I found 969 threads containing 50 in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Theoretical Instuō melontron stereo build Racks by 3 180
Affordability Racks by 11 5
Current setup... where would you go next? Racks by 7 271
My first rack.. What was in that Coolaid?? Racks by 4 192
Molten Son Live System Racks by 1 39
My current constellation of pods and former rack Racks by 5 157
New to eurorack Racks by 9 13
Utility Eurorack Racks by 7 154
3rd Options Racks by 1 2
Too many VCAs Racks by 8 198
Sub-Mixing -- Skiff Racks by 2 263
modulation(or other) ideas for my starter rack? Racks by 8 36
I will build my first modular rack. In the learning process.... 624HP (3 cases) 19U Racks by 15 8438
trying to copy deadmau5's mod can ---last row Racks by 4 36
Idea generator - 6U+6U Rack Brute Racks by 3 84
Suggestions of where to go next plz Racks by 4 111
TipTop Mantis Racks by 2 185
Adrift in the Clouds Racks by 1 20
Sample Based Eurorack Racks by 15 435
500 Budget and DIY Racks by 1 6
noise drum 2x 84hp Racks by 1 2
advice please: creating a powerful rig for interesting EDM bass / lead lines Racks by 16 557
42 HP - para acompañar ANALOG RYTM Racks by 1 25
Ramblings of a Noob Racks by 6 6
ideas Racks by 3 40
Two racks - feedback please Racks by 17 244
Moog sidecar Racks by 5 160
Expanding the minibrute 2s Racks by 16 1019
Matriarch (Ambient) Friend Racks by 9 231
Opinions? Advice? Suggestions? Racks 5 115
Hikove's 416 redux Racks by 16 197
Selling whole Rack Racks by 1 8
Need help with first rack Racks by 5 133
Yet another beginner rack (adding to Moog Sound Studio) Racks by 7 249
Effects Processor modular build help please Racks by 5 37
First modular Racks by 12 230
Excessive? Racks by 3 63
I need some advice to build my Eurorack Racks by 16 679
History of Eurorack Racks by 2 104
My First Modular (Opinions Appreciated!) Racks by 4 150
My Pittsburgh EP-420 Racks by 5 78
I am a Eurowreck Racks by 21 656
Seeking Guidance/Approval/Criticism :: 62HP (4U) Rookie Setup Racks by 27 923
goike 15u 150hp Current Case Racks by 1 8
Rackbrute all encompassing Racks by 5 92
Surgeon live @ Elevator Sound - 2017 w/BSP Racks by 5 601
Ambient rack from existing user Question! Racks by 18 370
makin it...case bought Racks by 4 143
Does this make sense for a Palette 62 ? Racks by 16 411
Help with utilities and fx Racks by 16 419
Rate My Rack please Racks by 2 160
Need some suggestions Racks by 1 5
Modular - work in progress Racks by 8 70
help me to complete my first eurorack setup (ambient) Racks by 14 1066
Looking for inspiration for the remaining hp Racks by 8 198
First Euro Rack help Racks by 4 156
Advice for generative ambient rack Racks by 1 96
Any advise? Racks by 4 25
Seems like a nice low cost Eurorack case: Racks by 6 149
Do I need maths? Racks by 19 1412
Generative Ambient Rack Racks by 13 751
Granular synthesis and musique concrète made easy with Mutable Instruments beads, Squar... Racks by 1 228
Behringer 100M - suggestions for next steps? Racks by 8 217
Popular Rack - A system made from the top five most popular modules Racks by 8 327
Beginner need helps! Racks by 28 736
Electroacoustic Workstation 3 The Mimaroglu Racks by 4 136
Finish my case Racks by 8 195
Drum kit patch tips ?!? Racks by 6 79
Minimum Viable Party Racks by 7 255
Hells Build Racks by 3 89
Building my first modular. Looking for some feedback and any advice Racks by 27 339
Thoughts on this techno-centered performance system? Racks by 9 235
Which combo of flying buss cables for my new case? Racks by 5 89
My eurorack, dirty textures, melodic, noisy Racks by 18 395
eiusmod temor - current Racks by 1 186
Updated E Techno System Racks by 6 216
First system Racks by 18 265
Looking for help to build my first rack Racks by 5 136
Rack wrapup: deciding between two VCA and two LFO candidates Racks by 10 190
Progress Racks by 2 4
Korg ms20 Racks by 22 467
My First Rack, by --The Tentacle Monster-- Racks by 10 357
mony Racks by 1 2
Which case would you prefer? Racks by 4 139
mobileControl Racks by 73 54
delete Racks by 13 62
Opinions welcome... Racks by 10 769
Selling a giant Rack in Vienna, Austria. Anyone interested? Racks by 2 48
Opinion & suggestions Racks this user has left ModularGrid 3 18
Molten Son - Live System (additional gear in comments) Racks by 1 9
Greetings and Opinions! Racks by 15 220
Live rack Techno Racks by 22 904
My first ambient eurorack Racks by 5 84
Please evaluate this A-100 (Doepfer) system Racks by 21 272
A final rack review request Racks by 17 416
-12v not powering on uZeus Racks by 4 67
Pittsburgh Modular Structure EP-420 review ? Racks by 3 239
First time doing €rack, designed a relatively low-cost Filter Vault [104HP], advice bef... Racks this user has left ModularGrid by 6 97
Raxperimental - your opinion? Racks by 1 2
Need feedback on my first Eurorack Racks by 9 173