscillator Jam Session You by 11 156
Juggin'! S3-E3 | The Plan You by 6 37
Tuesday Eloquencer jam You this user has left ModularGrid 5 84
icy IDM ❄️ You by 6 12
ambient like loop You by 55 606
Trying my hand at Acid You by 9 74
generative music You by 8 43